Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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By the 3O-minu te mark. Maxwell had pulled to a comfortable lead with Dickinson running a distant second while Leiker held down third. Bu t between Dickinson and Leiker a hattie for the expert lead was taki ng place, Brunson was using up every available inch of track in an attempt to hold oU Hrach, but with two laps remaining Heath cou ntered Brunson's attempts by go ing under him in th e hack section and once in the Expert class lead held on for the remaining lap for the class win. William Saltzman ran a consistent third and rounded out the top three finis hers. But grabbing the gold in the Vet Intermediate ranks as well as the overall win was Maxwell. Dickinson cruised in for second with Leiker, RU55ell Reilly and Ron Malone rounding out the top five. 60 BEG 9- 11: 1. MKmd Y"""", 2. Juan La<1cin;S. E...... H.....oo..; 4. 11mStul ... &0BEG: 1. C1iltCool<; 2. Bri'Jocbon;S. Jaoob Mad>o wky; -t. Bullch Gabrid; S. Omni. Woodard. 80 NOV; 1. Nriurl; 2. Bryan Carrillo. 80 lNT:l . SCOItJoIuuon. R VET EX: I. Idikr Shoemaker; 2. Daee IlooalOni . R VET tNT: I. Jock XcII: 2. Milce Edmonch. R VET NOV: I. Paul Zcl;m!< 2. Larry P. 125NO V: 1. ~ Bttmcnour, 2. TOOlMcUughbn;!. JCrvi a O "Brim; 4. FRd ' . S. Jim Buntin. SOO BEG: I. Da1 rub: 2. x.n Creme: S. c." Egolf: 4. H ugh BIacb; S. Xclly CoIy. VINT NOV: 1. Mark J~ 2. Phi1 Zdlmcr; S. Myron La/tMN: I. Will Dicbon: 2. Blair Risna. TEAM : I. Jon ZahnlWayne Zahn; %. Owm Dicbon/Tom McLau. hHn. 80 1t.AM: I. Rid EJrodIDaDDJ Woodard; 2. Brian yrriUo/Otria Nriud; S. Aw tin PrianlJod H ughes. Carlson shines at LACR MX By.Tony Alessi PALM DALE, CA, AUG. 18 Garey Carlson used consistent finishes to score the 125cc Novice win at Calilornia Racing Club 's day motocross at Los Angeles Cou nty Raceway. . . Chris Buntin slid int o the lead a t the sta rt o f the firs t moto a nd rod e i n a nervous fas hion durin g the ope ni ng laps as Carlson q u ickl y moved up from a fifth-place start. Frankie Villegas held second p lace briefly un u l Carlson wildl y wipped his Kawasaki insi de to take over the , pos ition. By the third lap Carlson swept by Bun tin to assume the lead. Carlson wen t on fOT the mo te win while Bun tin faded 10 an eventual eighth at the finish. Loren J en kins made a charge from out of the top five to second in front of hardcharging R ya n Spaeth, who came from o utside of the lOp 10. Spaeth nailed th e second molo holeshot with Carlson, Villegas and Jenki ns in tow. Spaeth and Carlson quickly left the pack behind and engaged in a private baltle for the lead. The IWO riders swapped positions a num ber of ti mes, but it was Spaeth who was stro nger at the finish as he grabbed the win. Carlson finished second which was good enoug h for the overall victory . A large number of Vintage class riders showed up to test their machines against the demanding track. Both motos were run ear ly in the da y so that all riders were exposed to the best conditions for the old bikes. Brock Suter screamed his Can-Am to a pair of mot o wins in a co nvi ncing manner. John Lundgre n topped the rest of the field WIth a clea n pa ir o f second place finis hes. Ron Aldrich, Michael Grove and Steve Dunlap all ba ttl ed for third with Aldrich scorin g th e po sit ion by virtue of his mo~ consisten t finis hes. Results 0 PM B·I : I. Johnathon Ma~ (Yam). PIW B·2: I. Timothy Bunun (Yam); 2. Slr'VO Cisar (Yam); S. Trevor Ryan (Yam); 4. Anthony Barbacovi (Yam ); S. Danid Hmdrikz (Vam). . . P/W MOD: I. CodfE1rod (Yam); 2. J ooq>h No""l (Vam ). 60 0-8: I. Call. Nob le (Kaw). 60 9-11: I. Tyson T itumlicr (Kaw). 80 9-11: 1. Jason Webb (Kaw); 2. Qui5 Honneld (Xaw); S. Brent Lancwu (Ka,w); 1. Juatin Rob inson (Ka w); 5. Curtis Parka (Ya m) . 80 BEG : 1. T odd Banlett (Kaw); 2. Kyle FraziCf (Suz); 5. Audtin Prian (Raw ): 4. Jam cs Moon~ (Suz); S. Brian McConnick (H on). • 80 NOV: I. llkk Elrod (Ka w); 2. x.nneth Reed (Ka w): 3. Bryan_Carrillo (hw); 1. 0uU NcitRl (Kaw); S. Da nny Woodard ( Kaw~ BIG WHL: 1. Tyson 1:.anfi<1d. 125BEG : 1. Soot:t Jlccd J r. (Xaw); 2. Paul G ilmartin (Kaw): S. Adria n Uon (Suz); 4. ~ tbvidson (Kaw); S. Tommy PhiIli (Iaw). . 125'NOV: I. ea..,. Car bon (l'aw): 2. Ryan Spaeth (Ka wO; 3. Loren Jcnldru (Hon); 4. Frankie Villcps (Suz ); S. Jon Izwonki (S"'). Its 1Nt': 1. J uon Simmons (hw). 12SP RO : 1. Jeff Barbac::ovi (Yam) : 2. Ken Nciurl (Kaw). 250 BEG: I. Todd. Alden (Raw); 2. Sean Medrirol (Yam); S. Paul Lamb (Yam); 1. Craig Godshall; 5. Scott R~ Jr . (Koiw). 250 NOV: 1. C. T. Watanabe (Yam ); 2. Bill y Paul (Suz): SoBrian Hill (Yam): 4. Ron Sharp (Yam). 250tNT: 1. Owen Dicbon(Koiw); 2. Jason Simmons (Kaw). 250 PRO: 1. Bryan Nelson (Hon). SOO BE.G: I. Patrick Wade (Kaw). 500 NOV : I. Ron Wade (Koiw). 500 IJ'o,7 1. Will Dicbon (Hon): 2. Frank 8dchrr (Han). : SOO PRO: I. Tim T elford. JR VET NOV: l. Tim McAdam 5(Raw): 2. David Williams (S",): S. Rondy Wywcki ( Kaw~ IR VET tNT: I. Jad XcII (H on ); 2. Frank Betcher ( Hon~ VET BEG : 1. Dan Tanner (Koiw): 2. Mike: Jrnq- (Yam); S. Max ScIztt (Yam) ; 1. David Mullcn (Hon ): S. DmnuBrown ( Kaw~ VET NOV: l. Ron Sharp (Yam ); 2. Scott Curtis (Ho n); S. David Kotisa (Suz); 1. Eddie Hatch (Kaw): 5. Ala Spinelli (Yam). VET tNT: I. O1arlic- Strong (Ha n); 2. T ip Webb (Yam) . VET EX: I. Greg Keim (Yam); 2. c.R. Bru nson (Yam); 5. Scou Walkn Jr . (Hon-) . VlNT NOV: l. J~ Toom~ (Hon). VtNT INT: 1. Brock Suter (C Ar. 2. John Lundrm (Bul); 5. Michat'l Grovt' -(Kaw); ... Stevt' Dunlap (H on). . . VINT EX: I. Tim Nash (Ha n). Graves in the groove at Willow Springs Road Race By Eric Vincent ROSAMOND, CA, AUG. 1618 Ch uck Graves demonstrated why he is the Mill er H igh -Life Form ula One Champio n by easily winning tha t event at th e eigh th round of American Road Racin g Association competition a t Willo w Sp ri ngs In terna tional Ra ceway. Grav es was ted no time in ta king the lead on his Michelin-shod Suzuki GSXRI IOO and didn't look back. Nic k Iena tsch grabbed second on his Del Amo Yamaha-sponsored TZ250 and held off the big-bore bikes of Rober t Miller and Bruce Tebo for several laps before Tebo began to challenge for second at the start of lap three. A familiar pattern developed in which T ebo, on hi s Dunlop-shod Suzuki GSX RllOO, would pass Ienatsch on the front straight, but ~ould be out-manuevered by the TZ250 rider in me first few turns. This kept up for several laps untif Ienatsch took over second place and T ebo was unable to successfully repass him. The remainder of the race saw the top three spo ts remain unchanged as Graves took the win followed by Iena tsch and Tebo, In the': Formula Two event. Ienatsch grabbed the early lead and rapidly opened up a gap between himself and a fierce battle for . second between Andy Milton, Michael Graves and Kent Kunitsugu. R idi ng side-by-sid e down the front straight to complete the first ' lap, it was Kunitsugu, ridi ng his Long Beach Yamaha-sponsored TZ250, who cam e oUI in front going into tum one. Milton moved into third wit h Graves fourth. . Although Ienatsch and Kunitsugu have participated in some impressive racing duels 10 the past, it di dn't happe n in this race as Ku ni tsu g u , d es p i te closing the gap o n Ienatsch, was n 't able to mou n t a serious challenge for th e lead. Millo n a nd Graves traded the third pl ace spo t several times during the race and were side-by-side approaching the checkered flag . Graves held on, however, and finished rh ird behind lenatsch and Kun itsu gu . Graves won another race in the 750<:c Stock Production class and seemed headed for a third win during the Open Modified P rod uction even L However. a blown steering damper put him in second place behind Brad Hazen. . Results 0 o-SOO NOV : I. Brent Van~f. (Yam) ; 2. Don.a.ld B.oIbb (H · D); S. Miuuharu Ola (Yam); . J ens Haetttr (Yam); S. Takanobu Kitau (Y am). 501-699 NOV: 1. Reed Dom ingo (Yam ): 2. Brml Vandrn· berg (Yam ); S. Will Higgs (Hon ); 1. John Reardon (Yam); 5. Rmdall Vancil (Suz). 700-0PEN NOV: 1. Jeff koho (Raw); 2. Kenneth Downie (Suz): S. Tim Kdly (Kaw): 1. Michael Hipke (Suz); S. Tomas Garcia-Moncd (Suz). OPEN SlST: I. Brucr Tcbo (Suz): 2. Jim Van Vegten (Vam ): S. David aabom (Suz); 4. 8rua Batson (Suz); S. Brian Sasa ki (Ka w ). 100 51ST: 1. Willie Bun (Yam); 2. Ritchie TIlorup (Yam): S. Michael Monl.,.. (Yam); 4. John 1aoobua:i (Vam): S. HiroI.hi Naka 'ima ( Yam) . 500 SlST: Andy Milton (Yam); 2. David Frankmb;d'a i. (Yam); 3. Nick SL Laurent (Hon ); 4. Daniel Equihua (Yam ): 5. Fnnk Angaki (Vam). . 600 SIST: I. Ktnt Kunilsu~ (Suz); 2. Ross Hahn (Yam); 5. Tom Aquino (Yam ); 4. Ritchie Thorup (Yam); S. DaM Sadlon (Yam). . 750 51ST: I. Km ny Koprl.y (SUI); 2. Miln Mothcnhod (Suz); S. 8 1'UC'e Bal50n (Suz); 1. Brian Sasaki (Xa w); 5. T ony Math r-w (Hon). a F·2: I: Nick 1malKh (Yam); 2. Kun iuugu (SUI); !i. Michilel G ra,,~ (Sw); 4. Andy Mihon (Ya m); S. Soon Conaway (Ya m) . 600 MOD PROD: I. Ri teh ie 11lorup (Yam); 2. T om Aquino (Yam); S. Andy Mihon (Yam); 4. D3naSadIon (Yam); 5. Kevin Mun nc (Gi l). BOlT 1..IW: 1. Nick St. La urnat (H on ); 2. Ni~1 Galr; 5. Jttry Jirkovi ky (Ra w) : 1. Ted Kapner (Hon); 5. Sttphm Ban tll (law). 6OOSGL: I. lUrk 1Oompaon (Yam);2. Car I1...qal.p i.(Ho o); S. Marc Fidd (Nor); 4. John Nicbon (Yam ); S. Ron Ringvud (Y~ ). Michael Graves (477) div es under Andy Milton entering a Willow Springs comer. ! I C.T. Watanabe (173) chases a pair of riders on his way to the 250cc Novice class victory during Los Angeles County Raceway race action, I 7 ~ MOD PROD: l. Charln C ravcs (SUI); 2. David Deveau (SUl) ; 5. J u on Pridmore (Suz); 1. Jeff Wells (Suz); 5. Bruer Batson (Suz). 500 SG L: I. T revor Dunne (G il); 2. Carl;upi (Hon): 3. Scot t Fabbro (Asc ); 4. Bill FmnCMY(Yam); 5. Ene Sherrer (Ho n). F·5: I. Daniel Bond ; 2. Earl Smith (Fen). OPEN MOD PROD: 1. Brad Haeen (SUI); 2. Charln G rc~ 600 STIC. PR OD : I. Ri tdlie Thorup (Yam); 2. Da na Sadl on ( Varni; S. Mark McDon.oild(Yam ); 4. Kevin McCooty (Yam); S. Jrl ery Banoo (Yam). ?SO STK PROD: I. J im Van Vcgtm (Yam); 2. Ktnny Koprdy (Suz): S. R ick KoVOKS (Suz); 4. D. lUau . G ~ (H a n); S. Jerry Car lson (Suz). . Schroeder takes Carlsbad ST By Greg Booth I CARLSBAD, CA, AUG. 17 . Rick Schroeder nipped Loren Bjorkman al the checkered flag 10 score the Open Expert main event win al Carlsbad Short Track. Schroeder won the firsl heal, and Skip Cristy topped the second heat. When the green flag dropped in the mai n , Bjorkman sto led the holeshot, follo wed closely by Schroeder. Bjorkman held Ihe lead through lap 15, with Schroeder waiting for an o{'eDing thaI came on the la.. lap. Goi ng 1010 turn three, Bjor kman and Schroeder were la pping a rider, and Bjorkma n was forced low . Schroeder got a good drive out of tum four a nd bea t Bjorkman to the checkered flag by a wheel. Thad deu s Tolstrup nearly upset O pe n Junior Su m mer Series points leader , Dave Pelton. T olstru p gol the holeshol in the Junior main, and led Pelton until lap eighl , whe n Pelton passed h im between tu rn s o ne and two, a nd went on for the win. Peter Mayforth worked his way up fro m a poor start to flOish third. Results OPEN EX: I. Rick Schroeder (Suz); 2. Loren Bjorkman (Yam); S. Jim KnkT (H .D); 4. Loui . Man uel (Yam ): S. Skip 2SO EX: I. Mark lLdbeucr (Kaw}; 2. DaY!' Pelton (Raw); S. Mark Aragon (C A); 4. Louis Manue l (Yam ); S. Tom Oark (Yam). O PEN VET : I. Rich SchrordC'r(SUl); 2. Skip c::anc:y (Yam ); S. Krith L,nas (Yam). O PEN JR: I. Dave Pelton (Hon ); 2. ~ Tolwup (Yam); S. Pnr Mayforth (Yam); 4. Jamn Ruat (Yam ); 5. Bria n Cauidy (Yam). c::.wy (Yam) . 250 JR: 1. )osc=ph Robttu ( Ya m ); 2. arel Ikmil'> (Ya m) ; 3. Bob SuhaJda (Ya m ); 4. Danny Perea (Ya m ); S. John Francisco (Ya m ). I Barton sails to Southwick Motocross victory By Daryl Nuese o SOUTHWICK, MA. AUG. 25 Patrick Barton carved his way around the sandy Southwick course to capture overall wins in both 125 and 250cc Pro class action at the MX338 event. With $1,154,020 up for grabs in factory co n ti ngen cies for New England Sports Commillee compe ti tion this year , New England race fans ha ve been seeing their share of exciting racing and the Southwich round was no ex~ption. When the gale dropped for the finl 20minute plus two-laps 250cc Pro molO, Manchester Honda rider William Dzielak grabbed the holeshot and was closely followed by Barton. At the midway point of the moto, Barton blazed by Dzielak on the back straighL Barton never looked back until he grabbed the checkered flag several laps later. Dziela k eventually fell off the pace and finished sixth, opening the doo r for David An lonnuci and DG Y's Doug Henry . to slip by and secure second and third, respectively. Joe Waddinglon, riding a Suzuki for the Bellencourt dea lershi p , rode hard and lurn ed his midpack start 10 a fourth-place finish. ]n th e seco nd mo to, Tony Lorusso roosted his Glas tonbury Yamaha 10 the fronl of the pack off the !?te, setti ng a blistering pace for Ihe first 18 mlOu tes of the moto. Only seconds behind Lorusso were Kurt McMilla n, aboard a Fac tory Connection/ Spectr o /B ie Hespo nsored Honda and Mike T readwall , riding a FoxlFMF Suzuki. These three ri ders were in a race o f th eir o wn, consisten tly pulling away from the resl of the pack each lap wh ile putting o n a sensational show for the spectators tha t lined the track . It loo ked as if Lorusso had the win in h is pocke t until he sta lled with a few laps 10 go, allo wi ng · McMillan 10 cruise on 10 the victory . T read well was in close purs uit, capitalizing on Lo russo's mis fort u ne to .earn the ru n ner·up pos iti on. Lorusso quickly regai ned control and was able 10 salvage a third·place finish from an o therwise perfect performance. Hen ry powered h is Yam aha 10 fourth, while Barton rode hard but never was able 10 get within 31

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