Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 08 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eEVENTS Mall Au xier, ' and Paul Morgan finish ed seco nd th ro ugh fourth, respectively . Loca l Expe rt Mike Butler w as expected to be Fisher's majo r competi tion in th e feature. Un for t una te ly But le r' s machine swa llowed a valve on the backs tretch on the first lap dropping Butler to a rare DNF. Gary Stogsdill scored an easy victory in the 2.5Occ feature, tu rning a third place start into an eight bi ke len g th lead by the fifth lap. Behin d Stogsdill, Tommy Hensler and Matt Hollander battled over second p lace wi th Hensler coming out on top for a second place finish, Hollander took the thi rd s p o t. Jeff Ta tterso n finished fourth, and Kyle Ha U fifth. ~ Results I"R~AM: 1. Rn Ftsher (Rn); 2. Joe Sqffrrle (Rn); 3. CAry StopiiD (Hon); 4. Aulric!f(Han); 50Paul Motpn (yam). 2SO: I . Cary .......ill (Suz) ; 2. Tommy """1ft (Hm~ 3. 8nod Hollander (yam);" Phillip Wo lf (lUw); 5. JrifTa~ (SuT-). OPEN A:. 1. Tommy &naIr!!'(Hon); 2. $1m ~ (Hon ); J. Bob Brown (Hun); 4. Ben 8I!llm.t n (Hon); 5. Jor Bubn (Hon). 30+ : 1. Frank Hwnphric.'s (Rn ); 2. Bob Brown (Hun); 3. C urt Snelli ng (Rb:); 4. Barry Benkert (Hon); .5. James Cantu (yam ). 125:1. Kevin H iler (I-Ion); 2. N"1dr. Hummell (Hon); J. Phillip Wolf (Kaw); 4. Tray~ Kumctt (Yaml. 80: 1. Cory Roth (H on ); 2. Trnil Burnett (V..m); 3. Zach!I' (Yam); 4. Dusty Hunt (Han ): 5. Jor:l Bmwn (y.. m). .50: 1. Na talie' W.meT; 2. Chad Campbe ll (Han); 3. Damien Plotts (280) was tough in the Pro classes at the Englisht own MX. Andrews on hand atDonnerRanch Vintage T rial By Michael McCabe NORDEN, CA, JULY 24-25 wo-time World Champion and sixtime Scottish Six Days Trial winner Mick Andrew s was on hand at the AHRMA Vintage Trail he ld a t Donner Ski Ranch, and added a bit of class - literally - by tea ching a riding school on Saturday, the day before the trial. Event organ izer Mike Fenner and the legendary Malcolm Smith were responsible for brin ging Andrews to America fo r the event, and all in attenda nce agreed that it was well worth their effort. Ov er 40 riders took pa rt in Andrews' school, wh ich lasted nea rly four hou rs. Andrews covered no t on ly the basics, but the finer techni ques of trials as well. Over 70 riders made up 18 classes at Sunday 's tria l, and riders that h ad attend ed t he prev iou s d a y ' s rid in g school put their new -found skills to use in the 10 sec tio ns tha t offe red a wi de variety of terra in. In section one, riders were faced wi th a large log tha t they were to ride up and over. Once past the log, a series of tight tu rn s challenged them on the hillsid e. Sect ion two, kn own as Laggon Locks, w as a s ma lle r versi o n of its Br itis h cousi n and sent riders u p a loose and rocky hill climb. Ke n Dod g e rode hi s 1953 rigi dframed Matchless thr ough section nine and delighted the crowd. Dodge entered the sec tion, rod e up a sma ll gully, an d negotiated a series of large rocks and a swee ping left turn befor e safely rolling throu gh the exit. The Modern Maste rs Cl ass ic cla ss featured a tight battle between Martin Belair and Paul Olliges. Belair turned in loops of 2, 0 and 1 for a tota l of three poi n ts a boa rd h is Montesa , whil e Olliges rode his Bultaco to 0-0-2 loop scores for the w in. The Modem Classic Novice class featured another close fmish. Mark Brosius and Ha zel Paradis tied for second with one po int each, while Barbara Don Carlos nabbed the win with a perfect ride. Mick Andrews and Dick Mann rode the trial in the exhibition class, and the spectators and other competitors as well enjoyed the magnificeni riding skills that they displayed. Cl'I T 44 Results MORN CLSC MSTR: I. Pau l O ttges (Bul); 2. Martin Bela ir (Mo n); 3. Ter ry Wiggi ns (BuJ); 4. Bob WilIiam $ Jr. (Yam). MORN CLSC EX: I. Iohn Wheeler (Bul): 2. Tony S;gala (Suz); 3. lell Naft (Mon): 4. Kent Reinhard (Bul). MORN CLSC INT: I . RusseU Firanzi (Yam): 2. John Scaderr (Mon); 3. Kei th Oakley (Yam); 4. Mel Tremain. MORN CLSC NOV: I . Barbara Don Carlos (Yam ): 2. Mark Brosuis (Yam); 3. Hazel Pe radls (Hon) . SI'TSMN: I . Jim Cameron (IlSA): 2. Lane Allen. PREM HIWT EX: 1. Ken Marecek (AJS) 2. Derek ; Bel oir (Vel): 3. SteveMeyer(AJS). v PREM HIWT INT: I . DarrellJohnson(Gre): 2. Mike O' Brian(Mat);3. Fred Mork (RoE). PREM HIWT RGO MSTll: I . Ken Dodge (Mat). PREM HIWT RGO INT: 1. SteveMartin (IlS A). PREM HIWT NOV: 1. Lynn Boyer(Tri). PREMuwr MSTR: I. Jim Lerer (BSA). PREM UWT EX I . Mike Atkins (BSA); 2. Kim : Mick Andrews rode a vintage Matchless at the AHRMA National Trials. seco nd. Carter had built a bit of a lead by that time and managed to hang on until the mot a end . Plotts wa s not abl e to catch up , taking seco nd fo r t he rnoto. Ko eller, Se ip a nd Ne il Woerner posted second, third and fou rt h. Plotts sta rted the 2.5Occ Pro final qu ite strong. taking the ho lesho t then b uilding an earl y lead. Seip 's altempt for the second spot was thwarted by Wilson who pu lled in behind Plo tts earl y in the seco nd lap. Seip was able to hold Carter to a fo urth place finish. keeping third for himself. Wilson never got far ther than seco nd as Plotts won with mo re tha n a ten- second lea d . The series 250 win was Plotts', his overall win pushing hi m three p oints ah ead of Barry Cars ten . Carter, Seip and Koeller took the second, th ird and fourth overall wi ns. Proctor (Tri); 3. Ma tt Hil leoberg erri); 4. Erni e Stair Resul ts (IlS A). PREM UWT INT: I. Ron McCabe (Tri); 2. Carl 80 (10-11): 1. Pilul urpmtrr (Hon); 2. Chris H~ (Hon); 3. Jemny Cook (l'I w); 4. John Kri!&.or (yoIm); 5. ScottAdams (YAm). 80 (12· 13): 1. JiI"lOn HI'P'" (Y.l rn); 2. Amblor Hughft (Suz); 3. Robtort Wood (Y.un); 4. Tony Pedone (Yam); S. J~ I:Jreu..VerRnO Donelson (BSA) ; 3. Ed Mea gor (Gre); 4. Bob Paradis (Gre). PREM UWT RGO INT: I. Phil Anderson (Tri). MORN BIK MSTR: I . Jeff Wright (Apr): 2. Steve E Erwin (Yam) ; 3. Robert Walker (Fan ). MORN BIKEEX: I . Bill McOinton. I R I NT: 1. l ust in Oakl ey (Yam); 2. Robbie Rasmussen (Ya m); 3. Malcolm Walke r (Fa n) ; 4. Billy Robertson(H on). JR NO V: 1. Melissa Fenner (Ya m); 2. G reg Erw in (Y am): 3. Nick Rasm ussen(Yam 4. EricBo (H od ). ); yer Carter flies with flat at Englishtown Motocross By Paula Brown Photo by Bill Coop e r ENGUSHlDWN. NJ. JULY25 Despite a fla t tir e a nd head y challenge from Damien Plot ts, Scott Carter pulled ou t the 125cc Expe rt w in in the Tucker Rocky $100,000 Series final rou nd a t Racew ay Pa rk. "My tire went nat in the seco nd lap . I just tried to sta y smooth and consis tent ," said Carter. Carter said he "tensed up " wh en he saw Da mien Plotts behind him, but he neVL'T slowed down. Ca rte r go t in the lead early on in the first mot o afte r Jon Rightm ire took the holeshot with Keith Trocc oli no t too far behind. As Ca rte r s ta rted to pu ll away from the pack, Plotts was ma kin g his wa y up fro nt Plotts was in third by lap two, jus t as Ca rter's tire wa s going flat . Rightm ir e lost his second to Plott s then wa s bumped back to fourth by Ja m Lynch after the halfway point. Ca rter held h is lead un til th e final na g with Plolts, Lync h a nd Rich Zupko coming in seco nd, third and fourth . Eric Reilly grabbed the spo tlight in the 12S ee Pro- Expe rt final. Carter sp ru ng in to th e lead, Plotts barreling past Reilly in to second wi thin a lap. Wheels barely to uch ing dirt through the whoop section, Ca rter and Plot ts qu ickly pu lled their ba ttle fa r in fro nt of the rest of the field . PioUs mad e a t lea s t th ree almost su ccess fu l a ttempts to pass into first, each time Car ter was abl e to fend him off. Carter made his way to the chec kered flag first , wea ving th rough se veral lap ped riders. Plotts wa s close behind, bu t only clo se enough for a second p lace finis h. Plott s ea rned seco nd place in 12S Pro-Expert for the ee se ries as Barry Carsten had sea led his firs t p lace win going into rou nd five. 2.5Occ Pro-Expert Marc Ties ter sho t through the first tum 01 the qualilier w ith Jerry Seip, Ca rl Wilson, Eric Koeller and Cartcr in hot pursuit. Carter waited until lap three to blow pa st Seip into the lead . Plotts made a nyin g pass on Seip on the center track triple, positioning himself in (Hon~ 80 (14·1 5): 1. John Schneider; 2. AU.n Duigon; 3. Chris Bedd lgn; 4. Eric Insabt>lI~ 5. ' a!lOO 'rroeeen. SCI - : 1. Nril Wornwi' (Hon); 2.. ROIUld F.,Ii.u (H o n); 3. I8Y t ,.nnl'. Morgan m (Suz ); 4. Krnny P1&. ~w); 5. Chria Oonko (Y. m). WMN : 1. Amber Hughes (Suz) . C LGBY: 1. Erik Norin (Hon); 2. Dorw ld Wana t (Hon); 3. Rich Sch m id t (Suz); 4. Mike Mich.wlw(lI on ); 5. AIfnod r.~ (Hon ). 125 NOV A: 1. ~y SadJow"ld (; 2. D.1ve 80m (Hon); 3. Tom Pu,wf'Plia (Ho rd; 4. Kenn y (; 5. raul ~ (Yil m) . 125 NOV B: 1. John McGlnn ills; 2. CAr e d C la rk ; 3 . J im Morgan; 4. Chm Orn-go; 5. Nkk McCa~. 12S AM: l. C ha d Smith (H o n); 2. Ralp h [)(ol" nl.o (I-Ion); 3. Sftov.. Moquin (Ka w ); 5. M ichael Sco Laro (SU1.); .5 50 Chan6guier . (5u1.) . 250 NOV : 1. Rich Schf"Vrnn a nn (KoiI w); 2. Jorg .. Rotunno; 3. DoIvid Bdk (Kolw ); 4. Ja!lOl1 Atkinson; 5. Don And Cf'llOn (Hon ). 250 AM : I. Ralp h Delanzo (Ho n ); 2. Chad Sm ith (H t.1I1 ); 3. Eric Swartwood (lion); 4. Larry r'.-otmnglo (Yam); 5. Rich Schmidt (Suz) . OI'EN AM: 1. Bill Pl"Iriu J (KoiIw ); 2. MoiI rk Coorn (!(.aw); 3. Mi~ A ~oiI!loky (lion); 4. Sp.-ncrr Sm ith (lu w ); 5. Bri.m Smith (Hm~ 25. AM: 1. Michad Scolaro (Suz); 2. Llrry Petronglo (y.m); 3. Ice M.trtin (Hon ). " Mark McTAnU'lC')' (Hon ); 5. Frank Smith. Jr. (lion). SR AM . 1. Viner [.orrellti (K.. w ); 2. Bill Hru !dUl (H on ); 3. Kri th fl.tkoill e (Hon) ; 4. Stan Poubm (K.lw); 5. Rid Spenct- (Yam) . S /5R: 1. Bud FN" (H us ) 2, Jam .. McGinn i. (Ho n); 3. Erv Br.. un;.5. John Miner (lion);5. 800 CU55Of\. 125 PRO EX: 1. Sa.rtt Carm lSu7-); 2.!on l'kYlts (501.); 3JaUllyndl (lion); 4. Keith Troc:coli (Ka w); S. Rtch Zu pko (Hon ). 250I"RO EX.: 1. DamKon Motts (Sw); 2. Scott Ca:1"kr (Suz ); J. JnrySPi r (lc.w); 4. Eric Kol IrT (1Uw); 5. Mikr M~ (Yam). OrEN EX: 1. Lee ~Irin (KoiI w); 2. Bob Bun wld ~w ); 3. A.uon Kopp (; 4. Mik.. Gallig ..n (KolIw); So Ed DaM (Hon). 2S+ EX; 1. Eric Koeller (KoiIw); 2. Cui Wibon (Yam ); 3. J.W Lynch (lion); 4. Miu- M~(Y..m); S. C.ylon Didr.son(Yam ). ,)04. VET EX: 1. ~ Seip (J(a;w ); 2. Micky Knsle1' (lion); 3. Oa vl d WoUs kill (5 u7-); 4. Ed 57-ulNkl (Ka w) ; 5. Keit h M.. nn (tl on ). OASH FOR CASH: 1. Oa m inl Plotts (Suz:); 2. Scott Ca rt.-r (Suz:); 3. Eric Kodler (; 4. Jerry Seip (Kaw); .5. u.rl Wi!5on (Yam) . Fisher snags Lawrenceburg Short Track win By John Spurrier LAWRENCEBUR G,IN, JULY23 G ra nd N a ti onal Championship Exp ert Re x Fishe r sc o red an impres si v e v icto ry at th e Lawre nceburg short track. Fisher gave an indica tion o f his plans for the even ing in the heat race w hen he charged from a second row start to the front of the pack by the end of the fourth lap. On ce out front he motored away to an easy win on his Hart Racing/Dirt Tra ck Number Platessponsored Rota x. In the Pro-Am feature Fisher wa s seco nd into tum one, first by tum three, and then proceeded to open up a half-lap lead by the end of th e ten-lap race. Joe Seyfferle, Gary Stogsdill, Davis, Pierce, Reyes ace Starwest Motocross By Dav id Procida MORENOVALLEY CA,JUL 24 . Y The opening roun d of the Satu rday Night Cyc le Wo rld Series kicked off at Sta rWest Su pcrcross Park, and when the dust had se tt led , some of the n ig h t's big w in ne rs were Scott Davi s. Adam Pierce a nd Mark Reyes. Dav is did the deed in the 30+ Beginne r d ivision; Pierc e smoked the 2.5Occ Beginner class, and Reyes did the sa me in the 12.5cc Beginner class. In the 30+ cla ss. M ike [aci ons g rab bed the holeshot wi th Mike Du n la p, Davis a nd Ro n Green bunched u p right behind him. On the first lap , Green closed up the gap Davis ha d managed to make on the back section. Davis then picked u p t h e p ac e and cl o sed the d oor on Dunlap , as Dunlap went wide in to the co mer just before the finish line tab letop ju mp . Dunlap d idn' t care for the pass and began to ha mmer away at Davis' rear tire, he then ended his bid for a repass w hen he took a soil sample in the Sna ke Pit. Gree n took over th ird wit h Du nlap recov erin g in time to salvage fourth in front of Joe Richards. Back at the front Davis made his bid for the lead as he and Jackson rounded the comer leading up to th e step-u p-s te p-d o wn jump. Da vis got a better drive in the tum an d jumped past Jackson an d in to the lead . Thi s las ted less tha n a few comers before [ackso n ma naged to po wer back into the lea d. A s th e pair e n te re d the dr eaded Sna ke Pit o nce again Jackson went to th e le ft as Dav is sky'ed the s hor t d o ubl e and re passed Jackson fo r the lead . Jac kson fell a short di stance behi nd after that and would finish the race in second behind Da vis. Dunlap was a d is ta n t thi rd with G ree n a nd Ron Dou vas round ing out the top five. It wa s Jackson a ll the way with the holeshot in the seco nd mot o, Dunlap was in the close company of Davis and Paul Novak.. Novak was ho lding his own and he he ld Davis at bay in fifth. On the second lap, Dunlap went by Jackson in the rockers and then it was Davis' tu m to pass the Yama ha rid er a nd he d id it in the Twin Peaks do uble, not by doubling the jumps but by going to the inside and cu tting off Jackson as they went u p the ramp to the finish line tabletop jump. He qu ickly closed on Du nlap and repeating h i.& fi rst m a to p a s s-Ior-t he-lead ma neuver jumped past Dunlap for the point position, once in the lead he qu ickly pulled away lrom Dun lap and the top three positions would remain u ntil the checkered . Be h ind h im Do uvas o ut · powe red Novak co ming out of a com er and moved into fourth. Novak would lose o ne more position when he s taJled h is Suzu k i in the Sn ake Pit an d Ron Green slipped by for the number five position. When the fma l s tandi ngs were posted it was Davis w ith the o vera ll win, followed by Dunlap and Jackson. Rounding out the top five were Ron Dou vas and Ron Gree n edging ou t Novak. In th e 2S0ee Begin ne r cla ss Ad a m Pi er ce swap pe d mot a w ins w it h Ryan Bever age, 14yea r-o Jd Pier ce took the all im po rta n t seco nd mot a win to take ho me the overall victory. This . wa s Pierce's second 250cc ove rall w in in his yo ung career and ce rta inly 'not h is last. Chad Jon es, Jason Koplin and John Aragon rounded out the top five. A large turnout was al so seen in the 12See Beginner class an d Starwest regular Mark Reyes chalked up yet another win taking both motos by storm. Edd ie Finnels and Josh Warmer each chalked up a mo to second place finish , however, it was Flnnels taking the runner -up honors. . Ernie Sanchez and John Aragon battled fo:

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