Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 12 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ; LOCALEVENTS 60 6-8: I. Calvin Schoe n tkaw ]: 2. M ic~1 Gam by (Ya m ); Jamn Ro uJl in- ( 80 BEG : 1. Robb Fa brick lKa w); 2. Ruu Cree (Kaw); 3. Tim MiJler (lta w). . 80 J R: I. j esse Will iam i (Ka w). 125 BEG : I. Robm Kiu n-man (Kaw); 2. Mikt' Na rkiewiel fKawO 3. Brandon While (Kaw). ; 125 J R: I. J t'T t"my Harw ood (Ka w); 2. Darr en Sn unk (H o n ). 1251 NT: I. Travis 8nTy (Ka w) ; 2. Dane Satty (SUI) . 125 PR O : I. J ril Dail y (Hon); 2. Gary Jkoytr (KTM) . 250 BEG: I. John Fll('h (Yam ); 2. Dan Bever (Kaw); .5. UT Hu bhor d (Ho n ). 250 J R: I. Kt'll y.Wh d ch d (H e n ): 2. Randy Lar kins (Kaw); 1. Ryan Leac h (Ma i). . 250 INT : 1. Darcy Lal.onde (Kaw). O PEN BEG: I. J a!;{Jn Sm ith (Kaw ); 2. Ro ber t AHord (Hn n). O PEN JR : I. Dave H a mptcn (ATK) ; 2. Brian Rnier (Ho n); 3. J im Aln.and" (KT M). O PEN II\'T: I. Roby uach( KTM);2.SI('Vt F.~nson( H()n ). 30-<40 JR : I. Karl Oaadwick (KT M); 2. J im Wiin" (H o n); $. Mike Childen (Ho n ). . 30."10 t NT : I. Kell y WM k hd (Ho n ); 2. J im 'Thorpt' (H on ); 3. Da ve Hamr.0n fATK) . 30-40 EX: . Rick Sauh (KTM ); 2. Darcy Lal.cnde (Kaw); 3. Dun Sch nc.oidn- (Suz). OT JR: l. Ji m Bmwn (Kaw); 2. Cliff Shipp (Han ); .5. Spence Hoteger (Ho n) . OT t NT: I. Mikt Tratty (KT M); 2. SI('Ye Shi nd ln (SUl); 3. Ruben Co mAlock IKa w). OT EX: I. Jerry lkwill (Hu,). UTII : I. TnhtTt K.ragnt'~5 (SUl); 2. Mikt Bur ke (Hon); ". La nce Gu nd"wn (Han ). 3. a first rnot o cras h victi m - in for sixth and rounded o ut th e top five overa ll finishes. Results 125 PRO: l. Steve Lamson {Hon]: 2. Ray Cru mb (Kaw) ; 3. Danny Pal adi no (I-IU5) 4. Scot t McElro y (5w); 5. J oe BrU«' ; (Yam ). • 250 PR O : I. Stew La mso n (H a n ): 2. Ray Crumb (Kaw) ; 5. Scott Myt'fS (Suz) ; 4. SCOtl McElroy (Suz); 5. T im McClintock (Han) . i 250 tNT: I. T yler Hummd (5uz) ; 2. Eric Du Cray (Hon); , . Michael Brand t"S (Kaw ): 1. T ro y Wi nK(Kaw); 5. Jerr y King {Hon) . 125 tNT: 1. Danny Nch.on (Kaw); 2. Sp ud Wah t'TS (Kaw); 3. J im my Mech t'm (Kaw); 4. Lane!' Bollens (Hon); 5. Eric DuCra y (Han). 250 J R: 1. Bra d H eth eringt on (H on ); 2. Sean Hummel (SUl ); .5 Ron C illi ga n (H o n); 4. Bob Leipoh (Hon); 5. J ohn Harris . (H on). lR: 500 I. David Ha gen (Han). 500 NT: 1. John Ne.ary (Kaw). 250 BEC : I. 8t"n Gl t'd.hill (Ya m); 2. Mikc.o H agen (Hon); 3. Ron Hampshire (Hon ); "I. J ohn Lee (Suz); 5. Cu rt Buul n (Ka w ). 125 JR: I. Jimmy Scott (S UI); 2. Bttn Klin~r ( Kaw ); S. j ak e Windham (Kaw); 4. O Ui5 Thoma, (Han); 5. ' Mike Morgan (Han). II 125 BEG : I. Cy Brinlee (H o n ]: 2. J ohn Cu n ni ng ha m (Sw); .5 Bobby Bea uc ha m p (S UI ); 1. Brutt Del im a5 (Han) ; 5. Mikt' . J ohnson (Kaw). Pt W: I. Daniel Blair (Yam ); 2. Shane Be" (Yam );3. Nathan Milch ell (Ya m); 'I. Randy Norman (Ya m) ; 5. Daryl Ca mpara (S UI). .Spencer wins two at SnR Mud/Snow Scrambles By Tom Blachek HARPURSVILU, NY, NOV. 18 Brad Flint found the fastest lines through the quagmire for the Senior class win at the Square Deal Riders' Mud in Your Eye Mud/Snow Scrambles. Dan Batty won the 125/250cc Interme'dia te class at Territorial MX. 3. Mike York (Ho n); 4. Bobby Hol tgre w (Kaw); 5. Na te Gravelle (Kaw). 80 IN!: 1. Cory Fuller (Kaw); 2. Jo h n Willia ms (Ka w); 3. Tim Holas (Stu) . 30-40 INT: I. Ron Kmt (Yam) ; 2. j esse Dean (H a n ); 3. Da n Kau ffma n (Kaw) . 60 SR: J. Bobb y Hohgrew (Kaw); 2. David T urner (Ka w); 3. Du sty Ltn.abttg ( Kaw). 60 JR: I. G rq Blackwdl (Koiw); 2. Justin Ru th ( Ka w ); 3. ba.acDaw 50n (Ya m). PIW: I. Isaac Da wliOfl (Yilm); 2. Tim Rickelu (Yam ); 3. Jeremiah Ha~ (Ya m ). . PP; 1. £k'm ne Holbrook (c.x;); 2. J('iIn nt' VanBu..'.kirk . (Yam); 3. Laurie Stan ge (Kaw ). aT EX: I. Mike Hickman (Yam ); 2. RUMy Ga rrison (Ka w). 125 INT: I. Tra"is BerTy (Koiw); 2. Eric R~n (Ka w); 3. Tony Renfro (lCaw ). 125 JR D-I : 1. Chad R (Kaw); 2. Ma tt Kr;;JUK (Yam); em 3. Reuben Sch ug (Han). 125 J R D-2: 1. Rob Roberts (Koiw); 2. Troy Kibbl e (Yam) ; 3. J 3llO Summerhill (Han). n Batty fights back at Territorial Motocross By Don Schneider EUGENE. OR, NOV II . beh ind Dail y, but ahead o f Woodring, Hart, H amness and bro th er Terry. Dail y didn't waste any time vaulting into th e lead in th e seco nd con test, attacki ng each and every Bob Leach-designed obstacle tha t came before him with the intensi ty th at should in time lan d him so me decent fin ish es on th e 125(( National circuit if he maintains his cu rre nt pace . This mo lO Dail y had some competi tto n by H art , but towards th e end of th e shortened race, d ro p ped back to a d istan t second a hea d of Berry , Woodring and th e Hamness brothers. Leach had to foll ow p ro rider Do n Boespflu g th e entire six laps of the first co mb ined Open Pr o/Interm edia te mo to . fin ishi n g second to th e Kawasaki rider , but came back to stu ff Boespflug out of the lead coming o ut of tu rD two at the start of the second co n test. Boespflug prod ded every option in a n attempt 10 take Leach 's lead, bu t eac h ti me Leach wo uld sla m th e door on th e seasoned pro. In fact, KTM rider Frank McKuhn, also a lo ngtim e pro, rode in the n u mbe r three spot to the finis h beh ind Leach, who felt good abou t beating the pros, and Boesp flug. Resuh. 125 PR O : I. Jeff Daily ' (Hon); 2. Chad Berry (Ka w ); .5 . Gl'3y50n H art (Raw); • . Bria n Wood rin g (Suz): 5. Mik~ Ha mnni ( Ka w). !(). 40 PR O : I. Ron Milliflt'ln (SUl): 2. Gary Bctv~ (Raw); 3. Doug Edtdman (Yam) , O PEN PRO : l. Don Boopn ug (Kaw); 2. Frank M cK uh n (KTM I: 5. Mark Grqson (Ka w). ~::~IJr;r~;mr=:~"(x-ht); 2. Rod Co mstock (Ka w); 5. Slrw Evensm (Hon). OP EN jR: .s. l~ Bryan R~ (Ho n); 2. Jedl y Cu nni ngham Carl Oladwick (KTM). . O PEN BEG : 1. T om CrttnhOUS(' (Ho n ); 2.. J~ n Smith (Rawl; 5. Kmn Bmtdahl ( ltaw). UTH: 1. Do n BonplIUR ( ltaw); 2. Bruo: Bam~ (H o n) ; . 3. l...arTy Han~ n (Cag) . aT PRO: l. Lim Lamki n (Hon ); 2. Nick Rusinovich (Han). aT INT: l. R.obrn Coms tock (Kaw); 2. Clill Kobmlik (Ya m ); 3. J o hn Mack (Cag) . 250 JR : I. Stn'e lLwis (Ka w); 2. Jim McBryde (Yam); Randy Fisher (Han); 4. Fred Hajou (yam); 5. Bro et' Barnes (H o n). 80 JR: 1. J euy Williams (Kaw) ; 2. Doug McKuhn (Ka w); (Kaw); .s. 18 Territoria l MX saw the comeback o f Dane Batt y. The 125/250cc Interm edi a te pilot ta ll ied 1-2 mo lO finishes after an II week in jury layoff. Moto one in th e 125cc In term ediate cla ss sa w T rav is Berry ga ted perfectly , wh ile Batt y and Dunn~ settled in to seco nd and third, respect ively. Batty soo n pulled aw ay from the adva nces of Dunn. Makmg up major ground by midmo to, Batty wa s in hot p urs ui t of Berry . Four laps into the moto, Bauy was moving in for th e classic pa ss. Berry co mi ng into turn two a little hot , took hi s Kawasaki a liule too wide. Taking advantage of th is, Batty sq ua re d up ea rly, goi ng in side-o utside, ge tt ing th e good drive on hi s Suz uk i. T his must have ble w Berry 's co ncentration as Batty mOLOred away to a I5-p lu s second lead over Berry , followed by Dunn. In th e 125cc Pro class, Gary Beyer outpo wered Jeff Dail y ea rly on in moto o ne. Beyer soo n wicked it up to a smooth three second lead. The momentum seemed to be in Dail y's favor , tho ugh, as two-an d-a-half laps arou nd the circuit Daily was pressur ing . Co m ing do wn the strail\ht aftei th e midcircu it do u bles, Daily had th e m side groov e dialed in . Go in g into th e hard left-hander Daily p layed tag with Beyer . Beyer was p ushed WIde in to the soft grou nd, as Dail y p us hed his H on da pas t for the lead. Beyer ate Dail y's roo st the rest o f the mot o to finis h up a mere three seconds beh ind Dail y. Mot o two saw Berry , again, ~et th e jump o n the field . Batty was a lso fightmg o ff Dunn clo se behind. Batty seem ed 10 fall in to a co nsistent pace hopmg for a m istak e b y Berry. Dunn, again, cou ldn 't keep up the blt stenng pace o f the leaders and eventua lly backed o f[. Berry had a little more sta m ina o n Batty , as it wa s a flawless moto victory. This ga ve him th e overall via th e second moto win. Bany closed th e ga p up o n the leader, but the layoff has cos t him the overall. Mot o two saw Beyer blast his KTM into the ea rly lead, again. This ti me, however, Dail y m ade qu ick haste o f Beyer. Coin j: into the S turn s, halfway th rough the first Circu it , Da ily wa sted no tim e for th e pass and th e lead. Beyer .at e his roo st, again. th e entire mOlO. Results WMN : 1. Deanna Holbrook (Cag ); 2. !kant Hu n t (Ka w) : 3. Ci ndy Fors ten (Kaw). Jim Spe ncer won the Expert class and Senior A cla ss at th e opening round of Sq uare Deal Riders' Mud in Your Eye Mud/Snow Scrambles Series. The tight, technical course was very rough and muddy, with few riders ab le to maintain a fast pace over the one mile co u rse. But 40 year old Spencer seemed oblivious to the conditions. One hundred seven riders signed up to ride the scra mbles, wh ich was also th e New York State Championship Scrambles Series, The temperature hovered around freezing despite su n ny skies. By the tim e th e last race began, the muddy track was beginning to freeze. Dave Sanford won the Super &nior class by a full lap over Joe Arcesi. This was the first time the class had beeri offered in several years. It had been dropped due to lack of riders, but if th e riders who signed up Sunday are an indication, it may become a popular class this season.In the Senior B class Brad Fli nt grabbed the holeshot and ran away for the wi n. Scott Sinnett, T om Dougherty, Richard Holbert and Tom Blachek battled for second. On the th ird lap Sinnett go t into trouble and slipped to fifth. Lap four saw Blachek move by Dougherty and Holbert to take second. On lap fiv e Holbert and Blachek swapped positions twice with Blachek finishing second and H olbert settling for third. Resul ts NOV IOI-oPEN: 1. David Dunn (Yarn) ; 2. David ~Kay (CA); .5 Kun Carman (H on); 4. Mark Slater (KTM); 5. Ron . Jamn (Suz). ().IOO: I. Kt'ilh Willon (Suz); 2. J eff McMahon (Kaw); " . OJ ris Ikllo (Kaw); of. Marco Mo~lIo (Kaw) ; 5. Jodtua SIO~ (Su r). 101·200 : I. Duant Maruer (Kaw) : 2. Dan Ballard (Kaw ); 3. Man. H oheKaw); 4. Burgns (Suz);5 . Ruu Wrist (Kaw). 201-250; t. Ndl Kinsley (Suz); 2. Gregory Shuman (Yam) ; 3. Ltn Bal tirnort! (Hon); 4. Scott Snyder (Yam ); S. Jer~ Cnio(Suz). 2S1·0 PEN, I. Jdl Congd(' (H o n); 1. Ed Cu m mi ngs (Kaw ). 1 VET JR ; I. Jdl McCal'<' (H on); 2. Jd l Walk" (Hon); 3. Mark Pr in ce (KT M); 4. Tony Patt erson (Kaw); 5. Paul Conntn (S Ul ). £> OT MSTR: I. Lany H artnt'U (SOl ); 2. Bill McCLinlr)n (ATX); 3. Ro n Mila no ( HU!~); 4. Ja ck Baken (KTM ). aT 1ST: 1. Glen n Pruitt (H o n); 2. Thorn Yuill (H on>; 3. En Ri fen bu rK (KTM). OT JR : I. T im Co lvnt (Han) ; 2. Ruu Padc=n (Suz); 3. ~ Jm McClinton (Ka w); 1. Gnwgt' Butll " ( Kaw). Moore scores Ventura Raceway". Motocross win 'W By J oe Zipay VENTURA, CA, NOV. 17 Factory KTM rider Bobby Moore came home o n holiday aft er competing in th e Supercross at Barcelona. Spain, and he came out to Ventura Raceway to get in a little practice befo re headi ng back over to France for the Paris Supercross. Moore may have gouen " a little more than he bargained for, though, wh en he tangled with loca l favorite Randy Moody in the 250cc Pro clas s. What started out as a yawner turned in to a n out and oUt dogfight. '., Moore, aboard a stock KTM 250, got of[ the line fir st in moto o ne ahead of Mood y, Jim Holley a nd Tracy Mo n terone. The KTM rider opened up a quick lead and never looked ba ck . Mo ody fi nished a d istant seco n d. Monterone took third after Holley dropped o ut ea rly. Randy Moody came out lik e a tig er for th e second molO. The H onda rid er roared down th e sta rt straigh t to take th e ea rly lead with Moore and Mo nterone in tow . Moor e stuck 10 Moody's back tire. , On lap th ree o f th e eigh t· la p molO, Mood y carried too mu ch momentum over th e tabl etop and went wide in th e next co rne r, allowin g Moore to ge t by o n th e i nside. A few corners later, Moody took an extremely tig h l li ne, clearl y ins ide the apex of th e unmarked turn and sla m med Moore, using th e KTM for a ber m. Moore followed Moody like a shadow , and the n a lap lat er in th e same corn er, tlie KTM rider took th e very sa me lin e an d a ttem p ted a block pass, but Moody go t o n the brak es hard, and wh en Moore slid paS!, Mood y shot underneath and back into the lead . T he two rid ers tra ded th e lead back and fo rth 'and swap ped pa int severa l tim es, as th e race heated up. At on e point Moore go t a goOd drive o ut of a comer and p ut a wh eel in front o f Moody in midair over a double jump, th e two riders were so close it appeared that Moore go t whacked 'in th e head by Moody 's fro nt tir e. Moody hung on to th e lead until he cut a flat left-handed corner a little too close a nd ca ug h t a big tire with his front wheel. Mood y, trying to recover. drifted into Moore's line and th ey both went down o n top o f each o the r. It wa s a mad scramble to get going again•. a s both r id ers kicked th ei r bikes and exchan~ words. Amazingly both bikes fired up at th e exact sam e tim e and they were at it again with Moody in front and Moore on ly in ch es behind. Meanwhile, back in third place, Monterone was playing to the crowd, turning a set of doubles and a single jump into a mon strou s triple. On the last lap, jut when it seemed that Moore was backing off a bit, Moody got out of shape while working through lappers and launched o ff a big double. The Honda rider

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