Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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assumed th e two front spots. White's Kawasaki City-backed Ha wt horne assumed th e lead in the back section, but Schellenberger struck back a few turns later and held the lead to the finis h. MOLD two saw Terry Tinney grab the holeshot with Hawthorne in hot pursuit, Hawthorne wasted little tim e and blasted into the lead on lap one. While Ha wth orn e pulled away, Sch ellenberger tried desperately to find a way past Tinney. Sch ellenberger worked past on the last lap. but it was too lat e. as Ha wthorne ro m ped off with th e moto and overa ll wins. Resul ts 50: 1. Cbase Rerd (Yam); 2. Rob by Shi n n (Yarn): 3. Loean WilJ.iams (Ya m); 4. Todd Co lben (Yam): 5. Michxl Ho::f gn. (Yam). 60: 1. Johnny Marl (')' ( Ka w); 2. Beau Boyn ton ( K.oI~ ): 3. Dusty Founta in (Kaw l: 1. Jak~ Joon (Kaw ); 5. Seou y Tri mbl e ( Kaw) . 80 BEG: I. Don .. ld una (S UI ); 2. Allm Davi. ( Ka w) ; 3. (S UI ): 4. Qth a ( Ka w) ; 5. Mark Wt'dt s Jay C ri mm (H on). 80 NOV: I. Johnny M;u l(')' (!ta w); 2. J. D. Bai ky (o w); ! . Sha wn (Hon); ". Jakl:'Jon o (ka w); 5. Du:" y Foeruain (" w). 80 INT: 1. Robbie Ska ggs (Kaw); 2. Brad Wool s.ey ( ); S. O1aTley Bogard (S UI) ; 4. Grq Du vall (Hon ); 5. Jdl Smith (Sw). 125 BEG: 1. Jory Sucamele (Ka w); 2. Bill Albany ( Ra w); 'S. jason 8cIm (Han ); 1. Matt Jordan (H on ); 5. Kelly Hemin (Sw). 125 NOV: 1. Freddie Mitchell (Suz); 2. Allen Cric k (Suz); 3. Randall Harris (Kaw); 4. Donald Ibrdy (Kawl; 5. Ti m Woodruff (Hon). 125 tNT: 1. Robbie Reynard ( K.ilw ); 2. O in t La tha m (Kaw): 3. Brian Carbon ( ); 1. Mikr Kun (Suz); 5. D.L Wood (" w) . 125 EX: 1. Trrry T in ney (Hon); 2. tk nnii Haweh oene (Kaw); 3. Roy Schel len berger ( Ka w) ; i . Sh" '1noO Coo k ( K:..w); S. j ason Kttrnpin (Hn n). 250 BEC : I. Bobby §..ndmn- (b w); 2. Ronnir Hrlm s (Kawl; 3. Richard Kun (Suz); i . Robbir Da vii (Suz); 5. Allen ChriJ,cia JUOn ( Ya m) . 250 XOV : I. Allm Cri ck (Suz); 2. Ruurll Brow n (; 3. Oarii Safri l (Suz); 4. Ranw.1I Harris ( ; 50. Ray Bur~ (Horn, 250 INT: I. Robb ie Reyruud (L w); 2. Jernny Mcul nliin (Kaw); 3. Keilh Mun di(' (Kaw); 4. Brouk MaltMwl (u w); 5. Dwai n Carttr (Hon). %50 EX: I. Omnil HilwthorM (Kaw ); 2. Roy SchrUmbngn ( ); 3. T my T innry (Hon); 4. JOIIOO Krnnpin (Hon); 5. Shannon Cook ( . SOO: I. D:lvid Wil lOn (.....wl; 2. Jd' ( lui w); 3. J oey HMdin ( Kii w); 4. Strwo M'ld . (H on); 5. Ouil ~ n. (lfon) . 0125 AM:I . R U»r'1I Rrow n (lU wl; 2. Dan McKi n Jey (Y...m ): J. R.ilndy KimblTlI (H on) ; 4. o-a vid Eubanb (IITM ); 5. Bialr.e Win go ( Kii w) . om EX: I. C~ Bro wn (Hon) ; 2. David Jon o (Liw); 3. \\'iIJ ~ Pbee (H on); 4. Knlh Mundie (u w); 5. Joe Jordan , ( ka w ). O/~ NOV : I. Clria H .iU'IICr (H on); 2. J imm y Ewing ( ); J . Rocky Min" (H on); 4. William ~ (K.a 5. J.xk YOIol w); (lU w). 0/30 tST: I. bndy Kimbrell (H on); 2. D:lrryl Smi th (Hon); 3. P~e Wiluon (Yil m) ; 4. Mikr Hawthorne ( Xaw) ; 5. Sean Knaac k ( Hon~ O/~ EX: l. Grq: Brown (H on); 2. j oe Jorda n (Ka w ); 3. Paul Jonn (; 4. Willie PhtT (Hon); 5. J nry Joiner (H on). 0/ 40: 1. Gary Bum (H on ); 2. CJlf ii Jonra ( Xil.w); , . Hazm ~thC(Hon); 4. Mikr umben (Kil. ). w A.\t : 1. Ski p Osborne (Yam): 2. J ohn Bur ketl (Han); 3. Simpson (H us): 4. Robert Gl ovt'f (KTM}; 5. J im Surber Arter the smoke cleared, Nigel Gale and his Bartels' Harley-Davidson 883 Sportster has been declared the Official Daytona National EventWIDDer by the A., lA. ' St~ (Yam ). INT: 1. Mike Ha nOi (Yam ); 2. Brnard M urphy (KoIw ); 3. P·Nut Baird (H on); 4. Tony M~lcry (K.ilw ); 5. Jack Surbn" (Kaw ). MSTR: 1. Bill! Smi th (H on): 2. Milrk Andrews (Hon): 5. ~ (pen); t . j ce Bu w y (CZ ); 5. John Fri~ke (Yam) . This victoryshould not come as much of a surprise consideringNigel and Team Bartels' Harley-Davidson have won every Daytona Spring Classic for the past three Pocorobba pounds Marion County Motocross years. ~ok for Nigel and his Bartels' Harley-Davillson By Kyle Myers Teammate Ron McGill in the WInDer's Circle at REDDICK, FL,APR. 4-5 Motocross o f Marion Co unty hosted th e area q ualifier for Loretta Lynn 's and the big winner of th e weekend was An th o n y Pc::K:O+ robba wh o scored five out of six wins in his three classes . Pocor ob ba rod e 125cc You th Stock and Mod ified and 125cc B Stock. H is only loss came i n the second l25cc mo to to Jos h Lati na, wh o cras hed in the fir st moto and fini shed third. In the l25cc Youth Modified class, Pocoro bba blasted in to the lead ahead of Jason Sybert, Rod Fu rn el l, Kenn y Yoho an d Geoff Hady. Yo ho quickl y passed Fu rnell as Pocorobba a rid Sybert pulled away. Jason Sybert cased the do ub le and Yoho shot by. Jason Sybert fell , letting Furnell, Hardy and Kim Sybert by. Poco rob ba and Yoho bauled for the lead , but Poco ro bba held on for the win over Yoho , Furnell, Hard y and Kim SyberL Mo ta two saw Poco ro bba again lead the field into tu m o ne with J ason Sybert, Yoho, Fu rnel l and Ha rdy follo wi ng. Jason Sybert fell i n a tur n as th e pack went by. Poco robb a held a big lead over Yoh o, Furnell , Ha rd y and Kim Sybert. Garreu Pyles passed Ki m Sybert o ver the mid dle do u ble for filth . At the fin ish it was Pocorobba wi th th e wi n ove r Yoho, Furnell , Hard y and P yles. In the 250cc Al B Stock class Brian Aus tin nailed the hol eshOl over Kevin Foley, J eff La mpe a nd Ben Dressner, while in the B class, Latina led the way wit h Dustin Rounds in pur suit. La ti na a nd Dressn er crashed, moving Rounds 10 the lead of the B clas s. Foley dogged Austin bu t co uld n' t find a way aro u nd. At the finish, Austin held on for th e wi n over Foley , La mpe an d Dressner. In the B clas s, Rounds look th e win with Barreu Du chschee and Latina behind. The seco nd molO saw Fol ey stea l the lead from th e drop of the ga te to th e finish with Austin, Lampe and Oressner in his roosL The B class had Ro.!' 'l~.s and Latina baule. ~'?r, !Wo . Barteu'Hark y-DavUhon an AMA National Road Race near you! 4141 Lincoln Boulevard • West Los Angeles CA 90292 310-838-3003 Send $3.00 Check or Money Order for our 20 page catalog \<. '{ QU \' 1'ba1\ 9at,..,,,, POWER ~ ..8» iY* U N LOP TEAM SPONSORS : 1 ST WISECO/YAMAHA/YOKOBAMA Nadana. Cross Cauntry Series May 2 & 3 (Round 5) WINTER PLACE SKI RESORTGHENT,WV 15 mi. S of Beckley on 1-77 May 16 & 17 (Round 6) BOYERS GNCC-Boyers, PA or send CheckIM.O. to : Artistic License 1808 " 0" Str eet, Sac rament o, CA 95814 CN _ . /) ~ ~ BOYESEN REEDS OSC Distributing 4232 Dix ie Hwy. Waterford. M I 48329 (313) 673·3366 (313) 673-8 144 FAX UPS Daily . I 50 mi. N of Pittsburgh, 1-79 to 1·8 0 E to Rt 308 S . ... ~ [if'.Ht111Best 8 scores count . i YAMAHA y VOKOHAMA ~I ~ ~ En tries encl lnlormation SATURDAYS RACER PRODUCTIONS QUADS RACE· 1 PM At 7 Sor 459 B1KE;~~g:~~OON L '' _ """00-- Wi 26505 PHON E (304) 594·11 57 ...1..-":"""":'_ _-J tW.X ... sco», SideWinder ~& ~~ ~ ~liI..q/rl ~ ~ ~ ~_ _{'/If !JWi1i&e .~

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