Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Presented by participating Hand trailed. Both Katin and Hand di spensed of Stoffer o n th e first lap. At m id moto Hand put experience to work and passed Kali n. With the wh ite n ag o ut, H and had moved wit h in a bike length of Maurer and with less than a half lap to go put the move on Ma ure r and in he ri ted the lead . Maurer was Jess tha n two seconds be hind Hand at th e fin ish . Katin took thi r d , fo ll o wed by Steve j ohn son a n d Gauthier. New York Harley-Davidson Dealers Resu lts 50: L Brent Maim on e (MM); 2. Micky Marshal (Yam ): 3. Der ick Espen schied (Ya m): 1. S.]. wagner (Ya m ); 5. T roy Could (Ya m ). JR MINI: I. Joey Sedma ck (l-Io n); 2. And y Wickmd (Kaw ); 3. Bo Bowman (Ka w): • . Ryan Edi xon (SUI); 5. Larry Rust (Ka w). SR MIN I: l , Brock Sellards ( Ka w) ; 2. Karl Scou (SUI); 3. Jimmy J arrelt (S UI ); 4 . Sa m Yanit r lli (Suz): 5. Andy Wiclcm s (Ka w). SC H BY: 1. Adam Bechd el ( Ita",): 2. T .] . Somt·no (Sm) : 3. David Borris ( Ka w) : 1. Russ T UlIl(' (SUI): 5. ja son Cru u (H a n ). 125 A: I. Marcu s Sellards (Ho n); 2. Mik(' Kalin (SUI); 3. Ma lt Ca ttarin [ Ka w ]: ,1. Jeff MeCum' (SUI): 5. Chr is Bodo (H an ). 125 8 : 1. Sa nd y Parisi (SUI); 2. Adam Rrchdd ( Ita .....): 3. Dave j ones (SUI ): 1. j im Larkman (Vam ); !'t SIItVt' Crawford . (H on ). 125 C 1).1: I. Rick Ray (SUI); 2. Dav e C rr'Ra (SUI); 3. jerr Paf2s(~o~~h~' ~. ~)~I~~ W~~j;!'t2:\{~~ H~~: ~~~'::k 3. Mik e Ru ffn er (Sm); 4. jam ie M. rlin (H o n ); 5. j rorrom y a Bcn eu (H a n). ~ A: I. David Han d (H o n); 2. )lX' Mau rer (H o n ); 3. Mih Karin (SUI); -t Ph i l Ga ur hier (SUI ): !'t Steve j oh n :'o()J1 (Va m ). . . 250 B: 1. T ony Marzano (SUI ); 2. ja miro Herma n (Hon ); 3. Ken Ward (Ka w); 4. C h ris Mumoo (Va m):!'t . Ridr. Roosa (H o n). 250 CD-I: I. Rick Bailf')' (Kawl; 2. Seeve Billit er (S w); 3. Pat Rilt')' (SUI ): 4. jasoll H o ward (Ha n); !'t. Ra y Cotli n (SUI). 250C 0- 2; I. Rob Mdzn (H on ); 2. Anlhon y Es~ilo (Sul); 3. T o m H an n (SUI): 4. Ben j aberg ( Ka w) ; 5. Shrnt' (',('ri ngf' f (SUI). +25 A; 1. David Ha nd (H a n ); 2. SlltVro j ohnson (Yam ); 3. j df McCunro (SUI): 4. Darren L ind h (S UI ); 5. Ra y VOl Ka r a~()I O (H e n ). +25 8 : 1. Ken No vak (H o n ); 2. NealDavis (Ka w); 3. J o h n ny You n g (KT M ); 1. john Evol a (Yam ); 5. Fr ank Morri s (SUI). O P EN R: I. Kevin IleylinK (H a n ): 2. Neal Davi s ( Ra w ); 3. j onn y Voun g (KT M ); 4_ Rill RoM' (HclfI ); 5. Kf"n Novak (H on ). SR I: J. J im Ci pu llo (C· A); 2: Ch ris Munson (Yam ); 3. Frank Morns (SUI ): 1. R ick Ma y (Su.z 5. Bruce Prom·1I(H o n ). ); SR 2: I. Dan M or gan (KT M) ; 2. Rob Ha ll (KT M ); 3. Don Spragu("(H o n): -t j ot'Ollo (H on ); 5. (' u u'k Ibrrar.alo (KT M). . l Morga manhandles Tingley Coliseum Motocross See Parker, Carr, Springsteen, Jones and others racin g flat out at over 130mph! By C.E. Johnson ALBUQUE RQUE, I"M. MAR. 15 Kawasaki Team G reen 's Sha wn Mor ga sco red the 250cc Aclass wi n at th e Coo rs Light Indoo r Motocross Ch all en ge, held in Tingley Co liseu m at the New Mexi co Sta te Fair gr ound s. T he event, spon sored by R&S Kaw asaki, Valvo line, KZRR 94 Rock and Seay Bros. Co nst ruct io n, d rew over 200 en tra nts . Mor gan , Robbie Clauss a nd T ravis Hodges. new their 250s over the back stretch trip leju mp , thrilling spec tators with 70-foot leaps. Fini sh ing in th a t order, Mo rga co llected $352, Cla uss earn ed $232 and H odges ga rne red $119 of the Expe rt pu rse. T he th ree riders a lso ga ined slots in th e Expert Race of Cha mp io ns. _ Mo rga and Hodges also cam pa ig ned the 125cc A class, an d were jo ined u p fro nt by Mike Mcintyre. Mci nt yre ba u led with Hodges unti l a berm shot put Hod ges in to seco nd place behind Mor ga . The third-place fin ish seeded Mcintyre int o the Race of Cha m pi o ns, and pro vided a check for $107. , In th e 80cc Mod ified A class, Ryan Clark fell ear ly and remo unted in fift h . Cl ark co m menced an incredible cha rl:e th ro ugh th e field but ran o u t of ti me and h nis hed seco nd to Isiah j ohnson . G io Tedesco fin ished th ird , and a ll th ree tra nsferred to the 80cc Race of Cha mpio ns. Open A riders used second gea r a nd a lot 01 clu tch o n th e tig ht T in gley track , and Will ia m Wa tkins mad e a spec tacu lar last-lap ru n throu gh the wh oo ps 10 co me from th ird to first, ea rning his sia l in the R.O .C. alo ng wit h Tad j ennings. Wau y scor ed $2B5 and Tad made $ 188 lor his efforts. Wit h the fields set lor the Races of Cham pio ns. th e battle for th e eveni ng's bragging righ ts bega n. Clar k led fro m th e lirst turn for all five la ps to take the 80cc win, followed by j ohnson a nd J ustin Buckel ew, wh o had di sp laved mastery of the whoop sectio n in th e 80cc B main . T he 125 & 250cc Expe rt class saw the avia tors tak e the track o nce agai n. with Robbie Clauss th is time scor ing the win over Hod ges and Mcintyre. Mor gan held second for a few laps but tumbled and was unable to rega in the lead ers' pace. Resul ts P/ W STK : I. G . 1\I("J!'iOn ( Yearn) ; 2. C. Cfc-If''Y (Y am ): 3. A. G in n (Yam ). P/ W MOD : I. A. j o hmull (Y;un); 2. J. Wh itro (Vam) : 3. S. C u in n (Y:lm ). . 60 A: I. J. Bu(·kf" le w (Kaw ); 2. I. T P'lk!lCO ( Ka w). 60 B: I. A. Johnson ( ); 2. A. [k-na rd is (Kaw l: 3. T . Tra vis ( Ka w ). 80 A: I. R. C la rk (5 UL); 2. l. johnson (Suz ); 3. C . T edesco (K:. w ). !IO 8 : I. J. Buckelew ( Ka w) ; 2. I. Tedesco (Kaw);.5. J. H Kks (SUI ). KO MOD : I. I. j oh n Mln ( S UI) ; 2. R. C Luk (Suz); 3. G . Tedesco ( Ka w ). WMN: I. K. Pra vda ( Ka w ); 2. M. McMullin (Ka w) . 30+ AM: I. B. L utre ll (Vam ); 2. M. Gr aham (H o n ); 3. B. Bohi ngho~ (Hon). 125 A: I. S. M orga (Kaw);2. T . H odgn (Sw );3. M. Mdmyrt ( ). New York State Fairgrounds $100,000.00 Syracuse, New York The Nation's R· h t Di t T k IC es ir rae Weekend! ~~~~ I I· " Under The Lights . . . First Time Ever! " Saturday , Ju ne 13th - 8pm Sunday , June 14th _ 2pm ® 'T he Legendary Mile Returns!" 2 Camel Pro Mile Grand, Motorcycle Rally, Gateway Rides, Breakfast of Champions, Parade Lap & More . . . Don 't miss all the fun and excitement of the " Richest Camel Pro Dirt Track Weekend of '92!" Info Hotline & Ticket Orders (800) 783-6686 -or- (817) 834-2298 Advance 2-Day Combo Discount Tickets Available Now! Save $2.00 on all advance tickets! AMA Tickets a lso ava ilable at participating New York Harley-Davidson dealers . Presented .by Mike Kidd Promotions , Inc. s a e e rr e e e e AMA , - ..-_ ... .l. fill C TI O fill f D HI-PERFORMANCE PISTONS -- .......... .....- -- .. - - - --. -- ... _ MX/ATV GENU I NE RACING PARTS L----------.. . MANUFACTURED INJAPAN L.A. SLEEVE CO. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Suzuki Specialists RM 80. 125. 250 only ' Pe rformance Engine Kits 'Motocross Suspension --"310-864-8218 Want Ad Information · (310) "1l7-7..n MOTORCYCLE RADIATORS ~ ~ ~.-. ~ High performance race style pistons manufactured from spec ia l high-silicon alum inum alloys. Piston kits supplied with rings, circlips, wrist pin. For leading makes and models. see your dealer. CC D Cleaned and Repaired • Aluminum • Brass & Copper RESEDA RADIATOR, Inc. (."". IP!O) 18447 Hart St.• Reseda. CA 91335 (111) 3G-61W LOS ANGELES SLEEVE CO .• INC. 8311 Chetle Ave .• Santa Fe Springs. CA 90660 (310) 945-7578 Dealers call or write for your free catalog and decals 39

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