Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 08 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Larkin flies at Sturgis Half Mile By Susan Leuthold STURGIS, SO, JULY 7 Kelly La rkin claimed the Open class mai n event win at th e Sturgis Ha lf Mile a fter a ba ttle wi th Mark La rive. . La rkin lV"bbed the lead at the start of th e main . Larive sta yed o n his rear wh eel un til co rner three. of th e Iirst lap wh en he passed on the ou tside to ta ke th e lead. Larive's lead was short-lived as La rk in motored past in corner fou r. This was the last serious cha llenge La rkin received fro m the rest of the pack as he pulled aw ay for a decisive win , leaving the rest of th e field to duel for seco nd spot. Larive stayed in second pl ace" un ti l lap six when Tom Troudt blew pa st on th e o u tside to ta ke over second. Dal e Jenneman seized th e sam e opportun ity a nd ended up in thi rd place beh ind Troudt at th e fini sh. In the Vintage ma in for riders over 50 years old, Thomas Robertson pulled a way in th e first and seco nd corners with Norm Lehfeldt in pursuit. Leh feld t go t a good driv e co m ing O Ut o f t urn l W O , ca ta p u lti ng him p ast Robertson on the back ch u te. Leh feldt kept the gas on for the win. Meanwhile, Dua ne Sandin was third in li ne and working his way up 10 challenge Ro ber tson. Duane Sa nd in was third in line a nd wo rkin ~ hi s way up to cha llenge Rob ertson. Sandin ma de h is move on lap three wh en he drove hard int o tum th ree to ta ke o ver second. Lehfeld t captured . the win over Sa nd in and Robert so n. Robert Jones was first off the line in the 500cc Pro- Am main wi th Kell y Larki n in seco nd. On th e back st raigh t , T h o m as Sherman an d Ran dy Feld haus sn uc k past La rkin to take over second a nd third, respectively . Sher man set his sig h ts o n J o nes, doggi ng hi s rear wheel. On the fou rt h lap Sherman was ab le to push by on the hig h groove. Sherman in crea sed hi s lead to tak e th e win . Jones, rid in g, a 250cc mach in e in the 500cc class , successf ully defen ded second place a lter repeated attempts to pass by Feldha us. Jon Jor dan took the lead wi th Johnny Isaacs i n lOW in th e 250cc Vintage ma in. O n lap two in the fron t stra ight, Isaa cs was ab le to po wer past 10 tak e over first. Isaacs p ulled o ut to a su bstantial .lead , leavin g the o th er rider ' to d u ke it o ut, In the next th ree laps David Bar kley wor ked into a position to challenge J ordan . Barkl ey lined up Jordan o n the back straigh t wi th nei th er rider havin g the advantage, but co ming into co rner three Barkl ey kep t th e gas on lon ger to tak e over second place. Jordan held on to finis h third. Michael Blyth e bea t Brian Lehfeldt 10 th e first corner at the start of the 500cc Vintage main . Leh feld t held Onto second p lace until la p three wh en h is bike went in to a vio lent tank slap per, thro win g him o ver the handl ebars . This a llo wed Randy Feld haus to assume secon d place and Jeffrey Abels was th ir d. Leh feld t was unhurt, but o ut of the race. On lap six Abels slip ped off the groove a nd John Fike sn uck past o n the inside. Blyth e main tai ned his lead th roughou t th e race with Feldha us in second pl ace and Fike in thi rd a t th e fin ish. Results MIN I: I. J ~ Bla kema n (Yam): 2. Co rey Barry (Yam); 3. Da n Olso n (Kaw ). 250 DTX : I. Roben Jon n (Kaw): 2. AI Herm a nson (Hon) ; 3. Pal Sch ieffer (Ya m ). 250 PR O -AM: I. Ro bert j on es (AKW); 2. Pat Schieffer (Ya m); !.. Da n Feld ha us (Ya m ). 500 PRO-AM: I. Thomas Sherman (RIK); 2. Ro bert j on es (Kaw); 3. R.1.ndy Feldh a us ( H e n ). 600 PRO · AM: I. Bria n Andersen (R IK) 2. Dale j enn em an ; (H. D); 3. TIl omas T roudl (RIK). OPEN: I. Kell y Lark in (H -D); 2. Thomas Troud l (R lx): 3. Da le Je n nema n (H· D). VINT 25O I . Johnny Isaacs (Yam ); 2. Da vid Barklt>y (Yam ); : 3. Jon Jor dan (Yam ). VINl" 500: I. Mic hael Blylh t" (Yam); 2. Randy Fd dhau !> (BSA): 3. John Fike (BSA). VINT ?50: 1. j oh nny Isaacs (GSA); 2. Jo hn Bones (T ri) ; 3. Mickey Blythe (Tri). VINT RID ERS OV ER 50: l. Nor man L.ehfeldt (BSA); 2. Duan e Sandi n (T ri); 3. T ho mas Robt"rtsoll (BSA). lead. Conley atte mpted to retal iate im rnediatelv but came u p short o n a doub le and cras hed. McElro y went on for the win with Co n ley regr ou p in g for second . Nob les finished thi rd . Moural J r. loo ked like he had so mething to prove as he blasted aw ay fro m th e field at the stan of the seco nd mo ta . He was pursued by McElroy, Mik e Crull and Nobles. As Mo ura l pulled away , Nob les had his han ds full trying to get pa st Crull. Nob les was fina lly a ble to p ut the block pa ss on Crull an d set o ut after the leaders. Knowing th a t he did not have to beat Moural fo r the overa ll, McEl ro y cruised to the end of th e race. On th e last lap, Nobles was able to close o n McElr oy, but was never a serious threa t. Moural took th e moto wi n, whil e McEl ro y too k second a nd the overa ll. Results P/W: 1. Eric Nye (Yam ); 2. Amanda Lahr (Ya m); 3~ Dan Fowler (Ya m). 60 NO V: I. Chris McAvoy (Kaw); 2. Steve Shim izu (Kaw). 60 J R: I. Evan Laughridge (Raw); 2. Nikki Harris (Han ). MINI NOV : L Sean Reat h (SUl) ; 2. Na tha n Peterson ()(a wl: 3.Josh Fis her (S Ul); 4. Sophia Herrer a (Raw). MINI J R: I . Denni s Springs (Kaw); 2. Ju stin Brown (Yam). 125 NOV : I. J im Sh~IS (Han ); 2. Ju stin Brown (Kaw) ; 3. Dusty Fow kes (Ya m ). 125 J R: I. Mich ael Rich (SUl ); 2. SIt"Vt"Kesterson (Yam ). 250 NO V: I. Rick Benson (Ha n); Vie Hagen (Han ); 3. Bret Rose nberg (Suz). 250 J R: 1. Aaro n Rogt"fs (Han): 2. Ty Spooner {Ka w). O PEN NOV : L Mike Sage (H oll). O T : I. Robe rt KOfoOvika (Kaw). tNT: I. Mike Crull (Ya m); 2. Ja son Rit chey (Ho n): 3. Ed Kelly (Kaw). PRO; 1. Scott McElroy (SUI): 2. T im Nob les (Suz);!.. Tony McG ra th (Ha n). 2 : Larsonrails at Lake Perris Spdwy By Scott Dal oisio LAKE PERRIS, CA, JULY18 Josh La rsen found the fastest way around the track at Brian Ch urch's Lak e Perri s Speedway a nd won the Scratch main event over Bobby Sch wa rtz. . Co mi ng off the pole position on the start, Larsen beat Schwartz. Steve Lu cero an d Sca n Brant into th e firs t turn. Sch wa rtz immedia tely moved th e outside o n the dry, d usty trac k in a bid to reli eve th e youngster of the lead but the 34-year-o ld sta r 's move didn 't work and La rsen pulled aw ay whe n Schwartz wen t wid e. By lap three, Larsen had sta lked his Ru ssell Racing/ Prime Ticket/Lisa/Event T ech ni cal Serv ices Godden to a Iour-length lead , and he mainta ined th at ad van tage a ll the way to . th e Paul Neighbors' chec kered flag . Schwartz stayed in second all the way wi th L ucero and Bra nt ro unding o ut the four -rid er field . Billy Gray start ed in th e front of the eig h trid er Handicap ma in , but he did n 't sta y there long. Wo rld fndoor lee Racin g Cha mpion Charlie Venegas got an undetected ro ller on the start and was brea thing down Gray's neck by the time th ey exited turn two. Before the o pening circui t ended. Venegas p ushed his . Roc k & J ava Godden in side Gray and too k ove r the lead. Once Ven ega s moved i nt o first, he began 10 pu ll away as Gray moved in th e opposit e d irection. G ray drifted wid e in tum two o n the seco nd circ uit an d before he co uld ge t back in the line, he had dropped to the back of the pack. Dou g Bo wers and Bran t took o ver the secon d a nd th ird spots on the seco nd lap. O ne lap la ter, Brant's rear tire cl ip ped th e edg e of a hol e and his w ho le bi ke became air borne. Amaz ingly, by th e time he ca me down he had flown past Bowers a nd was in th e second spot. Ven ega s had a good -sized lead, but Brant was slo wly d osing in o n hi m . U nfo rt u na tely for Brant, he hit th e same hol e two more times. whi ch cost him preciou s tim e in hi s pursu it of th e lead er. Brant tried to clo se th e ga p o n th e fin al lap, but wh en the checkered flag ca me down Venegas had him by a co u ple of len gths. Larsen placed ,h ird with Bowers fourth . '0 Results McElroy masters Cydeland MX By Michael Rich aileD, CA, AUG. 2 ScOll McElro y rode hi s Works Connection Suzuki to the overa ll win in th e co mbined Pro/Intermediate cla ss .at th e fifth round of the Sinisalo Summer MX Seri es at Cycleland Speed way. Lowell Moural Sr. jetted into th e lead at the start. followed by McEl ro y a nd Sea n Conley. Within a few turns, both riders had gOllen around Mo ural. Meanwh ile, Lowell Mou ral Jr. was making his way through th e pack after a poor start. On th e seco nd lap, Mou ral Sr. went down, movi ng T im Nobl es to third. On th e nex, lap, Mou ral Jr. caught and passed Nobles o ver the doubles, but Mou ral's charge soo n came to an end with mechanical p roblem s. Back up fro nt, Co nley ha d opened a substantial lead over McElro y. But o n the sixth lap, Conley lost his fro nt wheel and went down allo wln!; McElro y 10 close. With just two laps rem aining, McE lro y blew past Co nl ey in th e roc kers to steal th e SCRATCH : I. Josh LarK'n (Grln);2 . Robby Schwanz (Wes); 3. Sieve Lucero (Gd n); 1. Sro n Branl (J aw ). HD CP : I. Cha rlit" Vent"'K3s (Cdn); 2. Sco tt Brant (jaw): 3. Jos h Lanen (Gdn); 1. DoUK Bowers (Wnl. 0 -2: J. Rick Webb (Wn); 2. Kevin Rubi o (G M); 3. j osh Edwards (G M); 1. Crash wall Cardo na (Wes). Myers, Roth roost Riverfront MX By N uklear Ne ukam MARYSVILLE, CA, JUL 't1 Y Team G reen Kawasak i rid ers Sco tt Myers a nd Brian Roth were the top riders a t Mary svill e's Riverfro nt Park CMC Ni ght Mo'ocross. Myers claimed the 250cc a nd 500cc Pro class win s, and Rot h sp lit motos with Myers in the 125cc Pro class to score th e overall win. Myers flew hi s FMF/ CPE -bac ked Kawasak i to th e win in both 250cc Pro m ot os in co m vinci ng style, to pping Sha un WOOlen in bot h o ut ings. Wooten was ab le 10 cha llenge in th e ear ly goi ng , bu t shoc k fade slowed his pace in the £in a llaps. Wooten' s pa ir of seco nds neued h im second overa ll. ~upe o vercame a last place start in th e fIrSt mo to a nd advanced to third by the Jimmy Chamberlain (53) sails past Kevin Smith on his way to the 250cc Novice dass win at L A. County Raceway. Smith was the runner-up in the 500ccBeginner class. checkered flag. A better start in moto two still resu lted in the sa me th ird place fini sh , how ever , but was good for th ird overa ll. Myers won the firs t 125cc Pro rnoto by a com fortable margin, with Roth in for second, ahead of Pa t Gomm and Scott McElroy. But in mot o two , Myers tangled wi th another rider and Roth moto red to the win. Myers had trouble sett ling back into h is pace. and was o nly abl e 10 bri ng it up to seco nd, still good for second overall. A seco nd moto third earn ed McEl ro y th ird overall , wi th Go m m fourth ove ra ll . Tony McG rath , combi ned a 6-5 score to ro und ou t the to p five. Results 125 PRO: I. Brian Ro th (Kaw); 2. Scott Myers (Hon); 3. See n Mc Elroy (5 02); 4. Pal Co mm (H on) : S. T on y McG ralh (Ho n ). 250 PR O: I. Scott Myers (Kaw); 2. Shawn ,Woolm (Hus) ; 3. Da ve Co upe (H on); 4. Bria n Roth (Kaw); 5. Ra ndy Chapma n (Suz). 250 INT: I. T u ler Hummel (502 ); 2. Dustin Bloomfield (Han ); !.. Scou Cow ley (Kaw); 4. Phillip Deb ter (Ho n); 5. Kevin G reen (Kaw). . VET PRO: 1. Dave Coupe (Hon ); 2. Aln j or gensen (Suz); 3. j ohn Volk (SUI). VET MSTR: I. Kevin Henry (KTM );2. Sieve Ferr on i (Kaw). VETINT: I . T on y Miln a (Ya m ); 2.PerrySherman (KTM ). VET JR: 1. Eric Ha rvey (H a n ); 2. Sieve Gary (Ha n ); 3. William An eu III (Ha n ): 4. Brian Od ell (Kaw); 5. Doug Percey (Kawl. OT INT: I. Tom Step hen, (Kaw); 2. Sieve Doll (H us). OT j R: I. Russ Pad en (So2); 2. Don Fle nn er (Kaw); 3. , Rober t Koso vilk a (Kaw); 4. Richar d Slone (Raw). 60: 1. J ustin Scu llen (Kaw); 2. Sea n Recker (Kaw ); !.. T im Goua, la ulit: (Kaw); 4. Rand y Har ma n (Kaw): 5. Shawn r Wilson ( ~w). 80 EX: I . j ohn Leddy (Suz). 80 INT: I. J e£1 Baldw in (Kaw); 2. Kenn y Da vis (SUI ). 80 jR: I. Brant Steiner (Han); 2. Ben Sha nk (Suz). 80 BEG: I. )Ot"I Gagnon (H a n ): 2. Ryan Arm.slIong (Yam); 5. G len Wi lham s (Yam ); 4. T ra vis Vetera n (Ya m ); 5. T im O rossala user (Han). 125 BEG : Bob Beauchamp (Sw:); 2. Bruce Doimas (H e n ): 3. Ri ckey McCa nn (Yam); 4. Carey Wilder (H on); 5. G reg Ohlsen (Kaw). 125 J R: J. Aaro n Canuella (H a n ); 2. Brett Wh itmore (Kaw ): 5. Bria n Roc ks (Ya m ): 4. Jaso n G arcia (H a n); 5. Ian Radi ch (SUI). 125 t NT: 1. Michael Brande-s (Kaw); 2. Kun Kuhn (Kaw); !.. T roy Cardi el (SUl); 1. Mark Klau ser (Kaw). 250 JR: l. Derek Wadkin s (H a n); 2. Monty Wa rt (Yam ); !.. Kerwvn Co le (Kaw); 5. Mark Klauser (Kaw ). 250 BEG : 1. Jim Sirmo n (Ya m ); 2. Mark Terron (H a n ); 3. And y Ada ms (H a n); ". Je-sSt" Guymon (Kaw); 5. Da ~ Todd (Ya m ). 500 PR O: 1. Scott Myers (Kaw); 2. Ron Allen (H a n ). 500 J R: I. IkrTk Wadkins (Han): 2. Kervynn Co le (H a n); 3. T om Step hens (Kaw). 500 BEG : I. Peter H amn el (Hon): 2. Dou g Monlague (H on ); 3. Allm Hagner (Ha n); 1. Will iam Gibb( Hon); S. Ma rc Sm ith (Han ). HatCh hammers LACR Motocross By T ony Alessi PALMDALE, CA, JULY 28 Edd ie Hatch hammered his way to fir st o vera ll in the Vet Novi ce class at Los Angeles County Ra ceway. Tony Mason led th e char ge in th e first moto followed by J ack Brad y and Hat ch . Hatch was quick di spose of Brady and was into second by ,h e fifth tum. Mason ro lled through a cho p py section of rockers, but Hat ch launched hims elf off th e firs, on e and cleared the en tire set, pa ssing Maston for th e lead i n th e process. The two riders excha nged the lead several li mes over the rema ining lap s but it was Hat ch wi th th e ene rgy ad van tage as Mason faded lat e in the molO. Hal ch score d the mota victory fo llo wed by Mason and third-pl ace fini sher Alex Spinelli. Maston again look the holes ho t in th e second mo to , bu t this time Ha tch was directly behind an d pouring on the pressure. Before the end of the first lap , Mason swapped at the face of a double jump area, allowing Hat ch to squirt by for the lead. Hatch end ured the high desen temperatures and sto rm ed awa y '0 for the win. Maso n seemed sapped of energy 'and o nly rode fast enough to main tain second over Sp inelli . Bill y Paul wo n th e firs t 250cc Novice moto after J oe Ham an too k hims elf a nd seco ndplace rider J im my Ch amb erl ain o ut ear ly in the race. Haman could n 't get back in th e groove while Chamberlain rem ounted to charge back to second, inches behi nd Paul at th e finis h. Ch amberl ain got the ho lesh ot in the second mo ta and storm ed awa y to victory. Haman a nd Pau l banled (or second ear ly in th e race with Paul even tually wor ki ng pas t Haman. Cha mber lai n scored th e mo to and overa ll victory in front of Paul and third pl ace rid er Mik e Maute. Haman fell further back to finis h fifth. Results P/W A: 1. Todd Gosse taar (Yam): 2. Scoll Howe (Yam ): 3. wes Brooks (Ya m ). PIW B I: I. Jerry Mar tin ez (Yam ); 2. T im Bun tin (Yam ); 3. Jon athon Magee (Ya m); 4. Qxly Elrod (Ya m). PIW B 2: 1. Swvo Chan (Yam ); 2. Ca leb Gosse laa r (Ya m ); 3. Trevor Ryan (Ya m); 4. Erika O wen (Ya m ); 5. Ja ck Had en (Ya m). PIW MOD : 1. Sand yTheys (Yam ): 2. j oseph Neiu el (Ya m). 60 0-8: I. Caire Bu ntin ( Ka w). 60 9-11: J. Olrismpher Cosselaar ( Ka w). . 80 BEG: 1. Jonath on Schultz (Suz); 2. T odd Bane lett (Kaw); 3. Joel H ugh es (H on): 1. Mike Rella£ord (SUI ): 5. Chad Rager (Suz). 80 NO V: 1. Dan ny Wooda rd (Kaw); 2. Pat Foster (Sw:); !.. Rick Elrod (Kaw): 4. Kenn y R~ (Kaw); 5. Ch ris Neiue! (Kaw). 80 INT : l. Jay Th evs (SUI); 2. Sco u Jo hnson (Sull. 125 BEG: I. Scou Reed J r. (Raw): 2. Pa ul G ilmart in (Kaw); 3. T ony Art" (Raw); 4. Olip Ro tan (Kaw); S. Jason jone-s na (Kaw). 125 NOV : I. Ca rey Car lson (Kaw); 2. Kevin O 'Brien (H on ); 3. Ma rk Va ndewal le (Ho n); 4. David walters (SUI): S. Joe Fe r na ndez (SUI )_ 125INT: I. Tracy A, ht"l'(SUI ). 250 BEG : I. Chuck Kobt" (Raw); 2. Mikt" Od n m ( Ka w): r 3. Ray Har p (Sou). 250 NOV : I. Kack Kd l (H on ); 2. Bill y Paul (SUI); 3. Mike Maule (KTM); 4. Joe H aman (H a n ); 5. j oe Fer nan dez (SUL). 250 tNT: I. Tracy Asber (Suz); 2. Owen Dickson (Raw). 250 PRO: 1. T on y Sulek (KX) ; 2. T im Te lford (KX ). 500 BEG : L Mike Ch esbro (Ha n); 2. Kevin Sm ith (Ya m); !.. Jon Han (H an ). 500 NO V: l. j aso n T rubey (Raw); 2. Ron Wade (Kaw). 500 INT: l. Fra nk Betcher (Ho n ). JR VET BEG : 1. Mike Blair (Ho n); 2. Pasror Casanova (Kaw). JR VET NOV : I. Pete Csulak (Suz): 2. Rick Davis (Ho n ); 3. 'rim McAda rm (Kaw). JR VET INT: I. Fran klin HeleMr (H a n); 2. j ack Kdl (H a n). VET BEG: 1. Mike Roth (Kaw): 2. Mike J t"rW'Y (Ya m ); 3. U oyd Boland (Kaw). VET NOV : 1. Eddie H a tch (Yam ); 2. Tony Mason (Ya m); 3. Alex Sp inelli (Yam ); 4. Ted Wadl i.ngton (Kaw); 5. Jack Brady (Hon ). • VET INT: 1. Jere Mason (Ya m ): 2. Ola rlie Slro ng (Han): 3. e un Jam n (Yam); 1. Ja ck KelJ (Ya m). VET EX : 1. Greg Keirn (Ya m); 2. T om Webb (KTM); !.. Mike Webb (Suz); 1. c.R. Brun son (Yam); S. Randy T iu le:mit"l' (SUI ). Manchester manages Glen HelenSpeedway victory By M. So ber SAN BERNARDINO, CA, JULY31 Chris Ma nchester mane\lvered his Jawa aro und Gl en Helen 's eighth-mile ova l in im macula te fash ion to win the ei gh talap Handicap main. Manch ester look matters in to his own hands early in th e race. Star tin g on the in side spot o n the 30· yard lin e, he bad Brent Werner, Don a co rn and Doug Bowers at his right. Ahead of Manche ster o n th e IO-yard line was J im Estes and Jerry Black, bo th infrequent visitors to th e Handicap main event. As the tapes went up, Man ch ester was on the mo ve and qu ickly reeled in th e less experie nced riders. As the pac k of ri der s bunched u p in turn o ne, Estes found the pressure excessIve and gave ground to Odom. As Estes was danci ng o n th e outside wit h a do rn and th e deep dirt, Man ch ester was 39

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