Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Georges J obe lost two championship points to Martens after posting 3-1 finishes.
He leads Martens by II points in the standings with two GPs remaining.
Jacky Martens captured the overall victory at the Citadel with 1-2 moto finishes,
Martens claims the
WIn at the Citadel
By Alex Hodgkinson
acky Marte ns moved two points
closer to 500cc World Ch am pionship leader Georges J obe as he
scored the overa ll victory in th e
Belgian G P, held at the famo us Ci tad el
Each of th e two titl e rivals from
Belgium won o ne of the 40-minu te
plus two-lap motos, but Martens was
the runner-up to Jobe in the second
race to clinch the overall victory. Since
Jobe finished thi rd in mo to on e. he
ga ve up two points to Martens and now
holds an l l -point lead in the stan din gs
with two GPs remaining (th e August
II Luxem bourg round and the August
25 U.S. ro und).
England's Paul Malin led in bo th
motes, but ended the day with 2-3 mo to
fin ish es to complete the to p three
overa ll. His points for the day lifted
him back into third in the standings,
but he has no chance of winning the
cham pionship.
American Bill y Liles once again had
a frustrating day. but although he is
tied for six th in the standings, he still
rem ains only 18 · points away from
third -place Malin . Liles fought
through th e du st after a bad start to
fin ish fifth in moto one, then he was
in vol ved in a collision before the first
tum at the start of moto two and scored
no points in the moto.
At the beginning of th e year, Belgium declared the ancient Citadel
fortress a national mo nument. threateni ng the GP. But at the req uest of
the loca l govern ment, the monument
was exemp t from the normal law s
concerni ng such sites so that the GP
could continue. The GP course starts
in the Ci tadel Esp lan ade, wh ich is like
an are na in the shadow of the old
for tress. which sits at the top of a hill.
The riders then drop into the forest ,
going betwee n huge trees and under
old stone bridges.
A portion of the trac k also traverses
a cobblestone street, where spectators
can sit at tables o n a cafe porch to
watch th e action. It was at this cafe
wh ere 1983 500cc World Ch ampion
Hakan Carlqvist stopped to sip a beer
on his way to winning both rno tos in
hi s last G P victory before he retired
in 1988. After climbing back through
the woods, the riders make a spectacular lea p ba ck onto th e Citadel
gro unds.
The two title candi da tes ma de the
best starts at' the start of moto one. but
i n th e lon g . sweepi ng firs t turn
Mart ens took full adva n tage of hi s
ins ide pos ition and pushed Jobe out
toward the fence. It was a tactic which
pa id off, and for Martens the result was
j us tified.
" J obe cu t acros s me and we touched.
tha t is wh y I pushed him ou t," said
Jobe wasn't angry with Martens and
ga ve a slig h tly different versio n of wha t
hap pened.
" We to uc he d. but it wa s Di rk
Geuk ens who p ushed me right o u t in
the first tu m and then he held me up
[or severa l laps by weaving a ll over the
tra ck!"
Ma lin had cu t under them all to take
the lead with Martens second, an d th e
two soon opened up a tremendous
advantage wh ile J obe, L iles and threetime 500cc Worl d Champion David
Thorpe were at the back of an -eightma n pack disputin g thi rd.
" I was at the back of tha t pack,"
explained Thorpe. ," The d ust was so
bad in the trees that I just had to sit
there and try to follow Bill y (Li les).
If I had tried to move forward, I would
have probab ly en ded up wrappe d
arou nd a tree. "
After 15 mi nutes the visio n began
to improve slig htly as Arto Panttila
and J ohan Boonen broke clear in third
and fourth whi le the other three were
try ing to rind a way past the fading
fifth -place Joel Smets, Once J ob e got
past Smets, he quickly caug h t up to
Boonen and Panttila, but by that time
he was already more than half a minute
behind the fleeing leaders and rode a
conserva tive race once he had taken
over thi rd p lace withou t mu ch
oppositio n . .
J obe ho ped that his po ints loss to
Ma rt en s, who sti ll trail ed Mal in,
would be restricted 10 jus t two po ints.
But with four laps to go , Marten s
closed in on Mal in .
"It didn 't ma tter if he got close
because it is so difficult 10 pass an d
I wasn '{ tired," Mal in said. " At a
corner in the woods a backmarker
kn ocked me off. I shouted to him and
he moved over, but just as I went u nd er
in the tum he cu t across me again. "
Martens quickly went past and rode
10 the win , while Malin recovered to
sa lvage second, 27 seconds behind
Martens and 13 ahead of Jobe. Pant tila
finished seven seco nds beh in d J obe in
fou rth wi th Li les righ t in hi s trac ks.
Like Liles, T horpe had also passe d
Srnets an d he fin ished sixt h, 20 seconds
dow n o n Liles. Seventh went to Smets
followed by J o Martens , Soren Mortensen and Siegfried Bau er as the lower
leaderboard sa w a host of riders
disappear late in the race.
Geukens broke a shock [our laps
[rom th e end, Boonen l ost a lap with
a carburetor problem. a n d Kurt
Ljungqvist broke a wh eel. J erem y
Whatley hurt hi s left ankle in a crash
wi th Ronny Weustenraed, but he
managed to finish 11th.
At the start of race two it was again
Mal in a t the front o n the open ing lap
with Walter Bartol in i beh ind him
leading Jobe and Jacky Mart ens as th ey
left the Esp lan ad e. Liles and Geuken s
colli ded on the sta rt straigh t and went
" It was all (Ro nny ) Weu stenraed's
fault, " cla imed L iles. " He veered to the
right an d pus hed me into Dirk. Then
I [ell down agai n in the first comer
and bro ke the front brak e lever. "
T h orp e. Mo rten sen , Bau er and
several ot her riders went down in a big
heap in turn two. T ho rpe was forced
o u t o n lap two when his chai n brok e.
By the end of the first lap, J obe was
bitin g at the rear wh eel of Malin and
l'tnrten s was all over Bartolini for
third. It wasn 't lon g before J obe was
racing to a 32-second victo ry.
" In the du st today I knew tha t I had
to the front quickly," said J ob e.
For a long time it looked as though
J obe and Marten s, who had passed
Bartolini for third, would end the da y
with eq ua l po ints [or the th ird suc cessive GP. But second-pla ce Malin
had no answer to Marten s' cha rge after
30 minutes.
" Jobe go t me when I overshot a
comer, but Marten s j ust rode around
me wh en I started 10 get tired," said
Mal in . " It's been a lo ng tim e since I
fin ish ed two 45-mi nu te motos."
M artens could n' t cha rge an ywhere
near J obe and settled for second, 22
seconds ahead of the fadin g ' Mal in .
Ljungvist and J o Martens rou nded out
the top five, both a considerab le distance
apart. Smers scored another sevenh
behind Kees Van der Ven, Geukens
finished eight, whi le Bartol in i had
dropped back to ninth at the finis h C'
TIMED PR ACIlCE: I. Georges J o~ (2 min utes.
55.0 1 seco nds ); 2. David Thorpe (.:55.58); 3. Pau l
Malin (2:55.9 1): 4. Ro nny weusten raed (2:56.74); 5.
Ana Panuila (2:56.89); 6. Jacky Man