Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION THEATER presents torcycle Video Cassettes The Greatest Watch them over and over! err"'lin ""WI 1111' (11208) 1190 _ (f . ) _ _ ~'::ll!lll the NBC.I£SPN Ilmadtaal. USGP ' - Soca thIa ~rom 0apIin VJlleo (1l2O!l) 1190 _ _ -0..0-- (02IO) I_ _V_ - 250 daaa, IidIdB IDll 52 mnlbII from GP V1dIo (1941..... _1919 1919 * Gaalbt. WDltd b - " "- Amera'i best matacroII ~ in this spKiII 60 minlQ . , . fruaI - fbnI . . . t'1IIIpo (#1_) ,..ltnl IlICU1lMl bib IK8 in the MII1d 1 akas pi-. , 1IdI p. .. M.mmath MouPtain Ski Am in the t.lifomil H9' SiefTa See from IhI last 5" .-,; from thnI ....... 1MIU: Klmikm OoMlhilt. . The of tIw wnn n_ Prix Ctee& EIIIIm It thI ... c:ircuiI. flnring 0UblInding .. 1hI 5OOa: . . 2SOct dasn. Grut on-bIb e.nera stqlJIntn 1m 52""""",lnmGPV_ The lin of lIiINl hIppened in thI '89 FlM Wortd MXGP chase hal been caphnd on this video whdl vMdt\' poftrwp wtwl WDltd·lftel mocoaua is a111boul:. SliIeItl Iuot ge of 1he I8rin from Holland, Frwa. a .oly ·Son ....... Bnt in, IleIgioo>. ""........... . o Swrtmt.nd 8Dminutn frDm PowmporbVideo. . (#1I2I I!11C1 . . . frum~VIll IO. two ('137) 1!lII ~:zoo En;oy • riel ttliJl: IMrd '" 10lIS biB IIlCl pnMded ,"g H~ (_ ) _Croolo _law I 1hI Musac v~r AI newMX aIIh " tun toaIage tellllVlQ the !Mal moll 0UUgI0wI lMf·1hI-edge mishapstMl' lit to !hi fllUSlC on videocaulIa. GIll!: 1flIIf1.....-.nt tor .. IQIIII Fmm MolcMdeo. 35 minutl " ('105) 51 TloriII,Sp;Ia_ CIoIIk '90 You've seen me comme n:l,l, . now buy Ihl _ _L CornpiIed from the best momInrs of 1hI ThOr:t Wor1d ~ Sena. me 1990 Mason l'IView ottl" tIw most IIlImorabIe and ae:tJOn.pacbd footag of each l romd. From trunph 10 defm ICJ'llIS the VlOlW'OUI Ir1IdcJ of the 'MX'Id. Hand.. YIfTIAhI and Dutati lead I filftl JIlJDlfIc::hnrI' fidtt feenmg their tgp l'ICaf'r 1ht US: FtrngF" d Me FlW'IClI', FlIymoncI Roche. rtel. 1987LA (RJ passes entinI fiIIIdto be. Guy CooperLand 198 Porm K ~ IRJ VI J,nWan!. 8 as Wwd ptl stuff d into the MottMdeo amefamWl) e 6tI mftJt n fromMotD¥idllo ( '133) _ _ A IooIt bG 1D U. dlYS YItlen 8m bika nilld U. . ..... .. mol"'Yd'nG- f.......... ' ....... 99.9". the 1969 IsIt of MM'lTT. IhI '"Narthwest 200 Mile(" Irish road ..... "'MIdI ID Grip-. , docoo1ent.-y on the manutlCllring of the K7tl. Approx. 60 miOUtls · fn:m Motovidlo video..• Grell IfIIlflammlnl 011 ~iI .. 30 mQlld ('125)-n. h i...,... aD-molortydi "Hawoc'" video by More Entertainment Felt1nl 55minutll ofututrophl with !hI Iikn of Rnly MMnoI.. Owistian Sarrnn. OM Thorpe. Wayne GIIfdner. KI'Iin Sdlw antz. Eddie I.Iwson nI mlQ. A variI1y of cnshe' from mad rKI GP', TTl,.MXGP'.. Paria.Qa.. F Motovideo. rom BriIMJ', Rob Mt£Ine.. ltaly'l Giarurio Fllappl mel . (_ ) Croolo _ . . . 3 Australie', Roll Ptllhl. 90 minuln trnm Powmpans l n. thil1I in the MriII fTom fItot1MdIa. flenmg 30 %ocL minutll of cnshu from ~ EncbG. nI Mol ...... . ('121) Tloo . . . . _ _ 60 minuIa of 1hI legendlry WIdoMnIbr• wImt goa up oftencoma down. From MotovidIo. Trial< en. CouallongI. HiIIdimb, and mDl'I induding Iota of crIlShes. If you' lib bieydn. this videG iii lor yOU. 80 minul:a from Motovideo. _ - from MoIOVldeo """- of !he most l a:itinQ -..petCfOII dueb ..,... ExabnglClJOllhm lhe'llllllkMd ofIhl1991 ~ It.l World ~ It Tcaan. AnIona 60 mftltn from RAl VJdIo:- - ('13:1) 19&1UcoU ~ I _ a T ..... bG in tin to U. 411t ...... 1.a:clniI Casit l'IalL hItcI on..... 1S-1l 196t. 46 tninutn from (1155) l1li tnOI. . ... ~ The ongmI br ~ 30 lIWlUta. ("'10) 1910 Wootd _ , 9118.......s..-n-IRJ .. O .... ('134) 1!lI1'" _ _ Ieo_ U. bRpND cirQlIl.1hIy ClllUII U. 1969 BeIgiIn. fttnctl. awl SIJIlis:I MXGP'.. F . MoIlMdIG . • fiImg 5DltJ birthday ClIIIIntJan tor 1hI mosI fImous motortYdl racing htstory. 60 minutn IN'IfII in Amentan (' W ) Tloo _ _ 51 a - 3DIIIft4as from MouMdIo (#131) lno 10~ '61 hIow lhl utr tina 01 _ 'W , IIlOUlCrUSl ' " (_) 1!lI1_ (#7& 1919 _l1li G r _ ) RKing ~ trnm the 1990 aeason from all 13 outdoor MXN81ion* on the AMA cirtuil. 90 minutes ~ "1'hI1asIat 1I'GI2~. fbDII . . . . . . . . . . . bIp:d bib .... 1'1 1hI 'Mldd r AI W*I l'K:IS Irom thI 1990 10M on • 55 IIWIJIt show From Well T..... ManufKl i"1l 01 lhe d lUic p,..."..11 Triumph (""") 1190 . . .. _ (II _IIII__ (.13O) A IWW King of the IsIaId. $IIw pubs ft ClUC-f9t IIIClIrd III.,.. 121 spIId. til' bns nY'Id . . ' - - 37.7.... ClUIt 60 ~ From r_lo _ Hn . . .. 1ht ~ of1118..., IhII dIt8mwwd b 1990 AMA CiraRd ....... ~. ,..,.,. 1ht lJUlaI _ _ .....990. MIl . . rat .... n6ng ....... of PIrbr. c.r. _ _ (-> Yin. A prugrn:sion of new maetJj,.s andn.s.t from Tnumph affOI1s pi BritiIfl dominIlot in the l ady ~ IMlugh 0nI ftII1I M'l .. G CDl.I1IriIs. hi is the "OIticiII Video- of U. IWIJ II'IlI COVIB 7S mWlura produted bJPDatd o MIdi , ....... lnm Pn>,pwssM " " - iI '" x ~ ('111) SOr. . .. SlorzIs FIUm l.8gtnI Seca Glory b Wayne. ... lragIdy, plus tIw_mil:..... in IdJoA. From ~ Video. (#2111) 1910 S-Iooo (SfrloI) _ from Despain Video Whtn StLqia: . . ~ bIr:k in 1938. no 0111 IVIf chimed it would pw intothe t'ulnt cycling ft'IfJI 1Wl'. Now over fifty "",IItIf. ~ istheWoodst ck o of cyding. 75 minutn by PanetOOl" from Plor;pusive ""- (#202) 1910 s,rtooctIoIII (SfrioI) _ V idea ('120) _ ) 1!lII ~ n V.... _ Prix The 1991 GP Serin bted ouI 011 SuzuU. JapM.. selmingly .11 ltIe ·90 1IriI' left oft - with redhoi: racing' What look pilei is all hlIfII in 0nI of till moll IIUMing and.......filled videos Mr seeR. 52 (_ _ !#2lI5) 1190Video " Despain I'W) _ _ (l ilA) 1_ _ lip.., I This 60 minute video lakes yot.I up the legendary northern CIIifomi1COllI vii Hip" 1.hom!hi GoldIn G &due on tIlL b , Inllhllking 130 mile journey -. in flU own IMng room! FfQlTI Jiguw Home Video mRIId fromMoIowideo. '-_Vodoo hcbp sma Fmm_ Vodoo (#211&) 1190 SorioIftold f. _ bperiera Aide AmerD • I tnnd new una of matmqdl wid-.. Ride twa of 1hI ~IIISI rnatarqdI rOIds in U. United wrItl mutb-1WIl1I WI'I'W1ing film nI teIew$on dir1aor Peter SlaT and his pm. Get California , Highwl'( 1 and CoIorIdo', "'Million Dolar H l 9'twa¥'Mfor 0nI lowpOii! From J igsaw Home (1I2lI3) 1910~_ ftIl'll 5la-.., _ "" _ CIosoc ('117) - . . _ !ho !>Ol>-_ 1!lIO" . (1I1) r . (#200) 1910_ _ v... (SfrloI) _ ""- (ll7IB) _ Do,E 1_ Gr _ foIow W.,. Rainly'llMrth III IN' title. IrDm SwuU to PtliIip Isfand in !his 10!HnirM1 bIiaQbuster of an ...... miIw. PratJ.blf .. bat Bib GPANew . . i IE_ _ ~ ShaOert for MancIl. at.! .... you • . 1MIng 8-rider UI 10 • phuta finiI:b. 80 mirIlIa .. _ _ P - 60_ (lIS3IT user ' - Soco Rainey race, de. of a ...... uI. L.guna. Tremendous l bldDe wiItl Sctwanrz unlII t1J'n 11 .._ his bt l . bcellent 25Or:t cIaII atIXIfl WlIdtl KoansIO. Roth " IUm npwl VICIIo. ZnIInbcq. F O """ _V.... (#207) 1190 S-Iooo ( f . ) _ 100 I'OiIl' _ _ 60 .. IIPI of -.ous cn.IInge of Ihe ~. dnsic. This is AIwicI',TGUghIsI ilia the.., it ........ 10_-' _- ('110) 1910 _ ,-__"'......_20_ --.".,-..... --SlJIoI .......... . . . . . _-"-"1.. . . . ." " " Motowidto All (#1OUI SOr.......,.. 400. 0) enlhuIiatl daewIded on DaytoM b the ( 1991!5Odl......, 01 BiQ Wwl S. .. "lAain ~ 81 HIrtey m Ihe biggn: Pn>,pwssM 'f'U' . .. 60 _ P..- .... Ihe ('U&) (120)_ - -_ s.... (143)" T _ feliUlng MQ . . a.. HIIfwood on !hi ~ SOD ~ dicing tMthGiIcomo AgostA 00 !hi MY in the 1981 IsIt of Man TT - Cwic racing II its bat. 69 minutn from Powenporu Video. 1lr GoF.n . _ MItt u. "1tidn 01 fit SInd"" . . bmg blTus. A TV.. 1961 WI of MIn TT IIICII IUbnl Ma IWwood .. !hi 250 . . . Inll IhI Mara NaItGl. . . IgIWI in IhI 1963 500ct TT. Stmws IwJw U. qlOl"l progmsId in ~ rwo yen. 5211lftl1ab¥ Hilru. ... a...olao 78 - . . .. ..... ('11) ('U) Su-1JmI tne:IIs teO: Ilr- (1IS41¥-T"' _ new Illd SM 8¥ Tid! TIIPI$. Ilnhds 01 doIft Joe MinIon haiti. (1100) _ From Molawidlo. Rd's 7tl rnirutI instructionII ... comes compIIIa wittI.l)Ol:kIt-sizld handbooIc tNt the InmDa'lJU:lf an any liang . . l'lter 10 in the field. RJ shows you how 10rid, ben... thin you Ihd flI'U (1II4) S - - _ Complete COftl'IOI of thll984 T....AIlIrU dIaI ltngI EISler Match Rac:n ftatLns thI bigvIst coI1eaion of road racinQ stn: Robms. Spencer. lIwIon. MImoI.. _ Cooley• .....,. ....... _ H....... .... Md Jnea. Grant. Crosby. Gdnir.1lld 1J'IlIf1! 69 minut . n fromHIIru' Video (11_ ) . Twill" T h o _ .... 01tIoo Rial ('115) This 45-mlnutl video lakIs yoo bIdl 33 yurt. ID of the old 14-mi1e NurtuTJing c:irtuiI. witt! G ft 0...·' fabuloul 4-cyfinder G IO illl'l bttIitlQ the mighty BMW of Ziller. also footIgI of thI trigtnaning Nonhem Irtllnd UIIIIl' GP aua From H,m.- Video stante, w "* (111&)...... .... - , F famous BntiIh CIl'tlIltS " ~ hertlcJohn OIl" Sutns on d1t MY II &ooKiInds in .58. chanenged in '59 II SiMmone by • 19-ye old HaiIwoocl; 17 . brnb 01 b*:n rKI II OuIIon, nI !he ·58 IaIe 01 M IflTT. 55 mould from Ham..Video Iakn you to . . ..m rau hIMIIIrftIIbf"lIl 60 ........ IM_ riding&~ ('148) 199111.~ r.... The las! riel held II long Vet StadUn 00 31 2191. un out 10 be the most importlrtl spndw8y INIf1I of the 1991 .1ISOI1, delermirWlg which fw" N Amencan ridm will 110 on to compete in the World FNia 60 minutesfromRAlVIdeG. 1:' .... I!lI1 The but nder1 on ict !rom thlI USA Itld the wcrtd m in TIICIOll,. Anmna lIlHI to race fu' 1hI LtL ill W ~ 60 minuln from RAlVideo. lrtI ('1112&) " " ' " leo_ __ by Keith Code of U. CalifomilSupeJbiki Sdlool Thia wideo hlsIBtes the book into 14 IICIionI to mekI you visullizi wrItl aystllkle. Ul'Idf!Btanding !hi Il'I of pavemIfII tecMique. 107 minuln from Motowidea. ('111)"1110 _ _ " follow .... Qlicbn - Jeff Mabasevtdl. • he shuwI ttwough his unique IIyI of rid IIId ra:ng how you I ing C8rl imlJrnve yQI.I" bib handling skilk. 60 mil'kJll:l 01 emenainmenlfrom MoI:ovideo (1I45A) 1!lIO ....... US_ ~ This dimu to the 26 _ ek long quest 01 rw:n brings out the best 01 the top 18 speertw.,. rxm in the US to deternm. who CIrria #1 in 1991 in ttlis 1 . night......·t............ 60 minut.. fromRAZ Video. r---------------------- ~--------------------------------------------------, Order Form (Please fill out tllmpletely) QIy. Descrip tion Amount QIy. Description Amount QIy. Description Amount ' 43 TT Tribut. @ 34 9 ~ _ Address Phone ( I _. o o SX Thrill~ Sp ills.& DUll. ' 90 @ 29 .9~ #109 Kamibze! W MTB C' hips@ 34.9~ oI1d s '~4 Raet I b" W on@ 2 8. 9~ Y ·Twin M ......nce @ 34.9~ .11 0 '90 81_ . 136 Go For b It G lamis @ 129.95 _ " 100 @ 39.95 #137 '91 0"'001 20ll @ 139.95 J162 '90AMA Nat1 MX SO.... ArI. @ 34.95 Order Date SeNI Priceaouhjocs to eho""" · ..... __ cu...... ...-...... All of thne VMS 181)" .,. availllble hM of ah ipping and hondlino .he'llft, lfOm CYCLE NEWS PROOUCTS Mail to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS #203'90 Louisvill. HIlt·Mil. @ 28 . 9~ .117 "Stu'Vi' 1990" ~Oth Ann. @ 44.95 . 118 50 rll" 01 Sturgi, @44.95 .120 Rid. A mtritaPatbi' @ U90 .2 08'90 Sp ringfi. ldMil. @ 28.95 #78A'89 Big G Colllllilllion @ 39.95 P IEWS PRODUCTS. CA!lOllO.-049 (AIIow 4- S _ 8 dol ivortl il. J202'90 Springfi.ld (Spring) M .116 Rocing Into History@44.95 .77 '89 10(18·0" Enduro @ 34. 9~ .7 8 Amori. .. EIlIIIU '88 RR R @ 34.95 IV. a.csorMontyDnIer P'(IbIl 10:: CYtl£ P.O.Ilcu<.91. .... _ #201'90 Sen Jos. (Spring) M @ 28.95 il. .115 Rendmous" tho Ring@44.95 . 76 '89 Wood MX G . ,;.w @ 34.9~ PR Exp. Date - - Signature .11 4 Sup...." SIlowd

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