Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Martins motors to Carlsbad
Motocross win
By D ave Burgess
Scott Harden (6), Jeff Pi ttman (10) and Dave Galland ba ttled at Carlsbad.
H ank Moree (179) ro unded Camp Coker's £irsttum wi th the 250cc A class lea d.
Suzuki -mounted Elton Martins capitalized o n
a mistake by firs t mot o winner Osamu Chiba,
to score the seco nd mo ta wi n and th e overall
in the l 25cc Beginner cia ss at th e Ra cing
Enterp rises-pr om oted Sa turday MX a t Ca rlsbad Raceway.
At th e star t o f th e firs t rnoto, Martins
po wered hi s Suzuki into th e earl y lead, with
Bryon Cox and Sco tt Dolphin in tow . Chiba
slo wed at th e star t to avoid Mike Carlson, who
went do wn. With Martin s ou t fro nt , th e rider
to wat ch was C h iba as he worked arou nd
Dolphin and en ga ged in a battle with Cox
for second.
Co x struggled to find tra ction o n the
co ncre te-ha rd Carlsba d circuit. a nd slid wide
co min g o ut of a comer and let Chi ba snake
by. Co x 's tractio n troubl es co n ti n ued as
Dol phin was als o able to power by for th ird .
At th e ha lfway poi nt, Ch iba began to
whittle away at Mart ins' lead , and was with in
str iki ng distance as the wh ite flag ca me out.
Chiba rode arou nd Ma rtins li ke he was
standing still and cli nc hed th e win. Ma rt ins
held o n for second, followed by Do lphi n a nd
As th e riders roared down the starting
straigh t in moto two, Cox led th e way while
Chi ba was do wn in the pits. unawar e th at
h is mo to had just go ne o ff. Ch iba scra mbled
to get read y, bu t by th e time he entered the
tra ck, he was two laps down , and lef t it wide
o pe n for anyone.
Cox was o ut fro nt. with Fredrich Hersman
a nd Mik e Carlsman behind. Martins was back
in the pack , but when h is pit board to ld hi m
abo u t Chiba, he kn ew he wo uld o nly have
to make it to third to wrap up th e overall.
Mart in s picked o ff riders eac h lap . Do lphin
was al so o n the move, and the two nders
freigh t trained to th e fro nt of the pack.
By the ha lfway mark, Cox was riding on
the edge tryin g to keep Martins at ba y. Cox
could n 't keep th e rea r end hooked up, a nd
Ma rt in s shot by for the win. Martins stre tched
h i. lea d 10 th e chec kered, foll ow ed by Do lphin
who had n ip ped Co x a t th e finish,
In 500cc Junior cla ss acti on Sco tt Rich eson
turned in a do ubl e-mote sweep. Rich eson
po wered h is Kawasaki in to th e lead with
Goober G rape runn ing second, and T ony
Ca l iger third. Gra pe. reco ver in g fro m a
brok en wr ist, tired o u t ea rly and a llo wed
Cal iger and Chris Tibb etts by with relative
ease. \ Vith that. the po siti o ns were set and
Rich eson scored an easy win .
Mo w two saw Grape get the ho leshot ahead
o f Rich eso n, a nd T ibbetts. Grape let it a ll
hang ou t as he began 10 pull away for the
first fou r laps, bu t the in j ured wri st and a
lack o f trai n in g crept up on h im . Richeson
and T ib betts went by.
" My wrist is still h urt in g," sai d Grape. " I
rode like a cavema n."
Rich eson rode to the finis h clean ahead o f
Tibbetts , G rape and Ca liger.
Resul ts
Snookie T immerman, while Holben recovered in fourth. They crossed the finish line
in the same: o rder.
2SO O PE N BEG: 1. CoI~ &11 lKoiw); 2. Seephen Ma lo ne
(V.. m ); 5. Olilrln Will ie (H o n) ; 4. Dou g ~ I" ( ); S.
Oinl lbol e (H o n ).
2!iO NOV: l. T odd a .. om (Sw); 2. Ru~1I Brown
, . Ronny Buc::bba= (H on); 4.J am n Ski nner (Sw ); S. Wi I
LulOll (Yam).
TI.E.~V MINI 50: I. 0laK' Rm:1 (Ya m); 2. lack Williarru
(Va m); S. Lynn NicknlOn. J r. (Vam); 4. T an ner Moor e (Yam );
5. l...oRan Wl1liaml (Ya m).
MIN I MIN I 60: 1. j ohnny Ma rley (Kaw); 2. Bnu Boynton
(Rotw); S.Ja ke j onn (Rotw); 4. Dwty f ou n tai n (Kaw); 5. Dorak
Cndes (Kaw ).
MIN I BK BEG: I. Donald Caner (H ul ); 2. Scon Perk ins
(Kaw); S. Chad Trawick (SU1); 4. OOlY Horeing (Kaw); 5. '
Tim famon (Sw).
MINI BK JR 7·11: 1. Jo hnny Marl ey (Kaw);2. T ravilElIiou
(Suz); 3. Jarn! Murphy (Kaw); 4.Jdl Young (Kaw); 5.]i m my
Qu ick J r. (Kaw).
MINI SR 12· U : I. Charley Boga rd (SUI); 2. Cuner
Schneidt'T(Suz); ! .KrillY Shea ly (Suz); 4. Erick V..lleijo (Raw);
5. ~i n Lo vell (Raw).
MINI SR 14· 16: 1. Rob bie SlaW (Kaw); 2. Br;td Wool sey
(K..w); S. Jeff Smi th (Suz); 4. Willi am Hll chcock (Ho n); 5.
Travis William (K..w).
MINI BK O PE N 7-16: I. Brad Woolsey (Raw ); 2. Rob bie
Skaggs (K..w); S. Ch arl ey Boga rd (Suz); 4. Andy Bud genn
(Raw); S,John Han er (Kaw).
125 BEG : 1. Bill Albanny (Kaw); 2. Matt Jor dan (Hon);
, . Brad t Carhie (Suz); 4. Michot l Dim ..n (Kolw); 5. Robb y
Lanlin (SUl).
125 NO V: 1. Jerod Walk er (Han) ; 2. Todd Claborn (Suz);
S. Eric McCann (H O n ): 4. Tim Woodruff (H a n); 5. Qms
Safrit (SU1).
125 INT: l. Robb ie Reynard (K..w); 2. Joey Prau (SUl);
, . O int La tham (K..w); 4. Joey Moo~ (Suz).
125 ALLSTARS: I. Robb ie Reynard (Kaw); 2. Joey Pra u
(Suz); S. O int Latham (Kaw); 4. Roy Sche l1t'nbergeT (Kaw); (H a n).
25 EX: l. Denni s H aw thorne (Kaw); 2. Ja501l Krempin
(H a n ); S. Roy Schdlmbttgtr (K..w); i ..Sha nnon Cook (lCa
5. Don Bm yalt (Raw).
250 11\ : l. Rob bir- RrynMd ( Ka w); %. J ttany Meulman
( Koiw ); S. Joey M~ (Sw); 4. Krvin F~It'f (Hon); 5. Kyle
PM b ( H on).
2S0 ALLSTAR ; I. Rob bi e Rr ynud ( K.ill w); 2. Roy
Sc:ht'lIm bt"tgn (Ka w); 5. In-nn y M a llm.m ( K.1w ); 4. Canon
Rich.ardlon ( Xa w ); S. Kyle Parh (Ha n).
250 EX: 1. Dm nis Hawthorm (Xa w); 2. Roy Schd lm bn-ger
(K.ilw) ; " . J ason Kl't'1TIp in (Hon); 4. Jot' Bmyalc. ( Xa w ); 5.
Sha nno n Cook ( tu. w) .
0125 NOV: 1. R USKIIBro wn (Kaw);2. Sru.un M.nt in (Yam ):
3. Sha ne McMaho n (Xa w); 4. Ja mn Ta ylor (Ya m ); S. Len
Upton (KTM).
0/25 INT : l. Dr IbC'ttMcDon.a.d (Hon); 2. T ommy Pa~lka
am ); S. Wyalt Hill (Vam) ; 4. Brian Colm er (Han ); S. Ouit
ins (H on).
o X: 1. GlC'K Brown (H a n); 2. Cartoll Richa rdso n (Kaw );
Ha rdin ( ~ w) ; 4. Keith Mundi~ (Kolw); 5. Knin
Wi lia m' (Ho n).
/SO NO V: I. Tom Conner (Kaw ); 2. Scan Fu ller (Ha n);
3.Joc Bu ~ y (KT M); 4. Scott Taboll (Yam ); S. Rick Spauld ing
("'" wi.
O/SO INT : I. Cary Wa uon (Yam ); 2. S t~ k hcra h (Yam );
3. Iklbcn McDon ald (Han); 4. Sca n Knu ck (Han) ; 5. O uo
Cci~dorff (SUI).
O/SO EX: I. Keith Mu nd ie (Kaw); 2. Gug Brown (Han );
3. Jerry Jo ilm' (H a n ); 4. David j ono (Kaw); S. Myron Freund
("," wi.
OVE R 40: I. Darwin Buckabef: (H a n); 2. T im MrCa "ldll
(Kaw); 3. T o m Conne (Kaw); 4. Roger H.udm an (Ya m );
5. Darrdl Bilh o p (Raw).
LADIES 80-250: 1. Kristy Shea ly (SU1); 2. Ta m my Slay
('-a w); S. Nadi ne H ol bert (Ya m ): 4. Snookie T imm erman
(Raw): 5. Ramona Hen 51~ (H on ).
O PEN 500: 1. JO('f Hudin (Kaw); 2. Perry R« (K.1w);
, . Ja mes Taylor (Ya m ); 4. Kinn in McG rew (KTM) ; 5. j d f
Bailey (Xa w) .
KO REG: I. Kevin Zrinlo (Kaw); 2. Dearnon O 'Rourke
(Ha n ».
HO JR : 1. Manny Aria5 ( ~ w ).
123 BEG: l. Elto n ~brtlDs (Suz): 2. Scon Dolp hin (Sw ):
,. Bryon Co x (Hon): 4. Mike Carbon (YOIm); 5. Osamu Ch iba .
125 J R: I. Mark Blak ley (Ha n ); 2. Bobby Allen ( ~w ); "..
:'S . Ch ri50ph eRa rr iert"(Hon ); 4. Donn MOIeda (H on ); 5. MilOino
Schaeffer (Ha n ).
250 BEG : I. Darren Terry (Ya m ): 2. Olri, Ma ngen (Han );
S. Dustin Nonhrip ( K.oi w); 4. Eddie Moore (Y..m ); S. Jeff
Earobdlis (RThf ).
250 JR: I. Kyle Sm ith (H on ); 2. Jim Henn (Suz); S. Matt
McDo nald (Kaw); 4. Kml G ri Uin (H on ); 5. Michael Tucker
(Ya m).
250 (NT: l. un Erik La rsson (Yam) ; 2. Jason McConnick
(Ha n ); S. Ra ndy Owen (Sw).
PR O: I. Pau l Win n (H a n); 2. John Floro (Kaw).
500 JR: l. Scan Richnon (Xawt; 2. O1n, Tibbnu (Han );
S. ToO'~ Ca lign- (H on); 4. Da ~ BurR'"' (H on ); 5. john
Tookey (Kaw).
500 1:0. .: l. Robm Failing (H a n).
~29 BEG: 1. Ouis ~ngen (H a n); 2. Lanet a...rk (Sw );
, . John Co lema n (H on ); 4. March.1J1 Dunham (Va m); 5. James
O rMJn (Suz ).
2$.29 1R: 1. Jeff Pittma n (Hon); 2. J i. Hm n (Sw ); S.
Da~ Ga bnd (Kaw).
25·29 INT: l. John Griffin (Sw ); 2. Bria n Mangen (H on ).
VET BEG: I. Dan Smith (Hon); 2. Peter McCormick. ( );
, . T. C Brinegar (H on); 4. Bob Swim (Kaw); 5. Mike Roth
VET JR: l. Frank. R uff (Ya m ); 2. Mikr: Ru nstorfcr (f(aW) :
S. Michd Landqrnt (Han); 4. Pr ier Ne umell er (H a n); 5.