Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ LOCAL EVENTS J r.. a nd Steve Schu ltz had their own bail ie goi ng on . Sch u ltz came OUlon top. . In the Race of Champions, Stock class win ner. Schultz, grabbed the holeshot a nd go t off La an immedia te lead . The inverted starting positions for th is race made Bley wo rk fo r this win . Slicing through the field . he took 12 of the 16 laps 10 ca tch and pass Schu ltz. O nce past. Bley turne d up the heat . an d let the tires and horsepower o f his ride wor k to hi s advantage. In the end. he had lapped all the rid ers up to seco nd pla ce. m Resul ts RO C; I. Blr y; 2. Sc hu lti-: 3. H r m y: 1. w o ulr e: S. McGlau jithlin , U/ L GI) : I. BIt"Y: 2. Henry. MOD ; I. BIt1>·: 2. Anthon y. LTD MOD ; I , Amhon )'; 2. Ga lvez. STK; I. Sch u lu ; 2. Woulfe. Hansen, Heibel clean up at Finger Lakes MX By Charles Williamson Jeff Hock ett (75) and Dean Travis (151) finished second an d third, respectively, in the 125cc In termediates at Finger Lakes MX. 5. Travis Spann (Suz); 4. j ason H yde (Ka w) ; 5. Daniel Bonnn (l(., w). 80 tNT: 1. Kevin W indham ( Ra w) ; 2. Bill y Aken (K..w); ". Brad Wool ~ (Hon): 4. C;a~ Cheaeham (Kaw ). 80 OPEN : 1. Kevin Win dham (Ka w); 2. Brad Wool!le)' (H o n ); 3. Bill y Aken (Ka w); 4. Charley Boga rd ( Ka w); 5. CaK'Y Ote (Yam ): 3. Q ui!> Coraham (Yam ). Draves captures LACR MX win By Greg Robertson PALM DALE. CA. JULY 14 J im Draves used perfect I-I scores to collec t th e overa ll win in th e Master divi sion of the O ld Timers MX Associa tion a t Los Ange les Co unty Raceway. In th e firsl co mbined Master/ Expert maLO , Jack Keli. Sr. bo lted in lO a n im med iate lead , followed by Jack Allen . Draves a nd Bob Mi ll ner. BOlh Dra ves a nd Millner gal aro u nd Allen on the second lap. Kell . Draves a nd ~il lner grou ped togeth er a nd p ull ed away

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