Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 116 of 139

DATE FACILITY January 12 one as good as thi s on e," said Halcomb. It was so n ice to see so m any people in terested t he sport . All the (factory ) riders did a gr eat b spea king; it was a lot o f fun ." A ben efit drawin(: was a lso held in su p port f th e 1992 ISDE m Au stralia , inc luding a nd raisin-gdinner. urleson/Cantrelleace San Jose nduro-Thon y Bill Spencer NJOSE, CA, NOV. 24 's been fo ur years since th e la st two- man: o -ho ur En d uro-Thon races were held insi de e famed San j ose Mile, but the five race T has returned wit h ren ewed vigo r o n a ies eat 1.8· mile "IT/ scrambles track tha t saw ent ries for the first rou nd. The return even t w tea mma tes Ch ad Burl eson ' a nd Aaron n trel le score the big win . Ricky Alves led out the first event but lasted nly a few turn s, high ,sidi ng a nd in juring is wri st in the early morning slop. Burl eson arned with Can trelle for the overall and firs t 5 on the H onda Pen in sul a entry, la p pi ng . e field. Burleson was fast and smoo th, wh ile ntrelle was fast, bu t like his Co w Pal ace ce back in February, a li ttle o u t o f control. Co rey McG eewey finis hed seco nd overa ll d first Iro n ma n whi le Na te Wait topped e fo ur -strokes and a third overa ll. Da n ames won hi s first Min i bike even t in a fine on ma n effort. w hi le Scott Michael Pearson Hou ston Astrodome Seattle , WA Seattle Kingdome February 23 Atlanta, GA Fulton County Stad ium (Rou nd 3 · Wlnl,r AMI Resu lts RACE I: I. Olad BurloonlAaronCantrdle (Hon ): 2. Co ny McGttw~ (H a n ): 5. Na te Wa it (Han); 1. O lUcklKaty Sm illir. (H a n ); 5. Srott Surman (Suz). RACE 2: I. Rob Da mron (Su.z); 2. Steve Ra ndazzo (H a n ); 3. Ma rk Sm ilh / Dan Mal laui (Sw.); 4. Doug .5chM'Chrr/Cory Perra uh (H o n ); 5. John M

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