Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 03 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GLOCAL EVENTS e Dan Ingram (1) mo tored past Mark Wyskiel (98) to score the heat race win over Chuck Springsteen (35) at Cincinnati. Michael Craig ( 1) led a portion of the main event before crashing. Bader Manneh ( 14) sta yed up to claim the San Diego Ultracross main event win. led every lap of the eigh t-rider main event. Estep , Villella , and Sp rin gsteen followed the cham pion across th e CN finis h line. Results R NAl..: I. Dan Ingram (Han); 2. Do n nie Estep {Hon ); 3. Brian Vi llella (H a n): 4. Chuck Springsteen (H on); 5. Mark wvsklel (Ho n) ; 6. Bead Lo we (K3w); 7. Dou g O ' Boyle (H on ); 8. Ene O'Boyle (Hon). nNAL SERIES POI NT STANDINGS: J. Dan Ingram (26); 2. Ch uck Sprin gsteen (25); 3. Brian Villella (23); 4. Donnie Estep (22); 5. Mary Wyski el (20); 6. Doug O 'Bo yle (20); 7. Larry Pegram (18); 8. Brad Lo we ( 16); 9. Eric O 'Bo yle (12 ); 10. J ack Mayer (12). Mickey Thompson Off·Road Championship Grand Prix: Round 2 Manneh motors to San Diego Ultracross win By Dave Burgess AMA Invitational Indoor Pro Ice Race Series: Final round Ingramcaptures title on Cincinnati ice . By Bert Shepard QNCINNATI. OH. FEB. 17 efending AMA Indoor Ice Race Champion Dan Ingra m had a perfect card and captured h is third-straight champions hip title at the Miller Lite In vita tion al Indoor Ice Race Finals, held at the Cincinnati Garden. Ingram overca me a fou r-point lead that Ch uck Spri ngsteen he ld enteri ng the seco nd a nd final event in this yea r's abbr evia ted seri es. In gram was confident before the n ight's raci ng go t u nderway. " I need a near-perfect night to win the cha mpionsh ip," said Ingram. " I've got a newly rebuilt engine that will wor k best on hard ice, and we've fram es a nd tire swi tc hed combina tio ns. " In gram go t th e ball roll ing · by scori ng victo ries in the first four of th e five heat races he'd be eligibl e for points in, with th e fourth coming at th e expe nse of Springsteen. Doug O 'Boyle, Bryan Vill ell a and Mark Wyskiel foll owed Ingram across the lin e in th e first three heat races. Springsteen won his first hea t over J a ck ' Ma yer and h is seco n d over Villella. Bu t the Michigan rider was p u t on the pen alty line after two resta rts in hi s third heat , a nd h e D 24 couldn 't overco me his competitors and was forced to settle for third place beh ind Mark Wyskiel and Donnie Estep. Spri ngs teen faced In gram in his fourth heat , but cou ldn 't find hi s way arou nd the Byron Moll oseau/ Sam Kutter s/ T sub aki / In gram /Kold Shoei /Life time Number P la tes/ Honda of Bloo min gton H ill s-backed Honda of the defending champ. Ingram dro pped from the " Peop le's Choice" match event, op ting to avoid any chances of losing his cha mpionship hopes. "T h ings are starting to fall ' into place," said In gra m. " I don 't want to take any chances." Ingram scored his fifth heat race victory of the nigh t over Estep an d Mayer, putting the p ressur e on Sp ringsteen, who had one po int- pa ying heat race left in th e eveni ng 's program. Ingram competed iri the final heat race of the eveni ng as a non-poin ts payi ng participant, as last minute rider withdrawals left emp ty slots in th e starting grids. Ingram jumped into the lead , but a ll eyes were u pon Spri ngsteen, who needed to find hi s way pas t Eri c O'Boyle to sco re top p oints. O 'Boyle had other ideas, however, and Springsteen's cha rge fell short. Springsteen's failure to pass secu red the cha mpi onshi p for Ingram. "T hat's racing," said a disappo inted Springsteen. " We' ll be back next year, . th ou gh ." "Thi s is the best engine that I have had in my eight years of racin g on th e icel" said Ingram. Ingram added the icing to the cake in th e main event. The Jndiana rider SAN DIEGO, CA, FEB. 23 orrili Yamaha-backed Bader Manneh motored to th e win in the crash -fille d Ultracross main event at Jack Murphy Stadium. Man neh came from a fifth -pl ace start to systema tica lly pi ck off riders to tak e hi. first-ever Ultracross main event s , M W In. "T h is feels great," said Manneh. ''I' m leaving tomo rrow . morning for Ita ly to prepare for th e 250cc MX World Championship." The main event provided some of the most exciting race action as fan s saw five diff erent rid ers excha nge the lead throughout the course of the race. The Ul tracross track combined th e course used for th e off-roa d trucks and buggies with special sections j ust for the m o torcycl es tha t had several su percross-style obstacles. La rry Brooks stormed pa st early leaders Brian Ro th and Phil Lawrence to take the lead in the opening laps of heat on e. With Brooks comfortably out in front, Tommy Clowers and Chad Ped erson battled their way into secon d and third. With that, the ' positions were set with th e only pass coming late in the race when Roth stuffed his way back into -third over Pederson. When the green flag flew for heat tw o , defending Ultracross champ Michael Craig rocketed into th e lead with Lowell Thomson and Jim Holley o n his tail. While H olley pressu red Thomson, Kyle Lewis snuck up and passed Holley for third. Craig stay ed out front while Thomson, Lewis and Holley were no more than a bike length apart. On the last.lap, Holley stuffed Lewis hard for third but Lewi s paid th e favor back on the la st turn to th e fini sh and regained the position. Craig took th e win over T hom son ,Lewi s, Holley and Manneh. The stage was set for the ma in event as 20 riders lined up two abreast with the heat race winners lined up in the back. When the green flag flew, polesitter Darren H oeft took th e lead, foll owed by Terry Fowl er and Lawrence. As th e pack sorted itself out , riders q uickly began crashi ng. Thomson th rew it away in the whoops while running fourth, and Lawrence attempted to pass Fowl er and crashed. While all th is was happening, Cra ig was on th e move from the back of the pack as he passed riders in groups of three. Following on Craig's coattails' was Holley, who was watching Craig's lines for a way around. On lap four Craig stuffed Hoeft for the lead. Once out in front Craig began to stretch out to a comfortable lead, and looked like he might have the race in the bag when he crashed entering .. a tight turn. ' " "The track got real slick, and my front end just didn 't stick ," said Craig. While Craig remounted in fifth, Holley star ted pressuring Hoeft for first. Hoeft was riding well but was no match for H oll ey, as he flew past over a big double. The next rider to challenge Hoeft was Manneh, who had been runnin g fourth and was slowl y closi ng in on the leaders. On lap seven Manneh motored past H oeft and set out after H oll ey. Craig's hopes of chargi ng back to the front were dash ed when Brooks crashed in th e wh oo ps and took him and Tommy Clowers ou t in the process. . Out front, H olley an d Manneh bega n dicing for the lead . Manneh made hi s move on lap eight and rai led around H oll ey for first. At the checkered flag it was Manneh with the 'win follow ed by H olley a n d . a hardcharging Pederson, who nipped Hoeft for thi rd. . " I was real lucky I stayed up, the track was super slick," said Manneh. "This gives me th e confidence I need to help me win th e 250cc World Championship for Yamaha. CN Resu lts 230 HEAT I: I. La rry Brooks (K3w); 2. T ommy Clo wers (K3w); 3. Brian Roth (K3w); 4. O1ad Pederson (Ya m ): 5. Ru ss Wageman (Suz); 6. Phil Lawrence (K3w); 7. T erry Fowl er (Suz); 8. Ryan Carlisle (K3w); 9. Ray Crumb (K3w); 10. Ty son Vohla nd (K3w ); I I. Tiger Garcia {Honk 12. lames Me reta (Ho n); 13. Ed Verhe lsi (K3w); 14. Andy Northrup (Suz); 15. Rich T ruchjos ki (KTM); 16. Orris Ra dzinski (K3w); 17. Pete Andrassy (Vam ); 18. Ignacio Ri vera J r. (Ho n ). 230 REA T 2: I. Mik e Craig (K3w); 2. Lowell Thom son (Va m ); 3. Kyle Lewis (Vam); 1. J im Holl ey (Va m ); 5. Bader Manneh (Vam); 6. Andy Crider (ka w); 7. Darrin H odt (Suz); 8. Ran dy Mood y (H on); 9. Duane Benn er (Vam); 10. Step hen Mitch ell (Vam ); I I. Scott Takacs (Hon); 12. Bryan Nee (Suz); U . David Krock (K3w); 14. Robert Naber (Suz); 15. Mike Ulrich (H o n); 116. Dan Fresh (Vam ); 17. Jc:ffrey Nelson (K3w); 18. J (K3w); 14. Step hen Mitchell (Vam); 15. Duane Benner (Yam) : 16. RU$s Wageman (Suz); 17. Brian Roth (K3w); hI. T ommy Dowers (K3w); , 19. Terry Fowl er (Suz); 20. Phil Law ren ce ( K3 w~ . Crothers claims Wisconsin Ice Race win By Steve Meikle .DEXTERVILLE, WI. FEB. 21 Ed Crothers pow ered his way to the overall win in th e Pro Motocross class at the concluding round of the Central Wisconsin Ice Rac e Series, Crothers piloted his Yamaha to 'a thin! place finish in the openin g moto , and stormed back in the second moto 10 capture the overall win. Larry Srrangfeld grabbed the hol eshot in the second moto, ahead of Ray Leggate and Crothc:rs. On lap two, Crothers motored past Leggate as they entered tum one. Leggate

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