Brit JackSon (208), Jason Abbott (394) and Bob Arens (69)dice at the LACR MX.
Tony Kohner scored his first Open Pro class win at the Cambridge Short Track.
th e lead . Weber was again secure in second.
Darryl Willis had recovered from a p oor first mota finish and was a solid third. There was no
touching Waddington ou t in front though, as he
styled to the double-mote win. Weber held on
for second with Willis third and Harden fourth.
a few seconds behind. Reynaud pitted to work
out a rear brake problem on his Yamaha at the
end of the first lap, giv ing Caplinge r th ird pos itio n . Hemann pu t his Husa berg a head of
Letellier to take the lead and bu ild a one- minute
cushion. Letellier had problems on the third lap
and let C apli nger by. Caplinger reeled in
He mann and was only nine seconds down by
the end of lap three. Caplinger took the lead
w he n Hemann hit a log and went in to the
we eds. Ca p li nger had en ergy to sp a re as he
opened up the throttle on the fourth lap to post
the fastest time during the event and claim the
wi n. Hemann hung on to finish second, and
Letellier was third .
8J BEC: I. Ryan M.uhill (K.I w ); 2. 5.mmy Filipone (Suz); 3MkNel Cr.wrord (YAm) 4. Chris lDItis (K.w) ; S. JOf' Flli~
ll) INT: 1. Bnd Whitt' ~w).
125 BEG: 1. Ducny W. y (K.Iw),;2. C1rnn CunninghAm (Hon);
3. KrYin (Suz); t . Wadr Spryer (K,Iw); S. Kmn Strikwm:l.I
I. Rodriguez. (Su.z); 2. Todd Crnin (Kaw); 3-
Josh Arrur.dio (y_ m); 4. Ad ron Prrm.n (Suz); S. Colin Ebnly
125 I1"oI'T: 1. Cr.ig O.vb (Hon); 2. leurt Rood
3. Ty
125 PRO: 1. RYolI n Hughn cx.w); 2. Trny Fowlrr (Suz); 3.
Craig M~ (Hon ); 4. Jim Cha~La.i.n CHon).
250 JR: 1. Dustin Northrip (Kaw); 2. Oaris Jack.,trth (y oJrn); 2. Bruer eon.-U (; 3.
Bob Koller (lion); 4. Ira Mci~r (Yam).
40+ INT: 1. lRnnis Middlrton (Hon ); 2. David Cox (Hon ); 3.
Tom Eberly (Hon ); 4. Bill Malone (Hon); S. Fran k ....m iC'tt (Han).
40+ EX: 1. AlAn Chon (SuzJ; 2. Tom Wh itr (lC.Iw); 3. George
""""" (Hon); .. R.o y !'iN"," (Hon~ S. " ock a-1Io.
Reha romps to LACR MX victory
By Greg Robertson
"I've gotten the holeshot the last four weeks in a
row . I just get out front and ride real smooth."
said Honda CR250 rider Mark Reha after yet
another tw<>-moto sweep of the Vel Nov ice class
at California Racing Club's Fri d a y night
motoc ro ss, h eld at Los Angeles Co unty
The Vision Sport Optics I Correct Technique
Sponso red Reha just plain ran away and hid
from his competition in both races . HI wasn't
clearing all the dou bles in the first moto, 1di dn't
want to beat everybody too bad ly; said Reha.
" In the second moto I just got on the gas and
cleared all the do ub les and it was a lot of fun;
added Reha .
Steve 5chrobsdorf gave it his all both times
out bu t could n' t stick with Reha. "It was basica lly the sa me th ing in both motos. He (Reha) was
runn ing a lit tle h ard e r and h e jus t ran away
fro m me," sa id se co n d place fi nis her
5chrobsdo rf. Mark Mc Colloch ra n thi rd the
ent ire first moto and was being heavily pres·
sured by John Lowell un til two turns from the
en d w he n Lowell ta ngled w ith a lapper a n d
wen t d own. Scott Forw ard worked up fro m a
poor sta r t in the second mo to to relieve
McCo lloch of th ird pl ace by the second lap.
Forwa rd would slay in that position until the
checkered flag , b ut it was t he co nsistant 4-4
score of Ma rk Thomas that ea rned the third
place trop hy.
Jason Ab bott spanked the rest of the 125
Beginners in the opening moto af ter getting
around early leader Bob Arens within the first
lap . About all Arens could do was fend off Brit
Jackson for the runner-up p osition as Abbott
flew to a 15 second lead by the checkered flag.
It was another disappearing act for Abbott in
mot o two once he jum ped past Jackson for the
lead ear ly in the race. Jackso n stayed ahead of
the battle for th ird between Arens an d Da vid
Thomforde for the entire race.
Res ul ts
r/W 8-2: 1. Vinc:rnt R.hoMb (Yam ); 2. TIm McDuUeI (Yam );
3. Te-nninatote.rria (Ho n); 4. Clark Figueras (V. m ); S. RyoJ
IloybaI (Y....).
P/W 8-1: 1. Chris Blow (y oJm); 2. 8mt Mou nt.ain (Ya m).
P/W A: 1. Scott Howe (yam); 2. Sha N' Smith (Ya m); 3. SoNn
CoUicT {Y m};4. Chris Ni Nin;5. Anthon y B.ui'Mcuvi (Yam).
P/ WMOO: 1. Bu~ Mitchell.
60 (lMI): 1. Srott Howe- (lC.Iw ); 2. D.u yl Eckl und (!(aw); 3.
ShaN' Smith (lC.Jw); 4. Chris NiNin (Kaw); S. Selin ColltC"r (K.1w) .
60 (9-11 ): 1. Ch ristopher ~1"oJr ()(Aw ); 2. Christopher
Tocco ; 3. Todd Couela.r (Ka w ); 4. MichKl BIOIC! (Kaw ); 5. J.J.
Bonanno (lCaw).
80(9-11 ): 1. Todd ~l..a r (Yam); 2 J.J. BonnoJno (K.Jw).
MINI BEC; 1. Ol'vin ~ (Suzl; 2. Trn is Smi th (Hon) ; 3.
Miu Thom(l'!O" (Hon) ; 4. Forwud (lC.Iw ); S. Chris Torrn
MINI NOV : 1. Dolnny Mont oya (Yam); 2. Ito r(lllK".,l (Ya m); 3.
C hris Honnold ( Ka w ); 4. Michael Ro wla nd ( Ka w ); 5. Larry
VenemoJ (Kaw) .
MINJI NT; 1. Chri stophn eo.---la.u (Kaw).
125 DEG: 1.Id!lOflAbbott (yam); 2. Brit Jackson (Kaw); 3. Bob
Arem (Suz); 4. Dav id Thc:omforde (Kaw); S. W" Of-II (Stu.).
125 NO V; 1. Ken Reed. (Kl w); 2. Danis GIlmer (Suz ); 3. J
' mkins (yam); 4. Ad ri.ln Lron (Suz); S. Mike-Co llier (1<.w).
I25INT: 1. lim Bunti n (Suz ).
PRO: 1. Darrin Horft (Suz); 2. Joel Tokarsky (Bon ); 3. Scutty
Walkn (Kaw); 4. Will DickinBon (Ka w ).
250 BEG: 1. Wa rrm Tltt l~ltT (Suz); 2. Fox (Hon ); 3.
Mikr F.truneh (Suz) ; 4. Todd MO()f'e (Honl; S. Eddill! Butteaux
2.."iO NOV : 1. Bobby Han (Suz); 2. Ken Rt"ed (Kaw); 3. J.non
Riehl" (Yam); " Jay H.\mmond (Suz); S. J
ohn t:lt'an (Suz ).
2.50 INT : 1. ChrU Allen (Suz:); 2. Joe Louno (Hon ); 3. Bob
uughlin (Hon ).
SOO BEG: 1. Drap Lun gu (JClM) ; 2. Rich Cord" (Hon); 3.
)'" Dnunmond (KThI).
SOO NOV : 1. Rick 0"00nndl (Hon ); 2. JohnTookcT(Hon).
JR VET BEG: 1. Da rt'en Grav~1 (Yam ); 2. Chris Grandp ie
(lUw~ 3. "'. ... l.w>gu (KTM); 4. John......... (IUw~
JR VET NOV : 1 . s.-~ Schrobsdorf (Y.m).
JK VET EX; 1. ) e l I _ (Y....~ 2. Tom W.... (Hon~
VET BB::;: 1. Dous Tnnpo (Hon); 2. Pdn" Ten'acciano (lion);
3. Jim Ma.ddm (Suz); 4.
Ma d den (Su z.); S. Bffttt WMorln
VET NO V: 1. Mark Reh.I (Han); 2. ~ ~ (Yam );
3. MMk _
(Hon~ • MMk Me ColIo