Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 04 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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APRIL 13th, 1991 Sign Up Practice Race 1Va lli' . 2~ J R: I. Will i Lrth (KT M): 2. (lane Andt'r'of'll tHulI); ,. ~ 1 . 1 .'Uldt'gt"1II (l i n n ): 4. T om Mdlnr fHoll l; 5.lWilVW illrfl t" 5:00PM 5:45 PM 7:00PM ( H u n) . 2~IO I ~ T: I. Swtt Sease (SUl): 2. T y Swa rtl (H u ll ): 3. Ken Wimloll ( Ka w ): 1. Don Rice (li on). P RO : I. R ub in Du h lma n (Ka w]: 2. Da nn y A m ll ' l l>IlII ( Ka wl; :-t. Info: (615) 239 -9988 or (615) 234-0772 Vi lUt' Wart t'll ( lI u ll ). .S REG: I. p all C,;,u npbdl (lIuII): 2. Fr ed 'Llue- (Yalll); OO l 3. RI'Ker Ore b (I i i In ): 1. RI.M n Ikrdy(k t H ' IIl): 5. Rim Gt-,d('~ $6.00 $3.00 Pros $30.00 Amateurs $15.00 Five Entries Make a Class All MlC andATVClasses 15 miles West of Kingsport, TN, off 1-81 at exit 44 99 !iOO J R: I. Chri!l Perf'1 (H oll); 2. Ri ll At'biIIKTM ). rtOO INT : I. Rllht'n Faifing t lllln ): 2. Tudd Frt'i!llal (Hu ll). 25·29 REG : I. R ichard \Vur l('y (ViUlI); 2. ( : PCU'I (lI o n); ·1. Paul \'uW'I l> (Yam); .1. \,i llu '!Il Ikl u(-.. (Hu n,; .r. jim Odle l t }-lem). ( )T JR : I. Re.l)('fl ~'rd y c k (H," I). OT INT : l. Ik l1ll ilo David (Ka w): 2. Fra nk !kn o ka [Ya mj : ll 3. j dY B ic'TT)' ( Yilln ): ,1. Rill MilleJllt' (f lllll); C h Ut" Col~tlll1 * Adults Under 12 % ( He til ). l . OUlllo; Rahdus (SUI ': 1. Travis Kin K(Viu n) ; r). Mal ill Gal cia (JUwl. 25·29 JR:. I. Willi bnh (KT M): ~ . J im Heu n (Va m); 3. Lincol n Pe-r.... ,1 (Ho m: 1. SIHI1 HIJ::hhmd (SUI) : [,. na\lf' i l G'~~ ~~Y~GBTST~U~OTOClOSS lIDJR: 1. Ju!>hua Amaradin ( Hon); 2. Bobb y AI I('II ( K.aW): Den m ~ j nnl'l; ( Hurl); 4. Sieve wisdom (JU w). 125 KEG: I. Churles Sim pvm (Yam ): 2. T ho ma" Ega m (Kaw J: 3. Kill Kro wni ull:(Ya m). 125 J R: I. Tim 01 ,,1)11 ( KT MI: 2. Jdf Morri" (Hon ): 3. Milan " Sc'h a rU t"J ( H u ll ): 4. Junathan Kni Khl ( Kaw ): 5. Ada m h'ltrt ly ( H u n ). 2~ KEG : I. Arid y C ripe (Ya m ): 2. Jdf Cllnte- ( ~ U / ); 3. Bn-n l>t'mlt·y (Ya m ); '1. Mike Bloom (VOlin ): 5. Ca m Canww lI 3. AMAPro • APR Racing: Don't Settle For Less! (614) 891·2425 Financing HONDA Come ride withus, . All 1990& 1991 CRs on Appproved Credit Temple City Honda (818) 287-6 167 * , S PRO PURSE lSO\PAYBACK LARGE TROPHIES FOR AMATEURS S S BOYESEN REEDS OSC Distributing 4232 D ix ie Hwy. W at erford. M I 48329 (31 3) 673-336 6 (31 3) 6 73-81 4 4 FAX U PS Da ily SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS T HAT SUPPORT YOUR NEWSPAPER r ,. (HUll). 0"1" EX: I. (~nlrJ.:t' Knhlt'l (" ,1m); 2. Ti m nilily (fl u n l: 3. H OlM l ,('ill M'1 (Sun: '1. AI'1Il 0 1.1.'11 ( K.. w,; 5. jud y \\'(·i lol '> .'1 ( Y a nl). VET EX : 1. RulM"1I F:liliu K ( lio n) . n O M 8 ER : I. RIII" 'II F;lil i llK (1111 ). 11 Myers masters Marysville MX By Nuklear Neukam MARYSVILU. CA. MAR 10 . Sco tt Myers survived a det erm ined cha llenge fro m Kell ey Andr is a t Marysvill e's " E" Street track to score th e victory in th e 250cc Pro class . Myers ba u led wit h Andris in the fir st mo to , but afte r tradi n~ th e lead a few times. Myers took th e win . TIm McClintock fini shed th ird . M O lO two was a wi ld affair as rai n turned th e sandy river track in to so u p. Myers took th e lead on the openi ng lap and Andris fell in th e mud. Andris rem ounted in last pl ace and set a bli stering pace to ward s the fro nt of th e pack. On th e white n ag lap An dr is hydroplaned into the lead and began to pu ll away . Andr is' front end washed ou t ha lf a lap from th e chec kered nag, and Myers went back in to the lead . Myers too k the mota and overall wins, while And ris was able to sa lvage seco nd . Co n ley fin ished third overa ll a head of Jed Gr een . Seen McElro y grabbed th e lead in th e first l25cc Pro mo to, McElroy led for th e first few laps, but Myers soo n too k co ntrol of the lead. Brian Ro th was bu ried in the pack at th e start, but by m id-m ote had mov ed to fourth to battle with Rob Engs trom. Roth dove under Engstro m in a berm and took over th ird. Roth was soo n on Myers' tail , a nd two laps from th e finish . moved into first. Myers finis hed seco nd with McEl ro y th ird a hea d of Steve Nelson. After cras hes dr opped G reg Tirheim er to seventh in th e fir st mot a . he took th e lead at the start of rnoto two a nd rod e flawlessly to th e win . Engstrom a nd Ro th dic ed fo r second. En gstrom fini shed second, but Roth's third was eno ugh to cli nc h th e overall win.. Sh aun Wooten roos ted his Husky fourstro ke into th e lead of th e fir st 500cc Pro mot o, ahea d of Sean Co nley. The two looked set for 'a rnot o-long battle. but on lap two Wooten retired with a sna p~ drive cha in. Co n ley ~ wen t o n to win WIth Mike Harper tak in g second. Pete Hann fini shed third. Co n ley too k the lead in rno to two with Wooten in second. Co nley sta yed o ut fro nt for th e win and th e ove ra ll, while Wooten fin ished second for fourth o vera ll. Ha rper earned second overall with a third in mo ta two . R tsults 125 PR O : I. Brian Roth (Kaw ); 2. G rl'g Tirhei me r (Hon); 3. SI~ Nel i'iC1Il (SUI); 4. Rub Enp;lilfo m (Hon) ; 5. Danny Paladmo (Yilm ). 250 PR O: I. Sco tt Myer, (Suz); 2. Kelly Andri, (Suz); 3. &-. 0 Con ley ( Kit w ); 4. j ed Green (SUl); 5. j on N ico lilus (Kiiw). 1 500 PR O: I. Sea n Co nley (Kaw ); 2. Mike Har per (KT M); 3. Pete Han n (Hon ): 4. Sha un Woot en (H us ). VET PR O: I. Ran dy Chapman (Sw): 2. Tom Od ekirk ( Yam) ; 3. Mike H a rper (KTM); 4. Mike Newm an (Hen ): 5. Bill j am erson (SUI). VET INT : I. Steve Park er (Ya m ): 2. T ony Miln er (Yam) ; 3. Delnc Bn:ker (Hen ): 4. Tavin Weinri ck (SUI); 5. Mikf' DnR~in-s ( VET JR : I. Ri de. Riehn (Han ); 2. Jerry Genovese ( Yam); 3. Mike Go lda (Ka w); 4. Fred Mo rr i:,> (H a n ); 5. j ohn Cu m m i n~ (Ka w ). OT MSTR : I. Terry Sage (Han ): 2. Steve Ferro ni (; 3. La rry Hanneu (Suz); 4. Art McD ade (H a n); 5. j ade Baken TOYOTA ISTHE OFFICIAL CAR & TRUCK OF LAG UNA SECA RACEWAY. CHAMPION IS T HE OFFIC IAL SPARK PLUG OF LAGUNA SECA RAC EWAY.. TICKETS TICKET ADVANCEPRICE NO . SAVE $10.00 ON GENERAL ADMISSION. ORDER NOW! SUNDAY $3000 X 2-DAY GENERAL ADMI SSION $40.00 X • Ad mission tickets not good for camping. 3-DAY GENERAL ADMISSION $50.00 X FLAG ROOM HO spltal:ty • Infield • Camping tickets not good for admission. • No Saturday.only tickets available. • Children under 12 years of agefree with parent. 3-DAY ADMISSION $175.00 X Parking. Reserved Grandstand GRANDSTA ND SAT GRANDSTAND $5.00 X • All general admission tickets $10_ more at'qate. 00 SUN GRANDSTAND $10.00 X • All Grandstand seats $5. 00 more at grandstand gate . TYPEOF ARRIVAL VEHICLE MO TOR CYCLE CAMPING PER NIGHT WEDNESDA YTHRU SATURDAYNIGHT Address $150 0 X RVtOR WEDNESDAYTHRU OTHER SATURDAY NIGHT VEHICLE Name S25 .00 X City/State/Zip Daytime phone ( GRANDSTAND TOTAL Exp. date - CAMPINGTOTAL GRAND TOTA L ) o check or money order payable to SCRAMP o MasterCard or VI SA # TICKET TO TAL (Ka w ). OT INT: 1. Thorn Yuill (H a n); 2. Merrill Rem pl n- (KTM ); 3. Jtti McClinton {Ka w }, OT JR : l. l.n Oldenbroo k (KTM ); 2. Tim Co lvert (H on). 80 INT : 1.1 ohn Lnidy (Sw). 80 JR: I. eTTy Ha rvey (SUI); 2. j t'l ( Baldw in (Kaw): 3. O lfi, Turner (SUI); 4. Km ny Da\lis (SW). 80 BEG: l. Eric William, (Sw): 2. Donovan Mitche ll (SUI); 3.PhillipALando(Sul ); 4. J oe Dinmle (Sul); 5. Wesley Cu rry (SUI ). 60: I. J.). C u m ming:,> (Kaw); 2. T ob y Jorgenl'oen ( ); 3. David Bmgtum (Kaw ); 4. Sean Bn:lcer (Kaw ). TOTAL GENERAL ADMISSION $ ~C§~~i@ R A C EW AY Signature MAIL TO: SCRAMP, P Box SCRAMP .O. Monterey. California 93942 or call: (408) 648-5100 · Toll Free (CA) 800·367·9939 (Outside CAl 800·327·7322 21

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