Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 12 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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250 PR O : l. Willi ~ Surratt (Hon) ; 2. Jot Wadd in gto n (Han): S. Krn ny O ilt on ( ); 4. Robnt weber (Ho n ). 500 P R.O: I. Rn Staten (Hon). 25-29 BEG : I. C. T . FOIl.. (Yam); 2. Tony London (Yam ); 3...n ,mn y Pabon (Ha n ); 4. Mikt McC lTgOI' ( loa",,); 5. Cui, DtCan ~U ( Hon). . 2S·29 NOV : I. U K 8l(Hon). b OT EX: 1. ~r~ Kohl n (; 2. M'llr ng Bastiondl i Sul.); 5. AI, NOV. II U Sunnyslope Hon da- sponsored J eff Darla nd of Ph oen ix clinched his fifth consecutive Amer ica n Desert Racing Assoc iat ion 's Overall Cham pions hip Sa turda y duri ng the H th ru nni ng of the 125-m ile Sonoyta-to- Rocky Point Har e & H ound. Avera ging 54.25 mph for 2:18:15, Darl and roosled his way to the seaso n fina le win over Dirt and Street Unlimited's Destry Abbon by over 10 mi nutes. Alth ough he rod e well, Abbou's KTM 250 was at a severe to p speed disadvantage 10 Darl and 's Ho nda CR500 on the very fast course (P."r ticu larly the laner half thaI ran through m.l es of smooth , fast beach sand) and was lat er slowed by a flat fro nt tire and a nearly bald rear tire. Darland cap ped off his 1990 season wii h five wins in SIX tries. He sat oul lh e pr evious race in October becau se he cou ldn 't rind a bi ke 10 ride then fell at lh e Heber 100 a mon th ear lier and ended up in th ird. Although the ilh cable TV lechnician had h is pro blems W a nat fran 1 tire and smas hi ng his ha nd in to a ba rr el cac lus durin g th e race. he did capi ta lize on early race leader Jim Thompson's misfor tun e. Thompson out paced Dar land by near ly two minutes at the halfway point but ran out of gas with over 25 mil es to go . Darl and SlOPped and ga ve Thompson his spa re gas but the Co lorado kid ra n it dry aga in several miles before the fin ish line. ·'1 hitched a ride in by hol din g onto the tail gat e of this local guy 's pickup," explained a tired and disappointed Thompson . " We've never ha d a p roblem lik e thi s. I ca n 't understa nd wh y it (h is CR5(0) cou ldn 't ma ke it on the gas we had I think I'm cu rsed here." T ak in g third overa ll in 2:30:07 was Ken Kozlik. "There was so mu ch du st I missed my pit a t the third checkpoint and spe n t the whol e second P."n of the race trying to catch u p, " said KozlIk. After a year's h iatus to g~ l marri ed a nd seek more spo nso rsh ip, fourth overall fini sher Dan Marcband bought back the bike he sold last year ju st to ride lhe Sonoy ta-to-Rocky Po int race. "T h is one is a musl: " said March and. " I bo ugh t my oid bike back so I cou ld race." Claiming fifth overall at 2:33:14 and first in the 28+ Senior Experl di vision was Kenneth Stum p ff. "That was the best ri de of my life," said the 35·yea r-old racer. " I got the ho leshot and never saw a nyone aga in. Il'Sgreat lObe ba ck~ " Stumpff was seriously injured when he crashed his bike a t h igh speed duri ng the first race or the season in Sa n Man uel , Arizona , and broke his back. Resul ts O PEN EX: 1. Jdf O;,arland (Ha n); 2. Dcstry Abboct (KT M); 5. Km Kodik (H on ); 4. Oanid Marchan d (Ha n ); 5. P.ll Pro!!"~r (KT M ,. OPEN AM: 1. Mikr Ikrkna (H on ); 2. Sh4lwn Sch miu (Hon); 5. John Albro (Vam): i . Tim Ikrgstrom (Hon); 5. John Haggan! ( H on ). 28+ EX: I. Km nnh Siu mpfr (Ha n ); 2. Tim Abril ( KTM); 5. Bob RUiSrll (Ha n ). 38+ EX: 1. Jm)' Smi th (Yam); 2. Elto n O ng lr,- (KTM); 5. CmrtMoT~ick (Y+ OTHG: l. AI Fon- (Yam); %. Darre ll Ga ln (KT M); 5. O len Wrbb J r. (KT M); 4. Jim Hartman (Hon). 50+ SR: I. Lrs Fou (V

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