Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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jeremy Whatle y {Ka w }; 12. Brian Wheeler (KTM ); 13. Stuart Co yle (Ho n ); 14. David Wijnants (Ra w); 15. Marc v elken eera (H o n); 16. J orgen Gusta[sson (Kaw); 17. G. Marco Faussone (H on ); 18. Peter Reinholdsson (Ka w): 19. J ean Blan ch y (Kaw); 20. Jared Smith (H on) ; 2 1. Carlo Hulsen (Ho n); 22. Per Ben~lSson (Ka w ); 2S. Mauro Moretto (Hon) ; 24. Ch nstrr Olsen (Hon); 25. Dario Dellan toni o (Hen): 26. Fred Van Loo n (KT M); 27. J ohan Boo nen (KTM); 28. Mathia. O lsson [ Ka w) . Time 4&27.98 MOTO %: I. Oeorges J obe ; 2. J acky Martens: 3. Pau l Mal in; 4. Kur t Lj u n gqvist (Hon); 5. J o Ma rten s; 6. Kees Van der Ven (Hon); 7. Joel Smers: 8. Dirk ~ ken. (Hon); 9. Walt er Banolt n i (Hbg); 10. David WtJnan " (Kaw); I I. Ronny w ecseenraed (Kaw); 12. Stuart Coyle; 13. Sorer! Mortensen; 14. Karl Sulzer (Hon ); 15. Stefan Lars son (Kaw) : 16. J ean Blan ch y; 17. Mervyn Anstie (H on ): 18. Bill y Li les; 19. Siegfried Bauer; 20. Ar LO Pan ttila; 21. Robert Scot t (Ra w ); 22. Bri an w hee ler : 23. Ma rc Vel ke nee rs: 24. P er Bengtsson: 25. Carlo Hulsen; 26. Christa Ol sen ; 27. Mauro Morello; 28. J orgen Gustafsson; 29. G . Marco Fa usson e. Time 49:15.44 0 1A: I. J acky M~ nen. (KT M); 2. Georges Jobe (Hon); 3. Pa u l Mal in (Kaw ); 4. Jo Marlen . (H a n ); 5. J oel Smets (Hon ): 6. Kurt Ljungq visl (H on ); 7. Arto Panttila (H o n); 8. Bi1ly Liles (Ra w); 9. Ken Van der Yen (Hon); 10. Sore n Mortensen (Ka w ); 11. Da vid T h? rpe (Kaw); 12. Dirk Oe ukens (Hon); 13. David WIJnants (Kaw); 14. Walt er Bartol ini (H bg); 15. Stuart Coyle (Ho n); 16. Siegfried Bau er (Ka w): 17. Ron ny w eustenraed (Kaw); 18. Je remy Whatle y {Kaw} 19. Brian Wheeler (KTM); 20. Karl Su lzer (H on); 21. Stefa n Larsson (Ka w): 22. Marc Velkeneer s (H on). WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 500 MX SERIES POINT STANDINGS: I. Geor ges jobe (234): 2. J acky Marlen, (223); 3. Pau l Mal in (li8); 4. Dirk Oe ukens (145); 5. Kun Nicoll (132); 6. (TIE) Bill y ~ Ies/Ar ~ Panuila (130); 8. J o Mart ens (122); 9. Kurt Ljungq vist (121); 10. David Thorpe (99); I I. J ohan Boon en (84); 12. (TIE) K= Van der v en/jeremy Whatley (82); 14. Soren Mort ensen (74): 15. Ronn y weusten raed (66); 16. Mervyn Ansti e (59); 17. J oel Smets (54); 18. Carlo Hulsen (52); 19. J ared Sm ith (46); 20. Walter Banolin i (37). World Championship 125cc MX Series: Round 11 B best at German GP eirer By Da ve Smith REIL, GERMANY, AUG. 4 ob Moore predicted before the German GP that he would take Stefan Everts all the way to the last round of the World Championship 125cc MX Seri es before co nceding th e World Championship to th e Belgian. And the Californian did just that in Germany, ably assisted by German Pi t Beirer, who before the day started had never even won a GP mota. Yet there Beirer was at the top o f the podium aft er posting I-2 mota finishes for the overall victory in hi s h om e GP l Moore kept himself mathematically in the titl e hunt with 3-1 rnoto performances as championship leader Everts finished second in th e first mota then faltered in rnoto two and ended up in fifth place. Everts was unable to clinc h th e ti tle and left Germany with a 34-point lead o ver Moo re with the fina l GP 10 be run August 18 in j a pan. Pedro T ra gter got the holeshot at th e start of the first 40-m inu te p lus twolap mota bu t his front whee l was hed out in the first corne r and he went dow n. That gave the lead to 125cc Wor ld Champion Donny Schmit, th e Minnesotan wh o was ri di n g his first race since he broke his th umb and collar bone at the May 26 Hungarian GP, with Everts and Beirer chasing h im from second and third, Moore was down in th e field after a poor start. Beirer eventually wore down th e two Bieffe Suzu ki teammates an d pa ssed t h~m to ta ke the lead . Once ou t fro nt, Beirer refus ed to surr ender h is lead as ini tiall y Everts tri ed to co me back before the German p ulled away to a 17-second win. Schm it's rea ppearance in the series lasted app ro xi mately 10 laps. He had crashed durin g the mo rning's practice sessio n a nd aggrav at ed h is thumb injury, and a punctured tire befor e th e half way point made it impossible for hi m to contin ue. " It was so pa in fu l landi ng off the ma ny jumps and I couldn't hold on B Pit Beirer won his first- ever 125cc G P in hi s native Germany_ for the pain ," said Schmit , who didn' t attempt to ride the second mo to, After co ming aro und 12th ai the end o f th e fir st la p, Moore ch a rged throughout th e. race and worked hi s way through the field until he was third. The German-license holder got Everts in hi s sights late in the race, but Moore never go t close eno ug h to cha ll en ge and fin ished th ird, 16 seconds behind the Belgi an. Moore was just four seconds clear of fourth-place Greg Albertijn, while Yves Demaria crossed th e finish line fifth with Remy Van Rees on h is tail. Californian Will ie Surratt finished sevent h. Moore followed holeshot man Beirer around the first corne r at the start of mota two, while Everts comp letely blew the start with the knowledge that he could clinch the title. As Everts moved through the field , the calcu lations started to be made. When Everts was up to sixth and Moore was still second, it was realized that he could indeed wrap up the title. Everts had a titanic struggle with Joakim Karlsson over fifth , while Alb ertijn and Tragter had their o wn struggle for third going a short distan ce ahead . Everts appeared to be ab le to mov e through to third, but as he made his strike Moore took over th e lead from Beirer as the German began to tire and made one o f his few mistakes. Moore left Beir er six seconds behind at th e finish , wh ile Tragter prevailed in hi s battle with Albertijn to finish third. After pa ssin g Karlsson, Evert s settled into fifth wh ere he finished 15 seconds behind Albertijn to leave the final battle for j ap an . Surratt was forced to retire after six laps wi th a broken exhaus t pipe, and he is anxious for the seaso n to end so h e ca n ret u r n h o m e to sout h er n Cal ifornia. " I' m fed up of living in a bus an d I want to get back 10 sanity," said Surratt. " It' s taken me two weeks to figure out how th e sho wer wor ks!" 0'1 Resul ts MOTO I: I. P it Beir er (SUl ); 2. Stefan Evens (SUl ); 3. Bob Moore (KT M); 4. Greg Albert ij n (Hon); 5. Yva Demari a (Suz); 6. Rcm y Van R ees (Kaw): 7. Will ie Surra tt (Hon); 8. J oa kim Karlsson (Kaw); 9. Mar cel Van Drunen (Ha n ); 10. Andr ea Bartolini (Suz); 11. Frederic Via lJe (Kaw); 12. J erom e Belval (SUl) ; 13. Frederi c Bolley .(Ya m ); 14. Cra ig Pra rley (Ha n) ; 15. Erw in Mach tlinger (Hon); 16. Mat tia . Ni l~s~n (Su a): 17. Ch arrd Sweebe ยท(H on ); 18. Chri stian Burnha m (Hon ); 19. Kim-Alex O lsen (SUl); 20. Thierry Klutz (KT M); 2 1.Jimmy Verbu rgh (SUl) ; 22. Derek Gra ham (Ha n); 23. Cla us Nielsen {Ka w}; 24. Christian Man ucci (SUl ). MOTO %: I. Bob Moo re; 2. Pi , Beirer : 3. Pedr o Tragter: 4. Greg Albert ijn; 5. Stefan Evens; 6. J oa ki m Karlsson ; 7. And rea Ba rtolini; 8. Erw in Machtlinger ; Q Rem y Van Rees: 10. Frederic VialIe; 11. Bern ard . M a ga i ~ (Kaw); 12. Ge ra ld Delep ine (Kaw): 13. Fred erick Werner (H us) : 14. J erome Belvak 15. Cyri l Porte (SUI ); 16. Claus Niel sen ; 17. Pa u l Cooper (Yam ); 18. Jimmy Verburgh (502); 19. Kim-Alex Ol sen ; 20. Derek Grah am ; 21. Markus Becker (SUl) ; 22: Cra ig Pra rley; 23. Ja n Van Oo rschot (Han ); 24. GIlle. Egman (SUl); 25. Thierry Godefroid (Ka w) . WORLD CHAMPJOSHIP 12S MX SERIES POINT STANDINGS: I. Stefan Evens (367); 2. Bob Moo re (333); 3. Pedro T ra gter (240); 4. Yves Dem ari a (181); 5. (TIE) Will ie Surratt/Andrea Banolin i (153); 7. Marcel Van Drunen ( ISO); 8. Greg Albenijn (140); 9. Pit Beirer (136); 10. J oa kim Karlsson ( 132). 35