Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ LOCAL EVE T NS The second moto saw Shawn Morgan and And y Atkins raci ng han dlebar-to-handlebar with Atkins getting by Morgan for th e last tim e o n th e wh ite flag lap. Roundi ng o ut the top five were Cai son, Sta cey Coo k and Micah . Moyes. Atkins at tributes this year 's success to " keep i.'Ig a good attitude a nd stayi ng in , shape. Four Season s Sports Cent er's Derr ick Brown was o n th e gas in the 250cc Pro class. T he first mo to saw Brown a nd Atki ns battle. Atkins won the mo to with the help of a lapper who slo wed down Browns' last chance to pass, Brown led th e secon d mota, start-to-finish, with Atki ns finis hi ng second overa ll. Morgan hol eshot bot h motos a nd came in third. Coo k a n d Mid da u gh wer e fo u rt h a n d fift h , respectivel y. e Resul ts Justin Barn es (361) won th e 125cc Stock Novice class at Walden Pl ayboys Motocross Park. laps un til Latin a ma de the pass and p ulled away fOT the mot o win, but th e overall wen t to Rounds, with l e2 fini shes over Latina 's 3e I tally. Sunday's race act ion saw a thri ll ing 250cc A Modified race tha t kep t the cro wd o n th eir feet. Wh en th e gate dropped, Justin Jackson rocketed int o th e lead wi th Erni e Milla n, Brian Austin, Chris Brown and T im my Ferry follo wi ng. J ackson slid out and Mill an got by, bu t o ne lap later Jackson retook the lead. J ackso n started to pull away, wh ile Millan, Aus tin, Brown and Ferry fo ug ht for second. Brown wor ked by Austin in a tu rn a nd th en pas sed Millan o n a j ump. O n the last lap, Ferry slid by Austin, bu t tim e ran o ut. Ja ckson scored th e m oto win o ver Brow n, Millan , Ferry an d Austi n. Millan led the way in moto two with Austin, Brown , Ferry and J ackson in tow. The top five riders ba ttled for the lead all in a row for four laps u ntil J ackson 's fron t wheel washed ou t. Austin th en sq ueezed by Mill an for the lead, as did Brown and Ferry , mo vin g Millan to fourth. Austin, Brown and Ferry battled for the lead and on th e last lap bot h Brown and Ferry sho t by Austin in a turn. Ferry tried to ma ke a last dit ch pass but came up a wh eel sho rt. Brown earned the mot o a nd overall wins ahea d of Ferry , Austin, Millan and Jackson . Results SATURn AY P/W : I. j am es Stewart (Ya m ); 2. Chaz No rth ey (Ya m); 5. Jus tin Hol stein (Ya m): 4. ] ttnny McDow (Yam ): 5. Brian Gr ay (Yam ). 65: 1. Do nald Lrody (Ka w ); 2. Jl'I~ie Ballard ( Ka wl ;~ . Soon Perry ( Ka w) ; 4. Aaron Perkin s (Raw); 5. Joshua Faustino (Ra w) . 857·11 ST : 1. Dona ld Leddy (SUl ); 2. Jo sie Rallard (Kawl; S. Jeremy Shut tlC'wort h (Kaw); 4. Da ni('fLn:l dy (Suz). 85 1 2 · 1 ~ ST : I. Ricky Carmicha('1(Ka w); 2. K('n n('th j ono (Ho n); 5. J rn;h KidlY (SUl) ; 4. Darn:n McElha ttan (Hon); 5. Jason Tho mas (Raw). , 8S 14-15 ST: I. Jarrt'l Ti p pi ng (SUI); 2. Mack PMTY (Hon ); 38 3. Paul Curn (' (Ra w); 4. Billy Wood (Kaw); 5. Wayn(' Wilk o (Kawl· 250 C ST: 1. T a t(' Dunkd (Han); 2. Rod Sl uck('y (Kaw); 3. Sieve Dumond (Raw); 4. Rober l Sm ith (Ya m); 5. David Sha('n (Han ). 250 A ST: 1. Kn-in Fol ey (Raw); 2. Brian Austin (Raw); 3. Jdf I....or.mpe (Han ); 4. Dani('1 Crawford (Yam ); 5. Ben Dr('Uner (SUI). 125 CST : 1. Jacob Kid ly (Suz); 2. j oey O ak(' (; 3. J a!>On Peres (!h Ham ma n (Ya m); 3. I)('nnis T om pkins (Yam); 4. T om Bruno (Kaw); 5. Geo rge Wolter (H an) . 250 O PE.N A MOD : 1. Keilh T roccoli (Kaw); 2. j Olh Hamman (Ya m ); Greg NeI!>On (SUI); 4. Eric Koch (H a n); ~. Si. o n Co tter (Han). m 250 B STK.: I. Rudy T urgeo n (Suz); 2. Micha el Cst:rvak (H a n ); 3. Chad Smi th (Suz); 4. Cary Bush (Sw); 5. Ryan Prier (Ha n). 250 B MOD : I. C a ry BUlh (Sw); 2. ] ('von Ahn er (Ya m); 3. Ia n O'Connor; 4. Ryan Pr ier (Ha n); 5. Mike Vrabel (Kawl. 250 C ST K: 1. Steve lkmabe; 2. David OIK'n; 3. Mar k j an ir.z ('wski (Suz); 4. T om Kin elstad; 5. Jon Lo mba rdo( Kaw). 250 C MOD: I. Ri ck No lan ; 2. Mark Janis.uwllki (SUl ); 3. Jon Lo mba rdo (JUw ); 4. Bruer lLot(' (Kaw); 5. Rober t Cunningham (H a n ). . PLUS 25: l. Ro bby Ha y('s (Kaw); 2. Jo h n Burfi('nd (SUl ); 3. C r('g Nelson (SUl); 4. Ken Blackwell (Ha n); 5. j ohn Coen (Ha n). OPEN B/ C: 1. Willi am Millc:r(Han); 2. Gr eg Hi nes (Kaw); 3. Sha wn G ra ha m (H on ); 4. Do n Wanal (Ha n); 5. Steven Murphy (Han). PLUS 50 A: I. j ohn Corn (H a n); 2. Rich Marshall (Kaw); ~ . P('ta Pa naro n i; 4. T im W~ ks (Kaw). P LUS 40: I. SIf'p hen ('.oy (H a n ); 2. j oh n Bamm an (H a n);. 3. C ary Dip i('tro (KTM ); 4. Reo Firt'5tone (SUl ). WMN: I . Cindy Co le (Yam); 2. Car la Ndson (SUI); 3. Na ncy Davidso~ (Ha n ); 4. Kim Sequ in (Kaw). .s. Atkins aces Erie Motocross By Shirley Short ERIE, CO, APR. 5 Andy Atk in s fought hard to win bo th motos in th e 125cc Pro class at the sixth round of lh e SRAC Series held at Roc ky Mou ntain Promotion 's Erie Track, Mark Flesia grabbed both motos holeshots but th e first moto belo n ged to Vick er ysponsored Atkins, Jared Carlson and Shawn Morgan. Carlson and Atki ns traded places three times with Atki ns edging out Carlson at the checkered flag. 60 NO V: 1. Cha d Sha rp (Kaw); 2. Brandon High tower (Kaw): 5. Aaron Johnson (Ka w): 4. Rya n Coo k (Kaw); 5. Ru sty Ri ley (Raw). 80 NO\': 1. N ick Ral sten (Kaw); 2. Wesley Ha b (Suz); 3. Charles Sil va (Raw); 1. Ru ss Co nla n (Kaw); 5. Adam Miller (Raw). 125 NOV : I. Casey La rson (Raw); 2. Sean T ro u ier (Yam ); 3. jam ie Bodl ield (Kaw); 4. Scan Dobry (Kaw): 5. John Clonts (H on). 250 NOV : I. Chri s Mich ael s (Ha n); 2. Mark Padill a (H a n ); 3. Brad Lac key (H a n): 1. Sean Socdcrs (Kaw); ~. Norman Nich olas ( Ka w} , O PEN NOV : I. Mar k Lizeue (Yam ); 2. Brad Lackey (Kaw }; 3. Ra ndy Coo per (Ya m ); 4. John O ld (Kaw); 5. Sha wn Sandt (Yam ). VET NO V: I. Son Ca lC"S (Ya m): 2. Scou Dege (Yam); 5. Forres t Knick erb ocker (Kaw); 4. Jeffrtry Floyd (Ha n); 5. John Malsem (SUl ). SR NOV : 1. Roger Burn ett (Han ); 2. John Sange r (Ha n); 3. Tom Robert son (Ya m ). 60 AM: I. Ma ll Whi lma rsh (Kaw/; 2. Andrew Sho" (Kaw); 3. Billy OoI.'IOn (Kaw); 4. T ravis Ri r y (Kaw). 80 AM: 1. Derek Ballew (Kaw); 2. Isia h j ohnson (Suz); 3. J uslin Reag (Kaw); 4. Troy Pol icky (Kaw); 5. Robert Fitch (Kawl· 125 AM: I. T odd H eeren (H on);2 . Do n Burn s (Ya m); 3. Rock y johnson (Kaw); 4. Ch ad Sanger (Ha n); 5. Denton Sha ffer (Ka w) . 250 AM: 1. Mark Bennet t (Ya m ); 2. Ken Pr esley (Hon) ; 3. Ch ris Kadd (H a n); 4. Mark Mill t=r (SUl) ; 5. Matthew Pr escott (Ka w ). O PE N AM: 1. Mar k Miller (SUI ); 2. Mark Bennett (; 3. j am es Bennett (!

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