Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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H uperu (Yam); 4. Jim G riffit h (){aw): 5. George (H an ). ' E i~n han . 12.5 C 0- 2: 1. John v enal eck (S U1); 2. R ick Ray (Han) ; 5. OnTick Sm ith (Ra w); 4. K~lh Reynol ds (Yam ); 5. j oel Ba tor (Ra w). 250 A: 1. Mik e Boggia (Suz): 2. Pete Maurice (Su z); , . J oh n Shay (Ka w); 4. C~ wheeler (Hon); 5. Allen Beech (Yam). 250 B: I. Eric Klem (Ka w); 2. Mi kr Da mratoeki (Suz); ! .Jdf Woolrdge (Han) ; 4. Bob H arri n gton (Han) ; 5. Jo hn Hanington (Han). 2.50 C D-I: 1. Dave Bernard (SU1); 2. Bud Mohr (Suz); 3. Curt Baldwin (Han); 4.John &aU (Ka w); 5. Rob Srrod tbeck ( Yarn) . 250C D·2 : l. Ty Myen (Kaw ): 2. C.j. Klrin ( Ka w ); ! . H erbert Per kins (Suz); 4. Ch uck Ndf (Han ); ,;. S(~ Reich (SU1) . PL US 25: I. Alan Pizzino ( H us ~; 2. Keith Ing le (Cag); 5. Hal Dahri ngtt (bw ); 4. STeve Wil mi ngton (Ila w) ; 5. John Ikll (H a n ). OPEN B: I. j eff joh nson (Yam ); 2. Nt'il Baeneu (H a n); !. Mike Jo hnson (H on); 4. Kevin Iky ling (Ya m ); 5. O lUck Bortz (Ra w). SR I: l. Carl Han d (Hon ); 2. Tony Boyas (Suz); S. Dave 8 la uman (Hon); 4. Alan Pizzin o (H us); 5. Hal Dahnnger (Yam). SR 2: 1. Dan Morgan (KTM ); 2. J im Morah ovich (KT M); 5. Oon Sprague (Hon ); 4. Tom Knapp (Yam); 5. Chuck . BanacatO (Suz). .Shaw captures three at Moroso RR By Joe McKa y WEST PALM.BEACH, FL,APR. 28 R ick Shaw reac hed Victory Circle in three events at"Mor oso Motorsports Pa rk , in the third ro u nd of the Florida Mot or cycle Road Racing Seri es. . Sha w started his day in th e GTO So lo Enduran ce 50-Mile even t by outdistancing secon d- p lac e finisher Rick He rndo n an d third-p lace Fra nk Kin sey. Shaw came back o ut in the H eavyweight Su perbike class a nd again too k the checkers first 10 a hard-fough t ba ttl e with Gl enn Barry . On the last lap , Shaw p ulled out a slig ht lead over Barry a nd Tam Soroh, who was five seconds behind Barry . Wh en it came time for the $1000 Shoot-O ut , Sh aw took 0 [£ after Rick Hern don, who got the ho lesh o t. Herndon knew Shaw was co m i ng and figured that some kind of a lastlap pass was in the works. T rue to for m, Shaw set h im up in tu rn five as the two dece lerated from 160 mph 1065. Shaw o ut bra ked Hern don o n the i nside, forcing him to widen h is arc co m in g into the co rner. Shaw got by for the lead, one that he wou ld not give u p . John Cox 1II had one of hi s best raci ng days at Moroso as he pus hed bo th Shaw and Herndo n for the entire five-lap dash, making several ' a ttempts to pass bot h of them com in g ou t of the draft o n the lo ng back straight, Cox took a shot a t the lead one last time on th e final lap, but slipped 0[£ the track. He recovered without losing third place just ahead of Mi ke Barnes. At the checkers it was Shaw by a bi ke length over Herndon, with Cox , Barnes and Joey Co le ro u nding o ut the top five. Shaw is sponsored by Spectro Oils of Flo rida, S. Dade Yamaha, Pr o Man , Shoei. and Wiseco Pi sto ns. Results 50-MILE SO LO eTO: 1. Rick Shaw (Yam); 2. Rick Herndon (Suz); S. Fran k Kin~ (Yam ); 4. Jam ie Bowma n (Suz); 5. Ji mmy She lton (Suz], SO MILE SO LO GTU: 1. Joe Co I,= (Ya m ); 2. Gng E5St' · r (Yam); 3. Mike Luke (Yam): 4. Mike Barnes (Yam) ; 5. Jam n Ronan (Yam ). LIW S/S P RT EX: I. Mike Moore (Yam) ; 2. Krit h Floyd (Yam); 3. o-",nny Rober ts (Yam). 1..IW S/S PRT NO V: I. Ivan H ill! (Ya m ); 2. Mi ke freema n (Yam ); 3. Pierre Lacsse (Hon); 4. Tom Nelson (Ha n); 5. Brian Mill s (Hon). . . . M/W S/ SPRT EX: I. Mi ke Luke (Yam ); 2. Robert lLrbisias (Yam); 5. Dan ny Arnol d (Ya m ); -4. Tom Fran cis (Yam ); 5. Danny Rober ts (Yam). M/W S/S PRT NOV : 1, Lan ey Cobb (H on); 2. Sha wn McNary (Yam); 3. Karl Hall (Ya m ); 4. R~r Muetari (Hon); 5. Mik ,= Rota (Yam ). H IW S/ SPRT EX: l. C len n Ilarry (SUZ)i 2. Mike Luke (Yam); 3. Pat Sheridan (Kaw); 4. Danny Robms (Yam ): 5. Brett Ra y (Suz). H IW S/SPRT NOV: I. Jam ie Bowma n (Suz); 2. Rogtt Olin (Suz); 3. Ralph H errero (Suz); 4. Karl Hall (Yam ); 5. Scott Landis (Suz). U /L S/ SPRT EX: 1. C I,=nn Carry (Suz): 2. Tam 5oroh (Kaw); 3. Br('1l Ra y (Suz); 4. Tom Ch ristian (Suz); 5. Stevt' DKam p(Sw). LIW SIB K EX: 1. Rick.J ackson (Yam ); 2. Todd Henni ng (Yam ); 5. Bill Kranenberg (Suz); -4. ~k N icho ls (Ya m); 5. Mike Mooor(' (Yam). LIW S/ BK NOV : l. Ron Ston,= (Hon ); 2. JeU Wh itm ire (Yam) ; 3. Bryon Boont' (Yam ): 4. David Murphy (Yam); 5. Mik,= F~ man (Yam ). MIW SlBK EX: 1. Mike Barn o (Ya m ); 2. Mike Lu k,= (Yam) ; 5. Newton HO lDn (Yam); 4. Danny Arn old (Yam); 5. Rick Jackson (Yam). M IW SlBKNOV: I. Laney Cobb (Han); 2. Kar l Halt (Yam); 5. Cerrit Raker (Hon); 4. Sha wn McN ary (Yam); 5. Ron PerT)' (Hon). HIW SIBK EX: 1. Rick Shaw (Ya m): 2. Gl enn Barry (Suz); 3. Tam 5oroh (Kaw); 4. R.J. Garl ich (Suz); 5. Mik,= Ladt' (Yam). H IW SIB K NOV : 1. Ra lph H ,=rrero (Suz); 2. Jamie Bowman (Suz); 3. ~n Panton (Suz); 4. Luil Rul1an (Suz); 5. Scott Cunnmgha m (Suz). UW CP EX: I. Mike Ba~s (Yam ); 2. Joe Co le (Yam); 3.Jamo Ronan (Yam); 4. John Fran C('(Hon); 5. Ed Borow y (Hon). LIW GP NOV: 1. Ralph Herrer o (Ya m ); 2. Ron Stone (H on); 3.Jeff Wh itmire (Yam); 4. Vinet' Do na ldso n (Ya m); 5. David urphy (Yam ). MIW GP EX: l. Joe Cole (Ya m); 2. C reK Esser (Ya m ); 3. J ohn Fran ce (Hon); 4. Robert lcTb isias (Yam); 5. Joh n Lo ng (H · D). MIW CP NOV: I. Ron PerT)'(Hon); 2. Gerr it Baker (Hon); 3. Shawn McN ary (Yam); 4. T od d Duncan (Yam) ; 5. Karl Halt(Yam). UIL CP EX: 1. Rick Herndon (Sw); 2. John Cox (Yam); 3. Mike Barn es (Yam); 4. PMer ViI1acar o (Yam); 5. Jo hn . Fra nex (Hon). srrw COMB : I. John Lo ng (Tri); 2. Marcus Day (Kaw); S. Pele: Migl i (BMW); 4. Pierre: I..acss.e (Hon); 5. Gregg Lo m bardi (T ri). SPTSMN COMB : l. Derek Nich ols (Yam ); 2. Rudy Raab (Yam); 5. Keith Floyd (Yam); 4. Bill Bannon (Kaw); 5. Ja mes Bannon (Ya m). VINTCOMB: I. T odd Hmnin ~ ( Yam) ; 2. John Long (Tri); e 3. Pat MOOI'Ie'Y (Teri): 4. Pt'1 Migli (BMW): 5. Lucien W~ (Hon). '1000 SHOO T · O UT: 1. Ri ck Sha w (Yam); 2. Rick Herndon (SUI); 5. John Co x (Ya m); 4. Mike Barn es (Yam); 5. Joe Col e (Yam ). Newman thumps Hunt Moto Park Motocross By Michael Harasmisz Photo by Jack Haley HUNT, NY, M AYS , Phil New man blasted h is ATK 600 four-stroke to the overa ll win in the Senior C class, and also fin ished thi rd in the Vintage/Woods class at Hunt Moto Park . Ro ugh ly 280 rid ers turned o ut to do battle o n the natural terr ain cou rse. Doug Wil bur stole the ho lesbot in th e first Sen ior C mo to, wit h Rod ney _ Wadha ms and New ma n close behind. Newman took over the lead o n the fi rst lap, with W ilbur and .Wad ha m s dici ng over seco n d. New man fini shed firs t, ahead of Wilbur in second and Wadhams in thi rd. Newman nab bed the lead with Wi lbur in second, in mo to two . Newman had built up . a large lead over Wilbur , but wi th two laps to go, lost a foot peg . New ma n ba rely held on to take the win, with Wil bur half a bike len l;tth be hind . Renn Sheperd finis hed th ird. J im Cory grabbed the lead in the firs t Vintage/Woods class mo to, with Kevin Dejac and Newman close behind. Cory led every lap to take the win wi th Dejac a safe second and Newma n third . Cory and Dejac led the second mo to wit h Wadh ams in third. Cory moved into a secure lead wit h Dejac seco nd , and Newman moving u p to third from a bad start. Cory pulled away fro m Newman a nd Dejac who fought o ver second. New man briefly too k over second, bu t went down in the next corner . Cory took the - mota and overall wins, with DeJac seco nd and Newman third. Casey Higgins jumped out to an early lead in the firs t Senior Mini moto, with Doug Retterer and Chad Bri ggs clos e behind Retterer took over first place o n the second lap and never loo ked back. Briggs mo ved past Higgins to tak e second wit h H iggins finishing third . Rett erer and Pat Mills led moto two, while H igg ins ran third. Reuerer took the moto win and overall , wit h Mills in second, which was good for third overa ll. Briggs fin ished the rnot o in third, giving him second overall for the day . Curt Holzer (817) passed Brian Austin (239) in the Plus 25 Expert class at Hunt MX. Eric Sassaman (6) and Rob Majeski (71) finished first and second, respectively, in the 600cc A fina l at the Pine Grove Short Track season opener. Resu lts PIW: 1. Jamie: Robinson (Ya m ); 2. Aaron Sheperd (h j); 3. Bradl ey Burne (Yam); 4. Amy Dieter (Yam ). MINI 60: l. Paul Carpenter (Kaw); 2. josh ua King ( Ka w) ; 3. Iamie Roinson (Kaw); 4. Cory Marmo (Kaw). PL US 25 AM: 1. Pete Falconi (Hon); 2. Jeff Fregoe (H on); 3. Sco tt Franz (H on); 4. Crai g whelsune ( Ka w ). PLUS 25 EX: 1. Brian Austin (Hon): 2. Curt Ho lzer (Kaw); 3. Marty Merz (Kaw); -t.Ioe Ficco (H on). . MINI J R: 1. Heath Wadahams (Kaw); 2. Dan King (Ka w ). SR A: 1. Bart Lucas (Ho n); 2. Pau l Carpent er (!Ca w). SR B: I. Perry Bra ndon (H on ); 2. Scoiu R hinehart ( Ka w); 3. Fred Luca s (Kaw); 04 . O scar DeJa c (Kaw ). 125 seUBY: I. lknji Trask (H on); 2. Ted Baumgart ( Ka w) : 3. Paul Turo (Suz); 4. Shawn Ernst (Kaw). 201·O PEN EX: l. SCOll Page (Kaw); 2. Pete Malyi { Ka w ): 5. Brian Austin (Hon); 4. Joe Ellington (Hon); 5. Oon y .5ch im td (Hen) . 20l·0PEN AM: l. Benji Trask (H an); 2. Pete Falconi (Han ); 3. Da vid R ich ards (H a n); 4. Ed Van Ballegooyen (Kaw); 5. See n Franz (H a n ). 201·0PEN BEG : I. Mil~,= Massara (Suz): 2. j am es Li lly (Hon ); 3. Scot t McDonald (Yam); 4. Bro tt Bernsrorm (H a n ); 5. Kevi n Sm ithline (Kaw). 201·O PEN NOV: l. C ary Bush (Suz); 2. Craig wheu une -, (Kaw); S. Mike La tcn e (H on); 4. Mike Tosch (Hon ); 5. Eric DeSatts (Han ). MI NI CO MB: I. Doug Rt'u nn (Kaw); 2. Cas.ey H iggins (Xaw); 3. Pa t Mill s (Kaw); 4. Chad Brigg" (Ya m); 5. Aaron Wdr (Su z). 17·24 CO MB: l. Brian Y~ rs (Hon ); 2. Mike Franklin (H on ); . 5. Stuart Piau (Kaw); 1. Too King {Kaw): 5. Gary Bush (Suz). VINT/W DS: 1. J im Cory (Raw); 2. Kevin Dejac (H a n ); 5. Phil New ma n (ATK) ; 4. Bill Har £ d (Suz); S. Mik,= Woll or (Kaw). 125 EX: 1. Brian Aust in (Ho n); 2. P,=te Mal yj (Kaw); 5. 8m Drosnt'J" (Suz); 4. Martin Mt'rz (Raw); 5. Jami t' Goodno (H on ). 125 AM: l. Tod King (Kawl; 2. Dav id Richard'! (Suz); 5. Scali Camp (K

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