Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GLOC LEVENTS A Boydstun stuns atThrasherland MX m By Tony Tellier Scott Santmyers (25) led Don Rasmussen (475) off the line at Westhampton MX. 3. Jason w ebban (Xaw); ... Byro n M~;'MI~~~)Jak~ Rob i ~tl~ (l{awl: 5. Heath Guin~ Morri $ (Kaw) ; 2. alris (; 3. Andy Wibon ( Ka w); 1. Neal Willan ( Xa w); 5. Oun Bau l (SS~H8Y: I. Neal Wilson (Kaw) ; 2. Chri s Bault (Suz); 3. 8 1')' n McE lh an r-y (Hon) . 0 . 125 B: I. Sha ne J m kin s (Xaw) ; 2. Wayne Ham sc (Sw). :m 125 C: 1. Ro Co lli ns (Hon) ; 2. Ktn nrth Sheffiel d (SUl/; 3. Trent ( Ka w); 4. Hmry Weir (; 5. Jason McCa I (K.a ·B : I. Rick Wau~n (Ka w); 2. Sam 'Yl:'I&han. (Yam). ~ 250 C: I. Ray Sex to n (Han); 2. Ja mie Hamson (Su l );. 3. Todd Hu£f!\l 'tJer (Han); 4. Mikt Linginleh(,l (Yam): 5. Rick f Sto Udl (H a n). 25+: 1. Jeff Ledfo rd ( Ka w ); 2. Bill Monda y (Hon ); 3. Bob ~~: (~;l::l Sha nnon (K..iIw); 2. Tim T ro utma n (Kaw); 3. Umry Weir lKaw); " . Joh n Parke r (Yam) . O PEN: 1. Edwa rd Nai l (Kawl; 2. Mark Ra y (Ya m). EN DR: 1. Dona ld Sharpe (Hon ); 2. Sbaun Hod ge (~ w ); 1. Thomas Scott (Va m ); 4. Steve Ma unan (~w); S. O1arln MiII5OIp5 (Ka w) . . UIL AM: 1. Ray Sexton (Hon); 2. Rir k Sto.Hdl (Hon). 210+ LBS: 1. Henry Weir (Kaw); 2.. Scot t Dixon (SUl). NON CURR: 1. Scott j ohnson (Yam ); 2. Scott Hol der (Hon); , . R ick Sunneu (Yam ); 4. Sro u Nuchob (Yam ); 5. Shaw n Will ocks (H on ). Santmyers scores Westhampton win By Jim and Carolyn Simpson WESTHAMPTON, NY, M 5 AY Ac,ion Mo tor spo ns-backed Scott Sa nt myers sco red bot h moto wins to claim the overa ll victo ry i n the Se nio r Ama teur cl ass at Westh a mp ton Raceway MX. Joh n Carucci assumed th e lead at th e sta n 01 molO one. Bryan Kish lo llowed in sec~,:,d, until Santmyers po wered hISHonda pas, Klsh an d set a her Carucci. Carucci and Santmyers mo to red away wh ile Don Rasmu ssen mo ved u p to tak e o ver third pla!2e. Sa nt myers passed Caru cci i n Ihe back secuon and pulled away lor th e win. Carucc i lin ished second, ahead of Ras mussen. At th e stan 01mo to two, Sa nt myers grabbed the holeshot with Kish a nd Rasmussen in tow . As th ey co mp leted lap one, Ra smussen chas ed Sa ntmyers while Carucc i moved u p to ! ~rrd. The tri o remained in th e same pos itions th rou gh out th e moto, Sa ntmye rs scored th e mo ta and o vera ll wins with Rasmussen second and Carucc i thi rd. Co nsistent rid in g enabled Patrick McLoone to win th e 250cc Novi ce class. Moto o ne Stalted wi th Dal e Don inski leading with Chris Hohgrewe and Edw ard Donegan in hot pursu it . Holtgrewe dropped oil. the pace alter crashin g in a tum. putting Donmskl a ll ~lone in th e lead . Parrick McLoone ran a dIstant seco nd. Don in ski sco red the win , McI.~ne fini shed secod. and Robin son cro ssed th e hne in third. The second moto saw Don Brown grab th e holeshot , wit h McLoone an d R;obinson in tow. Brown 's lead was short -h ved,. as he cras hed in a corner. McLoone moved mto the lead o n lap two. Steve Risco loll owed in second and Robinson trailed i n third. McLoo~e wen t on to cla im th e mot a and overa ll win s. j oseph Dill .clai!" ed seco.n d overa ll and first-mot o Donmskl took th ird overa ll. DIN A VINT : I. Richar d Baulc h (Ho n ); 2. O1a rlot tt' 1. Thomas Hon l ik (Jla w); 2. Eric GUM.a(lI("n (Suz j; 3. Gror~ Dacha jski (H on). . 125 NO V A: I. Dennis Rob in son (Hon): 2. Ant hony FnMlne (KawO; S. Ch ris Scida (H a n). !)()() AM; I. J oe Zorn ( KoIw ); 2. Scott Sant myrn. (H an ); 3. . Pau l Wert htimer (Ho n). 1:5 NOV B: I. Dua R(' Klrppe (Kawl; 2. Bn an 8nTy (Hon); J. Anthony Donarummo ( ~ EX: 1. Brett Ma ra Kia (Sw); :t Pn t' FrilM::ht'r (Yam ); 34 Jot' Mm-i11 (H on); ~~~~ r ~r~~~-:)(Hon,; 2. Jot' Merrill (H a n); 3. Tom l.a~:~:\~g~~ny Colden (L1w); 2.T ommy Honzik (Kaw); t Duan e Klep pe ( Ka w) . 2. Je U Stempel (H o n) ; 3. Mike S~~~~lhck Fatigare (KTM); 2. Bud Fee (H tlli);, . Doug Who ley (Suz). . 125 EX : l. John Franco (SUl ); 2. Emmel Nt'da (Hon ); , . Breu Ma rasa.. (SUl). 125 AM: I. Jot' Moura (SUI) ; 2. Grt'l{ Ga lletta (H on): , . Da n ny Go lden (K.ilw) . SR A M : 1. Scon Santm}Tu (Ha n); 2. Do n Ra smu ssen . ' Hon ); 3. J ohn C,IrUCO [H o n]. . 250 NO V: I. POIu iek McLoone (; 2. JOM"Ph 0 111 (Ya m); i n..le Do ni nski (H en ). . SlSR; I. John San ut h (Hon ); 2. Harry Hoh grewe (Suz); 1. ~;~I~I~l j~';)webtt (Yam ): 2. Da vid Oi Pit'tro (Kaw). MINt 12· U : I. Kenn y PlaM (Kawl; 2. Dal e Ryan ()(aw ); t ~:~tY:~;~.(:l~ndero (Kawr. 2. Steven OMprn ( Kaw); to Eric Fla.gx ( H e n ). VanZant victorious at Chadwick Enduro By Coy Workman CHADW ICK. M M 4 O, AY Steve VanZant scored the overa ll ho no rs at the 24th An n ua l Cha dw ick Classic End uro with a total point l o ~ s of eig ht l~oi n ts. VanZant zeroed mne of th e fu st 10 checkpo in ts after start ing o n the 3 1st row . ~fter a n all -night ra in, VanZant lo und th e th Ickly wooded h ills a nd holl ow s o r th e Ozarks mor e di fficu lt th an usu a l. Even tho ugh the rider tu rnout in th e 22 classes was 'lower tha n in years pa s~ VanZa m had p lenty 01 competi,ion. Co lhns T relll scored o vera ll A hon ors aboa rd hi S 250cc mach in e. Overa ll B class hon or s went to Leo Koch o n a 500cc Kawaska i a nd th e C class winner was Kenn y McGee o n a Open class bik e. T he Super·Senior A cia .. lea,ur ed a tough ba ul e with j ack Shoalam ire a nd Verno n Boatwri ght, who tied at ',he end 01 el~h t check poin ts, a nd a lso a t the llebr eaker. Firs t p lace was event ua lly awarded to S h()a la~lIre on th e mer it of th e mos t perfect chec k po mts. Las t year 's o vera ll A cla ss winner Mart in UplOn, wo n th e 80+ m ile ~A clas s, bea ting o u t Mike McCutcheon . Th ird pl ace went to SERTA rider Tom Sin gleton . In th e po pular 250cc C ,:lass, G reg Lo we rode his Rambow Kawasaki-backed KDX to lir st place ahea d 01 Alan Co rum. a lA: I. Strve ViIlnZant. a lA AA : I. M;&rlin U pton. a lA A: l. (,.u lli m. Trmt a lA B: I. t A"O Kcx:h a lA C: I. Kenn y McGee AA: I. Ma rtin. U ~lu n ; 2. . Mlk ~ MC'Cutchr1Jl1; 3. Tum SinJ!:lr n n; 4. Davu. Vmcent ; 5. DaVid ROlf'll. . t A OPEN: I. Brn ny Ri(-tu rds: 2. EU/i:t"Tll" Sp n n/i:Slun ; " Rubby Pa!o("hal ; -I. Tnny Curt i5.. A 2.1)(): I. C() lI i n~ T rC'11t; 2. o and l Rnmd t; 3. R.andy Willi.ams O PEN A: I. Mikr Shuun ; 2. Billy Harri !>lm. lm A INT : I. Kt" y WilIid m\ ; 2.. Fn-ddir Thllma \; 3. Run . . Gr undy ; 4. Jerry Unffm an ; 5. l?iVId ~rry . A SR; I. Dan Richa rds; 2. Ru-k Rnb m("u; 3. larl .,,"- m· n. h ~~ Ii. ~;rI~~~~~' G rete Alr'xandM": 3. Wade ~'hnell; ,1. ~Ig~~~~t Leu KU('h; 2Cll'w Sc.'wt"ll; 3Curt i\ White. . . : n INT : Results VLA~tE(D~~l>EL: +25: I. I. Rich.u d Smi th: 2. J. M. Slt'phnr1o; 3. Lyndd l lk-t~I;~R: I. Ja('k Sho.a lamir t"; 2. VI'mlln Bc lOllwriKht : :I. Joll"! rl u brn.e. A SPTSMN: I. G len Huli ma n. A YTH: 1. T odd Alex.andn. B SR: I. Freddi r Davi~; 2. Ln- G lmn; :i. J uhn Go ad.. B S/SR: 1. BUICh Cardm'r ; 2. n a vt"fo"rdl ler; 3. o nn l ocker. B YTH: I. G II'n n M althew ~. C 125: I. J U !IohU06 G lenn; 2. Jllimn y Rhodt"lo. C 200; 1. Re x G ib!>lm: 2. J Mf'my H" ven~ ; 3. J d!lolln Mella r; g~: ~~~l~we; i. 2. Alan Curu m; :i. Billy T rt" adwe ll; i . Scott MurrAY 50. Dale Co ru m. : COPEN : 1. Kenny Mn .n- ; 2. Ruhhy Lelln ard : 3. Joh n Goa d. Jr.; 4. J am es Masu·r. . . CSR: I. Ga ry Spori ng ; 2. Juhn 8lMlnr ; 3. rml lll~ Sc. hdl. MX: I. Bob Fuent; 2. n ,lVld Myrn; 3. Jeff Hr nh ma n ; i . Krn Grw: ingrr. - GLENDALE, AZ, M AY4 Dave Boydst un won both th e Open Vintage ana Bomber events at Thrashe rla nd OHV Park . Boydstun 's usual mount,.a '71 S9 uare-.barT~1 250cc Maico, suf fered a nng f~ilure. In his Open Vintage heat race. .relega llng ht':' to a back row start in the main event - with out a motorcycle I j im Wilson 's 125cc Husq varna was generously mad e available and Boydstun had 10 make do with hall th e d isp lacement of his co mpeti tors. The rnam event lead was sna tched immedia tel y by heat race winner Roger j en sen, o n a H on da 250cc Elsino re. Boydstun ma de his pres ence know n o n lap three 01 th e l 2-lap race as he worked hi s way th rough th e pack by run ning the h igh lin e. Boydst un kept th e th rot tle wi red, nippin g at j en sen 's rear wheel. Exasperated at th e lack 01 top-end pow er . Boyds tun backed o il , resigned to a n also-ran positio n. But th en he got back With th e p ro~m and lat e-brak ed a t the end 01th e back stra igh t, driving int o th e tight hairpin tu~ lrom the o utsi de and cutting across jense,! s path in a cla ssic block pa ss. Alter the while flag Jen sen was abl e to repass Boydstun, but Boyds tu n shot ba ck into th e lead and held o n to win. In contrast, th e Bomber cla ss race produced a ru na way win lor Boydstun with.Tom Rogers winning a duel over j ohn Kovalak for runnerup honors. Resul ts VINT 1250; 1. Ricky Anderso n (Ho n); 2. Pa ul Schoen (Z'o' ); n 3. ~'i~~~\~i~~~~YdslUn (H us); 2. R~r JC'11K"n (H on); 1. Ph il Weslerm a n «(2). Ritchey roosts Cycleland MX By Michael R ich CHICO. CA. MAY 12 .. . j ason Ritch ey trounced the cornpenuon m the 125cc j un ior cla ss at Cycleland Speedway aboa rd his H&H Yamaha-backed YZ125. ' In the firs t rnoto, Zack Sch watka grabbed th e hol esh ot ahead 01 Mike Lopez and Ri tch ey, Ritchey wasted little tim e, and within hall a lap had tak en over the lead and began to pull away. Behind Ritchey. Neal .Peters sliced th rough th e lield after a. P?"r s~t and scooted into third at th e fini sh . Ritch ey scored the win ahea d 01 Schwa tka and Neal. Lo pez snagged th e holeshot in moto two , but R itch ey and Peters were on ly Inch es behind. Ritch ey and Peters smok ed past Lopez o n th e second lap. a nd began to pull away. . P hi l Lo vell sn uc k pas t Lopez on the fourth la p an d crossed the fini sh lin e in thi rd . R n~hey sco red th e mota and overa ll wins, ahead 01 Nea l and Lovell . . Matt Talbo tt holeshotthe lirst250cc junior mo to, with Stacey Rowe and ~aher Dl:lnn snap ping a t his rea r lend er. Dusnn Bloomf.eld Slonned o ut 01 th e pack to ta ke th e lead on la p two , while Du ran scoo ted in to ~o.nd. T alboll retoo k second j us t befor e the ,fm!sh , Bloo mfi eld gree ted th e checkered flag m lust. ahead 01 Talbo ll a nd Duran . . Bloomlield ripped o ut 01 th e gat e m the seco nd mot a and led Duran and Rowe across the fin ish lin e. T albott ran as high as third, but faded in th e late stages 01 the race . B100mlield scored th e overall win with hi s perf ect sco res. Results 500: I. Krvin Shi m izu (Yam) ; 2.. Brandon Boyd (Va.m ). . 60; I. $ran SKker (Kaw ); 2. Nikk i H arri , (; , . Eric Ha~N1~oU:· I. Brent Ro pay, (Yam ); 2. Roben Sto ut ( MIN I JR : I. Jerry H arvey (Sw ). 12!J NOV: I. Neal Prier, (Ya m ); 2. Zack Schwa.tka. ( H~); , . Phil Lo vrll (Ha n). 1250 JR: I. J ason Rit chey (Yam). 250 NOV : I. Walter Du ran \Han); 2. Todd Mulltm (Hon). 250 lR: I. Dus tin Bloomrie d (Hon ); 2. SlaC'ey Row e (SUl). O P(N NO \': 1. Scali Sma.1I (Ho n). VET NO V: I. Neal Pri m (Ya m ); 2. Vic Hagen (Hon ). VET JR ; 1. Jack Baken (KTM); 2. Micha rl Rich (H on) . VET INT: 1. Mike Crull (Ya m). PR O : I. Lo well Moural Jr . (Han); 2. T im Nobl es (SUl). Gresham grabs Lodi Short Track By Bill Spencer LODI, CA, M 3 AY Western Reg ioa l Sho rt T rac k Raci,:,g go t underway o n Friday ni!:,ht at ~he Lodl Cycle Bowl with over 200 nders In attendance, warm ing up , o n a very coo l spring even ing. lor th e Budwei ser /N or·CaI H ·D Dealers Regi on al Pro sho w o n Saturday nigh t. . Mike G resha m topped th e Pro-Ex porllon over Aaron Hill a nd Chris Carr. Gresham. lormer track cha m p and top Black Plate racer , garnered th e lead and ~eld oil th e rest of a n all-Natio na l number l1eld desplle pres sur e fro m bo th H ill and Carr. Will Davis tesled the hard-pa cked Lodi quarter-mile surfa~ a lter gelling bashed wh ile th e Irelght rram sna ked o n for a great show. j ose Aguilar ho leshot th e junior-Pro event and had jimmy Sa nche z to contend with , while Steve Mayfield took Iourth over j eff Eklund and o ld tim er Mark Smith. Tory Bost rom toppe~ the Pro-Am cla ss. with Lonnie Pauley trying every wh ich-way to ge t around. but to no avail. All en Auzenne took third over th e binhday bo y. Ben Bostrom with Brett Landes filth over ano ther o ld timer, Craig Rogers. Young Edd ie Hegarty topped the Pee Wee . C class o ver j oey Flow ers and Chad Ross, wh il e Robbie Harold was top B rider over Du sty Merd oza a nd Mike Erl. . Carom j ohnson won th e Vet B po ruon, wh ile Kim Darwazeh beat Steve G archner lor the C d ivision win. Aar on Cisco topped th e 80cc B class, while David Hall o wa y was th e C winner. j ohnny West top ped the Open B class o verjeff Hol gate and jimmy Will is wh ile john Eichelbau gh rode Steve Brandt's.old 40inch Yamaha to th e Vin tage wm, WIth j eff Hol gate over Don Shipley. Danny Mallattie hol eshot th e Vintage A, but succu mbed to ~e pressures 01 j im Mahoney, wh o won , with Gary Mil ewski ta king th e T eam Pec.kerh ead Triumph .to seco nd o ver Ri ch MarqUIS . Mark Smith, the 1973 Nor Cal champ, won th e Vet A clas s over Dave Bostrom and Sta n Morris. while Carr topped th e night wit h some revenge winning the Open A ov er Ro b Damron and Danny McDonell, ,R a ul lS PRO ·AM; 1.T ory BoMrom (W· R ); 2. Lonnie Pauley (Hon); 5. AI AUl.C'11ne (W-R ); 4. Bn1 Bo.trom (W· R); 5. Brett Lando (W.R). , PRO·JR: 1. JOM: Aguilar (H· D); 2. Jim Sanchez (Ho n ); 3. Stephen Ma yfield (H · D); i . JeU Eklund (W· R); 5. Ma.rk Srr;:~J~).1. Michael G reaha.m (H· D); 2.. Aaro n HllI. (HD); 5. Chris Ca rr (H -D): 4. Rob Dam ron (W· R); 5. Rex Fisher (Wp~J;. C: 1. Eddi e Hegarty (Yam); 2. Joey Flowers (Ya.m); ~d:lJ~'HiIlrold (Yam ); 2. Du lty Mendoza. (Yam); 3. ~#c:1 ~~Yr:!:..v,rh (Sw); 2. Stew Ga.rchnu (Ya m); ,. 3. Larry McCo na gh y (Ya m). VET 8 : I. Camm j ohnson (R tx); 2. Nor Stohr (Rtx); 5. D~;a r'~n~nR\~~~idean (Xaw); 2.. Mike Patterson (Kaw); 3 And y Hansen (Hon ). " . 80 BicC: 1. Aa.r Cisco (Ka. ); 2. Dave H all oway (Sur ): on w 3. Jan son Thompson (Ya m ). O P EN B; 1. Johnny Wot (Hon); 2. Jelf Hol gate (Ho n); 3. J imm y Wi1Iia (Rlx). VINT TW : I. Jon Eichelbaugh (Yam ); 2. JeU Holga te (Y~iJ;i"..:c: ~~~~::~~ (Yam); 2. Manny Dimal (Bul ); 3. Danny RUUtI (Hon). . . . VINT A: I. J im Mahoney (Ho n); 2. Ga ry MII~sb (T n); 3. ~hc: ~~~=)i...n.- (Suz); 2.. Robm Seay (Yam); 3. M Bi~~rtt~~)'McBritk (Yam ); 2. Eric Boau om (Ho n ); 5 Roc ky McCar on e (H on). . 80 A: I. J ohnny Mur phree ( ~w ); 2. Jeff Gabhar t (Ka.w); ~~'iYNHO~\H ';~ellan :i. (Hon ); 2. Clria Fischer (Hon ); , . Steve Ga rdne r (Yam) . VET A; 1. Mark Smit h (H- D); 2. Dave Bostrom (Ho n); 3."Sta n Morr is ( R lX) . O PE N A:. I. O u ia Can (H· D); 2. Rob Da mr on (W-R); 3. D.. n McDonnell (H · D); 4. J imm y Sancho: (Hon ); 5. Ja ke Zem ke (Rtx). Davis. Cooper cash in at Spring Classic Motocross By Bon n ie Warch RAMONA, CA, MAY 5 . , Contingency money and prizes are enuang ra cers in the CMC Sh oei Spring Classi~ ~es. Round live pai~ big ,,!oney !O t?P I1m,hers in most cla sses. hke Cra.g DaVls ~Ilh the 125cc Pro win and Sloan Cooper top pm g the 250cc Beginner class at Barona Oaks Raceway. After a superb l"'!lormance at the La. Vegas Supercross the mght before , Suzuki-m?unted Chris Young lined up to compete the 125 Pros and blow them away in moto one. Ryan Hughes piloted his Kawasaki to second wllh Poway Honda rider Paul Cortez rou!'ding o u t th e top three. Second mota .acu o n started with a first ttlrn pile-up holdmg up most of mota one's top fInishers. Davis wasted no time taking the lead and th e win with a 5-1 score for the overall. Davis earned $500 Honda bucks, Hug~es finished second with Terry Fowler c;armng third for $250 in Suzuki money. plus hISshare of the purse. In the 250cc Beginner class Honda-mounted Sloan Cooper earned a perfect 1·2 score to capture the overall and $300 in Honda contingency. Richard Wo.rley ,,'."k seco,!dand $100 fro m Yamaha, while Enc Marun got third giving him a $75 check from Honda. Ra ults UTH tNT: I. Taylor Swam (H a n); 2. Don Connelly (Suz); 1. Tim Ma.nh (Hon). UTH ~ 1. David Zahn (H on); 2. Keith JohnlOn (Ka.w); 1. T im Wah lberg (Ya. ). m . 80 JR: I. Shawn PttO lia (Hon); 2. JOIhua. Ta.ra nu no (Sw); 3. John Raym ond (SUl); i . Cluck E~ (Suz). OT MSTR.: I. La.n 1kTgqvisl (Yam) ;.2. La.n Lanon (Ya.m). OT tNT: I. Ja y Bi~ (Ya.m ); 2.. Adrian Mesa.(H on). m OT .fR: I. trank Bmada (Ya. ); 2. Gal e Webb (Ho n); , . Jim While (Suz). WMN: I. Bonnie Warch (Suz}; 2. H olly Ga~lagher (Ya.m). 500 BEG : I. Arron G inn (H on ); 2. Joe! MaI~ (H on ). 250 PRO: I. Ryan Hughes (Ka.w); 2. ams Young (Suz); _ 3. Rex Slaten (Hon); 4. Terry Fow ler (Suz). 2.SO tNT: 1. Xory Byns (Kaw); 2. Su-pha.n Mltcbdl (Yam ); 3. Aaron Wmauup (SUl). PIW STK BEG; I, John Hopki... (Yam) . PIW STK. JR: I. Dylan Ward (Yam); 2. (]lad Geumer (Va.m). 2SOJR: I. Mike Williams (K:.w); 2. Grq Lonergan (Xaw): 3. Mat Matema.n (Yam ); 4. Don ConMII,. (Sw).

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