Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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iii.29 e ~ $25,000 purse Admission $15 Race 1 p .m . IIV . E C Q I • SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 TEA M GREE N FALL MX NATIO NALS A MATEUR RAC ING A LL CLASS ES Practice 8 A .M. Race 10 A .M . Ride rs Fee $20 A dmissio n $ 25 in cludes S unday 's ticket Brian C all (4) beat C o r ky Maughan in th e 25 0cc E x p er t d a ss at Buzzards MX. DIRECTION S : 12 m i. East of PA . t urn pike on Rt. 22 near Delmo nt .Rt . 66 Nort h 3 mi.. then right on S lickville Rd. ha lf mi. a pprox. . SJSR: I. Jim Smith; 2. Leon Wha ley; 5. John Crady; 4. R icha rd Brad ley; 5. T . &Ilar. 200 NOV : 1. Dan Linen Jr .; 2. Ed Connor; 3. Dan; 4. OIr.A Paua~; S. SIn'nl Rourke. 125 AM: l. OUiA Bower ; 2. Robn"l Brown Jr .; , . Rich Daly : 4. 0uU Ouda; 5. D.]. Dalrym ple. 125 EX: 1. Rob Neseel: 2. Bruce SU:lllon; 5. Gtt'g Nelson ; 4. Larry MaxerJl; 5. Eric Reilly. 250 AM : I. Nic k Va nproaaK: 2. Daniel R.a 1L.rd; .5 Brian . Croll; 4. Jd r R ugar : 5. Ada m Buder. 250 EX: l. BrUlr Stratton; 2. Tom Ria; , . John Gurga; 1. Dennis Bald win : 5. Pau l Gri ma ldi . ' O PEN NO V: l. Nathan Sanford; 2. l}-.mi~1 M iln hal1; 3. David Goyer ; 4. Fred Muhl lKTgn; 5. Pa ul Petersen. O PE N AM: I. Kurt Spoonogle: 2.Jot' Szezepanski;.5. Oeorge Ausli n : 4. Tom T u u: 5. .leU Si mmon s. O PE N EX: 1. Mike MurrdY; 2. Mike Dougherty ; 3. Jarrett Newby; 1. William Oleoey; 5. Ma rio Darpino . t . VINT : I. Bria n Stick l~; 2. Ken Ti tu~; ! . o- vid Goyn; a 4. Jdr La ntz; 5. Ji m Alle n. . INFORMA TION: (304) 594- 1157 (4 12 ) 468-4786 "TBENORTBERNGEORGIAOtJTLAWSBOWDOWNSPECTACUWl" RIVERSIDE SUPEBCROSS CALHOUN, GEORGIA Call conquers Buzzards MX Presented by B y Dale Bohm SALT LAKE CITY, UT, AUG. 25 H igh Co untry Sa les/Yoko- backed Suz uki rider Brian Call was the star of the first-ever Great Salt Lake MX, hel d at Saltair Speedway. Ca ll was perfect. scori ng doub le moto wins in both the 125 and 250cc Expert classes to ta ke ho me the lion 's sha re of the Expert purse. The course was constructed on the sho res of the Grea t Sa lt Lake, a nd featured many supercross-style obstacles to cha lle nge the riders. The Buzzards MC hosted the even t, a nd di d a fine job of conducting the races. In the hrst 250cc Expert rnoto , Call blas ted into the lead, foll owed by Chad Wallwork. Corky Maughan and Vice Lu cero. Maughan was on the gas, and moved by Wall work a nd Call to gai n the lead. A fierce ba ttle erupted betw een the two Suzuki p ilots , with Call reclai mi ng the lead on lap five. Lucero wor ked by Wa llwork for third, wh ile Maughan and Mar lo Painter set thei r sigh ts on Wa llwo rk. Up front, Ca ll a nd Mau ghan were put ting on a show, wi th Ca ll holdin g off Mau~han for the win. Lu cero cla imed third, wh ile a dog fight devel ope d betw een Wa llwork, Mau ghan and Pa inter. Wallwork bar ely held on to finish fourth , wh ile Painter moved by Chance for fifth, Moto two was all Ca ll, as he gra bbed the lead and wen t wire-to-w ir e C the win . or Maughan ran secon d for a lap, bef ore Wallw ork passed him for second. Lurking in fourth was Lu cero, with Corky Ma ughan n ipp in g a t his heels. Lucero an d Co r ky Ma ughan ' blew by Ch an ce Mau ghan an d Wa llwork , but Ca ll was a lready enjoyi ng a hu ge lead , Corky Ma ugh an wo rked pas t Lucero la te in the race. The finishi ng order read: Ca ll, Corky Mau ghan , Lucero, Chance Mau ghan and Pai nter. In 125cc Expert action, Ca ll gra bbed the lead over Du stin H eadma n , Ch ance Maugha n an d Cork y Maughan. H eadman sho t by Call for first, while Corky Maughan worked on little brother, Chance Mau ghan for th ird. Call batt led with Headm a n for the lead un til H eadma n went do wn . Ca ll scored the win ah ead of Corky Ma ughan, Chance Maughan , .' - Headman and Dan Came. In seco nd mo to ac tio n, Ca ll wa s th e hol eshot king. Dustin H eadman a nd Corky Mau ghan foll owed in hot pursuit. Cor ky Mau ghan quickl y shot by Hea dma n a nd went after Call. Hea dman had h i. hands full with Painter. Pain ter wor ked by H eadm an and set hi. sig hts on Corky Maughan. Up front. Call and Corky Mau gha n were a t it tooth-a nd -na il until lap four, wh en Call sta rted to pull away. Pa int er worked h is way up to Corky Maughan and got by on the fina l lap for second. Ca ll won , followed by Painter, Co rky Ma u gh a n , Chance Maughan a n d . Dustin Hea dma n. Results P/W : t. joeh jeneen (Ya m); 2. Joh n Yeagle (Yam ); 3. Tyler Cr nt in i (Ya m ). Layton Suzuki of Bartow Co unty M otions Yamaha of Marietta Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Final Round Riv~rside Riverside Riverside Riverside Pizza Box of Calho un. GA Red Carpet In n - Calhoun . GA Edward ' s Mobi l Cycle Sho p Supercross Supercross Supercross Supercross Guaran teed $1,250.00 (pro Purse) (125 Pro . 250 . OPCA Pro) Per Showdown 150% Payback Su per Mini Pro Class! Per Showdow n Gua ranteed $400.00 (ATV Pro Purse) Pe r Sh owd own AMATEUR CLASSES PIW Cycle 50cc - 9yrs. J r. Cycle 6Occ. 11yrs. J r. Mini B5cc· t 5yrs. 125 Beginne.. 125C '" 125B 250 Beginne.. 250C " When t he smoke PRO CLASSES • UnlimitedAmateur Schoolboy up to 125cc · 15 yrs. + 25/25 yrs. & older Senior Men PIW ATV60cc • 12yrs. ATV2 Stroke ATV4 Stroke dears. and t h e ' 125 Pro • 250 - Opon Pro • Super Mini Pr o rockin, will you be t h e OUT LAW that's • ATVPro • $4()() GUlr anteed 2508 · UnlimitedAmate - anysizebike. amateur. ridersonlyl ur The Best Hamburgers This Side Of Ttmn_fJ bleachers stop 150%Payback '-- '-"-_~ .g ot everbody talking?" Dire ct ion s : Ta ke exit #129 off 1 -75 in Ca lho un, GA. ' Follow Highway 53 We s t to McDa niel Station Rd., then follow signs _I Exclusively Radials Prect ice 6:00 p.m. Admission $6.00 Rece 7 :00 p.m. Thru 6 yrs . old FREE Rider Entry Fee Amateurs -. Pros $15 .00 $25 .00 Pee Wees $12.00 For More-Information call (404)928-3053 or (404)629-4450 Special of the Week! 15/61· \7 Rear Radi al Sli cks for 4.50" rims Soft, Med. or Enduro co mpounds $99.95 Hi-Sport TX23 Radials 160/60ZR17 Soft or Med. 180/55ZR17 Soft o~ Med. Now available in two compounds Soft - peak adhesion for sprint racing Med. - F series features consistant adhesion over an extended tread , wear life. Road Race Slicks Call for correct tire applications. Slicks not for highway use 12/60-16 S10 13 or S 10 14 Front 13/60-16 S1014 orS1014 Front 16/62-1 7 S 1523 Soft Rear 18/67-17 S1423 Soft Rear 18/6 7 -17. S 1433 Long wear Rear 18/67-17 S 14 24 Extended life Rear 3.50" Rim 3.50" 5.00" 5.50/6.00" 5.50/6.00" 5.50/6.00" .. ..",.. ~1W67'1:I TI:7RCS.. '.800-628-4040 At.. P.o . Box 861. Wil braham MA 01095 29

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