Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 03 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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checkered flag. Musselman was still second at the finish with Gray and J ackson follow ing. Childress and Reed were the heat race winners in 250cc A acti on, but the finale was all Kizzar's , The Suzuki rid er overtook Reed two laps into th e event and never looked ba ck on hi s way to his second ma in event victory of th e . weekend. Yezek passed Reed at th e midway mark for seco nd wh ile Musselman held fourth at the flag. The rest of the Sunday afternoon program was reserved for you th and amateur competitors . Honda of Troy's Phil Alderton scored a pair of main event wins in the Plus 25 J uni or class and the Veteran Plus 30 gr oup. The 33-year-old Alderton beat Pennsylvani a 's Curt H olzer and Indiana's Wayne Caswell in the Jun ior race and th en cap tured the Vet win ov er Bryan Linem an and West Virgi ni a 's Kell y Sullivan . The Senior Plus 40 winner was KTM-mounted Gary Baisden , who bettered Skip Stewart for the top trophy. Ohio'sjoey Ball inger won th e 65cc ma in with Pee Wee win ner Gibson second and Jeff Ryan third. Robert Turley and Indiana 's Matthew Ri chey followed Gibson in the 50cc main. Kansas' Robbie Skaggs powered his Team Green Kawasaki to th e 85cc (1213) win ahead of T en nessee's Scott Graves a nd Ohio's Joey DeVault. Yamaha ride r Jason Juskae won the 85 (7-11) class ahead of Ball in ger and West Virginia's Jeff Ryan. Florida's J ohn Hi llman was the top 85cc (14-15) Senior rider in Cincinnati. He topped local favorites Matt Maximoff and Ryan Pauley for the main event victory. Kentu cky' s Jeff Ma y piloted a Ho nda to the l25cc B win , bettering Ohio's Kevin Hildebraun and Matt Powers in the final. Powers bet tered his 125 finish by a notch in th e 250cc B main, but Ohio's Craig Billingsley still got the better of him. J err y Fyffe placed third. Kentucky's Rodney Carrier pilot ed a four-stroke Suzuki DR350 to the .O pen BIC win. Carrier topped T rent Cone and Ohio's Hobert Babb . CN SATURDAY 125 A: 1. Junior J ackson (Ho n); 2. Ken ny Kiu ar (SuI) l3 . Steven Chi ldress (SUI)l 4. Chuck Reed (Ka w): 5. Jason G ray (SUI). . 250 A: 1. Kenn y Kizzar (SUI); 2. Ch uck Reed (Kaw); 3. Mark Mu sselman (KT M); 4. Da vey Yezek (Ka w) : 5. Sleven Childress (SUl ). 5t : 1. J eff Gibson (Yam): 2. Ro bert T urley (Yam) ; 3. Kyle Pol ter (Yam) ; 4. R ya n Abrigo (Ya m ): 5. Phill ip Bech tel (Yam) . SUNDAY t25 A: 1. Steven Chil dres s (SUI): 2. Ch uck Reed (Kaw); 3. Davey Yezek {Ka w): 4. J ason Gray (SUI): 5. Jim J on es (SUI). 250 A: I. Kenny Ki1.Za r (Suz); 2. Davey Yezek (Ka w); 3. Ch uck Reed (Ra w ); 4. Mark Mussel man (KT M); '5. Todd Ba isden (SUI). 125 B: J eff May (H on ); 2. Kevin H ildebran d (H o n); 3. Matt Pow ers (Suz ); 4. N ic k Troutma n (Suz); 5. Lenny Sauer (H o n). 250 B: I. Cra ig Billingsley (Ho n ); 2. Ma lt Po wers (SUI ); 3. Jerr y Fyffe (Hon ); 4. Jerry Do bso n (Hon ): 5. La rry Gessner (H o n) . OPEN BI C: 1. Rodney Ca rr ier (Suz); 2. T ren t Co ne (KT M); 3. Hobert Babb (Ho n): 4. La rry Gessner (Hon); 5. Sh aun Swishe r (Hon ). 250 c: 1. Paxton Mendelsodlin (H on); 2. Jason Tolliver (Ka w ): 3. Haro ld Robe rts (Kaw): 4. Jared Cole (H a n) ; 5. C h ristoph er C r ue (Ka w). a . 125 C: I. Brian Miley (Ha n); 2. Pa xto n Men del sod li n (H on); 3. Du an e Griffis (Suz); 4. And y Basham SUI ): 5. Gerald H o well (Kaw). PLUS 25: 1. Phill ip Alderton (H on ): 2. C urt H ol zer (Ka w): 3. Wayne Caswell (Yam) ; 4. J eff Steinrock (Han ); 5. Ken Tho mas (H o n ). PLUS 30: I. P hili p Alderson (Han); 2. Bryan Li neman (Ya m) ; 3. Kell y Sullivan (KT M); 4. R ich ar d I Pop lawski (Kaw); 5. J eff Sreinrock (Hon). PLUS (0 : 1. Gary Baisde n (KT M); 2. Ski p Stewa rt (Ka w ): 3. Dick Sweat (Ho n): 4. Ea rl Rceter (H us ). ) 8514· 15: I.}o hn H ill ma n (Suz); 2. Ma ll MaximoH (SUI); 3. Ryan Pa u ley {Ka w); 4. C hris J ohnson (Kaw): 5. Jason Stewart (Ka w) . 85 t2 -t 3: I. Robbie Skaggs (Kaw]; 2. Sco tt Gr aves (Kaw ): 3. J oey DeVault (Ka w): 4. Todd H ou ser (Ka w ); 5. T ren t H elle r (Yam ). 85 7· 11: 1. j ason Juske (Yam); 2. J oey Ba llinger (Kaw); 3. J effrey Ryan (Ka w). 65 7-11: I. Joey Ball in ger (Kaw); 2. J eff Gi bso n (Kaw); 3. Jeffrey Ryan (Ka w) : 4. Ron Dobs on (Kaw): 5. J effrey Ya tes (Ka w) . 51: 1. Jeff Gibso n (Ya m ); 2. Robert T urley (Yam ): 3. Mat th ew Riche y (Ya m); 4. R yan Abr igo (Yam). MOTOR SPORTS PROMOTIONS,INC. -PRESENTS - COCA -COLA ARENACROSS SHOOTOUT # 1 SPONSORED BY: OKLAHOMA HONDA 4 0 5/ 672 -1423 PRATTS FOOD STORES 9 LOCATIONS STATE FAIRGROUNDS ARENA OKLAHOMA CITY'OKLAHOMA ~'-'; MARCH 29,30,31, 1991 (~ ..w .5 00 OF E.A.CH TICKET SOLD WILL CO TO THE .: : CHILDRENS JLEDICI.A.L RESE.A.CH FOUNDATION . CUT HERE .................................................................. ............... ............................... ................... ..................AND JlAIL TODAY MOTOR SP ORTS PROMOTIONSJNC. PRE ENTRY F ORJI ./ C1UtZ lfVD'I'S rou ... Jf1S11 7'0 Dn7R . FRIDAY - MARCH 29 * _ _ 125 cc PR0250c~ PRO _ _ PEEWEE _ _ 125 cc NOVICE _ _ .25 0 cc NOVICE FREE ENTRY SATURDAY - MARCH 3 0 ._ _ 125 cc PRO _ _ .25 0 cc PRO 125 cc INTER _ _ .25 0 cc INTER _ _ BOcc OPEN REGiSTRATION 3'pm.~6pm PRACTICE 4:30pm-6:30pm RACES 7:30pm .EXPERT: NUMBER CLASSES ENTERED X 135:00 = I _ AJlATEURS: NUMBER CLASSES ENTERED X 125.00 - I SUNDAY - MARCH 31 _ _ PEEWEE _ _ 125cc BEG _ _ OVER 25 _ _ 60cc _ _ 125cc NOV _ _ OVER 35 ' _ _ BOcc BEG _ _ 125cc INT _ _ OVER 40 _ _ BOcc JR 7-11 _ _ 125cc ·OPEN _ _ QUADS AJl.A. _ _ BOcc SR 12-16 _ _ 250cc BEG _ _ QUADS EXPERT (100f') _ _ BO OPEN _ _ _ 25 0 cc NOV ' _ _ 250ccINT REGiSTRATION 7:00am-9:00am PRACTICE 9:00am-11:00am HEATS 11 :3 0a:m AJl.A.TEURS: NUMBER CLASSES ENTERED _ . X 125.00 = * ,- PRE-ENTRY DEADLINE MUST BE POSTMARKED MARCH 22, 1991 POST ENTRY ADD 110.00 DAY OF EVENT . EN TRY INCLUDES PIT PASS AND GRANDSTAND ACCESS. NAJlE ADDRESS CITY . STATE BRAND OF MACHINE RACING NUMBER ( 1st -ch O'i.ce) SPONSORS AGE _ ~ ZIP (2nd choice} _ RETURN WITH CASHIERS CHECK, PERSONAL CHECK, OR MONEY ORDER TO: 8525 S .W.36th TERRACE M OTOR SPORTS PROMOTIONS,INC. OKLAHOMA CITY,O L.4HOMA K 73 179 405/745-9237 405/733-034 1 * * * * - - - - -.- -- .. - " ===- - _ ... .- .. ..-. - RACERS' CHOICE!! L.A. SLEEVE CO. - 4I~ --- "~ ~. ~ --~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --- (714) 687·1300 CON-ROD KITS RACING PARTS NOW IN STOCK at L.A. SLEEVE PRO-X Parts and Accessories Monday- Saturday 9:00- 6:00 7563Indiana, Riverside (H 91 & Madison ) wy lflL1lfpERF RMA N E O C ~ Motorcycles • Super Jet • Yamahas Street &Dirt ucan • Husaberg • Husqvama-D • WaveR unner • KTM • Wave Jammer ~\1 MailOrder -UPS I ~ Rnancing and Insurance ~ * CON-ROD kits ,lor: CR, KX, RM and YZ-12S's, CR-2 S0's, XR- 3S0 & 600's, XR & XL-SOO's, ATC-2S0R and morel Heavy duty, made in Japan of the highest quality materials and latest technology. Crank pin, I--- ~===== =~ bearing and wash ers included. LOS ANGEL ES SLEEVE CO., INC. 8311 Chetle Ave. , Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 (213)945-7578 O.aler. call or writ. f or your tr•• catalog and ~ecaf" 23

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