Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ LOCAL EVEN S T r-z EX: I. Jdr \ 'fl'> (Rtx); 2. David Fu ll (Y;lm ); .5 lri.l·" in . Falr.!ntl x ( \'.lI n). F·:! :'\:O\' : I. Thml" l1 Ml P hee rere (VOIm) : 2. S riOin u m lcy l y .u lIl; :to Ch :u lt"'l l ..lJlK ( D II(); 4. And u'w I' l'rkin!lo ( lIu n); ~" Ti m Kl"'l'Tl (Ya m). fo'· j EX: I. Pa u! :'\.fnrri\ IK;lw): 2. H all y MotV' (H o ll). fo ·1 ;'I;()\': I. \l ilM. Ibn""ly (lU w ). C I. S :\1 ~ EX: I. Sr"H ' Hr ilnl.;ln (Ho n); 2. Paul :'\.Iun i ~ H lnn l: .5 Kn il l hll de.u. (Ya m). . C.I .R\I =' ='0 \ '; I. :'\.lorr L. f1r iw. (Y;lm ): 2. :'\.I.HL. s la \"('fl\ 111" 11 1::\. Jd l Ranthu or ( I lt m) ; i . Mi b t brdnl) (Ka w). e Cochran nails Perris MX victory By Tony Alessi ' .... PERRIS CA. SEPT. 22 , Q.) ,.0 o ..... u o Do n Upton (632) topped al1 the Intermediates at Per ris MX ab oa rd hi s l25cc H o n da, while Rob b Mesech er (70) landed the 250cc class vic tory. Bob Sand y (12) hel d off the attacks by Charles Buse (39) to win the B Superbike class at Blackhawk Farms in Ill ino is. Buse won th e A and B Supe rstock classes. Suzuki-mou nted Dave Coc hran cam e awa y the winner in the 25·29 Beginner class a nd fini shed seco nd beh ind Peter Ackourev in th e 250cc Beg inner cl a ss du r in g G Fr" Su pe r Saturday MX at Perri. Raceway. Cochra n gOI the holesh ot in th e opening 2529 Beginner rnoto and never look ed back . Rich ard Wor ley worked up from a bad sta rt and closed o n Cochran, o n ly to cras h back 10 third, Fred Magn olia moved to seco nd for good but never challen ged Cochran. Coc hra n aga in led at the start of th e seco nd rno to as Mike Brown closed in o n Coch ra n a nd P Ul the pr essure o n . Brown push ed Cochran for five laps befor e Coc hran tired o u t a nd Brown pu lled away . Richard Word y caugh t Coc h ra n o n th e final la p and a lmost passed the ex ha usted pil ot. Coc hra n held o n to seco nd a nd took th e overa ll win . Coc h ra n was back in th e 250cc Beginner class , wi nn ing th e first mo ta o ver Ackourey and Chris Shaw. Ackourey ca me back swi ng ing in th e second m oto, pass ing Coc hra n o n th e opening lap and never gi ving il back. Acko urey ca me o ut o n top wh ile Cochran held off Shaw for second. Tim Olson scored back- so-back mot o wi ns in the 250cc Nov ice class wi th his o nly competition com ing from l25cc Novi ce class rid er Brian Teets. Teets cras hed in th e first tum of th e first rnoto and successful ly cha rged by th e whole pack except O lso n, Ol son led the second mo to but Teets closed in o n him, event ually passin g and pulling 10 more than a quarter of a track lead Donald Up ton was untouchable in th e com bined Intermediat e class . Randy Dan ylo was close after Upton cras hed in the second rnoto bUI Upton evntually pulled away 10 win by a lar ge margin. Results Ft~ nM ERS: I. MaUhtw Kc-arn (YOIIm ); 2. Bill y Wix T ty (Ya m); S. Kylt' V..chon (Yam ). 50 STK D-I: I. Roland Rodriqun (Yam}; 2. Onl! topha Tecro (Vam): 3. Eric Wood (YOIIm): 4. Emil( K1in !i: (ItJ); 5. v ance Freeman (Yam ). SOSTK 0 ·2: 1. Danid Vachon (Yam ): 2. Bobby La rd (Yam ); S. Dnrk DowOf")' (VOIIm ); -t. Chad C er (Ya m ); 5. OIru U gh 'l oot (Sw ). 50 MOD : 1. Em itt Klin g (h j); 2. John Faulkner (Yam ); 5. Rol an d Rod riques (Yam ); 4. jefltty Sm ith (Yam) : 5. Shi mp jona tha n (VOIIm,. 60: I. Sh Mi Vlm l (C r V): 2. Rbkt Vit'n , (G PV): 5. Rolan d Kodri q ut'l ( ~ w ); 1. Ty ltr Ntwlon (u w): 5. Cliff J tnnings (Kaw). 80 BEG: I. jwtin Vicn, (G PV); 2. Adam FttterJy (Kaw); . .5 Chad Erl (Kaw); 4. Danny Baron (Kaw ): !J Mat thew . Michelson (SUl) . 80 Il'I'1": I. Larry Lmkog le (Kaw). 125BEG: 1. Mike- Koger (Yam): 2. Quill on::..nne-t( (H a n ): 5. Bill Sm it.h(Ya m): -t. T ony London (Hon); 5. T ravi, Og burn ( ~ w). Sandy victorious in return to Blackhawk Farms Road Race By Larry Lawrence 32 S. BELOIT, IL SEPT. 16 A serio us cra.h al Blackhawk Farm. in 1989 nearl y ended Bob Sandy'. raci ng career, but a year lat er he returned to th e northern Ill in o is road race co urse and left with a win and ren ewed co nfidence. "I ~J lly felt good out ther e lod ay," >aid a .milin g Sa ndy a fterward. "The fm l few time> I ca me by th e lurn wh ere f cra.hed la. t year f thought abo ut il. bUI after that I just con centrated o n going fast. " Sandy .igned up for two race> on hi . R&:S Kawa.aki/Daniel. Petroleum/AGV/ R H CI Phil F1ack-.ponsored Kawa>aki ZX7. winnin g o ne of the race. a nd leadi ng the other before a fuel pelc ock began leaking. The rid er from Streator, IlI in oi. , was up against lon g- tim e Blackhawk Farm. veteran Ch arli e Bu. e and hi. Suzuki GSXR 750. It didn 't ta ke lon g for Sa ndy and Buse to break a way from th e rest o f th e field. Sa ndy rep eat edl y thw arted Bu. e'. a ttem pts 10 pa ss him go ing into turns, wi th Buse tal er saying that Sa ndy was using an extremely low line go ing into the turns. " Instead of taking the class ic .weepin g lin e through the tum. I was SCJ.uaring Ihe m off pretty radically," Sandy >atd. " It mak e> il rea lly tou gh for someo ne to pass you." MId way through the race Sa ndy had 10 battle weak fro nt brake •. One of h i. Kawa · >aki '. fork seals blew and was leak in g nuid on to th e brake calipers, Sandy rode a defen.ive race to th e finish. using lhe genero us po wer of h i. bright gr een machine to hold off Buse by a bike-Ienglh to take the win. "That'. th e faste. t I've ever gone al th is track." said an elat ed Sa ndy after IUfning o ne la p a t 1:14.73. "It f"" l. good to com e back her e a nd get a win ." In th e fin al race of Ihe day , Sand y gOI a quick Slart and was o n h is way 10 a n easy victory whe n a failed fuel pelcock began .pewing ga•. Matthew Win nak er then lOok over and rod e to his second wi n of the day . Bria n Lan u showed u p Sunday mo rning o nly 10 spectate. but whe n he found that very few riders had entered the class he no rm all y r.J.ces in. H e IUrned aro und and dro\'e 75 m ile. back home 10 get h i. race bike. It paid off as Lantz won two first-pl ace trophies. Resul ts A S/ BK EX: 1. Stan M.. rrina,. k (SUI). A SlBK NO V: I. ~uhrw MeCu m ,. (SUl l. B SI Biri. EX: I. Bob s..ndy ( 2. Cha rln Bu.v lSul ). B SIB il: :'\rOO\': I. PO .ml Volpt (SUI): 2. M.lI1hrw Mr<:urrit id ISul ): 3. Olalb Lang (Du.-};1. [}.Iy ShiM (Y;lm r.!J. Uon ~Lar('i nClYJ;, (HlXl). C S/ BK EX: I. Brian La IlCf' (SUI). .m C SI BK NO\': 1. lK H29 NOV : 1. Ed Vitdli (Suz); 2. 0uU Swauk (Suz); S. J amn budd (H on); i . Couy Har.ada (Sw); S. Jody Wriwl (S w). 25-29 II'o"T : l. Slcip Godina tSw ): 2. RobbMn«hon (Hon); 2. Rrl RicIw point leader Skip Christ}' after Loren Bjorkman beal h im in the firsl Open Expert hea t and Jim Kessler beat h im in the second BUI when th e chips were down, ChriSly pulled off the main evenl win. Wh en th e Open Expert main event gOI underway, Kessler look th e hol eshot foll owed by Christy and Bjor kma n. Going into turn three Bob G abl er went down a nd Mark Aragon ran righ t o ver him and was ca tapulted in th e a ir. The restart saw Christy ~el the hol esh ot foll owed by Chris Cannon . How ever, on the third la p, Bjor kman a nd Kessler went down . bri ngi ng o ut the red nag agai n. The thi rd resta rt saw Chrisly o nce again grab the holesh ot, followed by Cannon and j eff j ohnson . Kessler and Bjor km a n worked their wa y through th e pac k and both eventua lly passed j ohnson . Ca nnon dropped o ut. lea ving th e trio LO bat tle. Kessler mad e a ga llant effort o n the last lap 10 Sluff hi. Shell Thuet Yamah a under Christy in turn o ne, bu t 10 no avail. Ch risty held on 10 the lead with Kessler seco nd and Bjork man th ird, The 250cc race was o ne of the bes t of this seaso n , with Bob Gabler co mi ng OUI o n to p. Mark Ledbett er go t th e holeshot with Gabl er in tow . Mark Aragaon was runn in g a very c lo se third. Ar agon gOI by Ga b le r a n d relegated him to thi rd. The po siti on s loo ked sett led until G abl er passed both Ara gon and Ledb etter for the win . Results 250; I. Bub Gahlr l (Ya m ): 2. Ma rk Ledbetter ( Ka w ] : 5. Mark AtilKon (C.A ). O PEN VET : I. Skip Oui§ly (Va m ); 2. Den ni s Voll (Yam ); .5 Peter Mayfollh (Yam ). . 500 J R: 1. T yson Va ll (Yam): 2. Brian C u!>idy (Yam ); 5. .. Peter Maylnrth (Yam). . O PEN EX: 1. Skip ChrhlY (Ya m) ; 2. J im Kes§lt')' (Ya m) ; .5 Loren BjOlkm;ln (Ya m ). . Buehl tops Action Sports Center By David L Patton, Jr. SELSOS\1Iil, OH, SEPT. 8 Suzuki rider j eromy Bueh l cap tured three of four rnot o wins in th e 125 and 250cc A classes a t the McDonald . / Athens H o nda Cars/ Athens Sport. Cvcl es/ C ear R a cewea r sponso red Action Sports Center. Buehl swept both 250cc Pro mot os and th e first 125cc Pro hea t, but Mike j ones a nd Kei th Bow en stopped him in moto 1wo o fn th e first 125cc Pro mo ro, j eff G lass led at the start, bUI Bueh l and jone> were quickly pressuri ng him . Glass sta lled his bike just lo ng enough to let bo th of them by. Bueh l increased the pa ce, leavi ng j ones 10 finish a distant seco nd After a poor sta rt, Bowen rea lly got on the gas and worked hi. way up to third. G lass held fourth a nd jason Gray ro unded ou t m e LOp five. Kawasaki rider G reg Rand is o ne of th e fastest m in icyd e ra cers in th e nation and he domi na ted the Mini Se nior class . He ath Ben ne tt tried to cha lle n!:e Rand , bUI Bennett is recoveri ng from an inj ury and he wasn't strong enough to ma tch Ra nd'. blistering pace for the co urse of a moto. Joh n Hinman was a dista nt third ahead of Brad Rit ch ie. The Micro class Ieatured some of th e closest racing of the even ing as Corey Arnold ba ttled jeff G ibson for the entire len gth of bo th hea rs, wi th Gi bson caplUring lh e second ma LO win and Ih e o vera ll viClOry. Brian Bartl ett claimed th ird ahead of David Whilecra ft and Shaun Mill er. . The seco nd mala sa w Mik e J on es put his H on da oul fro nt after passi ng Gl a.., who had pu lled the hol e>ho t, Mu . selman and Bowen were bauling for th ird. Bueh l almost collided with another rider o n lh e sla r l and started out al Ihe back of the field . A. jone> opened up a . mall lead , Bowen was able to calch Gl as. afler passing Mu sselman. Bueh l qu ickly moved through the pack to pu.h Mu sselman back to fifth. j one> held hi. lead 10 the checkered nag and Bowen fina lly ma de a move thaI wor ked a. he passed G lass o n the last lap . Bueh l ear ned fo urth and Mus sel man too k fifth. Results 125 A: I. Mi kt J ones (H on): 2. Ktith Bowm (Suz); 5. Jm:>my Buthl(Sw); 4. Jeif Gla n (H on); 5. Mar k Muw:lman (K"Th{). 250 A: 1. Jeromy B~hJ (SOl): 2. MMk Mu.udman (KTM); S. Jeff GI;w, (H on ); 1. Mlkt Jooo (H on); 5. Jamn £.ide) (yam). MICRO, I. jdf Ciboon (Yam) ; 2. Co«y Arnold (Yam) : 5. Brian Bartlett (Yam };1. David Whicaah (Yam); S. Sha wn Mil ia (Ya m ). 65: 1. Mark Burkhart (Liw); 2. Smtl McMillin (; S. Jnnny Serwangn (XlIw); 1. Adam b kt ( ~w); 5.Jdf G ~ ( MINI JR: I. .l~ (Ya m): 2. Mar k Burkhar1 (&aw): 5. Scou McMl lin (Kaw); 1. Adam R..akt (yam); S. l.evin Pc-a CJlCk (Sw). C' w): MIN I SR, I. C... Ran d (Kaw): 2. Heath Bmnm (K.a 5. John Hillman (Kaw); 4. Brad Ritehit (SOl); 5. Clua Woodford (Xa w). SOIBY: I. Tommy Co llier (SU.l; 2. Brad Shrunk (SOl): ) 5. Matthew Hale (K.1w). 125 B: 1. Mark KiK'l' (Suz): 2. Man P OW ttl (H a n); S. Tim Lunsford (Yam ); 4. Jac:ki WelkC"l' (KTM) ; S. Darcy Walther t (H on). 12.50 C: I. Joe=! Hmnin g (Suzl: 2. MichaC"l Hundt)' ('Y am): 5. Adam Johnson (Hon); 4. Scot l Hmdrnon (Raw); S. Man Eallman (S ut). 250 B: 1. Keith Gw inn (Ya m ); 2. Adam Mnriclr. (Hon); S. Darcy Waidler (H on ); 4. Don 1..l'w (Kaw); S. Nick is Troutman (H on). . 250 C: I. Xm Tbomu (H on >; 2. Xtvin Sc::hnridtr (Honl; S. Mauhtw DicUn (Hon); 4. Ltt Ball (Iaw); 5. Ryan BridJcs ( Yam~ OPEN S, I. Eric Itanlcin (Kaw): 2. Bobby h... (K.a w); S. Brian Draell (Hon) : i . 0uU phillipl (H on); 5. $baun SwiWr (Hon). +25: I. Mike Pc.tkwaitt ( ; 2. Brad Wood (SUI); 3. David Vou ng (Hon ~ . • VET: 1. Vinttnt Loyob (H on): 2. D

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