Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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LOCAL EVENTS HOW TO RID~IN SUPERCROSS Learn how to ride all the man-made obstacles doubles; w hoops and plateaus-pius starts, turns, the best body pos ition, proper clutch work and ti mi ng for supercross or outdoors. ONLY $49.95 ADD $5 SHIPPING (USA) (We do ship C.O.D.-add $3 .75) GARY BAILEY ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 130, DEPT. MXA AXTON, VIRG INIA 24054 (703) 650-3030 o r FAX (703) 650 -2120 r-. • ~ ., _. ':..J AU ORD ERS HELD 4 WEEItS IF PAID BY CH EC K ATTENTION FLORIDA WINTER SERIES RIDERS Want to Win ? Be a safer rider? Have more control and more fun? Dave Bertram (m id d le) and Randy Hawkins (rig h t) 'were two speakers a t the C ycle Gear Enduro Seminar and Off-Road Show. Then put your money where It's best spent!! What good is modif ied suspension or more powe r if you can 't use it to it's f ull potenti al. Start the year off rightGary Bailey's Motocross school w ill be in Florida January and February. 3 Day Classes in Ocala (Limited Entry) December 31 - January 2 and Ja nuary 7-9 Group or private classes upon request Call (703) 650 -1759 Before Christ mas or (703) 650-3030. For Mobile Phone You Must Dail Exactly 1 (904) 538 -7626 + (703) 634-7339 or 1 (904) 867 -3 126 + (703) 634-7339 - .~c : .~~.,r. NOCA TAl.CG MO TOCROSS SCHOq,... LEARN FROM THE PROFESSOR OF MOTOCROSS to finish the whole enduro and was rewarded with CERA's " Cra sh 'n ' Burn" tro phy for th is accomplishmen L Maybe th e tro p h y will mak e th e swelling go down a li ttle faster. BLACK MAX Resul ts 11-15: I. J r ff Gri 5kopf; 2. Brian Carri llo; 5. Bria n Dufur, 4, O1ri"'lo p h Simproon; 5. Eric Seder. 14-15: I. Kevin Mahan; 2. Mati Podota; 5. Brian Wall; 1. Cra ig Vai'iCOnd los; 5. TiU any WiJl is. . 7· 10: l. Tony Rabm~ u; 2. Sha u n Wilcox: 5. Billy Russell: .. 4. B lak~ Con ~n ; 5. Olandra Pf'aCM1. O VER 4() A: 1. G I~n Ca rri llo; 2. Jdf Carr ; 3. FKd Wilcox; 4. Don Kelley; 5. Frank Howe. SPTSMN A: 0 1A. Robert Mihovich ; l. Bret Ecker t; 2. Cha rlie Ship man; 5. Bill RU 5~1I ; 4. Phil Dou glas; 5. Ed Santi n. O VER 4() B: I. Leo nard Grl:m.; 2. ~am~ You ng; 5. vern Weld y; 4. Thomas Ryan ; 5. Dnlms Edie. SPTSMN B: l. Ti m Simo n.\; 2. Rober t Austin ; 3. Jerry Tucker; 4. Scou McClennand ; 5. Brml Wilcox. O \o"ER 40 C: 1. Rick Kane; 2. DaY(! Grai ngn; 5. Dave Bowen : 4. Will iam Smil.h;5. Todd Olsen. SPTSMN C: l. Arm;lndo Mira nda: 2. Dwayne Nystrom ; 3. Mik~ MotDci: 4. lU y Cia rdd la; S. Bnan Adkin&. WMN: l. Debbie Kant"; 2. & rb.ii.ra Mihovich; 5. Corol~ Springa: 4. Debra W~llis; S. Sherri Goddard. Ice Racing Studs V-eUT >Uff7 HANDY TOLL FREE ORDERING I " ~. .y;o;z,?-:I m.~ ~' ATV ~.o(~ BOB'S CYCLE SUPPLY &5W.VI

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