Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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EM\)J~~ the third spot with Sanchez coming out on top. Round ing out the top five was Honda rider Josh Warner. Resul ts 50 STK:1. J.R. WiIIi.lms (ya m); 2. Kf'Vin Folgheraiter(Y,am). V~ Mnu,~R~ 50 MOD. !. AndR'W RensNw (YoWl . ) . 60 (6-8): 1. And n.-w Rt-nsha w (lCdw); 2. f.R.Williams ~ w). 60 (9-11): 1. Chris Hunsinger (K.1w). 80 (0-11): 1. o.m HunsingLT(Suz) . 80 (12-13): 1. TyllOn T.ylor (y.m); 2. Mi tt Filkins (lUw ); 3Nathan TOl'U k (Hon). 80 (14-16 ): 1. Danny Ca rlson (K.I w) . 80 BEG (12-16): 1. 'aliOn Co wman (Ka w); 2. Nathan Jon~ (Ya m); 3. Ad.Jm Pierce (K.w); 4. Tony Du man l (Suz); 5. Brad Mud< 1roy(l<.>w). S/ M1Nl: 1. Jt!ff Slww (l<.1w); 2. Hubby Parrington (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. M.,k Reyn (Han); 2. Eddie Finn e}s (Suz); 3. Emir Sancht.-7.(Hon); 4. John Ara gon ( ; 5 . Jos h Wame!" (Hon). 125 NOV: Jot' Ryan (Y.un); 2. Knin Gu thcW (K.w); 3. Eddie Nichols (Hon). 125 INT: 1. Denni5 Dahlin n (Suz); 2. 01ris Nelson (K.Iw). 125 PRO: t . Eric W icker (Suz.). 250 BEG: 1. Ad am Pieru (Suz ); 2. Ryan Beveridge (y am); 3. Chad Jones (Hon ); 4. JoI!'IOn Koplin (5uz); S. J ohnAragon (Ka w). 250 NOV : J. Dean Van Riper (Ka w) ; 2. Ron Gilbert (Yam); 3. Joe Rya n (Suz) ; 4. Dw ight Rada r (Kaw) . 250 rNT: 1. Denrus Dahlin n (Suz); 2. Chris Nebon (Ka w) . 250 PRO; J. JohnSnrika (K.. w ); 2. Sco tt Mc Key (Ka w ). 25+ BEG:1. Steve Skut>e (Hon); 2. Dean Dirks (Yam); 3. Mi ke Cr a ne (5u7o); 4. Mal" Lan g (Hon). 25+ NO V: 1. Ron Gilbert (Yam); 2. Peter Jenki ns (lion). 30. BEG: 1. Scoll Devls (Hon); 2. Mi k~ D un la p (Kaw); 3. Mike Ia ckson (Yam); 4. Ron De uvas (B on) ; 5. Ron Green (Yam ). 30+ NOV: 1 . Scott H ig hlan d (Sur.); 2. Ke n McCann (Kaw); 3. Rick Cerr (Kaw ); 4. Terry Macrae (Suz ); 5. Tim Hunzi ke r (Kaw). 40+ NO V: 1. Terry MI~ (Kaw); 2. Ken Hodgdon (Yam); 3. orn!' David Procida (Suz ); 4. Ron M.J1 (Ho n); 5. John Pack (Ydm). Roun d 3 Augu s t: 2 8 G r a t t a n Race~ay, Michigan Final Round Sept:eInb er 18 S t e a lTIb oat Springs, Colorado Also at Stea mboat Springs V intage Motorcycle Week: Wed . Sept. 15 D IRT T RAC K Thu rs. Sept . 16 TRI ALS F ri. Sept. 17 MOTOCROSS By John Cl ifford GRAND jUNcnON,CO JULY 17 , Andy Atkins rode consistently to score the win in the 12Sec Pro class and Jeff Hedden do ubled up on wins in the 250cc and 125cc Bclasses as he ran away from the competition at the Extre me Promotions Supercross at Gra nd Junctio n. Atkins gated out front in mota one and outrode Paul Lindsay, who was very consis tent and look third overa ll. [osh Kellogg's second moto attac k wa s u nst oppab le as he passed Lindsay and Atkins to wi n but sett led for second overall. Atkins collected the first place prize. The race played host to a foreign invasion, as rid er s from o u t o f s ta te enjoyed a big n ig h t ag ainst Co lor ad o riders. Robby Clauss fro m New Mexico ven tu red up to cap ture the Open Pro class over Kip Sand ell and Shawn Morgan. Results MIN I A: 1. I~i.ah Johnson (Ka w ); 2. Jo hn Pau l Lytton (suzl; 3.Troavi5 Riley (iUw). MINI B: J. Nick Ral, ton (Kaw ) 2. Scott Burris ( ); 3. Ouis Parr (Yam) . 80 NOV : 1. Levi Ballog (Suz) ; 2. Ben Mars icano (Kaw ); 3. An d rew 8011 (0110 (5u7. . ) 125 NO V: 1. Cory Grove (Kaw); 2. Jam ie Stro le (Yam); 3. Sag e Sh.alla (H on) . . 125 B: 1. Jeff He d de n (H an ); 2. Joe l Hollend or fe r (Suz); 3 . Justi n Rrt>g (5uz). WMN : I. MolII Bour ke (K.\w ); 2. Pam Nelson (Ka w). SR NO V: 1. Tom Robcre-,; 2. Murel Con net (y am); 3. Drew Marsicano (Ka w ). 5R A : J. David VoUd ton (y am ); 2. Mi ke Kish s (lion); 3. Ml."lvl Kiel (Y,lm). n VET NO V: J. Shddon Clirw (Hon); 2. Te rry Collins (li on); 3. Dale Rdymond. O rEN NO V: J. Jamie Stro le (yam); 2. Brett Leathers (Ka w); 3. John H olfltz (KTM). VET B: 1. Troy Potts (K.Iw ); 2. Mi ke lunquis t (KlM); 3. John O ifford (Yam). 250 NO V: 1. Anthon y Llp ps (; 2. Hector futonte'5 (Yam); Sun . Sept. 19 ROAD RIDE See V intageB Racing in 12 ikes Classes. Seeor Participatein the Pre·1972 "Concours D'Elegance." Class Winners invited to "Concoursof Concours" Daytona Beach, FL March '94. Visit the BMWTraveling Showroom andsee theLatest Models. Practice at 8 am, Racing byNoon. Inform ation: (715) 842·9699 Steamboat Springs Lodging: (800) 922·2722 Hedden heads Grand Junction Supercross P/W NOV : 1. Warmuth (!<.aw) ; 2. Blaine Zulian (; 3. Jeff Bums (Ka w). P/W B: 1. Ryan Coo k (!<.aw) ; 2. Adam Burr~ (Ka w); 3. RU:'ity Riley (Kaw). Sat. Sept.18 CONCOURS SANCTIONED QUIK SHOP 8dver1:lelng mekee dullere e8 Willi 8e ellnell. ..--------i, '7"fi: ~:__-----,~~rf\llh_--------------------__, 3. Bn-t t Leatbers (K.a ). w 250 8 : 1. Je ff Hedd en (Han); 2. Fra nk Chapman (Hon); 3. Davkl FdY(Ya m). OrEN 8: 1. ].aden Barr (Suz); 2. Omlon Shaff" (Kaw); 3. Joel Ho liendoriM' (Sur.). J2S PRO: J. Andy Atkins (](aw); 2. Jos h Kf'lIogg ( ); 3. Paul Lindwy (5uz). 250 PRO: I. Kip S.andf'1I (Yam ); 2. Shawn Morgan (Ka w ); 3. Andy Aikins (Kaw ). OPEN PRO: 1. Robby ClaU-'i5 (Hon); 2. Kip Sanddl (Yam); 3. Sha wn Morgan ( Kaw). VET P RO: J. Allen Sm ith (Hon); 2. Mark Flesia (5w:); 3. Dave Oab.lugh (Yam) . - "MOTOCROSS '93" T-Shirt Be the first on your block to get your new limited edition Cycle News "Motocross '93" T-shirt. The second in a series of Cycle News '93 T-shirts features a clean, action-packed image (large on the back/small on the front) on a high-quality 100% cotton shirt. While you're at it, order one for a friend ! Waddington whips up at Carlsbad Raceway By Dave Burgess CARlSBAD, CA. JULY24 Joe Waddington do mi na ted the racing act ion and claimed the lion's share of the purse in the highly competitive Vet Pro class at the Racing Enterprises Satu rday MX at Carlsbad Raceway. Robert Weber had the hot clutch hand in rnoto one, to lead Wadd ington , Joe Merrihew and KTM factory rep Scot Ha rde n to tum on e. Wadding ton was ted little tim e getting arou nd Weber and breaking away with the Icad. Harden bega n to put the heat on Merri hew for thi rd. Waddi ng ton had the riding school in sess ion and bega n to pull awa y from the rest of the field. Weber was solid in second and Harden go t the upper hand on Merri hew for thi rd . Wi th that , the posi tions were ~t. Waddington took the win with Weber secorid and Hard en third. The second moto sta rted much the wa y as mo to one ended, with Waddington's Suzuki in $11.95 - Includes Shipping & Handling MOTOCROSS 1993 To order, use the order blank in the back of this issue I VI,~!;::I ... Or, CALL (310) 427·7433 Credit Card Orders OK . ' , 45