Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 03 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Mike Varnes (1) led winner Robert Miller (1N ), Ge o rgi e Price (64) and Tom Majeski early in th e 250cc A main event at the Harrisburg Indoor Short T ra ck. retalia ted in the nex t corne r. bu t Crothers again forced h is way past in tu rn three. Cr others the n set his sights on St ra ngfeld, a nd dov e 10 th e insi de of turn two to ta ke th e lead. Crothers ro de to a smooth finish with Sttan!p"e1d and Leggate tra ili ng. Thmgs go l rough in the Sportsma n class today, as Ted Coplein Sr. was rear-ended in comer o ne by Marly Minsaas in th e qualifier. Min saa s CUI his leg badly on Copleins' rear tire. In th e main event, Coplein piloted hi s H on da into th e lead, j us t ahe ad o f Ernie .Duerr. Duerr mercil essl y sta lked Co p lein, looki ng for a way arou nd. Duerr hooked Coplein's rear wh eel and did a spectacular h igh side a nd ha lf twist into the sno w ba nk. Coplein struggled 10stay upright, but lo st first p lace 1 Dave Ryu n. Ryu n held o n for th e 0 win desp ite Copleins' efforts to "ca tch him in th e closing la ps. R yu n took th e overa ll for th e da y followed by Coplein and Mik e Vogel. Results JR: I. Joh n Suangft'ld ( IY. w): 2. Brad Puwt'll jHon); 3. l.uc:a Fox. (H on). RUBB ER: l. Gnry ThruM' ( H on~; 2. Pflr lbr~ (Hun ); 3. 0uU. l...iIIUnnL SPTSMN : I. ~..W' RYOIn ( V..m ): 2. T nt Coplrin Sr. (Hon); 3. Mike VOK!'I. . NOV: I. John Sua ngfr ld ( K.3w ): 2. John Ron nmbtTR (Hon); 3. Ted Cop lr in Jr. (Hon). PR O: 1. Ed Crothcn (Y;&m ); 2. 1U:'1l...tuOllr ( H o n) ; 3. Larr y StnnKldd ( K<.w) . • 250 STU DDED NOV: I. Lany F.d.n (VOIm ); 2. Bub &ulch (YilIII): 3. T om "Croit (Honl. • 250 STU D DED P RO : 1. O iU Ecltn (Y.:am ): 2. Rick Slovla k ( y.,.); S. Gkrw ; 5. And> aT I ~T: 1. J im Srlyrr; 2. Bob Com~tock ; !. a iff Kobrr n ik. OT J R: 1. TnT}' Thomu; 2. Bob Udwick; 3. Wall" Smi lh; 4. Albrrt H in klt')'. aT EX: J. Mikr H ickm an. ?J ~iG~f),~nG~;;~~;:'f~ki ; 2. Aaron Cnwfo rd; ! . SIC"\'t" Farm tt; 4. Brad Rrunkoll; 5. G rq Eaton . \\·M;-.J: I. Deanna Ho lbrook : 2. Ja.nnr Va n B u~kir L ; 3. Suwn Sm ith; 4. Laurir Sunge; 5.Lig W rriwn. . 60 JR : I. Gl'qI; Black wrll : 2. 1100UC o- wson . a 6OSR: I . Rohrrl Ho h gn-w;!. MikrStorm ; 3. o-ol\'idTum"; . 4. ew,.. J u hm nn . PI\\': I. Isaa c Da wYJO; !. Glt'g BlxkwrJl ; 3. Tylrr Fick; • -t. w m Da w'lOO; 5. Jf'J.'Ioh Gu ndtTvm. 2500 BEG: I. Lr wi..; 2. J.unn McK~n ; 3. Pa u l M ru~lJn K: i . Rob Livill g~lon : ~. Ra nd y Arl"rKb. go B.:G : I. D\aIY l rnabur g; 2. Rya n Tn- lreki: 3. Clri. J nh mnn: ... RUMrIl Clt.T;. 5. ani~ Meytt'!t. 500 BEG: I. john Lr w..: 2. Terry Tbomas, 500 l ~": J. Rod u.rn1ilock; 2. Rob )' Leac h, !tOO J R: 1. Bill Fa... no; 2. SIC"\'t" Ewon,,",; 3. D ni, Prl n-M'h. 1 125 11\ : I. Ry..n H.. ~ nn; 2. Mikr ∨ ! . f..ddir Om hnn. tIO 11\T: I. Milr t1hm; 2. Cul)' Ful kT; 3. Tim H ol.. .; -t ' . Jnt. y William.. 80 JR : I. Robe n Hohgrrw ; 2. J <»h ua Bruer; 3. Do ug Me Kuhn : 4. Molu Will iam s.. Miller mows 'em down at Harrisburg Indoor ST By Len Breech HARRISBURG, PA, FEB 15 . Ro bert Mill er ca me from beh ind 10 stea l th e 250cc A ma in eve n t win a t th e sh o rt tr ack porti on of th e 13t h Annual Budw eiser Motoram a held in the State Farm Sh ow Aren a. Mik e Varnes llrabbed Ihe lead a l Ihe sta rt o f t he 250cc A fin a l ahead of Geo rg ie Price, Kevin Varnes, To m Mal' esk i and Rob ert Mill er. After a few laps of c ose bauling , Price tr ied to ge t under Varnes who was guardi!1 g th e in sid e. There was no space. and Pri ce slip ped back 10 fourth. Miller p u t hi s Miller 's Cycles Yam aha in to seco nd at the haJ(wa y mark. a nd sta rte d to p ressu re Var nes. Miller !:O! by on Ihe ei g h lh lap, while Price wen l Int o seco nd as he took th e wh ite n ag. Varnes retook seco nd as th ey en tered th e th ird turn . but co uld n' l ca lch Miller . Wh en th e green fla g dropped i n Ihe 600cc A fin a l. Price l'umped o u t 10 lead Sco tt Sa u nde rs , Char ey Majesk i. Kevin Varnes a nd Tom Maj eski. T om gOI b y Varnes fo r fourth o n Ih e th ird lap a nd sta rt ed to prob e h is o lde r brolher 's defen ses. While Price had h is Dorsey Bu ild ers/D8cS Cycl es-sponsored Wo od-Rotax in fron t o f Sau nders. th e Ma jesk is went a t it. Aft er se~eral laps o f p ro bing, T om gO! under Charley as Ih ey entered th e third lurn o n Ih e eig h lh lap, bUI th ey co lli ded in th e four,lh lur!' with ~harlel go ing d own. and T om s cha in co m ing o f . Pri ce won th e main a hea d o f Sa u nders and Varnes. Charley Maj esk i had a ra ce long bailie wilh Bart Lucas in the Senior cl ass. Lucas had the lead a nd held a tight, inside line ,hal Maj eski co u ld n' t pe netrate. Maj eski went o n the outside a nd gradua lly p u lled even with L uca s a nd on the n inth lap Majeski got b y and pulled out a co m ma nd m g lead. Maj eski topped Lucas, Bob Sweete n a nd J oel P hel p's. Ro y Miller lOok th e lead fro m MIke H acker , R ick y Winsett and Ro ger Denmyer a l the start o f the 200cc final and never looked ba ck . Hacker fell o n Ihe second turn, and Denmyer moved into second. Lynch and Winsett gO! by Denmyer a few la p s laler and started to close in on Miller , but th eir charge was cu I sho rl by Ih e checkered flag. ResullS 55: 1. J iilrob J ohntOn ( Y~ ~); 2. j f'rf'm y Cook (Yiilm): 3. Eric H iilc\.miiln (Ya m I; 4. Wilham R us.wll (H on). 65: I. Brod y MilIrr (Ya m); 2. TnTanct' Ov-nbolch (Kaw); Jim Li ttle grabbed the early lead over Dave Adams (401) and Dolph Neskoney (416) in th e Over 40 class and went on to win at the lars Hare Scrambles, . S. Sean Slrw iiln (XoIw); -t. Benjamin Mill rr (Ya m); 5. Ja cob Johnso n (Kaw). 85 : 1. ,Ricky W i n~u (Yiilm) ; 2. Todd winseu (H on) ; 3. Jo hn wt nseu (S U1); 1. Mik~ McKee-( Ka w); 5. Pa ul Lyn ch (H on ). 200: I. Ro y Mi ll~r (K,,"M); 2. Pau l L ynch (Hen]: 3. Rick y W in ~ u (Yam); 4. M ik ~ H ac ker (H on ); 5. Roger Dmmyn (Yiil m)• VINT : l. Mark Burkholder (Bu l); 2. ROKrr Dmmyn (Yiilml; 3. Steve RydC'r (Bul ); 4. Rick Farl ow (Bul); 5. Tom Ana Oliil ( Hon) . 250 B: I . Ro~r Iknmyrr (Ya m): 2. Dam on u ng lr(Yam); 3. Paul Shomukn (Yiilm ); 4. Ch uck Blruin g (Ya m); 5. Da vid Ga m blC' ( Ka w) . 250 A: I. Rube n MillC'r (Viilm) ; 2. MikC'· Vamo (Yiilm); 3. GC"OrgiC' Price (Viilm); 4. T om Miiljn ki (Ya m) ; 5. Mar k Burkh ol dc=r (Ya m). SR: I. Olarlt"y Miiljnld (Bu l); 2. Bart Lu cas (SU1): 3. Rob SWee-I('1I(H· D): 1. JOl"I Phelps (Hon ): 5. Mikr V ~ lal (Ya m) . 600 B; I. Ri ch E1~inR" (Ho n ); 2.. Cluck B l~mg (Yam ): 3. T om Hannum IH·D); 4. Rogn Drnmy" (H e n): 5. Rick H iilwk(Yiilm). 600 A: I. Ceorgie Pr ier (W· R); 2. yOU s...und rrs (H -D ); 3. Kn'in va mes ( RIK); 4. Mikl" Varn" (Ya m); 5. Robrrl Millrr ( Rn"l· Beyer tops Salem AX finale By Clay L ight S.i llM, OR. FEB 2.1 . KT~I · m o u nt ed Gary Beyer finalized th e arenacross season in fin e styl e by so u nd ly winning bo th 125cc Pro motos at the Oregon Slate Fairgrou nds over seaso n-long riva l J eff Dai ly and Kenny O lsen. Beyer ga ted precisely in the first mo to, while Dail y a nd O lsen d id n'l far e q uite as well . Da il y a nd O lso n tan gled co mi ng o u t of tur n two , a llowin!: Beyer 10 o pe n up a huge lead. Ol sen gO! ro lh ng ago 1 grab seco nd , bUI Dail y 0 ca rved Ihroug h traffic 10 ove rtake O lsen. Dail y Ihen set h is sig hts o n Beyer , but hi s charge fell sho rt. Mot o two saw Beyer grab the lead w hil e Olsen and Dail y resu med their bar -banging baule. The two riders p us hed and sho ved u ntil O lsen decided he'd had en ough, a nd leI Dai ly past. Dail y reeled in Beyer lal e in the mo to a nd au emp led to pass. but lo st con lro l a nd went down. Beyer esca ped with th e win , while Dai ly salvaged a seco nd pl ace finis h o ver Ol sen . " It was cra zy o u t Ih ere," sa id Ol sen. " I decided stayi ng a live was a lot more im po rta n t Iha n a few b ucks," The 250cc In lerm edia le class saw Steve Lewis a nd Dave Akerma n co me in to the event a mere two points apa rt i n the titl e chase. H o wever , wh en Ihe checke red flag fell il was Lewis leav in g with a grea ter po ints spread a fter l0'llt in g 4-2 ri des. Bru ce Barnes neued seco nd In the fir st moto to O1ad G ra vell e. th en came bac k to bea t Lew is in mot o two lO ta ke th e o verall win. Lewis' second-place finish in mot a two ~ve h im el10ug h poi n ts to secu re the ti tl e. Aker man ~ot ca ug ht in a first turn pileup an d fi nished Slx, h, scoring fifth overall. Resu lts 125 PR O: I. Ga ry Bryn- IKT M); 2. J rif Diilily (H un) ; 3. Kron y OI!ot'f1 (Kaw). . n 125 1ST: I. J iilM) PC"an .on (Ho n); 2. Ryan HalVma n n (H on): 3. Edd ir Ilrnhnn (Hon) : 4. Milr.r Bur ( u w ); ~. Cud Rt"rd (Kawl. 80 (NT : I. T riilvj, WWbrT (Kilw); 2. Cory Fu llt"r (Kaw); 3. Mikr UIW1'l (Kaw); 4. Tim H oliii~ (Slu); .'.l. J ruy Will iam, (Kaw). aT INT: 1. Bo b Com1itock (Kaw); 2. J im Srl yn; 3. Ru wy Garrison; 4. lkwC"y L..nut u rg; 5. am Kobrr nik. b 125 BEG D·I : i. Gary Trrln:ki; 2.. DOIlr Cotn; 3. Scon Sh('nrll; 4. JO$h TrUC"; 5. Aaron c...olwford . 125, BlG D·2: J. Doug McKuhn; 2. J ; 3. Ja.nnr ViilnBu, kirk; 4. Dt"bra Sun.t'lfi. 6Oj R: I.Grf'lll: BliKkwrl l; 2. IYM· Da wtlM1; 3. K.rI vi n Sc~ . 60 SR: 1. Rubm Hoh grrw: 2. J ilmi s...nta.; J . Cody wrvm: -t. John POIhnr (. Cardwell zaps lars HS win By Tom Tysl SAN ANrONIO, TX, FEB. 10 SIeve Cardwell co llec ted the big ch un k o f the pro purse. while Terry Ba inbridge sco red first amateur at the 10lh round o f the South Texas Hare Scrambles Series at lars Ra nch . The Pro s wer e fir st o ff th e line with Kent H o wer to n gelling th e hol eshot followed by Card we ll , J ames Mitch ell and Jon Bennet. By th e th ir d o f the six lap race, H owerton had bui lt up a 90 seco nd lead wh en he had a frig htful co nfron ta tion w it h a yo u ng spectator cro ssing th e tra ck . As it turned out neither was seri ousl y i n~ured in the co lli sion . b u t H o wert on d ecided not to rejoi n th e race. Ca rd we ll co n tin ued o n for the o vera ll wi n w ith Mitchell fi n ish in g seco nd and Bennet third, The Fo ur-S troke cla ss th u ndered into th e woods wi th Richa rd Bak ke leading Eddie H ar r iso n and Do n n y O ·Neal. By the start o f la p Ihree, O ':-Iea l wor ked h is way paSl Ha m so n and had h is sig hlS sel o n Ih e lead er wh o was a lmos t Ih eee m inutes ahe ad. Bakke's lea d slo wly sh ra nk a nd wh en Ihe wh i te flag ca me o u t he trdd o n ly a 60-secolld advan la ge over O ' Nea l. As th e final lap tic ked o ff, Ih e battle ended a l a m ud crossi ng tha t O 'Neal mad e a nd Bakk e didn 't. O 'Neal cro ssed the finish lin e more than a minute a head o f Bakke wil h H a rr ison t h ird, five minutes down. Dav e Adams led th e Ov er 40 wav e into Ihe trees on lap o ne closel y fo ll o wed by J im LillIe, Andy T rott, L on ni e P h il ip s, Ferdi nand Ro u ch and Ni ck Ni ckelson. Wilhi n Ih e firs t 15 m iles LillIe mo ved 10 Ih e fr ont , 18 seco nds a hea d o f TrOll . Ni ckel son an d Philips ha d a grea t d ice o ver th e Ih ird 5pot la stin!; Ihe entire race. L ittle rod e a co ns ls ten l pa ce to claim th e n u mber o ne posi tio n o ver a fadin g TrOll. Philips cam e 10 a close th ird wilh 45 seco nd s on Nl ck leson i n fo u rt h . Resul lS AA: I. SIt"' (" y rdw r ll (Suz ); 2. Jamn Mi tchl"1I ( Kaw); ! . J on Bennd (Kaw). O PE S A: 1. Shiiiun Ma rti n (Ya m ); 2. Sam Kno wlt on (H on); 5. DOIvid Kj ~ h (H on ). 200 A: 1. Kft1 L.ngham (Ya m) ; 2. ~"" rk Milia ( YiilmO; 3. Ma rk }l"IJ('Cb ( w). O rEN B: I. Scott St:houlOl (H on); 2. jdf Wi lton ( Kaw); 3. J im m y Moorf' (KT M). ~ B: I. G Il"n Outon ( Hon ); 2. Stoall Edwarch (H o n ); 3. Tommy Fa br rgu (H on). 200 B: I. Alan Ki"tt (Kaw); !. Doug Klim a ( Kaw); JOIloOn T rOll (H on l. 125 B: 1. Brian ( Ho n); 2. Jiilmn Ha rmo n (H on); • ! . Er ic Wiq d ( Yarn l. OVE R 50: I. M..rlr.. Co lle (H on ); 2. Jamn Rab y (u w): ! . Frc=d Pr

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