Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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eLOCAL EVENTS e H icks bu ilt his lea d to two lengths o n the thi rd lap while Faria dropped 10 las t when Brant sh p ped th ro ugh on the in sid e. O n the fin a l lap , H icks pushed hi s Da sh u gger/ Quaker St a te/Milne Bro s. Wes lak e to a nearl y fo ur- lengths wh ich he carried to the checkered nag. Lucer o stayed in seco nd with Ru ssell Raci ng's Bra n t and Faria th ird a nd fourth. Seco nd year racer Randy Fa n ni n turned in a fi ne ride to win th e Second Division ma in . Ch ris Harri ngton was seco nd with Ca rlos Cardo na thi rd . Steve Gr een took top honor s in Third Div ision by defea ti n g Mark H esse a nd Gr eg Miller . In th e J u niors, Chris \Verner took th e Divi sion One m a in with I I · yea r-o ld Amber Kossuth wi nn in g in Divis ion Two. Resu lt s SC RAT C H; I. Guy H icb ( W~A ); 2. Steve Lu cero (Gdn ); 3. Scott Brilm (Jaw); 4. Mik e Fa ria (WeA) . H D€P: l. J O!>h La rsen (Cdn): 2. R UM Wagema n (G M); 3. Slew: Lu cero (Cdn); 4. Mike Far ia (Wea). 0 ·2 : I. Randy Fannin (Wn ); 2. Ch ris Harrin gton (w es): 3. erashw all Cardo na (Wl's); 4. -Tom Nor ri s (Wes). D-3: I. Steve G reen (WeA):2. Mark H esse (WeA); 3. G reg Mill er (Wes): 4. Bill G reen (Cdn), J R D· I: I. Ch ris w emer: 2. Hea th Hammonds; 3. Stephen Downin g: 4, Aaron Malle so n. JR D-2: I. Amber Xouuth ; 2. Ang l'la l', Easley dominates at West Florida Motocross By Diane Silcox Sims Expert class winner Jay Terry negotiates a section at t~e Drift Creek Dabber Trials. ta king advantage of th e spa ce on the pol e to driv e ahead towards leader Black. Followi ng Man ch ester th rough the pa ck an d into th ird place was Werner. After two laps, Manch ester pushed his way aro und Black and in to the lead . Werner also found the o utside dirt to his liking and also moved pa st Black and contin ued his chase towards Manchester . As Manchester and Wern er were esta blishing themselves out in fro nt of the pack, Gary Hicks, wh o started from the 40-yard line , drove hi s way around Venegas, Odom , Bowers and Estes un til he occu p ied third place. T hat is as far as he cou ld adva nce, however, beca use Manchester an d Werner were lex> far out fro nt and fin ished in that order. T he Scratch main saw Bobby Schwartz out of ga te two an d hold off th e challenges of Phil Co lli ns , wh o had won both hi s heats by ridin g th e deep dirt o n th e outside. Schwartz, wh o was very awar e of Collins' pr esen ce and abil ity o n the ou tside, drifted wid e co ming o ut of the turns to effectively cut off Co llins' ch an ces of drivi ng around h im , Schwartz kept Collins at bay an d finished in front. Co llins settled for second with Alan Christian third and Man ch ester fourth. Resul ts SCRATCH : I . Bob by Sch wartz (C M): 2. Phil Co llins( Wn); 3. Ala n Christian (Ja w ); 4. Oris Man chn ln' (Ja w). H DCP : I. Otris Man chnln' (Jaw) ; 2. Brent Waner Uaw ); 3. Cary Hick! (Wn); 4. Jim u tes (Wet); 5. Our li~ Venqas IW,,) . 0.2: I. JeU Carotin (Jaw); 2. Rick Webb (W n); 3. S l~ C reen (Cd n ); 4. Pa t Lin (Wes); 5. Mark Milam (Jaw ). SOCAR: 1. Dean SI~le/Dwayne King; 2. Craig Demp&~r l P('ter u wis; 5. earke Wr- vn /Emsi KumK : i . ROM Miller l d Dale ~er. Terry deans Drift Creek Trials By Russ 40 Cazier COAST RaNGE, OR, AUG. 4 Jay T erry sq ueaked o ut a 'one-po int win at Columbia O bserved Trials Association's 13th Annual Drift Cree k Dabb er, hel d just past th e Coast Ra n ge su m m i t 35 miles wes t o f Portland. Terry had lots of competition in the Expert class as he fin ished the nine-section, threeloop course with 33 poi nts and II cleans. Second p lace Kary Krah el, wh o also served as trials marshal, carded a 34/ 11 score and third·place Scott Stewart was not far behind with a 35/9 score. The Intermediate class saw another tig ht finish: J ohn Foeckler and Dave King both scored 21 po ints, but Foeckler 's I4 cleans o ver Kin g's I I gOI him th e win. Third pl ace Dave Spenst was clos e with a 23/11 score. J erry Ebert, Senior and Junior , had a good ou ting. Jerry Sr.. a reformed motocros ser of some repute. ma naged a second in the Novi ce class and hi s son won th e first · timer Beginner class on a Yamaha 60 End uro, though barely, as both he and second pla ce T im Fell ows had identical scores of 11 poi nts with seven clea ns. Scor ers had to go to "ones" to dete rmi ne th e winner. O ld hands at the even t, some of whom have ridden in a ll 13 tri als since 1979, remarked at how diff erent the area looked. The Dabber is us ually held in April or May, but a landslide closed the roa d two days before the even t's original da te and a resch edu li ng was necessary . Fuller vegetation a nd dried up stream beds ma de for a new look in th e area an d opened u p new ground for pl aci ng sections. One concern was the fact that th e Forest Service often closes the area to off-road veh icles about th is time of year due to fire hazard, but Fores t Service officials told Trials Marshal Kary Krahel that th ey weren't worried about " the trials peo ple, who alway s leave the area clea ner than th ey find it ." Resu lts EX: I. Jay Tm)' (Ya m ): 2. Kary Kra hel (Bd)j3. Sco« SiMIl r, a (Yam ). ADV: l. Rod Jacbon (Bd); 2. J im Sawtell (Ike); ! .Pa ul Endres ( Bet) . INT: 1. John FOttkln (Bd); 2. Daw King (yam): 3. Da ye Spmsl (Yam ). NOV: l. Jdf Atkison (Ya m); 2. Jerry Ebert Sr. (Yam):' 3. Wanm Bunon (Bd). BEC : 1. Jerry E~r1 Olarla Lritridge (Brt). Jr. (YOIm): 2. T im FellowI' (Fa n); 3. Speedway USA thriller to Larsen By Scott Daloisio V1CfORVlll.E, CA,JULY 20 Josh Larsen defeated Russ Wagem an by a spo ke in a thrilling p hoto fini sh to win th e eight · la p H andicap mai n event a t Mik e Su lli van's Speedway USA. St art ing a lone o n the sh o r t ya r d a ge. Wageman bui lt a co mmand ing lead early in the race. Archie Perez and T ony Biener t wer e his early pursuers, but th ey both had problems and ended up fini shing near th e tai l end of the pa ck. Perez ran second until he brushed the back chute wall o n lap two. There was a heavy blu e groov e on th e track and no o utside line, so wh en Perez slip ped off th e groove he dr opped fro m seco nd to seven th . Bienert in herit ed second when Perez had hi s problems, but he met a similar fate o n lap three. Bienert a lso slip ped off th e gr oov e and by the time he recovered he was sixth. Wageman had the race in th e bag as he still held a three-length lead over Lars en a t the whi te flag. However. as he ex ited lu rn lW O ror lhe fina l lime, Wagem an wenl wide. Larsen, on the Russell Racing/ Pri me Ticket/ E ven t Technical Services/Wizard T o o l/ Sunshine Carpets Godden, quick ly went after Wal;eman. The race-lo ng leader held onto first un nl th ey left turn four a nd headed for Ihe checkered fla g. Lars en go t inside and they crossed lh e line inch es a pa rt with Wage man doing a wheelie. The scorers a nd referee ruled th a t Larsen took lh e win by less th an an in ch. Wagem a n disagreed wilh the decision bUl was given second followed by Steve Lu cero and Na tio na l Cha m pion Mike Faria. From th e po le, Gary H icks took th e lead when the four- Ia/?Scra tch ma in go t unde rway . Steve Lucero . MIke Far ia and Scott Bran t ga ve chase . Faria and Lu cero fini shed the o pe ning lap side by side with L ucero taking ove r second early o n lap two . Lu cero, a two- tim e California Sta te Cha mpio n , tried to tak e th e lead er on the second CIrcuit, bu t H icks held him off. MILTON. FL, AUG. 3 It wa s a vic torio us even i ng fo r ' H o ndamo unted J offrey Easley as he do minated th e Sen ior Min i an d I25cc Trophy classes at West Florida MX Park. During the heat race for th e Senior Mini class, Easl ey shot off th e gate with th e lead followed by Ada m Ca in in second a nd Joey Le Blanc in third. As th e riders went into th e fir st bo wl turn, Cai n lost second to LeBlanc whil e Joey Silcox closed in on Cai n, who was now third. Silcox passed Cain in an u p hill berm to ta ke over th ird, then got by LeBlanc for second over th e tabletop, Easley pulled away with the lead as Silcox wen t down in a berm, lettin g four rider s pass by. Silcox repassed Brad Ca n no n to take fifth a nd moved in on Le Blan c, passing him in th e whoops for fourth . Easle y rode to th e checkered flag for a comfortable win. Cain too k seco nd a nd Silcox ma de a pass o n Eric Ela m over the finish jump to take th ird by only a tire len gth. LeBlanc finished fifth. In th e main event, Easley got the hol esho t as Silcox p ulled off the line in second, and Ca in held thi rd until he went dow n in th e first turn . Easley and Silcox put distance between the rest of th e class . Elam was in th ird . with LeBlanc clo sing in on him. LeBla nc pa ssed Elam for thi rd but then cra shed. Ela m a lso went down and Cain passed him for th ird . Eas ley scored the win fo llowed by Silcox in second, Cain in third and Elam in fourth. Resu l ts P/W : I. Derek For e (h j); 2. Roben McLendon III (Ya m); 3. Justin Burgt'M (Iti); 4. Don nie Oliphan l (Yam ); 5. Ja y Wdch (Yam ). JR MIN I: I. Joey LeBlanc (H on); 2. Brad Ca nn o n (Kaw); 3. Blake Dewiu (Suz); 4. Jon Si mmo ns (Hon); 5. Jason Burgos ( Ka w) . SR MINI : I; Joffrey ~ !ey [Hon): 2. J oey Silco x (Suz); 5. Adam Cai n (Hon ); 4. Eric Elam ()ta w); 5. J Ot")' LtBlanc (H on). BEG: I. Ada m Fa&t fl (Sur); 2. Ltt JohnMln (SUl); 3. Sia n o Am ph ion (Hon); 4. Tom Jon es (Hon); ~. BarT)' Ma y!'ux (SUl). 125 TROPHY: l. Joff rey Ea.lry (Hon ); 2. Craig Wool ard .. ( ~w); 3. l.. :.nry Dubrock (Kaw); 4. Tom G iroin (Suzl; 5. J oey Wilrten be (Hon ). O PEN T RO PH Y: I. J oh n Kiley (Suz); 2. Erni e Thomas (Koiw); 5. J im Kennedy (Hon ); 1. Rich ard Pea rson (Hon); ~. Cary W« ts (Ho n). VET : I. Bob Riker (Kaw); 2. J im Kenn edy (Hon ); 3. Nl'al Thom """ (Hon); 1. Craig Woo la rd (law); 5. Chuck Bdl (Suz ). PRO ·AM: 1. Barry Weinberger (Hon ); 2. Sam Redmon d (Hon ); 3. Chuck Nob les (Hon); 4. Brtt &auch amp (Hon). PR O: J. Ricky Pa lma (Ho n); 2. Ed Kiley (Hon); 3. Brei .uchamp (H on ); 4. Rarry Wrinbergn (Hon) ; 5. Ikll IkElla mon (Ho n ). Britt, Lytton score at Aztec MX By C.M. Raysin, Jr. COLO RADO SPRINGS. CO, JULY 21 , Kyle Britt and J ,P . Lytton supplied all th e actio n in th e SOcc Ama teu r cla ss al th e SRA CI M&M Connections spo nso red-race at Aztec Ra ceway. With holeshot mo ney o n the line, L ytton burst to the fro nt of th e pack to take th e lead, Ra cing in and ou t of the sandy creek bed Lytto n mai nt a in ed his lead until th e th ird lap wh en h is bi ke bogged and Britt passed him in th e finish line turn. Britt jammed in to the lead and stayed in co nlro l throughout Lhe seco nd mo lo. Lynon was able to thwart o ff a last· lap cha llenge by Cory Pearman to finis h second. Both Britt and Lyn on obtai ned enough poin ts and adva nced to th e Mini Expert class. In th e 50cc class . I I future sta rs ba tt led for the cove ted ho lesho t. As th ey ap proached th e first tu rn Cody Jensen took th e po int a nd q uic kly established a 10 seco nd lead ove r Nick Harris and Brad y Sha rp . David Pear man , who was fourt h, was co nsta n lly o n th e move a nd kept th e pr essur e o n Sha rp. On th e fin al lap th ere was a midfield coll ision and Pearman, wh o had drop ped to fifth spirited pa st th e traf fic jam a nd ad vanced 10 th ird behind J ensen and Harri s. In th e fir st 125cc Pro class mo to, Paul Lind sey grabbed th e hol eshot a nd lead . Kip Sa nde ll , who was fifth o ut o f the ga te, sta rted o ne of h is fam o us pow er dri ves and o n th e back far turn o vertook Lindsey. Li ndsey co n tin ued to p ush hard in a n attempt to sta y up wi th Sa ndell . Farther back in the pac k a ba ttle was ens ui ng for thi rd pl ace betw een G il Murra y and Davi d Gonzalez. By th e halfway poi nt Sa ndell held a 14 seco nd lead over Lindsey. Murray was in thi rd wit h Er ic Ricke in fourth . Murra y pushed Li nd sey aro u nd the track cha llenging for posit ion . On the hairpin turn a t the hack o r the track Mu rray o vertook Li ndsey. Sand ell , Mu rra y a nd Lindsey were th e to p three fin ishers, respect ively. In th e seco nd mo to Lindsey agai n go t th e ho leshot, but was qu ickly passed by Sandell , wh o main tained th e lead and took the win. Lindsey had to battle the. en tire race with Murray and Revo ir. On the same tum where Murray passed Li ndse y in the first m o to , Revoir shot ar ound Li nds ey to tak e seco nd. Li ndse y ended u p th ird wi th Murray fo urth. The o verall win went to Sande ll. R esu lts 60 NOV : J. Dust y Rill'y (ltiIw); 2. Damontcabone (Kaw); 3. j osh ua Murphy (Ka w ); 4. james Reimer (Ka w ); 5. Clad Sha rp (Kaw). 60 AM: 1. Travis Ril!'y (law); 2. JO$ hua Catron (Kaw): 3. Andrew Short (Kotw); 4. Scot t Burri s (Kaw); 5. Bill y Dotson (Kaw). 80 NOV : 1. Tony Klink (Hon); 2. Bryan Marne» (Kaw ): f'PP ( Kaw); 4. joshua Ca non ( "","w); 5. Sean T ro uier 3. 8 r~ t I-I (Hon) . 80 AM: I. Kyle Brill (Kaw); 2. J .P . Lytton (Kaw); 3. Core y Pe-Arman (Kaw); i . Clad ~Ktt (Kilw); 5. Matt Palider ( 80 EX: I. J" !'m y Hinrichs (Koiw); 2. MiC2h Moyl's (Kaw): 3. JOt")' Kenda ll (Kaw); 4. Lane Swink (Kaw): 5. David Cuni co lK. w). 125 NOV : I. David Dalla RUadia (Yam ); 2. Randy Belisle (Ya m ); 3. T ony Snong (H on); 4. Scott 1kK!' (Ya m ); 5. David Ac::hamm (Xolw). l'r 125 AM: 1. Dan DelTruro (K.1. w);. 2. Mike Zawac ki (Kaw); 5. Kevin Milrtin (Kaw): 4. Brian Papini (Kaw); 5. Matt Swenv (Hon). 3. k~r~~~Y~iNt~)~~~lhfr:'~~~a~ (~~~)~~e: J~~~ lK. w) 250 NOV : 1. David Fay (Yam); 2. Gr t"K C lab (5 m) ; 3. Mikf' Long (SUI); i . David Milb (Yam ); 5. Todd Tucker (H an). 250 AM: 1. T im Mar chbanks (Suz); 2. jerr Kunu (Ya m ); 5. Mikf' Tri~s (Hon ); 1. &011 Rolhml'yer (SUI); 5.. Duk !' Huffma n (Yam ). 250 PRO: I. Kip San dell (Ya m ); 2. (}(oJ('k Brown (Kaw); 3. Je»h XellOKJl; (Hon); 4. j ar ed C'.arlson (K.ilw); 5. Wa yne &[littl (H on ). O PEN NOV : I. Da vid Fa y (Yam ); 2. Mike Lon g (Suz); 3. David Mill !'> (Ya m ); 1. Devin Lackl'y (Kaw); 5. C ary Lamay (Hon). O PEN AM; I. Kevin h (AT X): 2. Troy Ha m ilton (Ya m); 3. Ma rc Lavine (Yam) ; 4. Jam n Renmotl (Ho n); 5. David Blau (Yam ). OPEN P RO : I. Derek Brown (; 2. J im Thom pse n (Ho n}; 3. Robert Hanrahan (Hun); 1, Wayne Balliett (H on); 5. Cluck j en sen (Kaw). VET NOV : 1. Scott wbeman (Hon); 2. Ch rh to pher Micharls (Suz); 3. Ken MOM(Hon ); 1. Jo hn Mal sam (Sw); 5. T im Prolcey (Hon ). VET AM; I. Ron HUUKh (Ya m ); 2. Mike Ful ler (Yam ); 3.M.ark l. iloll r (Yam ); 1. Ed Roy (Ho lI): 5. Don Warmuth (Ya m ). VET EX: l. Arlo Eng lund (H us); 2. Mike M;uti n (KT M): . 3. Br!'nl Smith (H a n ); ... J im Ecken (Hon ): 5. Troy Rh o ten (Han ). SR NO V: I. Joh n Turner (; 2. Richard Moehring (Ho n ); 3. T om WriKhl (H on); 1. Otuck Somal (Ya m); 5. John Sanda (H on). SR AM: I. Pete Cas key (Ho n); 2. J im Thomas (H on ); 3. Stan Heffn er (Yam): 1. Bob Wolf (Ya m ); 5. Ch ud Jo hns to n IKT M ). SR EX: I. Byro n Wo lf (Ho n); 2. Vic Rotrlhh (Ho n); ~ . Vic Ziemer (Ya m) ; 4. Da vid WollaMun (Raw); S. F.d Perrtt on (H on ). S/S R: 1. David Snell (SUl); 2. J im Reimer (Yam ); 3. J im Lo ng (Ya m ): 4. Jim Robens [H on]. WMN : 1. Mickry Conza lt"l: (Suz); 2. Mollie Bourke ( Ka w ); 3. Michd yn Cas key (SUl ); 1. T raC)'Frydr nda Jl (Ya m ); 5. AnKi R iKRS (H on ). Bast nabs Napa Cup Spdwy win By R.C. JODes NAPA, CA, JULY 27 T he Coors and 7Up-sponsored Napa Chapio nsh ip turned into a cliff-ha nger, when Jess O choa played spo iler in the last heat. T he su p po rt cla.. cha m p, Derek Cole, made his bid for bigger and bett er rides. The £irst round went abou t nonna l· with Bart Bast, Robert Curry, J im Sisemore an d O choa pi cki ng up win s. In ro und lWO, Bast dropped a poi nt to Paul O rlandi, a nd Curry's seco nd to Sisemor e was co upled with a wi n by O choa. Round three was importa nt to Curry, as he beat Ochoa to keep th in gs close with Bast, Sisemore and Orlandi th e ot her winners. Sisemor e was still perfect at the end of ro und four, tha t saw Bast win with Curry seco nd. Ochoa sli pped furt her back w hen Dustin Schroe der fina lly go t it cra nked u p for th e £irst of hi s two win s. Steve Martin a lso won . In th e fina l ro und, H arlan Bast Jr. picked up his on ly wi n , a nd Schroede r got his seco nd . Curry won hi s third, a nd had o nly dropped two po ints for the nigh t. When th ey lin ed up fo r the last heat, Bast was o n the pole and needed a wi n to break even with Sisem ore. O ch oa was in gale two a nd fru strat ed, Sisemor e in ga te three, had to deal wit h the slippery stu ff o n the o utside . Wh en the tapes wen t up, it was Oc hoa wit h a gr eat jump to ta ke the lead. Bast was wat ching Sisemor e as Oc hoa slipped awa y. Sisemor e wanted to ge l dow n farther in sid e to hook up. but Bast was guard ing lhe groove. Sisemor e spun o u t in th e marbles, end ing hi s chance a t th e cu p. .