Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 04 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCAL EVENTS e Tebo for second place on lap seven. T ebo ma n ag ed W ~lOltl him off for IWO more .Ia p s, UUI o n lap m n e he edged past T ebc to finis h seco nd behi nd hi s brother. with Tebo taking th ird , ...... ..... ~ 0. tak e the win , with Bu rr la ki ng thi rd . Tho rup's final burst of speed a t th e fin ish lin e ca used h im to run o ff the track ill I UTI) o ne. but he was ab le to keep the bike u p rig !u . II wa s Ra nd ol p h 's th ird win o f th e day, havi ng won th e 'l 00cc ;\Iodifit'd P rod uctio n a nd th e 500("("5 10(1 Pr oduction even ts ea rlier in the day. Resul ts T)(I ' . ..1': I. J Ul' \\ ·il li...m " llitoll l: 2. ( ]Lolrll!l G ISul ); ' .1. 1l....I }' , tt· (J U III.Ir. L (;U1C I' unlt")' j Ka w): .r.. Gr~ Rli nl ; 1\'.11111 . Illil . to n I"Ron: I. Jd l",'~ R..ndull,h IV.u n): 2. Will ia m \ Ill,lII IYdm ): $. R il, h i" T ho l up (" OI m ): ,1. lI im ""hi ~a lt .. ji m.. 1' ;II n l: .l. ~1 1t ILoll'l ~l nUl "\- .. ( Y, n lll. l ."JIM ~1 ()1l PR O I): I. l' U·"llOll h 'III:U!IoI II' (lI u lI): ~ J ('Hy I Jn~ ., ....l.\ (....I ....'): :l . Ro.,,, Ri llK ud (Yaml : I. SI' ....r Rt"u/ i: ", .',. D.nill Willi (H u lI l. F·.... ~l.: I. Alltl ~ ~!lh ,," n ... In ): ~ TrdVt'1'1o"-.. p pt'l ( ...·a m,' : C j . Kil l. 11"'111''''111 {Y,llIlI: I. Ril l. Th.llnp..t 1 (\';n l1); .'J. t.f!( ' 1l _ It' ll t 'l ( \" UTI). " o l· t.:,\ _ s T : I. (;h.ul t·~ (;"t\'n ISul) : 2. 8,un" T ..IJl, l ~u/I: ... . . ( ;lIIli .. ,\ t1 " ' '''III I: '1. J,tI ' Wi lli .. m" IH"II I: .r.. R"h,"'I·Milln 1 .III1 t llltll l. 1 Sl -K I"RO Il : I. ~ Iil h,'I'1 Kt ' n ~1II I" ;un}; 2. 1';11\11' II ••IM )00 (Y.lln l: .t KlIltl · R"im(,1 (Ydllll: 'I. M...II. Md )o n.lld (Y.lln l: : .•,. l' ilHUlh } Vall :\...m l· (1-11111 ). ;,(M ) 12.') 11'\'1': I. )u1oh Buyki n ( Hon ); 2. Gr r"K AIit'll (H n n ); ~ . J imlll YMt'1hrlll ( Kil w); ". J rny C l("y ( H n n l :.~. Trny Coud jr l .uw (~U/ J. _ _ • ( l-~ Il ll ): :!.')() I NT : I. Mll. r Slanltm (H nn ): 2. Garry MmTi. :t Ilallll y Allt-n (S Ul) : .1. Juhn ~hC.cipn (Kaw): !.. Pa ul ".pl r y ( .....u l). 12!, UEG : 1. Smtl M lar \ Vee Pee \\'t'e class., Beau I)u J all1t'~ too k lhe ea rl y Ie- d o ver Dal e Ains lie, d A.]. K was a ll Ain sl it.'s, <1 :-. Ilt" led from ' Slan to fin ish. Behi nd hi m were Kt.n n ish , · J am<" Rtillo, who baLlkd back and fon h wil h Casl illo fina ll y gell ing:lilt"nod . R.,mlts ;,0 ST)r;,; I. n · Ain ,l i,' C Ydlll): 2. A.j. K" llIli, h ( \ ',111I1: :So Rt'.tu J... I I - ( " 11I 1 I. P...ul ( :"'oIillo ( h i). : !JO ~I() n: I. J,.,.t·m) Rn .'d Ill' M . " liU I. JU~lin Ruth I.....w t: 2. I)...k Aill~I"' (It ' 'Il). : HO: I. Ik ... ~b lllq 1K;.. \o u ;). I:!. J I . J " f1 'Ifl) P' M t·1 lll...l l: 2. Kt·i th h'ltlt·IIII"nl: :S. Rt·...u ": ' ;\1...ul ' 1 ( K... " ·I: I. Tr", \'i.. c;.u U t Hull ). ~"': I. Ph il P rUh lll,d1l (IV ... I: 2. J I'U'm l I",tltl'l 111' >111 . O l"l~ : 1. 1' 111 1 Pr U hl1U II ciU ... ~ l·sT R K: I. KI"\, m ILA.... 1l1"1I': 2. M.. rl. .\ ill..11I' (lI " n l: :S . K' ·II .\ lCh h.. ItI C .. n ): L Rill ;\1...111'1 (Y...IIIl. , ll . Graves brothers make good at Willow Road Race By Eri c Vin cent RO~.U10:-; lJ. C\ . mR. 15-1; Tht, rad nR b.-others of Ch u C rnt" X('t" (H on) : , . Jnry J irl.:"....lty cK..wl: i . Trod Ii..ot pn t"1 (Hun ): ~ . . S iku Rul d" (H- OJ. 600 SG t.: I. Kirk Thllll1P"'"1 l \";Iml: 2. T"IW'I" T ..ppn n·..m ): 3. b it Sh M, ,.r (Ydlll): i . C "I IZJtOI>p l ( H" n): .r. J uh n 1 . ='O id ...m IV...m ,. tiOOV ST: I. Kmllti.ulllhuKu l".. m ); 2.Tum Aquinu l"am J; 3. [)w ;ryn(' Chun K (Su I): .1. Milh.. r1 Rot'n wIIl ( Y.. m ): .r.. R.. ymo'nd lft h II (' ·..m l. "'-2: I. :\l irhoM'l ( ~r ..... C ,,",,: 2. I\l'nl K u nihu ~u IVdm , : n \, 3. ( J M, I,... Rum('ll ( B u nt: -t.."'M IIiI \.lIJ1aw .. y {" .. m l; "i. R' l'o 1> l-blm(.....m l. Ht,n Odom slides to Brown Water Hare Scrambles win By El Rae Morgenthaler RAINIER. W M 17 A. AR. J eff Od om overca me cras hes a nd slippery co nd itio ns to sco re th e overall win at th e Roa drunn ( ","w); 3. Idl Odom (KT M ). O PE N B: l. R ic... Spark. (li o n): 2. Rob Buml id e; , . Bill Elliott [ Hon ]: 4. J im Co n nor ( K.iw ). SP'TSM N: l. Bill Flemi ng (Hon); 2. St.1I n H a rt h (Sw); , . Gary T urne r (Ya ml ; 4. R ick Dahl (Sw). S R: I. AI Feuer y (SUl); 2. L yl(' Durcnso (SUl) ; , . Dave Bow ers (Sw). S/S R: I. Alan Drah (Sw ): 2. R on Mor gmthaler (Sw ): , . H ow ard Em miclt. (SUl ). C: 1. Kevi n &li ley (Sw ): Z. Rob Lrwi a: , . MMIt Her-gttt: 4. Eric Hergert. WMN: 1. Too Fleming (Ya m ): 2. Tracy Allm ( ); , . Caro l Williams (Ho n ). Segedy scores Orange County Short Track win ByT.L. Coss ORLAl"DO FL, MAR. 5 , Ia n Segedy topped Ja ck Mayer to earn top ho nors in th e Pro class at the Ora nge Co unty Ra cewa y short track races, The n i&h t' s action got o ff 10 a n exciti ng sian as Mich iga n 's \Vayn e Stratto n a nd New Jersey's Rob Sweeton banlt"d [or the first heat holes hot. Sweeton gOt it, with Now York 's Rob Gene pus hing Stratton 10 ca p tu re seco nd a t th e fin ish lin e. The seco nd Pro heal saw Texa n J imm y j ohnso n wiLh a strong sta rt a nd Oh io 's " Flyin" Ian Segt"dy r

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