Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 12 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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came down so hard he kn ock ed himself unconscio us, han din g the ra ce 10 Moo re. With his fist in th e ai r Moo re took the chec kered n ag and the overa ll victory on the n igh t, The lar ge crowd on ha nd stood silently for several anxio us minutes until Moody got back on his Ieet, Moore also rode over to th e ch eck o n th e fa ll en rider i n a good show o f sportsmans hi p. Results 80 BEC : I. CUp Rotan ; 2. Jon Brown; 3. Krith Troutman. 80 JR: I. Jarob Madonna. 80 I fIw."T: 1. Ja y ~ 1 ~ BEG A: I. Jay 1llqs.; 2. JoUl Bttwn; S. Ty Rutlrr. 125 BEG B: 1. Oavid Ma cFarla n~ 2. Ryan SPMth: 3. Jason A (Hon), 5. Sln'rPolandi (Hon); 4. ~u Wh ittakrT (Stu); 5. In-noy i'brwood ( lUw). I25c BEC 0- 1: I. CMy Tnlttki (Kaw); 2. Tim Ma pln (K.ilw); 3. A.non Crawford (Liw). J J25 B£G 0-2: 1. Jeff Lock-xld ( Ka w) ; 2. Brad Brunbl ~ Hun): 3. Ruu Pc.tmoI(u w). 250 BEC D-I: I. Erik Bishop (Xaw); 2. Mar k Ltwis (Kaw}: Kitchen_ (Yam) . b 250 BEC 0-2: I. Allm Tnln-ki ( 2. Blm undon (Ya rn); 3. Krvin Zimmnman. 2!J.O jR: l. Stew Ltw~ (Xaw); 2. Cary ROlf: (Sw): 3. Mik~ Rrminp; oo (Sw). l O PEN I1'IT: l. Rob}' Uach (XT M); 2. Rod Co mstoc k (Xaw): 5. Stew Evm sm (Ho n). O PEN SEC : l. j~5Of1 Sm ilh (; 2. Tom Gremho~ (H on); 5. Mau Buhr (Hon). 50-40 PR O: l. Mark GrqJOO (K..w); 2. Doug Eckd m~ n (XT M): 5. Jell C lo wn (Hon). UTI! ; I. C ary Ikyt:r (XT M); 2. Don 80tIp n ug (Xaw); 5. 3. urry o..~ A k~rma n ( ~ w). PM : I. Isaac Dawwn (Yam ); 2. C~II:I: Bbckwdl (Xaw): . 5_Ryan Co lema n (Va m); i . Do ug Ask (ltl) : S. Lia m Daw wn ( Yam). 60 J R: l. b aac Daw son (Yam); 2. Ca~ Johnson (Iulw); 5. Rya n Co lmJ a n (Kaw). 60 SR: l. Robn-t Hoh gn-w ( ~ w ); 2. Dust)' Lmabng (Iulw); 5. Cr aig Bradky (Kaw). llkirk P P: I. Ikanna Holb rook (Ca g); 2. j~nn~ Van BU (Ya m ); 3. Lisa C;"rrison (Xaw). 3(I .: I. Brian Berry (Suz): 2. Dt-mt"lroisAkOh(lion ); ,Ii. SIt'VfOn Of'r.r.rn ( 250 NO V: . Justin Squirn (Hon); 2. Mauhew Dill (Ya m ); 5. j O$('p h Silvesrro (Han). PLUS 25: L J oh n Eh im iou (Hon); 2. Jrrry Ch.iIbI~ (Sur): 5: J im Joh n50o (Han ). Liedberg sweeps Greasewood Hollow Motocross By Dale Bohm DEL . UT, NOV II TA . SIeve Li edber g swep t bo th mot os in th e 125 and 250cc Expert classes al the Greasewood Ho llow MX track. fn 250cc Expert action, Brad Frampto n grabbed the lead wi th Ch ance Ma ugh an and LiedberK in lOw. New!?te Hon da 's Liedberg wasted Till ie tim e getu ng around Mau gh an a nd sel o ul aher Frampton. As Fra mpton a p proached the tableto p j ump, his fro nt-end washed out and he sla m med into Ihe grou nd . Li~berll" inheri~ed the lead which he. never n:hnquuhed: VInce Lucrro wor ked Ius way close 10 Liedberg, but had to seIde [or second. Co rky Maugh an worked u p 10 th ird but was g un ned down by Marl o Pa inter lale in the race. fn mo to two . Co rky Maughan grabbed the ho lesho t over Lled berg, Pai nter and Brad Bolton. Liedbe rg ballied past Ma ugh an lor th e lead while Bolto n worked up past Pain ter . in la p Ihr ee and set o ut a fter Mau gh an . Liedberg cru ised o ut fro n t to Ihe fin ish o ver Bolton, whil e Paint er got by Maughan [or th ird . fn 125cc Amat eur class action, Bo R idd le gr abbed Ihe lead o ver Chris Cooksey. Brad Reu sch and Bod ie Bates. Rid dle and Coo ksey waged war u n til lap th ree when Rid dle went down. Cooksey held first 10 the n ag o ver Ren sch a nd Ridd le. MOlo two belon ged to Riddle as th e Su zuk i rider grabbed the lead and never looked back. Coo ksey held seco nd to th e fin ish. Results # PM : 1. Josh Jrrum; 2. Mjk~ V~ntro.s; 5. TykT Cnuini. 60 A: 1. 'tnT)' Ha Ugll.iId.. 60 8 : I. Brandon Cmtini :2. Don ny Fu lkr. 5. [bn if"1 GKdm . Jason Rivas (36) leads Gary Lussur (39), John Eftimiou (66) and Jerry Seip (343) ill the l25c c Pro/Expert class at Westhampton Raceway MX in New York. 80 1· 11: I. Ch.i l" O g.lkn :2. J.on Diet: 3. Bran don Cmlini . u 80 12·15> NO V: I. Eric Landis; 2. j acob QoiIrk 5. Dann y : Mor tr. n. 125 NO \ ': l. Bmny Pai mer: 2. N~ I50n Luttro; 5. j;non Ryan Huffman was untouchable in the Intermediate class at Clarks Branch MX. O1<<,. 250 NO\': I. Iknni!. Sim o",: 2. Onll Simo nll.; 5. Ld.,..n. A I~x ~t:3J'~~ r~~ ~:~r...~2.":::~~~=t~~ dm. OP~N NO\': I. Omny Danid.; 2. Rand y G ra m. O VER 50 EX/AM : i . Ooill~ Rohm ; 2. xen P~ : 5. ja n Munson. O PEN E.X; 1. Brad Bolton : 2. SiR Ridd k: 5. Sam Tay lor . O\'[ R 25 B: 1. Doult H Of'Ik; 2. Kntl Bowns: 5. (loUie SlilItk. Loreman, Calkins gun down Clarks Branch Motocross ' By Don Schneider ROSEBURG, OR, NOV. 4 Dana Loreman used a I- I tally over Kevin Calki n's 2-2 to cha lk up th e overa ll win i n th e l25cc Beginner class a t Carolyn a nd Ralph H uffman 's Clark Bra nch Cycle Park MX. In mo to o ne Seth Card go t th e early j ump ahead of Lo rema n, T ivia n, Ca lkins and Hurd. Card went wid e in turn o ne. as Lorerna n took th e lead on th e inside. Mike Shi eld , wh o jumped off to a sixth place sta rt , moved to fifth by lap three a nd the n too k adva ntage of Card, as he look a major soil sa mple. T ivia n in second had his ha nds lu ll wi th Calkin s hound in g him lo r a pass. • Going inlo the back o[ th e trac k, Ca lki ns emerged th e victo r o n lap [o ur . Bu t it was too lat e of a charge by Ca lkins, as Lo reman wicked it up 10 seco nds by th e fin ish. Ca lki ns , meanwh ile. had h is hands full with Shiel d at the chec kers. Card a nd Hegebe ro unded oul th e lOp rive. Mot o two, Card showed h is roos t again 10 the field ahead of Ca lki ns. Lo reman . H ind a nd Shield. Card's lead was sho rt -lived, again as Calins wasted no time movin g into the lead by ou tbra king Card. By lap two. Lo reman mad e hi s mo ve o n Card in th e back 10 gai n seco nd. The same lap, Shield sla mmed bv Hurd [or fo urth. At the finish it was a not her Lo n:ma n mo to victory. over Ca lkins . Card's 4-3 nell ed him third over Sh ields' 3-4, wilh H urd nelling [i[th via 6-S over Hegele's S-6. Resul ts 60 6-8; I. Uriah Lamprot' (J'.. w): 2. MichoildCamby (YoiIm ); 3. JoiIllln Roullier (x...w). 60 9-11: I. £.ric William, (K.ilw) ; 2. J ustin Dyn (Hon) . 80 BEC : I. Poilirick Buuh ( Ka w): 2. Shaw n Gill (; 3. Brian Wor thi nlS (JU w) . lon 80 I. jnnniah Kirltti (Hon ). 80 NT: l. J U!otin Kirkn ( K..a W); 2. j oh n Will iam s ( 125 BEG: l. Danoil Lorm14ln (H a n); 2. Krovin Ca lkin . (SUI); 5. Sr lh Card (Suz). ~ BEG : l. Will Co leman (Ha n). O PEN BEG: l. OIOl ks Brown j r. (K.ilw); 2. Da vid C.ombll r (Ho n). .125 j R: I. SCOtl O lson (H on); 2. Sro u AllfOn (Hutl ):.5. J oiIw n r-.bth ~w . (Hon). 125 INT: l. Ryan HuHman (Hon ). 1:5 PRO, I. O>.d Ikny (""' wi. 250 J R: I. Susa n Smit h (Kaw); 2. Mo k Smith (X.a w). n 2.SO INT: 1. Rya n H uerman (Hon ); 2. Sha wn H igh1oi1nd (Han ). O PEN jR: 1. j im Aleund" (KT M); 2. j ~rry Dr wiu (H us). O PEN INT: I. Robb y uoilch (K1"M); 2. Sl('Vt' Evmsm (H on ). JG.iO j R: I. Kn-in Ca lkim (Sw); 2. Ken PCTCY (Kaw): 3. GJTKOfY Will y (Hon ). • 30-40 INT: I. T~rry RuUo (H on ). 50-40 EX: l. Don Schrwidn (Suz). uh 30-40 PR O: l. Rick B.a ( K.TM ~ 2. Ron Milli gan (Yam). OT J R: I. Wah Sm ilh (K.ilw); 2. Bill Co lema n (Ya m) . OT tX: I. Gary Dtwiu IH LU). 1R: Nixon nails Powerline Park Motocross win By Rick L ynch NEWEGY NJ, NOV. 18 PT, Duane Nix on fo ught hi s way 10 a pair o r mo te win s in the 125cc C class at Po werl ine Park 's seaso n fina le.: Nixo n got a ~ood star t in th e rirsl molO. while Paul Waslm bega n to char ge to th e fro nt alte r sla rt ing in Ihe middle of the pa ck. Waslin 's charge was halt ed [or Ihr ee laps as he tried to ge t around second -place J ames McG innis a nd a lter he did Washn moved in to rinis h o n win ner Nixon's rear rend er. Nixon was away rirsl in th e fina l mot o as bo lh Wasli n and McG in nis suffered poor starts. Wasli n aga in charged to Ihe front with McGinnis in hi s tracks un til he enco u ntered seco nd-p lace T y Ko ntrath. Nixo n too k th e molO wi n while Waslin was unable 10 pass Kontralh and finis hed th ird . . In th e first O pen Amaleur class mot o, Rich Rike stalled al Ihe sta rt in g gate an d bega n Ihe race in last p lace. But by the end of Ihe . moto Ri ke had passed 19 ot her riders 10 fin ish seco nd behind J ason Bart ley. Rike got th e ho leshol in the second mo lO and led a ll the way with Bartl ey- finishi ng seco nd . Resul ts MISI 10-11: l. Don Opdy ckt' (KXX); 2. j ason HOlrl1tt (K-X); 5. Of.nni!o Hmn ~ (SUI). MISI 12-15: I. Ncil WOt'JJ1n' (SUI) : 2. Nick Sttbo (H a n): 5. Jut' B~h1tT (SUl). MISI )i·I5>: 1. 0l.iId Smith (KX): 2. 8m Dahon (H on): in 5. SlnT MonKU (XX). fldi (Ha n); EX: I. J im Md l van~ (Ho n ): 2. Joh n ! 5. Rob McGu i ~. 125 B: 1. JoiIliI Lynch (H on ): 2. O~V~ Krall: (XX): 5. Rich Ri k~ (SUl): i . Rich McC inni.. 125 A NOV : I. N~i1 Wonnn (SUI): 2. JOt' Rob bin. (Yam ); 3. Scali Xishd (KX); 4. Oak- H iI~ (Vam). 125 B NOV : 1. Du an t' N i. on (Suz): 2. Paul Wa!olin (Vam); 3. Jamn McG innis (H a n); 1. T y XOlur.llh (H a n). SCH BY: I. l.rT Rm tr-in (VoiIrn); 2. Da v~ Kroilll:(KX); 5. Mi k~ Li ndsry (KX); i . Brian Sim iruk (H a n). M"IIf" (SUI) : 2. An tho ny T iern o r O P EN MlN I: I. N ~il WU (KX J . (Ho n): 3. Grr'Jt 250 8 : 1. Jali Lynch (Ho n); 2. T ro y X~hoe (Ha n ); 5. Jon Stil u blhf(tf (SUI): i . Sam Th ur 5ton (Ya m ). 250 NOV: I. Ma rk j aniWt'wski (KX ): 2. j amn Spitcha!i (XX ); 3. j d l Edm inll(on (XX): i . Ch ris.Kru sm (Hon ). CO LLBY: 1. Troy Krhr (lion ): 2. Rich j arvis (Yam); ,Ii. Vietor Rovillni (XX); i . DUJnl Pan nullo (Ha n). OPEN AM; I. Rich Ril~ (H on l: 2. J oiIs. n 8.ilrdl'y: 5. H.iln y u Folu: (XX); 4. Rich Lykin (H on). SR AM: 1. Tony OIirordli (XX); 2. M i k~ AnKttnwn (KX); 5. Mikt' Cmlimu lt' (H a n I; 4. Gror~ M unbl ~u (Hon). 250+: 1. M.iUk wtiI (SUI): 2. Ed Szu ln::ki (SuI I: 3. Mikt' Tippin (H on). S/ SR: 1. Jim McG innis (H on ): 2. Don Hmdn (XX); 5. John Minn ( XX): 4. Sal BUO.illi. lont'''

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