Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 04 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v Letters to the editor 0ICES .INSIDE Cancelation justified FEATURES ROAD RACE Team Suzuki Endurance tops Talladega SUPERCROSS Bayle, Bradshaw score at Pontiacdoubleheader 6 TRIALS Aaron pulls upsetat Schreiber Cup National Aaron captures EI Trial de Espana XXI win 1 2 20 INTERVIEW NMA's Ron Henricksen 24 M OTOCROSS Bervoets blasts DutchGrand Prix 26 13 OFF ROAD Roeseler and Hunnicutt victorious at San Felipe 250 ..... 14 Summers too tough at Moonshine National HS 22 RIDING IMPRESSION Triumph 1200 Trophy 16 DEPARTMENTS NEW PRODUCTS LOCAL RACiNG RESULTS CALENDAR WANT ADS : 21, 35 28 36, 54 .37 .42 ON THE FRONT PAGE: T he rebirth of Triumph co mes in the form of the 1200 Trophy. Photo by P h i l Masters . In response to David Boydstun's le u er in the Apri l IO issue: Matt Hilgenber g, Goat Breker a nd J ack . Ba rbacovi did th e right thin g by cance ling th e Vintage Rac e (at southern Ca liforn ia's Perris Raceway o n March 24). The tra ck was flooded in a reas a nd co u ld not ta ke another soaking. I saw the track Saturda y when I talked to Breker. I a lso ta lked to Hil genber g Mo nday night on th e p ho ne. T hey did not want to cancel the race , but after seeing the weather repo rt , they had to. The rain storm hit Su nday night/ Monda y morning. Monday 's road report; "1·5 was closed off and on all day, Caj on Pass was covered wi th snow and open under police escort only, T ehachapi Pass was closed to campers a nd trailers because of high winds and sno w, all roa ds o ut of L. A. to the ski ar eas - chains req u ired. " If th at storm had co me to so uthern Ca liforn ia o n Sunday, as the weath er man said it would, there would have been bad tra nsporta tion problems . As late as Saturday n ight, the wea ther man sai d the rai n wou ld be there early Sunday morning. We left to return to San J ose on Monday a n d becau se o f t he ba d weather we had to take the slow way back, Highway 101. We hit rain, snow, hail and stuff tha t was some of each. I repea t, they did the righ t thing. America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Jim Dent Wonder Productions San Jose, CA Volume XXVIII Mich ael Klin ger. Publisher Caroline Ge ndry , Execut ive Secretary to the Publish er Editorial J ack Mangu s. Associate Publisher! Edi tor Kit Palmer , Associate Editor Paul Carru thers , Associate Editor Nate Raub a. Associate Editor Ken Faug ht . Assistant Editor Donn Maeda, Assistant Edit or Edwina Mangus , Calen dar Editor Graphics and Production Ree Joh nso n, Producti on S upervisor Man dy Loo, Production Manager Dennis Gree ne, Lab . T ech. Stacey G uest, Grap hic A rtist Am y Harr is. G raph ic A rtist Carolyn Branham, T yp esetter Circulation Rh eba Smi th, Mana ger Sarah Taylor, Billing Coor dinator Alm a Anguian o . Processin g Coordin ator Ga brielle Gilliam, Processing Assistant Debbi e Weller , Dealer Coo rdi nator Want Ads Li nda Von de Veld. Want Ad Sales National H ead q uar ters 220I Cherry Ave Long Be .. ach. CA90806, P.O. Box498, Long Beach, CA 90801 -0498 (2 13) 427-7433; 2 13/636-8844. FAX (213) 427-6685 Advertising T erry Pra tt , N ational Accounts Mana ger Mark Thome , Western Sales Manager Ron Davidson, Western Sal es Man ager Thomas R. Come r. Western Sales Manager Mark Mitch ell, Eastern A ccounts Manager Greg Mitch ell , Eastern Sales Manager Curtis Ca mp bell, Eastern Sa les Manager J oan Ru ssian, life' tern Ad Coordi nator s Carla Borden Allen, Eastern Ad Coordinator Dealer Sales Allen Den nison , Deal er R ep resent ative Ma rkcting Be Pro motion Mark T home. Man age'r Accou nting/Data Pr ocessin g Donna Bryan -Diam o nd , A IR Coordinator Gen eva Repass, Assistant H erl ane Lewis. Credit Service an d Su pport Ch ris Aitcheson, H eadquarters R eceptionist Leonard Herring, Service and Su ppo rt Eastern Of fice 4190 Fi rst Ave., T ucker , GA , 30084; mai lin g add ress P.O. Box 805. Tucker, G A 30085-0805. (404) 934·78 50. FAX (404) 934·311 2 Cycle News (USPS 141·340) is p u blished weekly excep t the last two weeks of the ca lenda r year for $50.00 per year by Cyde News, In c., 220 1 Ch erry Avenue, Lo ng Beach , CA 90806. Second class pos tag e pa id at Long Beach , CA. POSTMASTER: Send addresschanges 10 Cycle News, P.O. Box498, Long Beach CA90801-0498. . . To determine the expiration date o( you r subs cription. check the fou r n u mbers on the first li ne of your address label, The first two d igi ts indicate the last issue number you 'll receive and the last two characters in dicate th e year of the last issue. Subscrip tio n ra tes: Rates for the United Sta tes a nd its possess io ns for one year, (50 issu es), $50.00; two yea rs (100 issues), $95.00; six months, (25 issu es), $26.00; trial sub (15 issues), $19.00. Ca na da a nd Forei gn, o ne year (50 issues), $90.00; two years (100 issues). $ 175.00; six months (25 issu es), $45.00; tria l sub ( 15 issues), $38.00. Cycle News welco mes unsoli cited ed itoria l mat eria l incl udi ng stories. ca rtoons , ph oto s, etc. Su ch rnat er ia l.uf p ublished , beco mes the exclus ive property of Cyde News. Suc h accep ted material is subject to revision as is necessary in the so le di screti on o f Cycle News. Unsolici ted mat eri al whi ch is not used will be returned if acco mpa nied by a self addressed sta mped envelope. All unsoli ci ted material will be han dled wi th reaso na ble care . however , Cyd e News ass umes no respons ibility for th e safety, loss o r da mage to such mat erial, Reprintin g in wh ol e or part o nly by pe rm ission of the p ub lisher. Advert isin g rat es and circula tio n inf o rm at ion will be sen t u pon req uest. See S.R.D.S. W/BnA 'if rl'\ 4 AUDITED CIRCULATION CopyrightS Cycle News, Inc. 1991. Trademark Cycle News registatd U.S. PalCnt Office All rights reserved, . . On the road back I just wanted to.tha nk all my friends, fellow mo tocross racers, families and sponsors for all their su p port, cards a nd p ho ne calls since my acciden t in the Florida Winter AMA MX Series. My neck brace was rem oved o n March 27 a nd I've been wearin g a brace for over 14 weeks. T wo of the thr ee breaks in my neck a re healing. T he third brea k is not healin g like it sho u ld, but I' ve told the doct o rs that I will ride aga in. They've put me on an exe rcise program for the next six weeks to strengthe n my neck and see how it holds up a nd if there is any movement in th at a rea. Ho pefu lly, I' ll be back on bikes by the fall if they do n 't have to ope ra te. Aga in , thanks to all of you for your su ppo rt. Kevin Crine Mechanicsville, MD P.S. Hang in there, T ony Haynes . We are th inking abo ut you. Dear Suzuki: Thanks for puuin g on your dual sport dem o da y at Cajon Pass on Apri l 7. Yo u responded to calls of riders to develop a bik e that was street lega l a nd d irt read y. No t only did you giv e us a grea t bik e (the DR series), but you also made the commitment to get beh ind the growing sport of dual sport rid ing. Hopefull y, other facto ries will foll ow your lead and u pgrade their bik es. I have been involved in motorcycling as a rider, racer and promoter for 28 yea rs and know the value of the boo st yo u have given our sport by your su p po rt. Since I put on the first dual sport rides nin e years ago, I've ho ped this would happen a nd I'm behi nd it 100-percen t. T ha nks again, Suzuki, for helping take o ur sport into the '90s. T. L. Nichols Rancho Santa Margarita, CA First dual sport ride? N ine years ago? Some of us not-so-young-anymore folks can rem em ber taking part in dua l sport rides decades ago . In the infancy of motorcycling, such activity was a must because where roads existed they more often than no t weren't paved. As late as th e sixties, motorcyclists would ride th eir street-legal bikes to tracks , rem ove the headlight and tai llight and com pete. Check out photos from en du ros several decades back and you'll see riders competing on H arleys, BM Ws, etc. In the mid-six ties, a grou p of us in the Cockeysville, M aryland, area regularly rode our street-legal bikes - everything from T riu mphs, BSAs and Harleys to those new at th e time high -pipe Hondas - from our homes to a loca li shop w he re we gathered and headed fo r th e woods. Th e arriual of th e Yam aha DT I in 1968 saw such activ ity increase ten-fol d. W e we lcome its return . . . Editor. Some do, some don't My eig h t-year-old son and I attended the Ca mel Supercross in St. Petersburg. T he raci ng was great and we both had a grea t ti me. But th e reason I'm wri ti ng is to com ment on the racers' p ublic rela tions. In betw een races, my son a nd I worked o ur way down into the pi ts to loo k a t the bikes and the riders. In th e Honda p it area we saw J ean-Michel Bayl e and Jeff Stanton. We were both excited to see these two top ride rs. As we stood there watching, Bayle had just wal ked over to sit down. H e had a Coo rs ca p on and as he sta rted to sit down and take his ca p off he loo ked over at us. H e got up o u t of hi s chair a nd wa lked over to us a nd too k the ca p off his ow n head, a utographed it, and placed it on my son's head. Later, we motioned to J eff Sta nton to co me over a nd sign an autograph. He looked right a t us a nd shoo k his hea d no. We were both shocked. Was the #1 supercross rider too good to sign a n autog raph? Were hi s fans of so little importance to him? I'm sure Stanton a nd Bayle bo th p ut their pants on one leg a t a time, but the di fference betwee n the two is like nig ht a nd day, both on and off the track. As · Ba yle wo n j he fin al , my son tu rn ed to me a nd said, " Dad, do you know why Mr. Ba yle wo n?" I said, " No, why?" He answered, " Because he has a kind heart." Mr. J ean-M ichel Bayle had just gai ned two devoted a nd very tha nkful fa ns . J eff, budd y, you just lost two! Norm Harris Parts Manager South County Honda Sales Venice, FL We have observe d Sta n ton spe ndi ng lengthy periods of time after races signing au tographs. Wh ile we understand your being im pressed w ith Bayle, as we ll you should be, we trus t you'll understand that ma n y racers put a " race face" on prior to an even t and keep it on unt il th e even t is ove r. For tha t reason , m ost fo rms of m otorsp orts m ake th e p it area off- lim its to fans until aft er th e event so that the racers and crew m embers can devote full time to the task at hand . . . Ed ito r. Letters to the editor should be sent to: Voices , Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 _ Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Letters should not exceed 200 words and all letters are subject to editing.

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