Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Eric O'Boyle (70) lead s Pau l Kops (36), Bill Russell (I ), R ussell McCloskey (48) and Dean Mayer in the Open A class at the Michigan State T T Championships. Hough wins LIM HareScrambles By J. Ramsey CASEY. IL. SEPT. 16 Team G reen 's Ku rt H ough overa lled th e d ual AMA Dis tri ct 15 a nd 17-sa nctio ned ha re scram bles at Linco ln Trai l Mo torsports with an impressive ride, lapping the en tire field up to six th p lace , Chad Froman a lso turned in a good ride in winning the 250cc B cla ss. overa ll B honors, and finishi ng seco nd o vera ll behind ISDE veteran Hough. Tim VanBrooker finished third overa ll and seco nd Expert, fo llo wed by Ro bert Kirchner. wh o is curren tly number two in th e poi n t sta nd ings in th e Distri ct 15 Heavyweigh t A cla ss. Kurt Sta pert fini shed fifth ove ra ll a nd stopped th e Lightweig ht A class , while Kevin Fin cfield aced. th e 200ec B class and in doing so fin ished sixth o vera ll. Bob Surface. cu rre n tly second in th e Distri ct 15 poin t sta nd ing s in the 125c( B class won his class with Shawn Sa nde r ta king second. Zachary Ston e and Richard Troyer co nti n ued their seaso n-long duel fo r the top spot i n the Distri ct 15 Mi ni cla ss. They came into th e event tied for first pl ace in points. but SLOne had th e edge and look the win with T ro yer fini shing a clos e seco nd. dr opped o u t o r co ntentio n du e to mechani cal [ailure. Babka look a look in front and io back 01 h im and decided to star t clos ing the enormo us gap Cummings had opened. Over the next four lon g laps Babka slowly ch ipped away at the Harl ey ride r's lead and in lap eig ht Babka wen t. und er Cummings at the swi tch back and too k over. Cu mmi ngs cam e back at th e quarter-mi le trr.m s£ an d too k it back o n • er the white flag lap. Babka wasn't giving it away and as soon as they reach ed th e swit chback , Babka grabbed the lead right back. 11 was a hand lebar-t o-hand lebar cl ash out o f the hairpin and o n to the half-mil e. Into turns three and fuur th ey came, side by side down th e horn e stretch . At th e wire it was Babka by a len gth. Results 50: I. SI("\IrSlord.:.J.hl (Vam ):2 . BrMI Pan ktty(Va m ): 3. Trevor H oJl uw ill (Ya m ): .1. Rill y Hu m phr ies (Yam ): S. j ustin f Hu mphfl~ (Ya m). 65: I. B.]. uac::h (Kaw ): 2. Brier Edmonds (Kaw ); 3. G~ \ 'im r n l (li on ); 4. Bra ndon ROM' (Kaw): 5. Danid Kauffman (Kaw). lB: I. Bryan BiRt'low ( i(;J w ); 2. Da n ny Vinttnl (H on ): 3. Ja Ml Wilkl(" (Ho n ): 4. Danid Kauffma n ( Ka w ): 5. Jason n SlMudl ( Ka w). 200; I. Doull: Billot (H an ): 2. Danny Vinant (H a n); 3. Run Imhof f ( Ka w ); t . Rick vmceru (Hon ): 5. O1ad Davis (Kaw ). 2SO B: I. Mal( Schoonover (Yamr. 2. Cory O lson (H on); 3. J IM.' Mn .orm ick ( Kaw); of. Dou g Billot (Sw); S. Mik.e O liver ( Ka w ). . 250 A: I. Paul Ko ps ( Ka w ): 2. ScOIl J m SC'TI (SUI) : ~. Kip K0 p' ( Ka w ). Resu l ts 0 1A A: I. Kurt Hough ( Ka w ). 0 / A B: I. Ch..d From .. n (KT M) . MIN t : I. Z ld liUY St on e ( Ka w ): 2. R ichard Tro yer (Ya m ); ~. J Jrrrm y Scum' ( Ka w) ; 4. Trilvi-,TroyC'r (Ya m ). 125 8 : I. Rob S ur f.aCC' (Sut) ; 2. Sha wn Sand en (Yam); 3. u-r.lirTrnyc-r ( Kil w) : 4. Mark PC'trow loky (KT M ); 5. JdfTiua (H o ll). 200 B: I. Kr vin Find ir ld (KiIW 2. Arthur Peck Jr. (Ka w) : ); 3. Cha d T hOl n b u r~ (Kaw); 4. Jdr MOIC (Ka w ); 5- T ho mas . Lan Kr (Jl Ulo). 2! R: I. Chad Frurnan (KT M): 2. M ik e T itzer (H on ); 3. ,O Tom 8ahr (Sul); 4. Ron ic Han sclman (Hon ): 5. Mark Sch m idl . ( Kilw ). OP EN B: I. T ho ma!> Hurt le (AT K); 2. Jo hn SI("fanit"k J r. l Ya m ): 3. Brian Hil vt" (KT M); 4. Sco tt Jdson (V. m ); 5. ty Mall Dill (Kaw ). 4-ST R K: I. J ar ed Gr l"('n (H o n ): 2. Gary Robin son (H o n ); 3. Tim I-I awa y (Hon ); 4. G<-ra ld R in gha m (H o n) . alh EX A: 1. Kun Ho ugh ( Ka w ); 2. T im Vanbrook('T (U us): "3. RUM1 Kirchnrr (Hon ); 4. Cur tis Slapnt ( KT M ); 5. Ti mot hy Ikrig (Ya m ). +30: l. Ga lr n Campbd l ( Ka w) ; 2. Will iam c..po;,haw ( Ka w ); C' 3. Bria n Erwin (S Ul) : 4. H n man PC'uil (H o n ); 5. DilIV H uffman (Hon ). SR: I. Lo n \ \'a hn s ' (Kaw); 2. lhvid 5andt-rs (KT M ): 3. T ony Sch ladn' (Yam ). S/ S,R: 1. J m-y \\'orloh (H us): 2. Jamn Rnn ltty (SUl ). I Bannerman highlights 1-96 Michigan State IT By Grace DiBenedetto Photo by Max Action LAKE ODESSA, Ml SEPT. 16 , Don Barinerman a nd Robert Russell wag ed a fun scale war for th e lead in th e Su per Senior d ivision lor th e State litl e at 1-96 IT. Ru ssell got th e hol esh ol and gu ided hi s ,Honda into the lead at the first lransfer. Then Bannerman litthc: mat ch and aimed th e £lame a' the Honda. For th e next six laps, Russell felt the heal inten sify as the Matchless closed in o n him. At th e switch bac k Bannerman 'p

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