Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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BLOCAL EVENTS ~ J R MI NI: I. Mike Do U~hertr Jr.; 2. Joshua Sterriu. SR MINI NOV: I. Mlchac Bis!iC1I J r.; 2. Scan Wa ters; 3. Brian Storc h . . SR MINI : I. Jdr McMah on : 2. Jason Ricci. SC H BY: J. Eric Reill y; 2. Anthony Pavia; 3. Glq'g Frutchey. WMN : I. Car la Nelsen: 2. Julie Lemen: 5. Ela ine Fisher. PLUS 25 AM;I . Kun Spoonagle: 2. Gary ~ 5. Steve Mor~ n. ... PL US 25 EX: I. C reg Nd50n: 2. David Ahousc=; 5. Doug Stephens. SR AM: I. O lOd. Bryan t; 2. David Van nordm; 3. Doug Powers. 5R EX : L Mik( Munay; 2. David Aho uS(';3. Ed Down ing . ; S/ SR: I. Leon Whal ey; 2. Rich ar d Bradl t")' 3. Fred Tomp kins. . _ 200 xov. I. Robert M oon~ : 2. Ouii Smi th ; 5. Bria n Wojcik. 125 AM: I. Eric Reill y: 2. Qui s Bower, 5. Ch ris Ouda. 125 EX: I. Ch ri s Co lema n: 2. Bruce Stra tto n; 3. Greg :'Ildwn. 250 AM: I. Nick va n praag: 2. Brian Cro h ; 5. Malt Delorenzo . 2;<1 EX: 1. Chr i" Co lnna n; 2. Bruce Suanon: 3. T erry Kuhn . O PEN NOV: I. G reg Stempel : 2. Chris Thompson; 5. Creg EhrKull . _ O PEN AM: I. M,III Ddorrnzo; 2. xu n Spocnagte: 5. Geo rge AUliotin . O PEN EX: I. Quinn Bentl ey: 2. Krith McCany; 3. Milt' Murray. VINT : 1. Bria n Sliddl"l; 2. Ia n O 'Co nner: 3. Kim Manin. Steve M orehead (42) led G eorge Roeder (66) at the Spr ingfield H M . Roeder wins Springfield HM Chris Manches ter won the Handicap main event at Speedway U S A . Manc hes ter bu ilt a h uge lead , but o n the back stra igh t on th e final la p, Man chester's mot or seized a nd he pulled ou t of the racing lin e a nd let th e field go by. That ga ve the lead to Hannah. Furman was in second wi th Lucero third. Ha nn ah came off tum four and headed for th e finish , bu t .Lu cero lagged Furman in turn four a nd sent him dow n. T he red light came on, j ust before th e sta rter gave the chec kered to Hannah . Ha nn ah took a victo ry lap, bu t did no t ~et the first p lace tro ph y o r chec k. Referee J irn Fishback rul ed tha t the race we m back to th e last comp leted lap, wh ich Man ch ester led. Manchester go t th e win wit h Hannah second, and Furman th ird. Lu cero wen t to last for caus ing the crash. In the Scra tch ma in , it was a ll Bob by Schwartz. Nati onal Cham pion Mike Faria' started th e four-lap affair o n th e inside gat e with Schwartz on th e far ou tside. Stayi ng on the wid e lin e, Schw artz pla ced the Red Devil and Freedom Fir eworks/Bell Helmets/K&N Filters/Cirello Racin g/ Cfi Brace-sponsored \\'eslake into first o n the back stra ight. While Schw artz con tro lled firs t, Man ch ester tried to come under Faria off turn two. Hami ll wheelied off tum [our a nd slap ped th e turn two wa ll and dropped off th e pace. Schwartz scored th e win over Man ch ester . and Hamill. Resul ts 3. Steve All red (Suz); 4. John Lak e ( Ka w); 5. lac Freema n (H an) . . 125 A ~ TK.: I. Dean Baker (SuIl ; 2. T ravis.Blackburn ( Ka w). 250 C STK: l. Ib.nett Duduch er (H a n). 250 BSTK; I. j ohn v aegildcr (Hon );2. Brian Mom s.(Hon ); 3. Derek Royal ( ; 4. j n- lot' Mad Jun aJd (Han); 5. Todd Dorman ( . 250 A STK.: I. Kevin Fol ry ( Ka w) . WMN : l. Rtth Rt'wiS (Ka ..... ); 2. Ca thy Pri est (Ka w ); 3. Judy Adams (Suz); 4. Kim Brown (Hun ); 5. Sandra Lan e ( . O PE N; l. Steve AIlm1 ISuz); 2. Mathew K~IKhmk (H a n); ". Randall Kt'll ey (Ka w); 4. Robrrt McDo w ( Ka w) ; 5. Km RuddlKa..... j. SUNDAY 80 MOD 9-15: 1. J ar.on 8rown (Kaw); 2. Gr~ Lon don ( Ya m); 3. Scott ~ I (H o n ). BOMOn 11- 15: I. Kenn y Yo ho (; 2. Mik t' Bola ni (Su z). 125C MOD : I. Mikt' Lam (.X'( Hon): 2. Allt'n KundrOl (Suz); 3. Jerem y FUM> ( Ka w): 4. S teve Trow (Ka w ); 5. Rod Furnt' 1J ( Ka w). 125 B MOD : I. Josh Latina (Kaw ); 2. Stevc= Allmi (SUl); And~w Ikspain (Hon ): 5. Ed Ray (Kaw). ' 125 A MO il: 1. Chris 8rown (SUl); 2. Ikrt'k Voun/itblood 1); (H on ); 3. Dean &kt'r (SU 4. Ch ris Nc=al (SU1); 5. Ha nk Moret' (H on). 250 C MOD : I. Will iam u wis (Hon); 2. Lronard u ggt'lt (SU 3. Barn-II Ou chschc=r (Ha n ): 4. Jc=ff CrilafuJli (H on ); 1); 5. James H ayn (Ya m). 250 B MO D: I. Chris Sm it h (Han ); 2. Bria n Monis (Ho n): 3. Oaris lLonard (Hon); 4. lk'rik Royal (Kaw); 5. T odd Dorma n (Kaw ). 250 A MOD : I. Ga ry Paul (Ho n ); 2. Chri s Brown (Suz); 3. Hank MoTtt (Hon); 4. Todd Gard na (SUl); 5. j d r Lam pe (Hon). .. r OPEN A: I. Todd C ardn~r (Hon). OPEN B/ C: I. Chrit.Sm ith (H on ); 2. Wyndell Ktrn (Hon); 3. Phillip Pa~ (KT M); 4. Da vid Adam s ( Hun ); ~. Kt'n Rudd (Kaw). +25: I. ROKt'r Moor ~ (Han); 2. Mal Kr~lKher (Hon ); 3. G ~g V ~ II (Hon ); 4. Jam~5 Mugl ia (Ho n ); 5. Da vid Adam s (Hon). +30: I. Phillip Pagt' (Kaw); 2. John Tr i!o.~1 t H on); 3. Oanid Crdwrord (Hon); 4. Robn"t Kinel (SUl ); 5. Eric Lin dstr om S. Lony 8hehon (Ho n); 4. (JU w) . . +40: I. Wood y S u ickla nd (Suz): 2. Ernie Millan (Hon ): 3. AI G ard ner (SU1): 4. Thom;;u. Fo/itg ( Hon); ~. Richard Smi lh (Hon). 15-24: I. Derek Youngblood (Ho n ); 2. J acob Fogg (Kaw); 3. SIeve Allred (SUl ); 4. Jerem y Fogg (Kaw); 5. r at Stojack (Y. m ). Manchester maulsSpeedway USA B y ScOIl Daloisio 32 VICfORVILU CA, A 27 , PR. Chris Man che ster won the Ha nd icap main at Speedway USA. Manc hester, on the Falcon Cab le Systems/ Gene's Auto ParlslThor/Mike Kell y/K.K.· backed Jawa starled o n the 30 yard line. When the race bega n, Manch ester found himself in th ird behin d Steve Furman an d John Aden. At the end of the opening lap, Manc hes ter did a spectacula r wheel ie as he loo k seco nd from Aden . It did n' t ta ke Manc hes ter lon g to ta ke o ver first. Furman cras hed in turn fo ur on the second lap and Manch ester rode ar ound him . SCRATCH: I . Bobby Schwa rtz (Wo); 2. Mike Fari a (Cdn ); 3. Chri s Ma nch estt'r (Jaw ): 4. Bill y Hami ll (G M). 1 HD CP : J. Ch ris Man cho1(. ' (j aw ): 2. Mark Ha nn ah (wes): 3. Steve Furma n (Wes); 4. Brad Oxl t'y (Wn ). 0.2: I. Rob Ball (Wo): 2. M ik~ Reed (wes): 3. Car los Cardona (Wo); 4. John O 'N eill (Gdn). 0..5: L Rick w ebb (Wes); 2. "Ricky Ritch (jaw); 3. Jan O 'Co nnell (Cd n); 4. Tom Co llin (Ja w). JR: I. Olris w ern er; 2. Heath H amm on ds; 3. Pete Peral ta; 4. Aaron Maueson. SDCA R: I. R,lRdy Mclntyre/Robnt Fox (Ka w) : 2. Cra.ig Dempster/Peter Uw"il (Ka.w): 3. Ora n SIN:'leiDwayne Kin J; (Due ); -t. Km Ohrt/DouK Whitso n (H . D). McMahon wins at Cobleskill MX By Carla Nelson COBLESK ILL, NY, MAY 5 J eff McMah on wo n the Sen ior Mini class at Coblesh ill MX Park 's seaso n opener. J ason R icci won the fi rs t mota with McMah on fin ishing secon d. McMa ho n got the lead right off the start of m alO two a nd never fa ltered on his wa y to the win . Ricci finished seco nd. Mike Dougherty Jr. won his first race in the Ju nior Mini class. J oshua Sterrl ll DNF the first mo ta , but was abl e to beat Dougherty in mo ta two . Do ug herty fin ished seco nd in that race, good eno ugh for the overall win. Chris Co leman dom in at ed th e Expert class es. Mike Dries foll ow ed Col ema n across the finis h li ne in mo ta o ne of th e 125cc Expert class. Bru ce Strauon had a troubleso me start but went fro m near last to founh in the mota. Co leman and Larry Maxw ell tang led in th e fir st turn of mot a two with Coleman goi ng down hard . Strallon also sta rted way back in the pack. Greg Nelson was leadi ng th e fir st half of ' he ra ce chased by Rob Nessel and Mike Dries. Co leman p UIo n a show as he p rogressed IOward the fro nt and halfway into the mo to he was into third. StrallOn also had advanced , and was righ t behind Col em an . Co leman, Stratton, and Nessel picked up their pace and caugh t leader Nelson . Nessel tried to pass Nelson in a tum, but bobbled and fell. T h is look Coleman ou t as well . Strallon go t by the fall en riders and soo n got around Nelson for the lead. Nessel remounted a fter Co lema n in fou rth spot. Wit h o ne lap to go Co lema n ma de a n incred ible charge, pass ing bo th Nelson and Strallon to take the win . Results 3. 50: I. J ustin Murray (Yam): 2. Mitchell Doug herl Y(Yam ); W a y n~ Jenn in~8 (Ya m ). By Bert Shepard SPRINGFIELD, OH,APR.28 George Roeder powered hi s Roeder' s H -D/ Mike' s H-D/ Sart in Trucki ng /Eagle Racing/ Fu lto n Enterprises/ Bill Sh erman Farms/KK Motorcycle Supply/Krazy K's Kustoms/Voss fnc/ ) oh nson 's Bod y Shop-sponso red HarleyDavidson to the Expert main even t win at th e d in track raci ng seaso n o pener, Steve Aselti ne gra bbed th e ho lesh ot in .th e first heat , but o n lap four pulled from th e tra ck with a blown lower end. Morehead assu med the lead , a nd went o n to score th e win ahead of Larry Pegram , Greg Si ms and T im Best. Roed er led the seco nd heat fro m start to fin i sh , w h il e S te ve Bea tt ie and Da rr en ' Erichsen argued o ver seco nd . Beattie edged Eri chsen at the fini sh, while Doug Davis scoo ted int o fourth beh in d Erichsen. Factory Harl ey-Da vidson rider Kevin Atherton wo n the fast est hea t of the night aboa rd his 600. Cha nce Dar ling, SCOll Stump a nd Duane Veeder tra iled Athert on. " I 'm her e unofficia lly," said Atherton. " f ju st cam e o ut for fun and to get som e ridi ng time in." Mor ehe ad led th e field at th e start of th e main, with Atherto n, Pegram and Roeder in ho t pur suit. More head slip ped off th e groove on the seventh lap and a llowed Roeder 10 moto r pas t. Pegram was next lO displace th e " Find lay Fl ier, " as he swoo ped into seco nd on lap nine. Roeder scored the win ahead of Pegram, Mor ehead and Darli ng. " Ca tch ing h im was one thing, but pa ssing him was ano the r," said Roed er. "The rock s were so bad, I tho ught f was go nna d ie if I d idn't pas s him: ' " T hi n gs are co mi ng toge ther, " said P egra m . .. La st year I was h ere in a wh eelchair." "T h is is O ld Paint's engine, but this is a new fram e, and we goua ge t a handle o n it someti me," said Mor eh ead. Gl en Bro wn sa t on the po le for th e sta n of the Pro-Am main, bu t it was Rod Mashue wh o gra bbed the hol eshot . T im Lo we and Doug O 'Bo yle chas ed Mashue, but the o nelegged rider fended them off. Chris Moore cra shed in turn one o n lap seven a nd br ou gh t o ut the red flag. Mashue picked up wh ere he left off at the restart and mot ored away with th e win . Lowe and O 'Bo yie scored seco nd and third, respectively. " In 1980 I losl my righ lleg," said Mashue. "Y o u have to do what you want to, even if you are in pain. You'll be ha ppier r ' . Resul ts I"RO ·AM: I. Rod Mashut' (Ha n); 2. T im Low~ (H -D); 3. Doug Obo yle (Ho n); 4. Joe Phel ps (H · D); 5. Eric O'Boy l~ (Hon ). JR: I. J;lmo Hart (R llI.); 2. Brr t Bt:mer (H· D); 3. Dan Koel Mh (H· D): 4. Cen~ Han.. (RllI.); 5. Pat Buchanan (H. 0 ). EX: I. Geo rK'C Roetkr (H. D); 2. l...arty Pegra m (Ho n); 3. SIeve Motch t" (H- D); 4. Cha ntt Darling (H -O); 5. G reg ad S i m ~( H- D). Miller lights up Blue Ridge HS By Rider Writer MA RTINSVILLE, VA. APR. 21 . T he second rou nd of th e Virginia Cha m pio nsh ip Hare Scrambles Series turned ou t to be a re al br eat h · tak er as defending Gra nd Ch ampion Dwain Mill er o n a Bare Brosl Si ni salo/Sproc ket Sp ecia lists/ Pro Circui tsponsored Kaw asaki narrowl y edg ed o ut twotim e Gra nd Cha mpio n Roland Win g by two seco nds at the checkers. The race was notl·ust close at the finis h. ft was close from th e irst turn of the race. At the end of th e first 10-mil e loop. Ihe first four AA riders were on ly three seconds aparL Steven Art hur held the edge th e first time thro ug h Ihe scor i ng barrles with Daniel Morri son only a wh eelspin away with Miller an d Kin g in lOw. By th e second lap , Arthur was still in co mma nd with King o nly two seconds behind and Miller di splacing Mor riso n for third. As th e race wound down, . Arthur encoun tered di saster as his four-stroke decided to eat its ch ain. Mill er and Kin g q uic kly .pa ssed him by and contin ued to charge to th e finish. The deciding factor for the win came when bo th riders got stuck side by side in th e same m ud hole. As bo th riders, wh o are frien ds, yelled encouragement to each other, Mill er was th e first one free and clicking the gears wit h Kin g in ho t pursui t to th e chec kers . In th e 250cc A class, Eric Sauer q uickly set a sizzling pace to lead at th e end of the first lap by a m!nute. ~e ? nly r!ders who mana~ed to sta y withi n striki ng d ista nce were Bn an Hess and David Ash ley. Both tried vainly to reel Sa uer in but as the race progressed, Sauer refused 10 ba ck off the th rot tle. At the finis h, the order rem ain ed th e same with Sauer holding a two-min ut e advantage. In th e 125cc A class, Ri cky Fra n kli n took advantage of a mistake by Geo rge G reer 10 ta ke his first win on a 125 after havi ng previously competed o n 250s. Gr eer he ld the lead off th e start a nd in to th e fina l la p until a tri p in to th e trees cost h im th e win. With G reer tryi ng to put hi s head back on stra ight, Fra nklin qu ickly jumped a t th e o pportuni ty to cruise In for th e [fag. Gr eer managed to regro up for seco nd to hold o ff Rusty Epperso n. . Shawn Hess con tin ued his winnin g ways after hav in g been moved up to the 250cc B class fro m th e C di visio n thi s season . Wesley Moran held the lead at th e end of the first lap and Darrell Harley was o nly three seconds beh ind seco nd-p lace Hess. G oing in to the last lap, Mor an held a five-second ad vantage over Hess and was looking for hi s first-ever series win. Bu t th e las t lap turned ou t to belon g to Hess as he moved In to th e lead and crossed the line with abo ut a ha lf-m inute to spare over Moran while Ha rley was another minute behind. Resul ts O /A : I. Owain Milia (Kaw). AA: 1. Roland King (Sw); 2. Daniel Morri~n ( K.iIloV); 3. Ma rk Allm an (Hon). MINI: I. Jason Oreer (Kaw); 2. J ustin Redden (Sw). 200 A: I. Ricky Frank lin (Ho n); 2. Oeo rge Gr eer (Hon); 5. Rw ty Epperson (S Ul). 2!iO A: I. Eric Sa uer (KTM); 2. Brian Hess (Kaw); 3. O'oIvid Ash ley (Hon); 4. Olris Sho rtri dge (Kaw); 5. Jo hnny Eden (H on) . 500 A: I. G len H olcomb (H on); 2. Montie Orr (Ho n); 3. Karl Joh nston ; 4. Phill ip Doyle (Ho n). 200 8 : 1. Ja mo Roll a nd; 2. T ommy Reynolds : 5. Barty Co m bs; 4. Jason H edri ck: 5. T immy Mitchel L 2!iO 8: I. Sha wn HeM (Kaw); 2. Wesley Mora n (Hon); 3. Darrell Harley (Y. m ); 4. Dary l Allma n ; 5. Tony Hn5. 500 B: I. Robert Co x (KT M); 2. R~ Puckett ; 5. Bobhy Wilt (H on); 4. J im Thurston. 4·STR K: I. Chr is Main (H us); 2. Lan a Wi nd.1 ; 3. David ('}' Baldwi n: 4. Ran dal FiuKttald; 5. Albnt Odenthal l. SR: L Don HOAII (Xaw); 2. Riek Pin o (ATK ); 3. Gi l GriRJts ( ); 4. Da vid Ol ds (Y.m); 5. Jam es Hu uon. S/SR: I. J im Thompson (KT M); 2. Ron Hal e (Sw); ~ . Son ny Wood (SU 4. Sta n Norris (SU 5. J im my Milia 1); 1); (Kawl . 0-200 C: I. Mark Hale: 2. Pau l Lu u ; .5. M.rk Co mbs; 4. David Sanden; 5. H eath Hess, 250-500 C: I. Steve MOlson: 2. Kyle Gra nt; 5. Scotty Will iams; 4. Rogn Arn old; 5, J ames Evans. Boggia blasts OIR Motocross By Peggy Adamic RAVENNA OH, M , AY5 Mik e Boggia roosted to double moto wins in th e 250cc Expert class when Ohio Internatio na l Raceway <>pe ned its gates for th e 1991 raci ng seaso n . Over 500 riders were o n hand for th e evenL Boggia took th e lead off the lin e to begin mo lO one with Pete Maurice, Steve Johnson, Allen Beech and John Sh ay o n hi s rea r wh eel. Boggia and Maurice left the field of 17 riders behi nd as they q uick ly jumped o ut to a fourseCond lead. Shay pa ssed Beech for fo urth and bega n tracking down Johnson. On lap three, Johnso n wen t do wn as he moved in on Maurice. and Shay , runnin g a clo se race wit h J ohnson , landed o n the downed rider. Maurice held seco nd as Sha y fell to midpack. John Dietzic inheri ted th ird a hea d of Beech . Gr eg Wh eeler and Brad Quear. At th e finish Boggia held a four-second lead on Maurice. Barn ey Barnell fin ished th ird for the 125cc Expert class win, while Wh eeler held o n to fourth ah ead o f J ason Balas and Shay. MOIO two saw BoglPa tak e a sta rl -to-finish win . Shay stayed wllhin stri kin g di stance during th e seven-lap mota but co u ld n 't mount an a ttac k and had to seu le for seco nd. Maurice and Beech crossed th e lin e some seven second s be hi nd for fo urth and fifth . Results 50: 1. Larry Ru st (Ya m); 2. Brmt Mdimoot' (M M ); 3. Dtri dc. Eaperucbied (Yam ); 4. Troy Co V('ll "y (Sw ); 5. Raleigh U Thompaon (Yam ). SR MINI : 1. Brock Sellards (H on ); 2. Adam Btthdtl (Kaw ); 5. Bryan Bd1in ~r (; 4. jam ie Martin (Han); 5. Jordan Sdran (Xaw). JR MINI: J. Levi Hmningtt (Sw); 2. Bob Bowm an (KTM); 5. Ryan Edixon (Hon); 4. Larry Ru st (Ka. ); 5. K.C. w Hodenbem ( J(.,w~ . SCHBY : i. 8 rmt Abel (Hon): 2. Adam Bechdrl (Xaw); 5. Vinet' Karno w (SUI); 4. Many Li ng (H a n): 5. T .) . Somers (SU 1). 125 A: I. Bam t'J 8am~u (Hon); 2. Jdr McCune (Suz): ~. J 0I5On !bba (Hon); 4. Chuclr.. Nich olson (H on); 5. Mike 1I 0w~1I (H on). 125 B: L Mike Kali n (Suz): 2. Vinet' Xarnow (Slit ); .5. Qui, Bodo (H on/ ; 4. Ed Sn yder (Kaw); 5. David jones (Sw). 125 C D- : I. Ron Flick (Suz); 2. Jason Itkin (Ya m ); 5.Mike,

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