Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCAL EVENTS m Johnny Leach (28) leads Mark Parks (10) and Bobby DOOy und er the Perri s lights. so STK : l. Chaunuy Call (Yam); 2. Cha d N~ I50n (Ya m); 5. Ch ase Nelson (Yam ). 60 A: 1. Ban Abbo tt (Ho n). 60 B: I. Adam Min er (Han); 2. Bra ndon Cmtini ( Ka w) ; 5. j os h Moiyn (H a n). 80 NOV 7·11: l. Barr Abbott (Han); 2. Jon Did (5 uz); ..5 Bran don u nti ni (Ka w). . 80 NOV 12-16: 1. Jason Lords (Kaw); 2. Ja mb Ru kavia (Ka w); 3. Joe Cardell (Ha n). 1250 BEG : I. Sco tt Stras b urg (Yam ): 2. Brian A..h u rst (H a n); 5. Q u u J osl in (H a n). 125 NOV: 1. Bryan Wal ker ( law) ; 2. Ryan Coa ls (5o l ); 3. Ryker Sm ith (Ka w). • 250 NO V: 1. Brya n Wal ker (Kaw): 2. Lamar Ra sm ussen (Ha n ); 3. Ri ch ie Gai ner (Suz ). O VER ~ NOV ; l. Torn ]usteM11 (Ya m) ; 2. ROMTl Loader (Ya m); 3. Krrry Chartier (Yam ). OV ER 25 NOV : I. Andy H a rvel ( Ka w); 2. Mike Harrison (Yam ): 3. Brock J udd (Ha n) . OPEN NOV : l. Rogn Petry (Ho n ); 2. Rob in Mozin go (Yam) ; 3. j am es Bixin (Ya m ). 80 AM: l. David Andnwn (Ho n ); 2. Ja cob Cla rk (Kaw); ! . Aaron IkR05l"(K.a w). 80 EX: I. Du stin Headman (H o n) ; 2. Jtttmy Did (So2): 3. Xip p Pmt"Y(Ho n). t25 AM: 1. RUM Anderson (H o n); 2. Nelson LuCC'TO (Kaw); 3. lkau Ridd lt (Suz). 125 EX: 1. Brian Call (So2); 2. Co rky MauKh an (Suz); ! . Chancr Maughan (Suz). 250 AM: 1. Andy Mun son (Ho n) ; 2. Steve HUlch in KS(Suz): 3. Bill Phtlps (Yam ). 250 EX: 1. Brian Ca ll (Suz): 2. Corky Mau gh an (Suz): 3. Vintt Lu crr o (H o n). O PE N EX: 1. Mar k Lund grttn. OVER 30 EX: 1. Randy Ya lrs (H o n ); 2. Dan Lrch trnberg (Xaw); 3. Da lr Bohm (Yam ). OVER 25 EX: l. Scon Nielson. OVER 25 AM: 1. Scon Ha wen (Sw); 2. Rh rtt Grttnhalg h (Kaw): 3_Stnrr Lu ndKJ"ttfl (I\.JM ). Gardner sweeps Utah GP By Jim Billingsley ) SALT LAKE OTY, UT AUG. 18 , Christian Gardner returned to his home town of Salt Lake City to dominate both races of the inau~ Utah Grand Prix. Gardner led the field for every la p except one during the two 12-la" races. The US BA-sa ncuoned race, run under AMAICCS class structure, was a support race for the AIS (American IndyCar Series ) Grand Prix. The event was a big success, treating an estimated 1200spectators to the best of both car and motorcycle raci ng. A rain shower wet most of the lA-mile track for the first of the two legs, and Gardner and his Gold Hill Yamaha FZR750RR led into tum one. Tad Goimarac, aboard a Kawasaki ZX7 shod with slick tires , was second when he crashed hard on the exit of turn nine. His bike bounced into the pack of pursuers and two others went down . A full-eourse yellow an d a pace car too k to the track, but a decision 'wa s ma de to SlOp lhe ra ce as lhe rain continued. On lh e restart, eventual second~place finisher Shane T wpin led before giv ing way to Gardner, who h eld on for the win. Tony Johnson, riding a Honda of Bountifu l-backed Honda CBR600 F2 fini shed third ahea d of Richard Purcell's Suzu ki GSXR750. The second leg saw Gardner switch to a slick rear tire, but he didn't have time to replace the grooved fro nt tire. The grooved front didn't seem to affect him, however, as he led from nag to nag. T wpin pushed his Yamaha FZRI OOO in an effor t to ma tch Gardner's fast one-minute, three-second lap times, and he crashed in turn two on the I Ith lap. In th e final comer on the las t lap , FZRI~ mounted T yler Brinkman made the pass of hi s lif e, sq uea king by the Suzuki GSX R750 of Kit Far ley to take second in the Unlimited class. The top finishers in each of the threeclasses split up almost $2500 in prize money provided by the USBA. llesults 30 UNLTD GP ; 1. OuUtian Gardner; 2. T yler Brinkman; 3. ICitFarlry; of. Gary Lrwia: S. StrYt' Prall. MIW GP: 1. T on y Johnson: 2. Damon Carr: 3. Hum Fint; 4. T ed Polrvoy: S. 'T ra vis Hawltin&. . UW G P: I. Aaron Lanningham: 2. Jim Billingslry; 5. 8m ~hunin; 4. Nick Po kvoy: 5. Stefan tirlding.luaa. Battista best at Perris Night MX By Tony Aless i PERRIS, CA, AUG. 24 Mike Battista linal lv found the elusive win he had been seeki ng when he scored his first overa ll victory in the 125cc Novice class during the GFI " Win a Truck" Night Series held at Perr is Raceway. "This week I cha nged my train ing sched ule from daily rid in g to joggmg and mountain bik e ridin g," Battista said before the racin g began. "I haven 't been on my bike since last weekend and I feel ready to race." J aso n Caufield got the ball ro ll ing at the start of the first m oto with Er ic Seeley. Raymond Bowers and Batti sta beh ind. Seeley kept pinned to Caufield 's back tire a nd the two riders pulled awa y. Battista dogged .Bowers for th ir d an d eventuall y slipped/ ast near the halfway po int. Ba ttista tur ne up the wick on the remaini ng laps and reeled in Seeley and leader Caufield . Seeley began ~ lO ride in a defens ive manner as Baulsla knocked on the door in every turn. Seeley slipped a nd fell as Battista squirted to second.. When the chec kered n a g waved , Caufield won foll owed by Battista, Bowers a nd hardcharg ing Max Nel son, wh o ca me up fro m near ly lasl pl ace. Seeley shot 10 the front a t the sta rt o[ the second moto wi lh Bowers and Nelson in tow . Bauista a nd Caufield were stuck in the ga le a n d wer e nea rl y 10 seco n ds oehind the leaders. Nelson was qu ick to d isp lace Bowers a nd set sa il for Seel ey. wh o enjoyed a mar ginal lead . Bauisla was o n fire an d began to rip through th e pa ck, eme rg ing in [ou rth by th e halfway mark. Bauisla firsl bounced Bowers o ut of th ird , then CU l u nder Nelson in 3 lurn lo ass ume second. Ba ui sta br ea thed fire do wn the jersey of leader Seeley and forced h im 10 fa lter. Ba ttista mad e the pass an d pu ll ed a way for the seco nd mol o victo ry and hi s ri rs t ~ever overa ll wi n a t Perris in th e 125cc Novice cla ss. Mark Stro up used the advantage of his big 500cc Honda to wi n th e first Vet Novice mot o whi le T ommy Bracken s charged throug h the pack lO fin ish second in front of Garey Chaidez a nd Fra nk Vill a. Bracken s sta lled ben er in th e seco nd mo lO a nd q uic kly pa ssed a ll th e novi ces, a nd then to th~ disb elief o[ man y, Bracken s passed th e en li re. field o f Vel Interm edia te d ass ride rs wh o were co mbined with lh e novices. Suou p finish ed second bu t wa s n ow h er e near Brackens a t the fini sh . Resul ts 50 FIRST TIMER: I. Ty~on Talkin,.:::to n (Yam): 2. Sco u Simo n (Ya m ); 5. Micha d Hal e- (H on ); 4. DavidSprighl (Yam ); 5. St-an Mo rin (Yam ). . 50STK 0 -1: 1. V.mer Frrem an ( Yam): 2. H t:at hr r Manhews ( Y~ ~ . 50 STK 0 -2; 1. Davry Frrrma n ; 2. Da nid Sears (Va m); 3. Kit Konn th (Ya m ); 4. Ikrrick McC lint oc k (Ya m). 50 MOD : 1. VOlner Frttma n (Ya m ): 2. Hr athrr Matth ew, ( Yam ). 60 9-11: I. Mike Meado w5 ( XR SO ADULT: 1. T im H onlr (H on ); 2. J ohn Dean (Yam). BIG WH L: 1. ~nni 5 T urn" (K.a w): 2. be H ybbert ( 80 BEG D-I : 1. T odd Wilkinli (H o n ); 2. Eric Ande rwn (Kaw): 3. Dan n y B;non (Kaw); 4. Rya n Wilk im (Ho n) ; 5. David [yeba n" (SUl ). . 80 BEG 0 -2: I. Cr.nar GCilvrz (SUl);2. Ch ad Nono n ( Kaw ); ! . BUlch Gabrit>1(SUI): 4. Chad Dd n cs (Kaw ); 5. Toby Loprl (Ya m ). 80 NOV : I . Onn Van RiJX' (K.oJ w); 2. Sam uC'1Oa vir (Hon): r 3. Mikr Davis (}{a w ): i . David H U II: ~ (Xa w): 5. M iJ ~ Ol i"ho lm (Ho n) . 125 REG 0 -1: 1. Sa l Ugartr (Kaw): 2. Chris Rr pp (Kaw); 3. Dfoa n Van R ipr r (Xaw); 1. Da vid Lohin (Suz): 5. Ryan Sa m p"o n (H o n ). 125 BEG D-2: I. Erik Ca rtrr (K.a 2. Kidd n 8 i11 (Kaw): w): 3.joh n Bana u i (S UI ): 4 . T om 8 anam (Suz): 5. Samurl Dn .." (I-1:on ). 125 NOV : I. Mikr Bau il>ta (Suz); 2. Max Nr)"on (Yam); 3. J:lson Cau£irl d (SUI); 4. Ra ymond Bowrrs (Kaw); 5. Eric Sfflty (Kaw). 125 t NT: 1. E.]. Wright (Suz); 2. Randy D-my lo (Raw). . 125 PRO : I. Ra y Hrnslry (SU1): 2. Ch arlir Flippt'n (Ho n ). 250 BEG : I. Blain r T owr (Yam) ; 2. And y Kyl" (Ho n) ; . Clint Pilgrim (81) rounds Muddy Creek's first tum ahead of Craig Kinl ey (100), Jamie Asbu ry (102), Cletis Greene (26) and the rest of the 250cc C field. 3. Robert Gonza lez (SUI); 4. . M.u k Rty n (Kaw): 5. Cary Harada (S"'I. . . 250 NOV ; 1. Bobby Hubbard (SUI ): 2. BnnKMSrr (Yam); 3. Tony Alrs si (Yam) : 4. J im Henn (Ya m ); 5. Robert BrilU!:s (Yam) . 250 t NT: 1. Dan n y Sry l" ( H an ); 2. Br~tt Stubbs ( ~w ) : 3. Bill Ha nry [Ho n ]. 250 PR O : 1. G rroll: pi"lro (Kaw). 500 BEG : I. J ohn SOlin (H o n); 2. G rry Vrrdu50 (H o n ); 3. Dea n Brown (Ho n ): 4. Kti th Harris (H a n): 5. Grrll: Mauio (Yam). . 500 NO\': I. Bill Hande l (Raw): 2. Rand y Paulin {He n): 3. Robocop (Ho n); 4. Ri chard Gai lty {Ho n ). 500 PR O : I. Cra ig Ca no y (Ho n). 25-29 BEG : I. j ert Hend erson (H a n); 2. Oeo rge Mo ore . (Han ); S. Gary Ha rada (Suz): 4. Glen n Dela torre (Suz): 5. John Sain (Bon). 25-29 NO V: 1. LC. So re (Xaw ): 2. jot Bagnasco (Kaw); ! . Ben Barnhart (Sw): 4. Todd Go uld (H o n): 5. Fran k Villa (Suz). ... 25· 29 INT: 1. David Lynch (Ho n ); 2. Randy Dany lo (Kaw). VET NO V: I. Tom my Bracken s [Ka w]: 2. Ro bocop (Ho n); 3. Cary Chanl dez (Suz): 4. Bill H a nda l (Ka w): 5. Fran k Villa (Sw ). . VET 11\0 : l. jerr Eary (H on ); 2. Da vid Lynch [H o n): 3. 1 Bill Ha nry (Ho n ): 4. Ra nd y Skinner (SUI). OT 40+: l. W.G . Wil wn (SU1): 2. Tony Roco virs (Yam) . Hayes hurt, but wins Muddy Creek Motocross ' By Barbara and Loren Williams BLOUNlln LLE , TN, AUG. ~ Kirk Hayes aced four motos during round 12 of the Pi zza Plus/Ci tgo-backed AMA Sou th ea stern Regi onal MX C hampi on ships MegaSeries a t Mudd y Creek Raceway - with a brok en leg l As the 15-race ·series builds to the finish . the con tenders get more serio us and are a pt lOdo some slra nge lhings. Jim's Motor cycle Sales of J ohnson City/ Bluff City Marble-backed H ayes, the po ints leader in lhe Enduro and Fo ur~Slrok e classes. said, " Il doesn 't even have a real casl on it, jusl lh is wrap aro und th ing wit h Velcro to [asten it. But J eff La ne isn 't very far behind me, so I' ll get out there and j ust do well enoug h to mai n tai n my poi nts lead." Just " well enough?" Hayes smo ked both classes, aci ng a ll four mOlOS, a nd in all cases was well on his way to catch ing the fron tru nners in the classes thal had been sla~ger sta ru.. a head of hi s own. Lan e fin Ished d runner-up to Hayes and wondered, " \Vhat ki nd of vila mins does Kirk lake? H e's j usl as hard to Cltch as when he's healthy." J im's MC Sales/S hoe i/A nswerlTsuba kii Pro Circuil-backed Mike Brown also proved hard to calch as he gave demonstration s in each of the four A class mol os. From ga le dr op to flag furl, Brown was out from ,lead in g every lap to take hom e a ll the marb les. The Gray , Ten nessee, rider a lso so lidified h is posi tion as MegaSeries leader in the I 25cc A class and pulled to within 25 poi nt s of 250cc A class leader Billy Cox, who cou ld on ly fini sh fifth overall. Bare Bros.-backed Brian Hess brillia ntl y cap tured the 250cc C class overa ll win wit h do uble aces a nd too k over the MegaSeries po ints lead from Kenneth Bailey. Hess is a lso the po in ts leader [or the lO-race Virgin ia Sta te Hare cram bles Series Cha m pions hip th is year , with lhree races to go. " I' ve been riding in the wood s for a lon g lime ," says Hess. "a nd ear lier this year I hea rd about the MegaSeri es, so I decided to try mOlocross. Si nce I'd never don e It before, they told me to ride the C class. I'm doi ng pretty well , I guess , but I do n 't th ink they'lI let me rid e the C class next year." Resul ts 50: I. J a !\o(IO Bauh (Y. m): 2. Ch.d H am pto n (Ya m ): 3. Gr~ Ikr ~n (Ya m); 4. Jdfrry Fir lds (Ya m ): 5. Allron RU1iM'1I (Ya m ). 60: 1. .Josh ScOll (Kaw); 2. Da... d Roa ch (Ka w); 3. Dam i.m i H'=3drick (K.1 w); 4. Du slY Tindall (Kaw); 5. R yan Calho u n (Ka w). J R MINI 7-11: I. j o n Boruff (SU 2. Pa ul J ustu s (Kaw): 1): 3. j o roh Scou (SU1): 4. J a:o.nn Wr lsh an (Kaw); 5. T ho mas Epp s (Suz). SR MINI 12-15: I. J imm y BrilOtS {Kaw); 2. Andr ew Wil M>n (Kaw): 3. 8r m l Lo ug h (Suz); 4. Mark Brunek (Ha n); 5. Sco tt RUSM:II (Kaw). \ SC HB Y 12-15: I. Pa trick G~r( Ho n) : 2.GI"eK Nelson (SU1) : 3. Kevin MiIIl't (H on) ; 4. Curtis Perry (K.a 5. Pai ge H illi ard w): (H o n). EN OR: I. Kirk Ha y" (SUI): 2. Ch ad Mu llim (Ya m ): 3. : Mark Tho mpson (SUI): 4. Q u is Roberts (Ya m ): 5. Erntlil Ward (Ka w). 125 A: I. Mikr Bro wn [Ho n ]: 2. Jim Neese (Kaw); 3. jim Ch tlilr r (SU1); 4. Manul Arno ld (Kaw): 5. J err y Smit h ( H o n ). 125 B: I. Sinoy Wyau (; 2. Chad Pill (Ho n ); 3_Pa tri ck Cr eer (Hon ): 4. j ohn Bru nck (Hon): 5. Tim H od oc k (Hon). 125 C: I. u !Io1 ie Belcher (Ho n): 2. Clim Pi lgr im ( ): 3. T .]. Ho oc k ( H o n) : 4. Timothy Elrod (Suz); 5:' Tr vis d a Taylor (Yam ). 125 NON -CURR ENT : I. Ryan McCa nn (Kaw): 2. Robby Rh oads (H en]: 3. Jen Wilson (Kaw): 1. MiC"had Arrin!tto n (:Kaw); .'). G r~ H a wkins (H o n). 250 A: 1. Mikr Brow n (Hon ): 2. Chad L ugh (Han): 3. o Jim Neese (Kaw); 4. J im Chnlt-r (SUl); 5. Rill y Co " (Suz). 250 8: l. Mikr Kdl" (Ho n): 2. Kevin C.rmuld (Hon ); 3. Curli! Urps (Kaw): 4. j ay Ha yn (Ho n): 5. Ed wa rd Sa m uk (Ho n). • 250 C: I. Brian Hess lK.iw ); 2. Cli m Pil grim (Kaw ); 3. Kenn eth Ba ilry (Ho n); 4. Ha rold Hines (Yam ); .') Don Cri"p . (Ho n) . 250 NON-CU R RENT: I. Er ic Pin son (KT M); 2. Dewa yne Fen der (Ya m ); .1 . Ti m Julian (Kaw): i . D.m ny Eller (Kaw); 5. Kevin H ill (Ya m ). O PE N AM: I . C Juis Sh onrid gr (Ka w); 2. Ray 8o ru ff( Hon); 3. Eric Pinson (KT M); 4. David Fa rri ! (KT M): 5. Iknny Du rrough (KT M). 4-STR K MC: I. Kir k Ha ytli (Suz); 2. J df Lan r (Suz): 3. Crorll: Ga llo wa.y(Ha n ); 4. Will tam How n-ton (AT K). r U/ L AM: J. j ay Ha ytli (Hu n): 2. Mikr KeJlr r (Ho n): 3. Mikr Nultr r (Yam): 4. Grad y J o nes (H u!io ): 5. Cu rti s Urp~ (Kaw ). 25. A: I. Gran! Wood (Suz); 2. La rry Har riM:ln (SUI): 3. Knr in AUM in (SUl ). 25. 8 : 1. Do uJI: Mohr (Kotw); 2. Bobb y G ilbert (Kaw); ! . Edwa rd &lnlu k (H an); 4. Mike Li u (Kaw); 5. Krv in Ka M")' (Ho n). \ 25+ C: I. Mark T hompwn (SUl ): 2. Ch ri!lo Rose (Kaw): 3. Barr y Ha rvr y (Su zl: 4. Anthony R un io n (Kaw); 5. Wtlilon (Ya m). • 30 + A: 1. Lany Ha rrir,on (Suz): 2. n " ... id Farrh (KT M): 3. Eddie Bra nch (Kaw): 4. J.R. FINCh" (Suz). l' 30+ B: I. Allen Lun d ord (Ho n) ; 2. Kr vin K.atl"y (Ho n ): 3. Juhn Gram (H o n ): 4. J ohnn y G ib!on (}lo lI): 5. C.tne H od Jl:r (Kaw). 30+ C: I. TiKrt Ma xfir ld (Suz); 2. Rick Coopt'r (Xaw): 3. D in s Ra~h (Kaw): 4. Jnhn n y Ra~r (Kaw); 5. T im julia n (Kaw). Sl SR : I. J ohnn y Gib""m (Ho n ); 2. Dann y Eller ( ! . How a rd Rr- nr l! (SIIZ):4. Gordon J on e! (J l us): 5. Sieve Yuu n r;:: n (M ). Maxwell rounds up Outlaw Grand Prix win By David A. Procida ADELANTO, Co\, AUG. 18 Bob Maxwell, aboard a Hemet Cycle Cen ter Honda, po wered his way to the overa ll wi n in the California Club's Outlaw Gran Pr ix held just outside the desert town of Adelan to. When the flag dropped to star t the comb in ed Expert/ I ntermediate class r iders, . Maxw ell led the pack into tum one wit h vet intermediate Charlie Stro ng hot on hi s tail. Strong pu lled a wheel length ahead as they hea ded 10 10 a tum, Maxwell shu t off to avo id a collision a nd the chase was on down lhe lon~, whooped-ou t, fifth-gear straightaway. O ms Lieker was holding off the first vet expert, C R. Bru nson , and intermediate Gene Dicki n son completed the top five riders_ Maxw ell chased Strong down in the back section of the coUrse and made his pass on a short straight. Once in the lead , Maxw ell was not to be headed an d al most immediately bega n to ope n u p day light between him self and the pack. Seeing the leader pullinj; away fired up Dicki nson and he q uickly disposed of Br unson a nd ma de u se o f th~ lo n g stra igh taway to get by Leiker. Bru nson used a h igh lin e in the gully doubles to n y past Leiker and was still leadi ng the Expert class , bUl compa ny was not far off. Tracy H rach , who had suffered a midpack start, had been bauling his way through the Held and was now closing quickl y on the leaders. At this point in the race, Strong began to su ffer from extreme cramps and retired from the competition , while up front, Maxwell was making his way through lapped traffic as Dic!

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