Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 04 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GLOCAL EVENTS ~ ~~ Jim Kuntz (5X) holeshot the Junior Vet Master class at DeAn za Cycle P ark. Tim Ol son (85), Russell McSpedden (37) and Mark Blakely (7) diced at Carlsbad MX. Bo yd and q uickly closed the gap o n Stuelke, but ra n o ut of lime. Meanwh ile. Ken t had no t only lapped the Novice tr io bu t had worked hi s way th ro ugh th e In termed iates and othe r Experts on h is way lO a very co nvinci ng win. Bussell led th e Masters class fro m the second lap to fin ish first with Mon te Lee a nd Wilso n rounding ou t the top three slots, Dwayne Bo yer had grabbed a wild holeshot in the Super Senior class as h e o versh ot th e first tu m, took O U I a len gth of ba n ners , added a n un pl a n ned jump to the track layout a nd reentered th e trac k sti ll in the lead. Boyer went o n 10 take the wi n a head o f Bru ce Cornell , Barr y Simon a nd Pa u l Ziegler. Se n ior Beg in ner hon o rs went to Steve Cobb who had been h o tl y pursued by KX r id er R ick Campbell. orE!': MST R : I. J im !i.ulIlI . JR \ 'FT HEr: : I. Smll "'()~If'r ; 2. LOIn ) Sc IIdl; :i. Kt"lIy :"oi,lIO'; 4. Mikr Rlair ; :J. Tum Du nh am . JR \ '[1' ~O \' ; I. OtlUR l anal 'lI : 2. Jdf f:a ry; S. Pa u l hnIRau; .. A. 0 11..1" Rtd r ; 5. S,n"(" C.. ~UJl1 . J JR \ ' [ T A\t I. SI("'\ RfT\'Mo: 2.. I>t';lll l"r--" )(\lr . 'r J R \' ET MSTR; I. Jim !i.unll; 2. }-~d \ '" lIr l..r: S. :\olafl J"h n~un ; -toT rTH J);I\·i .. \ 'ET B....r. . I. Rill j ilf'K't""j l; 2. Ll'u rMrd Kif!o( hn f'r; 3. Brad 80'11 ; 1. jr m ~t ..ddm: 3. Ik' n n i\ Caner. \ 'FT :'IOll.V: I. flu? Sa lmMI; 2. Lr .. So !; ,. Juh" CuU"ia: w 4. J im Will iam ..: a. SI('Vt" Da lton . \'["1 AM : I. ~1 .lIl Mall M,ulI; 2. Da ve \imun ; .:'I . Wa h 0 1'01.'0 ; I . ChU(.I.. n uril n : 5. j r H I..U Y II. \,·ET MS : I. Rod Rit h.., d",m: 2. Scnil ~milh ; ~ . Bru rt' TR \I t OcIU l. Ka SR ~O\' ; I. U ri") Pu pp; 2. Ri l h..ud SlUd l..r..:'I. Fred Bu yd . " R .\ M: I. WiI1i.1m Wil", ,"; 2. n "'uni.. Midd lrl o ll; S. T n t) H.IIDic SR ~I ST R: I. Ala n lI:.l"1l1; 2. St eve Ru.....,·I; 3. R ' ~ I M ~nl"' ll ; I. w avue Co rn diu'lo. s · R: I. atn,- 'iimnll . Resul ts P/W BEC : I. .l.iIld SkipJXT; 2. A.ron Ernny; S. Ql lt' t . Tyson T alkington; 5. Jamo Baker. P/W A ll\': 1. Ch risloph~ Tocco; 2. Vall a Ffft' lIl.Oln ; , . Bri..n Mac.A~; 4..Mark S~nh ; 5. Troy Kuh n,MIN I 60: I. ChH Jmmngs. 2. Kevin Jenn ings; 3. 8m : SlUdkt'; 4. Brandon Sudd..Jr . 80 SF.C : 1. Dan ny GwomK')': 2. Jon Brow" : S. JOIr.on Dam r h.; 4. 0 4l id M.u:Aff~; 5. Fran k Zrig ler. v 80 NO \ ' : I. Oip Ro ta n : 2. Eric S('d~ . lZ BEG : I. OJip Rot en ; 2. Bru" R,u li ff: 5. Krv in Wn lon: ... Bill O wen$; ~. Shawn T uo hey . ~ REG : 1. j Cart mdl; 2. Kenn y Hol mn . 5. Ch ri$ Prolmpaw;". Kelly McOouff.. t ; ~, Kirk Brown. 500 BEG : 1. Jim McJ((on n e; 2. Qui$ GmdU!id. 125 NOV : I. Eri c J o n Wright; 2. Dou g Yarn rld: 3. Scotl f'i ~h" ; 4. R ichard Fernandez; 5. Dw ig h t Ama n . 250 NO V: I. Cory Davi$; 2. Crai g Wd lil; 3. Ikau Willrnr ; 4. Run lIarri Mln; 5. Mik e Puch e. 500 NOV : I. Mar c Mabon; 2. uri Des idrrio; 3. Qlri, Sro n ; 01 . Eric GrOlL 125 AM : I. Ikn-k Mq n. 250 AM; 1. Bil l Sauro; 2. Ever et t Neal. 500 AM: I. Scou Smi lh : 2. Michoad Dough rn y; 3. SIeve R~ ; 4.. Dea n T~e; 5. Chad Bruu. ~ MSTR: 1. Dave Oona lo ni ; 2. Jcx:y La ne; 3. Ma rc John5OD . 500 MSTR: I, Ji m Kun lZ. J R VET BEC : I. Tim M.;Kidm; 2. T o m Du rhoam ; 5. Ralph f n Ttl; ... Robm Van [);;rmme; 5. Bill Owms. jR VET NO V: l. M.irc Ma (M)n; 2. Do u g Yarnell ; 3. R icha rd F~andrz; 4.. A Owty R.olk S. Brun Plane. JR VE.T AM: I. Wagon; 2. Tim N;nh; 3. Micha d Wal~: fkjR~~~r~'~ I~~~~~l~'t ett Nea l. ~ VET BEC : I, Bill J~ 2. Pau l CLa ire ; 3. Brad Bd l; ... l ohn Pr ichard ; S. Ted G rinin . VET NO V: 1.John Coccia: 2. Don Salmm; 5. J ud P l. vajka . a ... A. Du sly Rock; 5. S I~ Dal ton. . VET AM: 1. C R. Brunson; 2. o- .vid Simo n ; 5. ~r . Man non; ... Walt Ohon; 5. Ra n dy (..oler. VE.T MSTR: I. Rod R icha nbon; 2. Marc JOOnlOn; 3. Brun' McOoupl ; "_1_5. H a nson ; 5. Scotl Smith . SR BEG : I. S ltW Cobb ; 2. Rid Campbrll. SR NOV: I. R ichard Slu~lke; 2. Slew J m nin gs; S. F«'d Boyd; ... Dou g KraWior. SR AM; l. Dmnit Middl eton ; 2. J"'Y Youn~ S. T nry Ibmric; ... ibomou Jones. SR MSTR: 1. Alan Km t; 2.Slnr BUMrII; 3. Wayn~ C .mnt' b u!o ; ... OIW' OJ~f£i n.; 5. Monte StSR: Dw ayne Boyer ; 2. Brutt Conwll; S. Ibrry Simon: ... Pa u l Zt ig ler. McSwain stomps North Carolina Hare Scrambles By Pat Carswell REIDSI'ILLE.:\C. ~I AR. 8 20 Tht' o pt'n ing ro und o f the North Ca ro lina Ha n ' Scram bles Ser ies a llracled 143 ride rs to \ VoH bla nd Do w n ~ . an d whe n it was all said a n ti d o ne , St ev e McS wa in . J r. eme rgt"d vinorious. Rai ny (-ond i tion~ left the course in uddy wilh d('ep wa ler ho les fo r Su nday's race, and man y rid ('rs 0pl<'d to I<-'avt' tlw ir mOlOrcyd es o n Ihl' Irailer for tht" day , ra thfT tha n p Ullin g up with th~ less.-tha n-ideal raci ng ("(lf1di tio n ~. :\1<:Swa in. ho wever , set'med 10 thr ive o n lhe wetnt'ss. as he co m pletely do m inated th e day's rac·ing . Il l' c'om p lelro lht' eiglH lap lhr tT-anda-half-mile race in on e hour and 32 mi n u t~ , cros~ in g lhe finish line I J min ut es and 23 seconds ah ead of runner -up Farrel Sm ith . imith was th e on ly rider McSwa in d id nOI lap . Resu l ts .\,\ : I. .'i ll'\it" ~t cS "'d in ; 2. F,I:tIl·1I ~mllh. . J"d~ ~ 1;.il1; ... \ ',lOt'r t-...d; 3. J Ot") Lawson. u-200: I. \\' illi Oj I11 Mo 2. l _ddu' \'..rU Rh.U1 : ~ . (lui.. ~lUl""r ; ll,.; I. 1),IIUll' LUllt'Ju!ln ; 5. Sh.. ne fo""". 2!.() ; I. £tit ~ltIrr ; ~ ~ l if"h ..rt·1 U.T: :S ~I ,u l.. H u n:I, ..iu J(rr ; . -to ROj lltl} Lc d l.. ul; 5_ Wi lli,lm \\ 'ill m l" ~R : I. Bu ren Ha mnrk: 2. Wtll it RI.lthh.lw : 1. Juh lin) <~lId.m; l. Rill ~ ht'"n i ll . ~ SR: I. f1.u ry GrrTfl ltT; 2. l"' fT\ RolliUl;t1 ; S. J im m~ th·ndrl"'lf l. O P t .l\ : I. Alan ~ld_n1i r r. 2. ~I i lf' Gt'm n : 3. Sam Rl't"lt"; ~II 'i inK!rl o n ; 3. Ch..rrk.." :\ol.u lt n . '1· ~ l ' R K : I. • 'n l Ru ,,,, n ; 2. R ill, 1 .J ,r1 l n; ~ . R.lIMh GrtTII ("; · -to Kt"'\in G ",')n ; "'. J d""m P..~. . rlt : 1. RIl .. n H UIU!>in J;t"f: 2. "'h;.",n RI'Rfn : S. ROt h 1 Whi"II.tIll : ·t· Finl..; :J. R lt l ) . ..01."1111.. . Kuntz clobbers DeAnza GP By Dav id A. Procida su:\:'< n IEAD. CA. ~IAR . 10 J im Ku ntz relur ned to the raring ftCTne with a \-'engence as he SCOled lh e o \'era ll wins in bo th lhe 25-29 J u nio r Vel and Ihe O pe n ~l a s t ers clas s at the Dou biecT OSS G I>al DcAnt.a Cycle Park. It was Kuntz (lu t in from at the start o f the J un ior Vet race and he immed iat ely began lO p ull aWiJY fro m Ma r<: j ohnson and Ed VerheisL By lap four Kuntz ha d Opl'nl-tl lip a IO-se<:ond lead o n John!ilon . who was 'being r ha llenged by Verhelst. Ver helst passed Joh nson fo r sC ond, hut f J ohnson p ushed him hard a nd the pai r began to close the g" p o n the leader u nt il on ly a d few bik e len gths sepa ra ted th em. Ent e-rin g the tigh t supercross track J ohnson go t o n the lhr onle and pa sl)t'(l both Ver hels t and Kun u . It wa s 10 be a sho n · liv('d lcold as o n th e very next lap at the sam e ~ct i o n of track lha t he had used to his advant age a bo beca me hi s u ndo ing . As Ku n tz d()\!l~ 10 the in side o f a tigh t tu rn , J o h nMJn weill hililh. hi t a sma ll brak in g bu mp wh ich pi tr hro hIm sideways and he hit a lap ped rider. When J oh nso n wenl dow n Ku n tz fl'lOok the lead with Verh elst in to w. Jo h nfto n remoumed a dil)la m th ird and a lap la ter too k lhe checkered bt'hind the lead duo. In lhe Junio r Vet Ama teur cla s!!. Steve Reeves sta rted the race in the lead. bUl lost it to Dean Truelove. Trut'lo\"l held o n to th e ' po in t po siti o n for a few laps befor e: Reeves r('clai med Ihe n u mber o ne p()~i tion and held it to lht" finish . Resul ts Pi W fiO: I. C IiU J t"n nin ~ ..; 2. KMlin j rlllllll l(!>; 3. J r u·m .. WOlliN !>; .1. Bt-n swdk t"; 5. Rrilddm Stadt" ·u r ..w !)() : I. hi, Wund : 2. Q u i!> Tunn: 3. Ma rl ."" n id l; .1. Truy Kuh n !>. r , W D-B: 1. Ma n Micld : 2. Kil KUI1.tlh ; 3. 1..uL. ~ l i Jlprl . . P 'W 70; I. Juhn Man \ U",,; 2. A..rull Em rl Y ". 1'MI ) ; lI a m ri, '. ! Ml :o.;' l 60: 1. C liH j t"llnin ll;>; 2. Kr , ill J r llllllll(!>; 1. Ikn StrulL.t': ... Erk Wuuol_ YlI:o.;' I KO REG : I. J il i [)u...iIl; 2. jtm Bwwrr ; 1. Rr'lUl;ir l .\ 1il( hrl l J r.; ,1. Ja !oO 'lI Odn irb; _~. 0.111I1) <:ul·rn 'lr')'. ~1I i'1 Kfl !':O \': I. J Storikd: 2. hit St"llt,\,: : Ch ip Ru tall . · t MIX I HlIMSTR : J. Mik t" ~let l((' 1. Il ".{'; 1 2~ : I. Ch il' n ; 2. Ru ht'l t \\'t·~ t lm ; :i . Bli;l" R'll lill; ; 1. Shaw n Tuu ltf'Y .r,. Pal ~hI4 11~ l llin . REf ; 2.r11l: I. C: h ri~ H .m ~t'" I : 2. 1".G . Wh itt·: :'- .1;111I('\ C.u lIIlt'lI; • .W. I. Kil l.. Rlflwn : .r. C:~ Il I~ Pro lt0I.M t O PEN UH; : l. J III1 Mt !i.111.It'; 2. Clu j.. Gc·ndU\il. C 12.r ~()\' : I. D I 'U ~ Y"r r\("ll ; 2. Aloll!!i. 'lIt; 3. Ml,m!, . llur;U1; , l 1. ~wll Fi..h(" ; 5. f; Ic-II Pa rr i ~ h . 250 ~O\' : I. JI'H .~;u y ; 2. Cu t) 1);"' 1..: .' RIIII.11d lI .tui", ," ; t l. "i1t'" V C.a..lun ; .~. Ron PI""". C" ld O PE :"oi :0.;'0\' : I. Rnd WlT'Ion,., ; 2. 00 .\ M: I. SIt"\r RlT\ C""o; 2. Juhn W h i l ,lll ·I ; ~ . "-UII Smit h : I. (' hOjd Rf ~ll r; 5. ~.m Tr--..r~u l"'_ . 123 M"il R: I. \IMo.l'" MM/ J,;M. .2.. ')(1 ~1"1 R: l. Mol l J u h n ",m ; 2_ f.d \"l"IIlf"I ..I; :'S . Ih ) "11 r . R IC h..,d \of>ll ; -to('Jni .. T a)'I<)I PufPaff blasts Berthoud MX By C.M. Raysin B ERTIlOUD. CO. MAR. 10 Ira Pu fPa ff scored the overa ll win in th e sOrc Nov ice class a t the SRAC/ Pra ir ie H ills Promot ionl)-sponsor ecl race a t Berthoud MX Park tha t drew 380 riders. T he race li,)" was de-di cated to th e retu rn ing so ld iers from Opera tion Desert S torm , as fireworks. bal · loons, sJ>('cia l trophies. a nd a visit from Arm o ry per son nd added to ,h e spirit of the even t. PufPaff star ted near the front o f the pa ck in bo th mOlOSa nd q uickly took cha rge. Once ou t front, PufPa ff p u lle d ou tla a co m ma nd· i ng lead and wo n both mol os with relative ea se . T o ny Klin k a nd David Carpent er finish ed seco nd a nd third over all, resp eet;'·e!y. T he 125 and 25O.. ('.h,ul (ATK); 5. Rlad Lltk..., (K.awl. OI'F.S AM ; I. Fhnt \"("(.t-.qUt"I (lI u lI); 2. T un ,· MeV..., ( Ka Iol." I; S. j ,u,"" Ik-nnc'l ( lI u lI ); 2. Trdt )' F'1'drnd;1 (Ya m ); i 1I :So Mull it' BUlllkf' flU .....' ; 4. 1' .lIn l\t'"IMJI1 (; 5. !i. tl hy ; \\'n lf ~" i ll ( KcJw ). Olson conquers Carlsbad MX By Dave Burgess CARl.'iBAD. CA MAR. 1 . 6 Tim Ol so n used co ns istency and a good m ud rid in g lech n iq ue 10 lak e th e win in th e ho dy co n tested l 25cc Junior class a l round two o f the North Co umy Yamaha Spring Serie s at Carlsbad Rareway. G ra bbi ng th e early lead in the first malO was Mil an o Srhaeffer . with Adam Fetterly and J eff Ar~ndd in tow . O lson was runni ng sixth behind Mark Blakky and Jeff Morris. As the rid ers beKan to sort them sdves o ut. Blakl ey. Morris a nd Ol son began to battle. \\"ithin two laps th ey had sto rmed around Argandd, Fetterl y a nd a fad in g Scha effer to occ u py th e to p thret: positi o ns. At the halfway point Blald e)'. Morris a nd Ol son were just in ches a part. bu t no o ne ventu red o ff the smooth line (Q a ttempt a pa ss. On th e while na ~ lap. . Blakl ey swa pped o ut a nd wa s h it by Morris. Both riders went down, while Ol son just missed th e crash and in he ri ted a big lead . wh ich he held ( 0 th e fin ish . Mo rri s rl"Covered in tim e to finish third behind Argandd, bu t Blakl ey was shak en and dropped back to lOth plare . Nailing the hol eshot in malO two was ~l orri s. wit h Argandd a nd Schaeffer close beh ind . Ol son was ru n ni ng midpack. b ut was quickl y pi cking o ff riders and eharged tow ards th e fro n t. On lap three. Ol son mo \·ed into third, but ' wa s about four Sl."Co nds behind the lead duo o f Morri s and Argandd. Argandd sea rched for a way ar ou nd Mor ris, but his bik e blew up and he was forn-d to reiire. O lson in herited scn Hld , whi ch would cl inc h th e overall wi n for th e da y, O lso n fin ishe d seco nd o ver J o nathan Knight a nd Milano Scha effer. In th e Vel Pro cla ss Pete Mu rray do mi nated the racin ~ actio n with per fect moto fini shes over J oe Merr ihew and former ~ a li ona l Champio n Gary j o nes. Resul ts so BEG : O lrir. I. :\olilnny Ar i.. ~ (Yilm, ; 2. Elhan ll unT (Sw:); S. (lU w); ". J II..lin l.U\ idn ( li...a w ). Hd rdi ~on

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