Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 08 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Boykin (Ho n ); 5. Jon Nelson (SU1); i . Jo hn Nico la us {Ka w ]: 5. Ch ris Kawasaki (Kaw ). 60 NOV : I. Robert Blak e (Kaw) ; 2. J ess Medley (Raw ). 80 BEG : I. Bobby G arcia ( Ka w ); 2. ) 1$5 Medley (SU 3. 1); j 3500 Bowden (Ka w); i. David Sherro w (S UI ): 5. Sophis Herrera (Raw ). 125 REG: L .leU Van T assel (S U1); 2. Matt Lorenzo (S UI ); 3. Ca sey Musick (Ra w); 4. Derrik Cox (H a n); 5. Ted Pickel ( Yam ). *Good Racer Finance Program *Lowest Honda Prices *We Won't Be Undersold onANY Hondas *Open 7 DaysA Week *Great Parts People *!tEWA.ItD * WANTED 1M RACERS FO~EDIATEL Y OFF-ROAD RA BERT'S : llelVard: CE TEAM 125 NOV: I. Ray McLa ughlin (Ha n); 2. John Culwell (Kaw); 3. Ql.ris Pla rero (SU1); 1. Bria n Du eck (SUI ): 5. Jimmy Scott (SU1). 123 INT : I. Josh Boykin (Han ); 2. Carev j ones (Ha n); .5. Gn=g Allen ( Ka w ); 4. Chris Kawasaki (Kawl; 5. Mark Klau ser ( Ka w). 125 PRO : I. Pat Bennett (Sw) : 2. Jon Nelson (Suz); 3. Jack Azevedo (Sw): 4. Da n McCann (Suz). 250 BEG: I. Jo hn Pauull o (Ha n); 2. Frank Doug hert y [H on]; 5. Ga ry T a ylor (H a n); 4. jason Soa r~ ( Ra w) ; 5. Do ug ~OS(' • Up to 20% off TeChnical S Honda Parts • Large Inv UPPOrt Parts emory of CR & XR : UPS & COD " . (Kaw ). 250 NOV: I. Hen ry Arm enda riz (SUI). 250 INT: I. Chris Kawasaki (Kaw); 2. Ron Gilliga n (H on); ". Don Knap p (S UI ); 4. Pau l Epley (S Ul) . 250 PR O: 1. Jon Nico la us [ Kaw ], 500 BEC : I . Eric T o rgerso n (Hon). , 500 NOV : I. Ray Mcuughlin (H O n): 2. Doug We5l (H on ); ". Mike Wnl (H a n ); 4. Brad Phillips (H on); 5. Gug Micha el (Hon). !tOO PR O: I. G len n Han son (Ra w); 2. Dave Matheson (Ha n). 25-29 BEG : I. Fra nk Dittman (H e n): 2. Man Lo renzo (Suz); " . J am es w eisner (Ya m ); 4. Grr-gBuder (Yam ); 5. Bill Wyman Special R Da lly ace • eaR & XRs Team Prices On test info On • oCOntingency ,iR SUPPOrt vernight oney from HondParts .ordering a avaIlab le (l-t on). 25-29 NOV : 1. Skip G uinn (Kaw); 2. Eric Henl ey (Kaw ); 3. Ryan Mm ke (SUl); 4. Brian Ferro (Sw:). VET NO V: 1. Roben Fields (H a n ); 2. Sha ne Wrigh l (Ya m) ; 3. Shawn Lee (H on); 4. T imo thy Hagberg (Ho n). VET INT : I. Jerry w c ht gemmh (Ho n). VET PR O: l. Joh n Wills (H a n). Volpe, Stevens victorious at Gateway Road Race By Mar k Oldh am EAST ST. LOUIS, IL, JULY 28 Paul Volpe scored his second stra ight 100kil om eter ro ad rac e vict or y in th e th ird round 01 the MCRA lOOK Series. Grabb ing the lead in the first turn o n th e o pe n ing lap, Suzuki GSXR I 100-mo unted Volpe led the race wireto-wire. Mall Wionnacker was second o n th e star t but could not match Vol pe 's early pace 01 low I-min ute, 39-second and high 1:38 la p tim es. Alter 10 laps. Volpe had a seven -second lead o ver Wi rma cker , who wa s aboard a Kawasaki 750. Behind th e lro nt r unn in g d uo, Kerry Sherma n held th ird until lap 12 when Mall Macheca a nd h is Bimota 600 took over the ... sho w po sition. On laps 19 and 20, Vol pe's lap times slo wed to 1:42s as he encounte red heavy traffic, T ha t allowed Winnacker to close to within th ree seconds 01 the lead er and with six lap s to go it appeared as il Winnacker had a chance 01 catch ing Volpe . But the race was red-flagged o n lap 22, due to multiple cras hes in turn . . eig h t. The resu lts went m to th e book with Vo lpe maki ng it two in a ro w a nd Win nacker hav ing to settle lor second lor the second stra ig h t race o f the series. Mach eca was third , Sherman lourth an d Dan ny Lowry li lth. And rew Perkin s, riding a Yama ha TZ250 , worked hi s way u p from a 15t h row start to fin ish sixth overall a nd first in the Med iu mweig ht Superbike class. Seventh overall and first in Med ium weight Productio n went to Mark Middl ekaull. Terry McCann was eighth overa ll a nd ru n ner-up in Med ium weig h t P roductio n. David Stevens con ti n ued h is domin ation of the Lightweight lOOK Series, scoring h is third straig h t win in as many ro unds. After running all alo ne in second pl ace lo r much 01 the race. Scou Holsch er had to hold 011 a chargi ng Mall Mein ert in th e late sta ges o f the race to ea rn the runner-up hon ors. The checkered flag saw Steven s lak e the win a lmos t a full minu te ah ead 01 Holsch er, who finished second, jus t a bike lengt h in front 01 Meinert. . Tim G ust , ridi ng a Honda 600, won the Riders School Race. ahead 01 Pa ul Garren a nd Jeff Kramer. . ~-- -HONDA . r~°:l\Tn4. '--' Come ride with us. .us. ...... '--'... & XR Headquarters _ _ . . _. -------~Honda's Newest and Soon to be Largest eR & XR Support Dealer - ~~"''r - ~ . THE MO TORCYC LE M A L L _Fm . . . ~~ ..., 900 W FOOTHILL BLVD , AZUSA, CA .. 818 334-1288 - ., '92 's ARE ON THE WAY ORDER YOURS NOW! • YAMAHA Presents The MOTOCROSS FALL CLASSIC so~WtERN S -,eptember 15 r-- $2 , 000 CASH PURSE AMATEUR TR OPHIE S To A ll Classes 5 0 cc thru Su per Senior T~1:'~:P~~~~ ~~e~~C:;:~~;~~ ~~7~S the 1991 saries. Show them yoor t hanks by demanding their products when you buy ~DUNZ,OP ..". 7 ~earl ~~ ~.~!) flURY. ~~-~ I , . .~ ~ ~4.U ~ . Blountville, Tenn. I . . REGIONAL ~HAMPIONSHIP _ . ~YAMAHA 6h ~~t

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