Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 04 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Let HONDA cover you at LAGUNA SECA USGP See your particating for all these USGP necessities - Total Performance. 1. Discount tickets ,. 1-day $30 ($10 off gate charge) 2-day $40 3-day $50 CBR600F2 2. Special, li mited-parking passes for motorcycle riders 3. Commemorat ive 1991 USGP hat See you on Honda Island April 19,20 and 21 Kenneth Bailey slid to second overall in the 250cc C class at Hidd en Acres MX. Offer good while s upply lasts . S upplies limited. Availa ble at Panicipat ing Dealer s On ly. 125 : I. j " 'oI ln Sr mrl l ( Kdw); Z. Rryan Ril(f" w j Ka w ): 3. lu M ur l(Oln Cnu llM.1h ( K.. WI. MO: J. 8 1')' Ri litf' uw ( K.;.w ): 2. J....,url Sn u ,"11 ( Kdwl. ''11 l 50: I . RfMk y III1«: n .. .. (V;am ); 2. Ruruld W ilk n ( V.. m ). h SR : 1. Wi lh;&m Sn ydn (H nn ): 2. o..,,,, ld W ,u n'Jo ( R lx ); 3. Kn1 Ml (".. n ne lt (II n n l: I. Oa vid o lbMh (Va m ). ~~COLLECTORS"" c.-•• Childress, Lough split Hidden Acres Motocross wins Buy, Sell or Swap " Coll ectible" motorcycles , parts, accessories and memorabilia. By Barbara and Loren Williams KISGSPORT, TS, MAR. 3 CYCLE NEWS is America's source for vintage. antique and collectible motorcycles. Buy or sell your 15 year or older, street or dirt, racer or classic, motorcycle in the Cycle News "Collectors" want ad section. Steve C h ild ress a nd Ch ad Lough topped th e 2:;0 a nd 12:;(:<" A classes at the gra nd o pen ing 01 H idd en Acres MO" XTo>' . Mor e tha n 170 enm m ts ca rne to th e fad lity, w h ic h is n estl ed .. in th e hi lls o f Ten ne ssee. fo r the open ing fou n d o f thr- five- race Catorade C ham pion slri p C ha llenge. C h ildress first went to Hell H ol e in So u th Plus: Find hard-to-find parts, accessories and motorcycle memorabilia - finisher pins, patches, trophies, posters, prints, pictures, videos and more! Caro lina, but ra ins had ca nc e lled th e even t th ere. M ) lit"dro ve more th an three h ou rs no rth . Ch ild ress m issed the- First 12:)("(' A clas s mo w , in which Lo u gh passed Mik e Litz o n the F irst la p . Pa u l Dal to n d",II" II ~"d hri elly alter L itz fell in th e th ird tu rn. b u t Lo ug h streak ed aw ay fo r the wi n. Ch ildress was on the line for mo to two , but he J;"ot h u ng u p in the sta rling ga te and Lo u gh cru ised into th e lead. Lo ugh stayed O U I fro n t un u l near the end o f th e six-lap mo tu whe n he slid out. C h ild ress was there 10 ta ke o ver and he p icked hi s way th rou gh th e ru ts to win. leaving: seco n d to Lough a nd thi rd 10 Dah on . Stan ton Barr ell . wh o finis hed third in mow o ne , faltered in th r ea rly la ps b u t ca me up to c ha llen gr Daho n at the end befor e h is engine seized. s Dalton gra bbed th e hol e ho t a t the sta rt 01 the first 250n ~ A mo to but slid o u t in tu rn o ne . g iving Lou g h th e opportu ni ty to haggl e o ver the lea d with Chi ldr ess. Loug h stretch ed o u t h is lea d as C hi ld ress. w ho had o nl y ta ken hall a la p 01 p ra n k", famil iarized himself with t he co ur se. Childress fell in th e wh oo ps, 'cond adva n tag e. g iving Lo ug h a 15-M Tha t ma rgin van ished o n la p fou r when Lo ug h frll in a ru m a nd rem ourued right beh ind Chi ldress. Lough cha llen ged (OT th e lead u nt il he o vers ho t a IUTn, g ivi n g: Ch ildress a ll the l oom he need ed to ca p tu re th e wi n. Lo ugh fell again in th e final turn, bU I was able 10 mainta in seco nd . The seco n d mote was C hi ldr ess a ll th e W 3 )' . Lo ugh wa s a g a in seco nd a he-a d o f Brad Strunk. Dwain Mi ller a nd Dalton. DEALERS: A CALL TO ACTION! Clean out your rafters, Attics, back rooms, basements, warehouses and storage trailers. sell your old pieces and parts.All reg ~lar deadlines, prices, rules and regulations apply. Call, write or FAX your collectors want ads to Cycle News N O W! Contact: Cycle News c/o Collectors Wa n t Ads, P .O. BO X 498 Long Beach , CA 90801 (213) 427-7433 24 Hr FAX (213) 427-6685 (ch a rge or commercial open acco unts only, please) , What Is Your Problem? Tell It to the editor, write him a letter. l-I n p !llm ( \" lIl1 ). SCHBY ; I. t CIoM'ph lI ult...'1l (Y;lID) . . t'.N rl R : I. Kr llh Hr y (SUI): 2. L.ur )· "'indUlln ( KT M ); 3. MiL.l: Kud t"n h;III W' (Sill) ; .1. O'I\'id \ ' jnn tSIII) . 1 1 2~ A: I. C h ;ul l .u Ulo; h (11011) 2. P;lul Oa hull t H u ll ): :t ; S ta rnou R.iffrll ( H n n ): 1 . Sll'\'f' C.h ild ,rlolo (SUI ): 5. Mil c' I. i ll (S ui). 1:5 8 : I. MI L." ;'I.; u lln ( ); 2. BI;lt.I C.J•.IIk t ~ w). t 1250 C: I. T i m H ud. 1IL ( Y•.IIn ): 2. Brian Ht~~ ( ~ w ,; 3. G u"J( Put ma n (SUI) : 'I. Ruyt r Slili lu m ( ~ w ): 5. Midt;... I I ..,HI" ) Il (SUJ) . 2.70 A: I. Sl" r Ch"l>.\ (S ill ): 2. C Ia.It! L.(lllJi: h (H Ull): 3. arad Smmk (Sill); .1. I h,.. i n M illn t Ka....): 5. P;1lI1 O.,hull a . (H u n ). :50 R: I. M ILt" :"illtl n ( K...w l: 2. M i L." Kr llt'T( H clIll : 3. J.;.I lIIt"l f 1I 0lyn ( H Ull ). 250 C: I. C1ui", R. ~ ( K..twl: 2. Kr ll lln h Rai l...,. I H u lI): .:'l. - -- .. ~ ~ ~ --~ ~-~ ~ ~ HI-PERFORMANCE PISTONS MX/ATV L_---------~ MANUFACTURED INJAPAN Resu lts 50: l , r all' il L H ..ynn (Y.u n, : 2. Thum..lo H.u nby l Y....U); 3. Jr H Fif'ld lo (Yam) : ,I. C1lO1d A..but } (\'.u n) ; 5. Ru.... . I Il KIM~ (Y.u n l. (t.) 7· 11: I. Ik, n ·L R I;I I I t K.,w ); 2. IS il l 1-I;I }' II (""o 1!ri.;lwl: 1 ;ltr 3. Dam ian II r Oidr il L. ( lWw ). JR MIN I 7· 1J: I. P.UlI J UloI W.t K.IW): 2. Alu m J)nIOIII IYa m l; 3. Sreu BI;lir ( K.&w). SR MINI : I. S"' I" G I 'IVt~ t K.IW): 2. Rl lbb.,.· Rl lbl·t l ~IIl ISu / ); 3. Bryan Sm it h ( K.IW); ,I. Slnll R UM l (SuI) : :l. J lIM ,d 'ph ......... - - ...- --., ===- -. - -- _ ••- --GENU INE RAC ING PARTS L.A. SLEEVE CO. Parts and Accessories • Yamahas Street &D irt • SuperJ et •H usqvam a•Ducaft •H usaberg '. KTM • Wave Runner • Wave J er amm ~! M Order· UPS ail I ~ ~ R ngandInsurance ~ v"'. " nanci Monday - Saturday 9:00 • 6:00 7563 lndiano, R iverside (Hwy 91& Madison) High performance race style pistons manufactured from special high-sili con aluminum alloys. Piston kits supplied with rings, circlips, wrist pin. For leading makes and models. See your dealer. LOS ANGELES SLEEVE CO., INC. 831 1 Chetle Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90660 (213)945-7578 Deal ers call or wr ite for yo ur free catalog and decals , 23

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