Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MIN I JR: 1. Brian Barri ngt on ( . . 125 NOV: I. Stew K~slrnon (VOiI m): 2. Bria n Barrington (K.;" w). 125 JR: 1. Slev r MUfilIla (Ya m); 2. Glen MUr.lla (Y am). 250 NOV : I. Kevin Hunderscn (Ya m); 2. Dam n DeLorme (Yam ): 3. David Lack~ (Yam ). 2SOJ R: I. Todd Wrot"(Han). OPEN NOV : l. Ron Jooo (Ha n); 2. David ~n (Han ). OPEN JR: L P;at O 'Shot.ughllOloY(H on). VET ; I. Mic~1 Rich (SUl) : 2. Tom Odekirk (Ha n ). EXIlNT: I. John St.ll k (; 2. Ron Allen (Suz ); ' . lDwell Moural J r. (H a n); i . Rick N ye [H on j. Swink tOPS Sugar Grove MX By Susan Willian SUGAR GROVE, OH SEPT. 1·2 , Kawasaki T eam G reen /Scott USA/HiPoint· backed Brian Swi nk struck gold at the Central Ohio Competition Riders (CO CR) East Coast Championship. Swink wo n seven out of eigh t moios on the newly-designed tra ck for overall win s in 'he Ligh tweig ht a nd Heavyweight A classes to carry ho me a tota l purse of $2800 for th e two-da y even t. Swink led fro m sta rt to fini sh on day one in th e first mota of the Lightweight A class whi le Stevie Chi ldress com p leted th e mo to in second aft er DG Y's J a mes Eickel landed bott om-side-up o ver a j ump . In th e second motu, Ken n y Kizzar was the fir st rid er a ro u nd turn one as Sw ink d id n 't fare well off th e gat e, Swi nk began pi cking off ri de rs as he closed the dis tance to Kiuar. Wil h two la ps go , Swi nk go, by Kizzar and p ull ed aw ay fro m him. Kizzar , who finished 10th in moto o ne held o n to seco n d , Childress was a n o -show wh il e Eic ke J wen t 4-5 for seco n d ove ra ll. C hris Knox led th e pack in round one o f th e 250cc A class in th e secon d da y o f ra cing . Knox was chased by Childress. Lap o ne sa w . posi ti o ns cha nge rapid ly as Knox remained firs t foll ow ed by Mark Husselman. Eickel. Childress and 'hen Sw ink, who quickl y moved u p to second to hound Kn ox. Sw ink p ulled beside Knox twi ce but co u ld n' t ge t by. Knox slid down and Swi nk got tangled u p in hi s bik e. Childress snea ked by to tak e over fir st , while Swink los t several positions because of the del ay. Childress wa s followed by Mu sselman a nd th en Swink. Swink reeled in Musselman to ta ke o ver seco nd. Chil dress had a five seco nd lead ove r Swink, wh o sh aved tw o seconds off th e time in th e n ext lap but he fell down in a sli ck 'urn. Sw ink tried desperatel y to ca tch Childress as time ran a u ' , but Childress took th e chec kered fir st and was the o n ly rid er a b le to defeat Swink th roughout th e weekend. Swink fin ished th ree bik e len gths beh ind to suffer hi s o n ly mota Joss. In th e seco nd mo w , Swin k took th e win wi th Eickel seco nd and Beechmont Ya maha 's Ryan Smith th ird . Swink earned th e overa ll WIt h a 2- J sco re with Eick el ta king seco nd wit h a 3·2 tal lv a nd Ch ildress ro unded out [he top three ()~eral l. '0 4 Resu l ts SATU R DAY 125 A: I. Bria n Sw ink (Ka w); 2. J ames Eirkel (Ya m ); 3. M.u k MU!o,!odm.m (KT M): 4. Davey Yezek (K..oIW); 5. Hayden Rich.ud" ( Ka w ]. • SeB BY: I. Da vey Yczck (Ka w); 2. Brad Stru n k (SUl): 3. Roland Diamund (Kaw) : 1. Len ny Sauer (H a n ); 5. Brand on Drake (H on ). 125 C: I. J od Henn in g (Slll) ; 2. Kri ll Ro~" (Ho n ); .5. Ada m J ohnliCm (lio n ); 1. Curtis Dosier (Hon j: 5.. Bryan Walla«, (Raw). 65: I. Mark Bur kha rt ( Kaw ); 2. j ason j uskae ( KOIw); 3. J rlf G ibso n (Kaw); 1. j erern y Berwan ger (KOIw); 5. Nich ol a!> wbuersrnuh (Ka w ). 250 B: 1. T o mm y PUI/:h (Ho n); 2. Adam Merr kk {H o n ): 3. Mike H ebh (Kaw): 1. Rran do n DrOl"(' (H on ); 5. Allt'n Beech . (YOIIn ). OP ES B: I . Sh awn G;lln (H O n ); 2. Ran d yTIlIlbaul (H on ); ! . Man Kell ey (Ya m ); 1. Michad Co mb" (Kaw); 5. Fra nk Bcl er ( Ka w ). u MINI J R; I. Ja w n Fff"Cker (Ya rn): 2. Wn l(')' Bo yd (SUl); .5. J aVln Jud:af' (Ya m): 4. Mark Burkhart (Ya m) ; 5. JOI')' SU'pl Mon (lU w). 2!JO A: I. Bri.m Swink ( 2. j;lrn n Eickd (Ya m ); 3. . Slew Ol ild rru (Suz ); 1. Ryan Sm ilh (V;lm) : 5. Slephen Cr owe (Xn l). 125 B: 1. Adam M"rick (Ho n); 2. Mar k K i~ (S w); 3. J ack SI('('le (Ho n); 1. J MTY FyU(' (Ho n); 5. Tod~ Houo. 250 C: I. Kn·jn Schn eidc-r (Ho n ); 2. a ms Thom pwn (Yam ); S. Ron Oill ar d (H on ); 4. John Winler~ (SIU); 5. R itehi (' Finigan (H un). MI:"JI SR : I. Grt'g Rand (K.a w); 2. Bnx:k Sella rd.\ (Kaw); 3. S~r Cro\" (SUl) ; 1. Jt"liW' Thum ~r (Sw); 5. J.D. Co lli ns (Ka )AUTO: ~ I. Jdl Gi bliO (Yam ); 2. l1 DnT~ck McKinnt')' (YOIm ): 3. Corry Arnold (Yam); 4. Shawn MJlIt'r (YOIm ); 5. Brian &udt'll (Ya m). +30: I. Edwa rd Mich oc: (Ho n ); 2. Jeff Mill er ( ATK): 3. n Rich Olrd Roblfi liOn (Hon); 4. Kt'\'in Crark (Raw); 5. Darn 'l Hilu (H on ). SU N DAY O PE N B: I. John Blakky (H a n ); 2. Randy Thibaut (Ha n ); 3. lLlur (Raw); 1. Chri!!otophrT Ph ill ips (H a n); 5. I.-:ric Rank in (Kaw). AUTO ; 1. Co re)' Arn old (Ya '!l); 2. Da vid Wh~tcrOlIt (Ya m); 3. Se 'U l! Rich i(' (ltj): i . Shawn Ml ller (Yam): 5. Mich ael Ma ssey (Ya m ). 125 C: I. J oel Henning (Suzl: 2. Adam J ohmon (Ho n ); .5. Kri" Ro,, ~ (Ha n ): 1. Ryan Eifot'nm('nger (H a n I; 3. Bryan Wall ac.:(' ( ){a w ). . 250 C: I. Kevin Schneider tH a n ); 2. ROInda11Gei sler (H an ); ~ . Ri tchi e FiniKan (H un ); i . Iknni ~ Bric kles (Yam); 5. Ken Thumall(H a n). 250 A: I. Brian Swink (JU w); 2. Jame~ Eic kel (Ya m); , . Steve Chi ldr C"!>!!o (SUl ); 1. Ryan Smith (Yam ); 5. Ma rk Mu,,"dman (KT M). . VET .+30: 1. Richard Robinson (Ho n ); 2. Edw ard Mi ho (:t'lo (Ha n ); 3. Darrel Hi ltz (H o n ); 4. RodnC"y Fr('("ker (Hun ); 5. Vincent Lo yo la (Ho n ). ' MI NI SR : I. Gr eg Rand ( Ka w ); 2. Brock Sellard s ( ){a w ); 3. Steve Cro"" (Suz); 4. Pa trick McPha iOn (Ya m ); 5. Chu ck WoodJord (Raw ). 250 B: I. Adam Mcrri ('k ( Ho n ); 2. Allen RtTch (Ya m l; 3. Donald uwis lKaw ); 1. Rr ndon Dra ke (Hon) ; 5. Slrphm .. Mitchell (Y;lm). 125 A: I. Brian Swi nk (Kaw); 2. Hayden Richar d!> (Kaw); .5. Kmn y Kiuar (SUl); 1. Mouk Mu~~lm.m (KT M ); 5. SharH' Lawwn (Hon ). MIN I J R : I. J aw n FlT'Ckrr(Yam) ; 2. J a wn Ju!.~ (Ya m ); . The start of the Race of the Rockies GTU class saw Jon Terry (2) jump into the earl y lead over winner Kur t Dim ick (4). 3. J or Sl",pl"'to n ( KiIW); 4. Kevin Peacock (S ill ); 5. P.1U1 Karl e (Ya m). SeH BY: I. j os h ua Stee-l (Hun); 2. Ro lan d Diam nll d (K.IW); .5. Chad l uc k (Ya m ). liS: 1. Mark Burkh a rt (Ka w); 2. Ja MUl J u!okat> [ Ka w] : 3. " a u l Karl(' (Ka w): .1. J t'H G-ibl>lln (Ka w): 5. Nicho la!> Wirllt"r!>milh (Kaw). 12. i 8 : I. Adam Mt"rril'k (Ho n,: 2. Vin n ' Ilt"Ft'lit-t' (H on j: 1 ~ . Todd Ha tm (SUI ); 4. ~bll Wm lan d (SUI) ; 5. Ja l'k Su 'd ,' (H a n). Terry Ware (264) chased Shane Lawson (44) (or 24 laps in the 125~c . C c.lass at Silver Creek MX, but Lawson still had the lead when they crossed the fini sh Ime. MRA titles decided in Denver RR By David Lucas DENVER, CO, SEPT. 23 Second Creek Racewa y was the site of the fina l race of the Motorcycle Roadracing Associatio n's (MRA ) 1990 Season. Severaf class ch ampionships would be decided with the 600cc classes promising to provide the closest finish es. Jon Terry led the points chase going into the 600cc Superbike' race at Second Creek and held a slim lead in the Race of the Rockies - GTU. Kurt Dimick was far behind to be a threat for the champion ship, but he was locked in a three-way battle for second through fourth with Mark Schellinger and John Hjelm. A definite threat in the race would come from nanny Walker , 1989 class champion in Race of the Rocki es - GTU and formula Co lorado. Wa lker had been co mpe ting in the AMA Nati onals and had only raced in one other MRA event, The start of the race found Terry's North Star Texaco-backed Yamaha fZR600 grabbing the lead and holding it throughout the first half of the race. He was being hounded, howe ver, by Walker on the Boulder Yam aha fZR600 in every com er with T erry turning Walker away bv pinching off the ins ide lin e. This tactic fi~lally succu mbed to the daring of Walker in the tri cky turn I t. Wa lker then open ed up a lead as T erry decided a safe championship finish was better than a ra ce for glory. Meanwhile, th e race beh ind th e leadin g du o was eq ually thri lli ng. Dimick's YMS·sponsored Yama ha was having a fight with Schellinger o n a Honda CBR600 and the Suzuki Gamma of Hjelm. Dim mick pulled away , leavin g Hjelm and Schellinger to do battl e behind Schel h nger was ho lding Hjel m off on the white flag lap, bu t as the pair exited 'urn nin e Hjelm slid under the Honda fo r the entry to turn 10 and won the sprint to the flag. The 600cc point standings ended with T erry at 159, Schelli nger at 127, Dimick at 126 an d Hjelm with 125. Defini tely dose. Terry took the early lead in the Race of the Rockies - GTU. He was chased by Walker until the laller fou nd his way past after two laps. Walker pulled away. but he was later attacked and passed by Dimick. who took the win and the cha mpionship by four poi nts over Terry, third today. '00 . Results RO R-C11J: 1. Xun Dimick (Yam ); 2. Dann y Walkt""l" (Ya m ); 3. Jon T~ (Yam): 1. Mark Schellingo'" (Hon); 5. Bobby Mi~k ( Yant ~ ROR -GTO: I. John Hopp:ntad (Y;lm);2. Dan Tutnm' (Suz): 3. Guy Casen ($w); 4. Rich Scark (Suz); 5. Phillip Noy~ (Sw:). 450 SlBK: 1. Mik,= E.ricIuon (Yam ); 2. Tony Baker (Yam ); 3. Otris Dudky (Yam); 1. Mik(' Cu n ni nl/: a.m (RlX); S. J im h Marchbank (YOIm). 600 St BX: I. Danny Walker (YOIm); 2. Jon Tttry (Yam ); , . Kurt Dimick (Yam); 1. John H;elm (Sw ); 5. Mark SchellinR'rT (H an). 750 S/ BK: I. Jo hn H opprnud (Yam ); 2. Richard Scark (Sw ): 3. Jon Tm-y (Y;lm ); 4. Gn-g Cur tU (Kaw); 5. Brian Flanagan (S Ul) . O PEN S/B K: I. John Hop~ (YOIm); 2. Guy CIa:o.en (Sw): 3. Groff Coma l (Sw ); 4. Ph illip No yn (Suz); 5. Dmnit' Brukl:' (SUl). 600S/SPRT: I. Kun Dimick (Yam ); 2. Bobby MiOloek (Yam ); ~. Bobby O'DeIl (Yam ); 4. TrTTY Hamish (Raw); 5. Mikt'Surrall (S U1). 750 Sl SPRT : I. ecoH Cesmat (SUl); 2. Ridt Stark (SUI); , . Guy aa.~ (SUl ); 1. Brian FlOInag-.m (Suz); 5. Dmnie Burke (SUl ). O PEN S/S PRT: 1. Dan Turner (Sw); 2. Gu y (Sw); .5. Ph illip N0}T5(Sill ); i . P"e Honuo (Sw ); 5. Dmnie Burke aa.w.n (SUl ). . F-COLO: I . Da~~ ux ( Hon ); 2. Mark E.ricbon (Yam ); , . Mark Schelli ngn- (Hon); 4. Mike Cunninl/:ham (Rtx);5. (luis Dudl~ (Yam) . . AM GTU: l. Yaoukt' Halial{" wa (Yam ); 2. Joe MUla (Yam ); d 3. John Beldoc-k (H on); 4. Daml Y Adarn.son (Ya m); 5. Mar k Erickson (Y;lm ). AM GTO: I. 8Dd Bobek (Kaiw) ; 2. Ron Lyle (Sw r, 3. Brmt Milln (Yam); t . Da"t' Gurtln (Yam): 5. Alan G~ (Suz). NOV CTU: 1. John Bd dod< (Hon~ 2. Paut Coni')" (Yam); 3. Ron HouKh{Yam); t . Todd AJexando' (Yam );S. OuUTaylor (Yam). NO \ ' GTO; I. Brad BoL.:k (K.a w); 2. Quinn Swift (SUI); 3. Kurt Dl-in. (Yami; 4. Rand y Millrr (SUl); 5. Sro u Railey (SUL) . Lawson strikes gold at Silver Creek Motocross By Barbara an d L oren Williams M ORGANTON, NC, SEPT. 1 5 Sh an e Lawson top ped a dozen wild-eyed 125cc C rid ers a t Si lver Creek MX Pa rk's last ni ght race for 1990. A, ' he start of 'he first mota, Lawson and Greg Nelson we nt for turn one togeth er. Nelson outbraked Lawson and streaked down th e straight in first with sole 125cc B rider Chris Messer hol din g down third. Meanwhile T erry Ware, wh o had been squeezed o u t in the first turn and forced to settle for seven th spot, was meth od icall y working his way up lap by lap . By 'he fourth go- 'round, Ware had caught up with Messer and was sending unmistakable signals of an intention to pass. Lawson main ta med pressure on Nelson, bu t everyone ra n ou t o f time to make a definitive move, and at 'he flag th e finis hi ng order remained Nelson over Lawson, Messer a nd Ward. Mike Keller grabbed th e point position in the seco nd mota followed by Lawson and War e. Messer got a midpack start, and Nelson had al ready pa cked u p and left th e track to prepare for a nother ra ce the next da y. Lawson steadily gai ned o n Keller , and by th e end of lap two had edged him out of 'he lead . Keller kept up th e pressure on Lawson but was in turn su bject to stress o f hi s own fro m Wa re, who finally passed him o n th e last lar. ' Messer had been busy durin g the race, as weI , picking off riders until he came to fourt h . Lawso n h o lesh o , the fi rs t U nli mi ted Ama'eur mo 'o and proceeded to p ull away from 'he field, wit h T ravis Bell and War e in pursuit. Bell was loo kin g fo r j uS! the righ t li ne to duck underneath La wso n until he sta lled, allowing Ware to slip by befor e he co u ld reloa d. Bell lost o nly o ne pos itio n , but Lawson a n d Wa re h ad too mu ch momen tu m, and th ey finis hed La wson- Wa re· Bell. La wso n, Ware a n d Bell p icked up in the seco nd mo'o whe re th ey ha d left off in th e first, blasting past the band in th at ord er. There was lilli e or no o pportunity for Wa re o r Bell to cha nge th at o rder, how ever , as Lawson rode like hi s p ants were o n fire, a nd they fi nished in th e sa me ~ uence. Resu llS 50 P/W : I. Wa ym: Mcuul/:hlin (H on): 2. Daniel Frankli n (Yam ); ! . Milch Ma rtin (Hon); 4. Ju li", Sai n (Ho n); 5. J ~h C roga n (Ya m ). 80 AUTO: I. J erem y McElrath (Ya m ). JR MINI: 1. b a vid C1a rk (Hun ); 2. Ja !l(IR Sain (Ho n ); .5. Grant G ibb s (o n): 'I. Dan iel Ca tes (l i on ): 5. Jason Van H om (H o n). SR MINI: l. J oq Dillard (Ya m ): 2. lo h n Sharpe (H o n ); 3. Scou G roga n ( K.1w) ; 4. David Clark (llon ); 5. J oe Hubbard (Kaw). SCl - B Y: I. .John Sha rpe (Ha n ); 2. J onathan Cedo lia (Ho n ); I 3. Chad Biddi x (SUl ); 1. ]41'11," Rrid K",man (Ho n); 5. Sha nn o n Hu ffman (SUl ). EN D R: I. Mik e Deche rd (H o n); 2. Mike'Bod enham er (SUl ); 3. Bernt Rutherfor d ( Ka w ); 1. Clinton Brownin g: 5. J eU Carpen ter (C·A ). . PRO: I. Mike' Andr ews (S tIl ); 2. Ned Rlal-kwl"idt'r (Suz); .5. William Wilson (Ho n); 4. Todd Ben nirk (H un). 125 B: I. G ~ Dunn (Ya m). 125 C: 1. Shan e Lawson (Hom; 2. T err y Wan- (Ho n ); 5. Chri s Mes§M" (Ya m ); 1. Mikt' Kt'IIr-r(Ha n); 5. Pau l Mc-I?anid (H o n ). 125 D: t . C ln s Cla rk (H o n ); 2. Jim Torvinen (Ho n ); .5. l Byron Hager (H a n ); 1. Chad Bid dix (Suz); 5. Thomas Bares, Jr. (H a n). ~ t li .G:1:~I~(~~n); 2. f"rCInk HOimp lon (H o n); 3. b ndy Rot..ns (Kci w); 1. G lm Ot

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