Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ LOCALEVENTS m ~ Frank flies to Carlsbad MX win By Dave Bu rgess '. Rich Taylor (52) led Bill y Frank (36), Willy Musgrave (8) and Mike Beier (3) in Pro competition at Carlsbad MX. from the Experts . The th ree fron t-runners ran in tig h t forma tio n, with Draves able to co n tro l the lead o n the lap tha t cou n ted 10 take the first mot o win . Millner held on for seco nd over Kell, Ala n Gerk ey came fro m near last, 10 pass Allen at the end of the rnoto 10 win the Expert class . " Fast sta rter Allen again led the Combined class for th e first lap of rno to two . On la p two, Dra ves powered arou nd Allen a nd was unchallenged for the remai nder of th e race. Kell was slowly mov ing through the pac k. and had made it u p to second place befor e his fron t end washed out in a tum. relegating him to last place, Ro n Wav edged OUI Mill ner [or the runner-up positon in the Masters class. while Gerkey wasn't able 10 catch Allen. a nd had to sett le for second overall. Richar d Bealer smo ked the Amateur class. Although he gave a little aw ay on th e starts against th e bigger bikes. within a lap he had screamed in to the lead in both rnotos ove r J im Hollon and David Breetwor. " " Fred Kalmick p ut the horsepower 10 th e ground and led the division .o ne Novices for the firs t three laps o f moto one. j ohn Flanders overtook jim Swi nde lls for seco nd on lap three, then proceeded 10 do th e sam e to Kalm ick for th e lead. Flanders cru ised 10 th e moto win with Kalm ick hol ding off Swindells [or second . Kalmick roo sted in to the lead o f mo to two, with joh n Webb a nd Swi ndells in lOW. Fla nders was on the move after a sixth place sta rt , a nd cou ld o nly move up to thi rd befo re the race was ove r. Resul ts MSTR : 1. Jim Dr.av (Ya m ); 2. Bob Millner (Ha n ); 3. n Ro n Way (Ho n); 4. J;u:k Kell Sr. (Yam) . w); EX: 1. lad . Allen (K.a 2. Alan Gerk ey (Sw); 3. Keith Ph il1ir» (H a n); 1. H al Gr dy (H a n). ol AM; I. Richard ~ Ier (Yam): 2. J im H oll on (Ha n ); 3. David RTn'lwor (H us); 4. Wiley Sriuler (H on ). SOV 0 · 1: 1. J ohn F1anden (H on ); 2. Fred Kalmidt (K.a w); 3. J im Swindel b (H a n); 4. Rid Kimo (H O n); 5. J ohn Wrbb (Han ). NOV 0- 2: I. Oaarles Walanabe (H a n); 2. Bill Wdtman (Han ); 3. Wendell Pa rk (Ho n l; 4. Ellen T a ylor (Ho n); 5. Rich ard O rril! (Ya m). Wykoff hot at Sunrise Motocross By Pa u l Kellen 26 ADEL'J\TO, CA. JULY 14 Matt Wykoff lfou n red the com pe titio n in the 500cc j u n ior class at round three o f the CMC Summer Seri es, held at Sunrise Cycle Park. Scott H offman blasted o u t of th e gat e in the o pe ning molO, but Wykoff, Mark Olsen and Randy Van Dyke were in hot pursuit. Wykoff saw an o pe ning on the second lap, and bo u nced past Hoffman on a whoopedou t s tra iRh ta wa y. O nce into the p oint position, Wykoff maintained a comfortable lead to the finish. Hoffman was second. and O lsen finished thi rd. Moto two saw Wykof£ storm inlO the lead from a mediocre sta rt . and lead H offman.. Olsen a nd Va n Dyke a rou nd the tra ck. Hoffman ho u nded Wyko ff. but to no avail. Wykoff he ld on for the moto and overall win s, a hea d of Hoffman an d Van Dyke. who scoo ted past Olsen a t the midway po int. Erik Keh oe swep t a ll four motos o f th e 125 and 250ec Pro cla sses to score the lion's share o f the Pro purse. Keh oe top ped Randy Moody by a wide mar gin in both 125cc Pro motos, wh ile Ryan Carlisle po sted 2-4 moto fini shes to earn th ir d o vera ll. In the 25o.c Pro class , Keh oe and Moody a lso filled ,h e top two positio ns . Keh oe mot o red to th e front o f ,h e pack earl y in both matos , and was never seriously th rea tened by Moody. Carlisle fini sh ed thi rd in mo to o ne, but crashed back to sixth in the second mo to, a llo wing j o hn Ra y to sneak into third overa ll . Resu lts P/ W STK BEG : 1. Cbad Gaumer (Yam ); 2. Kevin Ro ber ts (Ya m); 3. J uu in Jordan (Ya m): 4. David McFali a nd (Ya m); 5. QUD. Worley (Ya m). P/W STK. J R : 1. Jonathan Shim p (YOIm ); 2. Dyl.m Lord (Yam) ; 3. J a hn er Fau lkn er (Yam ). P/W MO D: 1. Bobb y Bon& (Yam ); 2. Jahner Faulkner (YOI m ): 3. Dybm Lord (YOIm ); 4. J usti n J ordOln (YOIm ); 5. JOflolltun Shimp (Yam). 60 0-8: 1. jnsle Williams (Kaw); 2. j o nathan Shi mp( Kaw); 3. Bobby Bonds (Kaw); 4. Blake Ve-ins ( Ka w ); ~. J usli n j o rda n (K.a w). 60 9-11: 1. Shad Veins (Kaw); 2. 80 Hernandez (Kaw); 3. JlUlin Scull en (Kaw); 4. Nid Puccio (; 5. Tany;il J;' aulkner (Kaw). 80 BEG : 1. Brian Sweant')· (Han); 2. Kyle Finn els (SUI ); 3. J on alhan Scholtz (Sw ); 4. J mtin v ein s ( Kaw); 5. JC'ff Robi lUOn (Sw). 80 JR: 1. Shaun Fonin (S UI ); 2. SIC'\'C' Wisdom (; 3. C.ory Sei vers (S W). 80 IlIo"T: I. jaeon Partridge ( ); 2. Jrlf Willo h (Kaw); 3. Grq Yearsl ey (5 Ul) ; 4. Sha un Peruli n (H e n }; 3. Sco tt Jo hnso n (SUI). &J OPEN: 1. Steve W iMiom (Kaw). 80 EX: 1. T erry Parsons (H a n). 125 BEG : I. jason Wood (Suz ): 2. Chuck POIrk" (Ya m); 3. J im mer Hollow (SUI) ; 4. Mark Rom agn ol i (SUI); 5. Bryan McDouKOIll (H a n). 125 j R. 1. J ohn BIOIjr (Ho n ): 2. Yannick Truch i (Hnn); : 3. Kevin O 'Brien (H a n); 4. Bobb y K.rajC'W ~ ki (SUl) ; ~ . Shaw n O 'Brien (Soz ). 125 INT : 1. Rilly J Ot:' Mercie- (H a n ); 2. TC'Tl)' Parsons r (Ha n); 3. jusun McMurrich (H o n ); 4. Ja ck CLI. (Kaw); 5. T r3C)'Asher (SUI). . 125 PR O ; 1. Erik Kehoe (Ho n ); 2. Ra nd y Mood y (Hun) ; 3. Ryan C rli.dr (Kaw); 4. Jo hn Ray (SUI.); 5. 0 .10 DIven .a (Ka w }, 250 BEG : I. Duane Rah a (Han); 2. Oay wt ll inscn (H un) ; 3. Brad Peters (H o n); 4. Pa u l Kellen (Ya m) ; 5. Kell y McDouKOI II (Hon ). 250 JR: l. David Zahrt (H a n): 2. Ch uc'k ValC'n zuela (Ha n): 3. Da niel Smi th (Han ); 4. Kevin Oa vene (Han ); 5. Tim SindOlir (Han ). 250 t NT: I. Bill y j oe Mercier (Hon); 2. Tracy A!oher(SUI ); 3. David 01.015(' (Kaw); -4 . Mike Ulrich (Han). 250 PR O ; I. Erik Kehoe (Han); 2. b ndy Mood y (Han); 3. Jo hn Ray (SUI): 4. Ryan Carlisle (K.a 5. Rex Sta lC'n w); (H a n). 500 BEG : l. Troy Cunningham (Ha n ): 2. Ma rk Su oup (H a n ); 3. IF.miel TOinner (Kaw). 500 J R: 1. Matt Wykoff (Han); 2. Scott H offma n (Han ); 3. Mark OIK'O (H a n); 4. Randy Van DykC' (H o n); 5. Jim Harris (Han). 500 INT: .1 Brad Sloan (Hon). 500 PR O : I. Greg Ziuerkopf (Kaw); 2. Rex Stal ton (Han); 3. Mar c Pt'tefS (Ha n ); 4. Grqg Young (Han); 5. T i Lundt' (Ha n). UTH jR: 1. Scott Hol fma n (H a n ): 2. M ik~ Can (Hon ); 3. Richard Worky (YiUD ). UTH 1ST : 1. T y Swam (Han ): 2. Grq: Peroli o (Hon): 3. T on y ~n (Ha n ): 4. T im Mar sh (Ho n). VET JR:1. Thad Frida y (Yam): 2. MOlfshall MArion (H on ); 3. Mike Can (H on ): 'I. Cay WiI1inson (Han ); 5. Mark Suoup ( Hon~ VET 1ST: 1. lli.vid Zahrt (Ha n ); 2. Grq Prrolio (Hon): 3. Gl enn Weidman (Sw ); 4. J .S. Han son ( 5. Ttorry V.untt (YOIm). VET MSTR: I. Rod Richa.nh on (Hon); 2. Tim (Ha n); ". Bob Stq>henson (H a n); 1. Bob Tippit (Ho n). clY VET PRO : 1. Rex Slaten (H a n ); 2. Pt'te Murr (SUI ); 3. Tim Lu nde (Han ); -4. Gttgg Yo u ng (H on); 5. I' m 1.oIhrt (H a n). aT jR.: 1. Robert Wykoff (Han ); 2. Ric- HOIn1oC'f1 (Hon ); h 3. Car l Ellerl (K.a 4. Ji m Wh ilC' (SUI ). w); a T II\"T: I. Ron T uzin!oki (Ha n ). OT MSTR : I. Ad rian Mna (Ho n); 2. Robert Fortin (Han). Mood y qualifying in the top position. Becau se passing mo ney is also paid. the fastest qualifiers started in the back, wit h the last riders to qua lify in the front. This made for some very exci ting raci ng fro m th e drop of th e flag. Behind Pesta na a lso sat series points leader Pa t Bennett and Trevor Meag her. Wh en the starter threw the flag john T ho mas took th e lead , closel y foll owed by Chris Kawasaki, j a ck Azavedo and jon Nicholaus. As th e riders came around to th e fro nt straight Kawasaki too k the lead and Azavedo moved into seco nd. Before the first lal? was completed Pesta na ha d moved into th ird and Moody fifth. After two more laps Pestana was breathing hard on Ka wasak i, and Mood y was up to th ird. On lap three Pestana po wered his Suzu ki around Kawasaki and into the lead. A few turns lat er Mood )' did the sam e for second . " By lap five the order was Pestan a in first , fo llowed by Mood y, Ben nett a nd Rusty H oll and. Meagher rounded o ut th e top five at th e halfway point. Pes ta na had been enjo ying a comfortable lead for a couple of la ps. but by lap seven, th e top five riders had tig ht ened into close forma tio n. Moody was definitel y th e fastest rider on the tra ck, as he ate up the distance between hi mse lf and Pestana. Bu t Pestana would no t lea ve a n openi ng wide eno ug h for Mood y to make a pass. Their baili e on th e last lap too k th em away fro m th e other riders ' a nd righ t u p to the chec kered flag. Mood y go t a good lin e u nd ern eath Pestan a in a tight left-ha nd tu rn just befo re th e finis h, bu t Pestan" rai led th e o u tside berm to hol d th e a o nly good lin e before the ta bletop. With no pl ace to go, Mood y was for ced to back off a nd concede the win to a very ha p py j eff Pestana . Results FI:"IA L: I. Je ff PC;Slaruil (SUI); 2. bndy Mood y (Ho n); 3. Pal Benn ett (SUI); 4. Ru~ty Holland (Sw); 5. Tr evor Meagher (SUI); 6. jeffrey Bro wnl tt (S UI ); 7. Chr u Ward (SUI ); 8. John Nicolaw. ( Ka w) : 9. Ja ck At.a...edo (SUI); 10. J ohn (H us); I I. C hr is Ka wu a ki ( Ka w ); 12. RrOind on Reye, (Kaw). . 60 BEG: 1. Robert Blake- ( Kaw); 2. O uistopher Trugli o (K.1w); 3. Ryan COirdOiIHo n ). 80 NO\': 1. Xathan Wooch (K.a 2. Cra ig Tr ug (SUI); w); 3.Ma rc Hendnson (SUI); -4. Omnis Spr-inKS (K.a w); 5. James Piedal ue (SUI ). 80 BEG : I. Sa her (Suz); 2. Bobb y Gar cia (K.a 3. w); Robert B1 k(' (Ju,w): 4. 5hophia Hnrna (ka w); 5. Da vid a Sheno",' (SUI ). 125 BEG : l. Chip Sch uma n ( Ha n); 2. La rry Pocini (H a n ); 3. Kevin Barcl ay (H a n ); 4. Mile Bnt.a (SUI) : 5."Steve De\' ilbi~r IH o n), 125 SO\': I. Ja son Oaisum (Sw ); 2. Dan Barnett (H a n ); 3. J o hn Cu lwC'1I(K.a w): 4. Ray Md .au(I;hlin (Hnn ); 5. R.andie Ritch ie (Kaw). 125 I:\"T: 1. Rus lY Holl an d (SUI ); 2. Ty ler H umm d (SUI) ; 3. j d frt'Y Brownlf"e (Suz); 4. Ch ri s Kawasaki (Kaw); 5. J r ff I n~m ( Hon ). 125 PR O ; I. Ran d y Mood y (Ha n ); 2. TrC'vor Meaghn (SUI); 3. Pat Hm nf"1l (SUI ): 4. C ui, War d (SUI); 5. JC'f£ PMolan a (Sw ). Pestana scores Chowchilla Motocross win By Tom Prichard CHOW CHILLt CA, JULY 6 It had been a wh ile sin ce j eff Pestana scor ed a win at the Ch owchi lla Fairgrounds Bounty Hun ter MX Series, b u t Saturday night it looked as though he was back to h is winni ng ways: Pestana fough , off the charges o f Randy Moody to co llec t the lion 's share o f the purse in the main evenL Start ing in th e ninth pos iton for the single~ file inverted sta rt , Pe5tana too k the lead o n la p th ree and held th e gas on a ll the way 10 th e checkered flag . There were 12 hungry Pros o n the line who had man aged to q uali fy for ,he race, with 250 REG : 1. John PalUll o (Ha n ): 2. Bb,in e Snllaui (H nn); 3. Gary Taylor (Kaw); 4. Fra nk Dnu p;hm y (Hnn ); 5. SIC'Vt' Ha rkov (Kaw). 250 1':OV: l. Keil.h Ma yC'.li (Kaw) ; 2. Rick M ;lllo~ (5 uz); 3. Ha nk Armendari z(SU1);'1. Cohri , R<'Y C'S (Ra w); 5. Krn Nu !;m (Ho n). 250 1ST; I. Ty ltT Hummd (SUI); 2. J d fr<'Y Rrownln:-(Suz); 3. Chris Kawasak i (Kaw). 250 PR O : I. Ran d y Moud y (Ho n); 2. J rH PC'Stan a (Sm ); 3. Bran do n R('yc-s (Ka w); 4. Jon NifTIliim (Ka w); 5. J o hn Thomas (H us). . 500 PR O ; I. G IC'n n Ha rr i50n (Kaw ). 500 REG : l. Dou g W f"l\l (H a n): 2. Da Vf' Malhnnn (Ho n ); 3. J;I ~m Sna rC's 1Kaw ); 1. Brian Ru~~ 11 (li nn); 5. J an')h UI ('s (Ho n). 25·29 BEG ; I. j ohn U W )Q (l io n );2. Frank Oilman (H un); !\l 3. Grq; Rud " (Han): 4. Bill Wyman (Ho n). 25·29 NOV : I. Eric H('nl C'y (Kaw ); 2. Kdl l Edward. (K.oi.w); 3. Rober t RUh C'1I (Hon ); -4 . Malt PimC'n1d (Kaw); 5. Brian Ferro (Suz). VET NOV : L Rober! Fid ds (Ha n ); 2. Shan e Wright (Ya m ): 3. Da lt, GUIllC'r (SUI); 4. Ross Swt"C'lland (H o n); 5. SIC'vr Wal1an ' (Ho n). VET 1l\c"T: I. JMTY Wo h lKf' uth (Ha n ); 2. Phil Gri bna u m ( Y am); 3. Richar d KC'lch um (Ho n). VET PRO : I. Joh n Dauth (Ra w) ; 2. Dann y Wood~ (H o n); 3. If\! A~hliger (H o n). CARLSBAD, CA. JULY13 _ Bill y Frank flew to the Pro class win at th e Racing Enterprises-promoted Saturday MX at Carlsbad Racew ay. Under much secrecy , H onda test rider Rich Taylor rolled out a pre-production 1992 H on da CR250, and at the start of th e first moto he nailed a gigan tic ho leshot ahead of Fra n k and Tony Amaradio. As the pack sorted itself out. Frank had his hands full with Amaradio and the two riders ba ttled for position most of the moto. Taylor ho wever , was long go ne. H e hammered the prototype H on da through every cor ner. never letting off the gas 10 the chec kered flag. Fr ank kept Amaradio at bay to captu re second, with Greg Zitter ko pf a nd Will y Musgr ave ro undi ng o ut the top five. " MOlO two loo ked to be a repea t of mo ta o ne as T aylor grabbed anothe r big bol esh o t. but thi s tim e he had Fra n k gl ued 10 h is rea r fender. The two began to pull away from Ziuer kopl.rwh o had stu ffed his way to th ird ahead of Mike Beier . Fra n k studied T aylor's lines, loo king for a way aro u nd. At th e halfway point Frank go' the break he needed when Taylor bo bb led o n th e do wn hill, and Frank sho t by. Frank mai nta ined his edge '0the chec kered and too k th e narro w win a hea d of T aylor. Zitterkopf a nd Beier. In 25-29 juni or class raci ng Will i Zart h made it loo k easy a nd ra n away and hid in bo th mote s. Scott H ack held o n for seco nd, with Bari Waallk nett in g th ird. "I've been trai ni ng rea l hard." said Zarth. ..[ g uess I'll move u p to the Int erm ed ia te class next week. " Results NO BEG : I. Man ny Arias (K.a w). 80 JR : 1. JoUl ua Amaradio (H a n ). 125 BEG : 1. Cu ru e Crof t ( K.a w): 2. Denn is J Ohn (Kaw): " . John Nelso n (Hon j: 4. Keith [ WT1 (S Ul ): 5. Sieve Larsen IHon ). 125 JR : I. G"'K G rinhabn (Ydm); 2. Ga bri el Boliva r (Yam ); 3. TV Kady (kaw); 4. Milano &had"fn (Hon); 5. Tim Olson (Ho n). 125 INT : 1. Ju \ tin McMun ieh (Hnn ); 2. Gra m G aspar (SOl I. 250 REG : l. Ca l My" s (Kaw ); 2. Scou Ewn (SUI); , . Cam Ca meron (Yam ): 4. Brnll Van l u)'C'fl(YOIm); 5. Bru("'C'Forina ~h (YOIm). 250 JR: l. Will i Zanh (KT M); 2. Darren &nit (Kaw); , . Dust in Nonhrip (Kaw ); 4. Tom Mrllor (Hon ); 5. Km ~.fOIl1ow (Kaw). 250 11\ : I. Omnil O..h lin (Kaw); 2. Don Ri«, (Ha n). 1 PRO: I. Bill y Frank (Ho n ): 2. Rich T a ylo r (H o n j: 3. G rrR Ziuerkopf (Ju ,w); -4. Tony, Amara dlo (YOIm ); 5. Mikr Rt'i tT ( l io n). 500 BEG: I, J el( Eacobelli s (KT M); 2. Dan irll C' Pricha rd (Ha n ); 3. J ohn T oo key (KawJ; 4. RobC'rl IkTdy(k (H o n ). 500 JR: 1. Troy PhC'lp. (H un ). 500 INT : I. T odd h ill a t (Ho n); 2. Jon Neill (Hn n); 3. Robert Fai lin g (Ho n ); 4. Rub wilshir e (ATK). 25·29 BEG : I. Ron Burrow. (SUI); 2. JC'ff Mnrg.1n (Ho n ); j . Bill Ju slice (Hem ); 4. MarshOiIl Dunham ( Ka w ). 25·29 JR: 1. Willi Zauh (KT M); 2. Smll HOlck (Ya m); 3. Bari Wa:.llk (SOl ); 4. MOill Kunkow ki (H o n); 5. CraiJl; Walli~ (H a n). VET BEG : I. Darr ell Li nlt' (H on) ; 2. Ga ry Co. (Yam ); " . Cam Ca mero n (Yam); 4. J ohn O 'Grady (H un): 5. Brad Wooten (H a n). VET J R: I. Chr is Perez (Kaw); 2. J im Hale (SUI ): 3. Kell y f ra nkl in (Kaw): 4. Rick Lu ndg ren (Kaw); 5. Tom Mello r (Hon), VET INT: I. Ma rc Crosby (Ya m ); 2. Dieumar Ikrg (Kaw); 1. Hill Rnrolh (kaw ): 4. Rick Richard s (; 5. Gany Sco tt (Ya m ). VET PR O : I. Ji m Od iC' (Ha n ): 2. Vincml Deluca (Ha n); 3. Rob Wihh irC' (ATK). VET EX: I. Robton Fa ili ng (Hon). OT J R: I. Raben Ikrdyck (Hun); 2. Jamo Ban ninR (SUI) ; 3. Mike Sldl (KTM J: 4. Rru ('(' Cor nC'1I(Kaw). OT INT : I. Gf"OTKf' Sj:W"arin~ (H o n); 2. Rill M.d lon~ (Hon); 3. Bou Muellor (H on). aT EX: I. Alan Ohnn (Ya m) ; 2. ("pf'Or ~ Koh ln (Kaw ); 3. Ray PiJoan ki (Hnn ); 4. John Knight (KiIw). Ritcheyrules Cycleland ~otocross By Michael Ri ch CHICO, CA, JULY 12 H&H Yamaha-sponsored jason Ritchey used som e aggressive riding to co me out on top of th e Intermediate class at Lhe second round o f the Sinisalo Summer MX Series a t Cycleland MX. Darr in Delorme pulled the holeshot in the first mota o nly to be pa ssed immediately by Mik e Crull in th e rockers . After passi n!: third p lace J im Fergu son, Ritchey moved m and shadowed Delorme fo r th e next few laps. The pressure paid off when Delorme fell in the turn approa ching the rockers . This moved Ritchey to second, and th o ugh he d o,ed on Crull, he was unable 10 set up a pa ss befo re the finish . Crull took th e Win followed by Rit chey and Ferg uson. As the ga te dropped on the second molO, Crull blasted o u t to the early lead. Ritchey, however , was on Crull's rear fend er a nd started apply ing the press ure earl y. These two riders sta yed nose to ta il unt il th e fou rt h lap when Crull overshot th e turn at the end o f the backs traighl. Ritch ey took immediate adva ntage of th is erro r and rod e off to th e m o lO win and th e o vera ll. Cru ll finished second. with Fergu son again rounding o ut the top three. In the 125cc Novi ce race , Steve Kesterson took the start and never look ed back as he do mi na ted the first moto. Steve Reed and Terry Beal gave chase . Reed a nd Beal ba nged on each ot he r all th e way around th e !rac k.

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