Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• e fell twi ce in his semi. Th~ second crash a rne in th e final turn, but he l ucki ly mo u n ted without losin g his positio n. As ng as he fin ished fift h or higher, th e title s h is. Tha t's wha t he did, as he trai led Sti th , odd Win sett , Ch ri s Hathaway and Mar ev nsen ig. Sensenig fell o n the second lap. The p four stayed very close for mos t of the race, n til Winsett tried to ta p hi s way by Sti th , ut as he ha s do ne severa l o ther tim es thi s a so n, Winseu ended up on th e concrete, This rough t o ut th e red. flag. and the race was lled. Greg Boutwel l breezed through his heat and m i a nd j um ped out to a large lead over aro ld Brossman, Dave Van Pelt, joe White nd Paul Shoemaker in the main. On the pening lap, Char les Maj eski got tangled up nd fell , ~tting lapped by Boutwell before e got rolhng. With the title in hand, he Could ave stoked it, but he fought ba ck and nlapped himself. Once by, he ca ugh t up to he pa ck and wor ked himself back to fourth pot by the end . 550: I. Billy Still well (M. M); 2. Ben McFaddr. n (Ya m ); 3. ndv Donner (Ya m ); 4. Bill y Sod y (Yam ); 5. Bobby Kraft am). 80; I. R icky w in sen (Sull; 2. J ohn Wimctt (Suz); ' .Mike cgee (Ra w); 4. Brody Mill er (Ya m ); 5. Dona ld Mu llen am). 125: 1. Todd Stit h (Han); 2. O1ri s Ha!.hawa}' (Ha n ); 3. ike Hacker (Han): 4. Paul Lynch (Ha n ); 5. james Blair on). ~ t. Taylor W h ile (Hon); 2. T od d Hu nt (SUl); 3. lbvid ( ; 4. Lmy Ikrtholdt (; 5. Danny Rri chm. ul ). . 360: I. Creg Bout well (Ya m): 2. j oe White (H .D ); 3. Harold rowna n (Bu l); 4. Otarks Majesk.i (Bul); 5. Pa ul t"("W't, on). 250 PRO: 1. Paul Crumling (Ho n); 2. Mike V.aJTtt'S (Ya m); · R ich ard Rt'n'n ( lU:w ); 4. Scott SoIunckn (H · O); 5. Robert weeeen ( lU:w). endosa masters Lodi ough Scrambles y Max Speed om, CA, DEC. J usty Mend osa sco red th e wi n in th e Pee Wee las s o n m fast cu shion tra ck at me Lodi e ycle Bowl. Mickey Lane grabbed th e holeshot fro m a II field of Pee Wee racers. Mendosa reco vered m a bad start to gi ve chase , and th e two iders went at it for a co u p le o f laps . Mendosa de a gutsy pass in tum o ne to take o ver L La ne stayed dose, but remained a bike gth behind Men dosa at th e fin ish. The Vet Novice class saw Richard Cervantes 'de h is H onda to a clear wi n , with a good ce for second place be tween Ed Miller and a ny Souza. The two battled throughou t th e ce wi th Mill er edging o ut So uza at the fi nish. The Vet Expert class saw Alex j orgense n ke the easy wi n over Ted Thompson and n McGeHee. With nin e 80cc Experts o n th e li ne, T ob y orgen sen was firs t ou t or tum o ne. with el der Al ve nez dose b eh ind. Alve rn ez o unded jorgense n u ntil th e th ir d lap, wh en e too k advantage of a m ista ke by j orgenso n tak e the lead While th e leaders were attling, j eff Gabhart was o n the move a nd n catching them. The last few laps had e leaders inches apart as they cros sed th e 'nish lin e, wi th Alvemez holdin g o ff j or ensen and G ab hart. . The 80cc junio r d i vis ion saw David o lloway sleal the hol esh o t with Ku rt is oberts and Casey Yarrow in hot pursui L allo way held o n to th e lead for a lap, before oberts made hi s move aro u nd him. O n th e ext la p , Yarrow saw the opening he was ki ng lor and scoo ted into th e lead. Roberts ve ch ase, but cou ld o nly get within a few ike len gths at th e checkered flag. esults P/W CB; I. Dust y Mm doz.a; 2. Mickey La ne; 3. Jeanna 1Ii&; 4. IU:theTine Ancknm.; 5. Vincmt Guisandt. 60 A-8 : I. K.c. RiK'l'adm; 2. Digger Smi th. 80 C: l. J»OII Ellis ; 2. Robert Simpson; 3. Jttnny Meyers; · MK::hafoI H anman. 80 B: I. Cuey Yarrow; 2. Kun is Robnu. 8OA: 1. Helder Alv.amn; 2. Toby Jorgmsm: 3. JdIGabhan; · Bill y Manin; 5. Sha wn RUSK'II. WM N, I. Rhonda en.... 125 C: I. Don Shi pky; 2. Mike Applq(ale; 3. P~II .uti~ 4. Da n Manin. 200 CB: I. T roy Winkln; 2. G lm Bttkttdite; 3. Bill Sl.ilmoL 250 C: I. Don Sh i pl~; 2. R. n Verducri; 3. Tom Ecchos. 250 B: I. Don Chrk; 2. Km ny Robnu Jr. ; 3. J U5 n Ownby. ti 250 A: I. Alo J orgensen : 2. BiI1Arbogul; 3. k ich Faeriano . O PEN C: I. Mike H um; 2. Cory Yarrow. O PEN B: I. ~~ RodJ:iguez; 2. J ustin O wnby . OPEN A: I. Rich' FiKOiIno: 2. Alan M~hn:. 4-S1"RK C B~ A : 1. Mike Dr1acy; 2. Dwayne Ellis; 3. Eddie' ·xon . VET C: I. Richard Cmr.tntn; 2. Ed Mill rr . VET B: 1. Tony Mil ner ; 2. Cory Lt wis. VET A: l. Alex Jordm.m; 2. Ted Thompson; .5. Alan 1>« . OT C: I. Charla Pahel ; 2. Doyko Cook. ard, Bertram best t 49'er Enduro y Glenn Martinson S FLU , CA,NOV. 23 e Distri ct 36 end uro seaso n ended with the 'er Enduro and m uch anticipated perfect 'ding co nditions . The Polka Dots M.e. laid FOR THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE! o u t almos t 80 mi les o f challenging woods trails and firs t roads. Darren Bachard a nd Dave Bertram each dropped zero points in a tie for the overall win. The 8:00 a.m . key time saw many riders sporti ng seldom used jackets and multiple layers 01 cloth ing. Trails on the first loop co n ta ined a m ixture of wooded single track, roc ky two track , and snow d usted fir e roads with r lent y of rese ts and free time. - After severa d usty end uros du rin g October, all o f the ri ders were enjoying the d us t free co nd itio ns . A few riders u naccu sto med to the slip pe ry pa tches o f snow, like perennial fast g uy Steve Shoemak er, were found taking sn ow samples ear ly in th e first loop. The excitem en t reall y began approximately two mil es before th e gas stop, as th e club placed a zeroa ble emerge ncy check after a tight woods tra il ru n at 18 mph. Many A riders arrived o n ti me to th e tiebreaker chec k and scrubbed rim e to check in 30 seconds into the ir minutes. Severa l riders had zero scores at the 25 mi nute gas stop break . Team Suzuki 's Dave Bertram showed. his timekeeping prowess with a perfect first loop scor e. ISDE go ld meda lis t and Cycle Gear-s u pported j on King described the trai l co nditio ns as , " best of the year ," and tied. Bertram wit h zero seconds dro pped. After lu eling u p lor th e second loo p , the event heat ed up as the club challenged the riders with more woods trails a nd h igher speed averages. H igh er speeds, how ever, were no t enough to take late points from ma ny riders . Kawasaki A-rider Darren Bachard rode two pe rfect loo p s lor a 0.0 second score a nd no tch ed his first o verall win. Sharing th e overa ll with Bach ard was Bertram WIth a matching 0.0 seco nd score. Bertra m co mm ented , " The cl ub did a good job, the markin g was pretty good, and the trails were exce llent." The exce llen t trail conditio ns p roduced man y stel lar scores. as evidenced in the Vet classes. Vet-A winner . · District 36 enduro steward Jeff Neff, d rop ped th ree seconds a nd barely edged ou t Ron de Bru in 's four-second sco re. Woodla nd Cycle's Tim Stove foll owed in th ird. Results AA: 1. Da~ 8fmr.I m (SOl ). 200 A: I. Cary Fargo ( Ka w ); 2. Carl R&d ( ). 250 A: I. Da rren &chilrd (Ka w); 2. (TIE) Duke Lambert (Youn)/ G knn M.llr inlOn (Hon ): 4_Bohu mil Pe»Iedn i (SOl ). t OPE.~ A: 1. Dan Sell (KTM ); 2. J im Norris (Hon); .5. Doug Byen (KTM ). 4-STR.K A: I. Phi l Doug las (KTM); 2. Bob Hol ma (Hbg); 3. Mike Po rter (Yam ). VET A: I. Jdf Ndl ( lU:w); 2.. Ron deBruin (SOl); 3. Tim Stove (H a n ). SR A: 1. Bill Dan (Yam ); 2. Don Matheso n (H o n ); 3. Ken L gn-i g (Hon). SlSIl Ie 1. David Kin g y (H o n). SlSR C: t. c.J. Ga smud. (KTM): 2. Darr ell E.rb (Ya m) ; 3. Orla n Friedli (KT M). (OM( TO TIlE INTERNATIONAlMOTORCYaE SHOW FOR TIlE RIDE OFYOUR UFEl AND WHILE YOU'RETIlE R£, H RE E 'SWHAT'SINSTOREFORYOU: .. See the all new 1992 mot orc yc le s, scoo ters an d .:\TVs (rom BMW, Harley-D av idson , H onda. Kawasak i. Suzuki. Yamaha and more ! .. Set' the C,de World Readc.'n' Collecrion ot Class lc. Cusrom & Vinta~oe Mororcvcles! These bikes will ~'Ct you r motor running! .. Emer to win a 1992 1su..'"U Pickup tru ck , the offICial motorc ycle M.lrron vehicle c:i the 1992 ln temarional Mot orc ycl e Shows! .. Enter 10 win a VX800 or DRJ50S mUTu rcyde' from Suzuki! . .. Visit the ACCes..... lry Showcase where you' ll see wha t's new from a ll the major accessory companies! .. Walch Video Showcase, featuring classic rnororcvclc films! .. Meet guest celebrit ies! .. Contests. featu res, and much . much more! ISUZU PRESENTS THE 1992 INTERNATIONALMOTORCYaE SHOW SCHEDULE ........... T~ H. '" As"u HalIJArn\a.... N v. 28 - Dec. I. 1991 Thurio.b y Ntw. lS Srm · limo . FnJ-.r,.Nt... 291 I.1m. l l r'n .. SitunLoy.N.w. Kl 11am·ll rm SunJ.aY Dec. 1 1\;lm.9rm . St. r-... Mi_ ti Co PorlAr M' In u >nl rv;:t..", wuh u a.~ lL'Ot llli~ uroCemer AlWhrim , C.lifom ia !l.lllrmunl,ll)·Han: An.ohc,m C,lfIvWllOlfI CnlTCI Join. 17 · 19, 1992 Fr,Ja" J;,on. 17 Srm· IOrm Dec. 6 . 8. 199'1 FnJ;.y, 0«- . 6 'iron· IOrm S. 7 ':im · IOpm r Solfuniay Frb. 8 lI am· IQrm . Sundooy, F.-b 9 II;om-6pm . M;or. S· 8, 1Q92 ThunJav,M;,or. S 9-oIm-6rm Mir. 6 9- Im-6rm o SalunJaY. Morr. 7 9-olm-6rm FnJa,. Sunr.6'I. M;ar 8 . (SunJao, 9am-Spm so.- ho... ru ub,.-c, It , d",~ pmJil'llt Dt-t:roil. Michlfiln COIh.1 HaU.... Feh. 1-4 - 16. IINZ .FnJad;'b. 1-4 ':im·l1rm r SlI ,y,Fth . IS N'_M1· llrrn luni Sun day. Feb. 16 Noun-9pm For IIIOf1I i1fonnatloe 011 ttM ,,,,,..11.001 Motortydo Sloow. please UII ... writ. to Phi1Mdt1rhu.. Pwn~,lvilni.l loIpIlxposltIoon. V..l1t')' For\ll' CO mvc.-n uon u n ltf fc.b28 ·Mn 1, 1992 FnJ;,ov. Ftb. 28 5rm· IOrm Sttl unioy, (;o.b. 29 Ilam ·lOrm $und.ay, Mar. I 1hm-6pm race n n-.) "*Cyo.:!tr.a . Nut a ll k.nUftli m_ willllJ'l'l'>'r 1700Iod Dyoo Rood, Soit, :ISO, Sooto .... CoIIno 92705. 171417SBJOO. ,-~Je ......'-._- - -- Mihovich scores Training Wheels Enduro win By Tony Pavon FORESTIlILL, CA, NOV 30 . This year 's runnin g o f th e T rain ing Wh eels Enduro saw Robert Mihovich of th e Merced Dirt R iders , guide his Suzuki RMX250 to th e overall wi n, droppin g o nly three points a lo ng the 72-mile route. Also Robert's wife and rid ing com pa nion Barbara, took second in th e h ighly co m petitive Women's class. Barbara dr op ped seven JX>ints. na rrowly mis sing th e class wi n as Debbie Kane oC T ea m No Snivelers bested Barb ara and 24 o ther women riders with a six JX>int ride. Most oC the entrants were able to successfully negot iat e th e Sierra Nevada cou rse laid o ut in the Foresthill Ranger Distri ct o f th e Tahoe Na tional Forest, as 84% of th e rid ers checking into the sta rt check al so made it to th e fin ish chec k. The co u rse allowed most riders to comfo rtabl y zero check number o ne a t the 4.ll-mil e mark, and th en challenged them with tight riding an d swi tch backs, that en ded at ch eck two , loca ted at the 10.ll-mile marker. Fro m th ere it was mo stl y two-traclc. and roa d. with so me slick trail th row n in, which co mpleted th e first loo p . . The seco nd loop went through tougher terrain , ca using most riders to drop poin ts between ch ecks three and fo ur. The co mbi · na tion of tight comers, rock out-eroppings, Racing on the trac k or riding on the street , Cosworth Motorcyc le Piston Kits are ava ilable for immedi ate .de livery for many of the latest motorcycles on the market today ! For more information call Racing Engi ne Components at 512-968-7802. Ava ilable soon ! Kawasaki ZX7 & EX500 and Harley Evolution Piston Kits. .red of cold hand. di.,..,pting your riding fun? HEA 'EM UPWITH T Gil. HEATERS FROM ENDURO ENGINEERING GRIPHEATERS run olfyour rnotor

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