Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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~ LOCAL EVENTS F.~ L: I. Kirk Thompson (Vam); 2. A. R. Slaven (Y am) : ' 3. Rick Thompson (Yam) : 4. Kmny Ko prd t y (Hon); 5. Joh n Ni elsen (Ya m ). F·5: I. Darcy ~I c (Ya m); 2. Tim Fridd lr ( ){a .....); )1. jason Padm (H o n); 4. Dunca n Gri ffi lh ~ (Kaw); 5. Eric F:m n ada y (Ya m ). 400 51ST: l. Kmny Robrrt... Jr. (Yam ); 2. e lm Fi l~hif(' (Yam) ; 5. Jor Pu~ lior (Yam); 4. jehu lilOObum (Ya m) : 5 . Fra nk Al'3gaki (Yam). flO 51ST : I. . Kenn y Roberts Jr . (H a n); 2. Rilch ie Thor u p ( Ka w); 3. Joilmie Riker (Va m ). 400 MOD PROD: I. l.mny RobrrlS J r. (Ya m) ; 2. elmn Fil~hie (VOllm); 3.)01"Pu g hese (YOIIm); 4. Chip \\'h itehn- (Ya m); 5. Frank Angaltl (Ya m ). ~ Lethal Spear at Perris Motocross By T ony Alessi Greg Erickson (36) and Kelly Frankl in (364) battle for the lead in the Vet No vice class at Perris MX in Ca lifornia. Franklin even tuall y passed Erickson for the win . Ken n y Ro berts J r. wa s unsto pp ab le a t the AR RA ro ad races at Willow Spri ngs In tern atio nal Raceway, as he wo n all fi ve classes th at h e competed in. PERRIS, CA. SEPT. I; Xoleen -backed T on y Spear pow ered a KT M to th e overall Intermediate clas s win during G FI Su per Sa turday MX at Perri s Raceway: j ohn POKa gra bbed the combined Pro a nd Interrned ia te class lead at the stall of mot a o ne followed bv Mike H ooker, Pau l Vill a a nd intermed iate rider Sp ear. Bv the ha lfwav poin t Pro Circui t-bac ked Hook e): took th e lead from Posca, while Sp ear passed Villa a nd c1UM'd in o n P0 50ca . On the fifth la p Spear go t by Paso a nd 'closed o n lead er Hook er. " ' illy Musg ra ve, who started 12th , now becam e pan of the ha tt ie for the lead a nd yelled for Sp ear .to move over whi ch he d id. Musgrave pas sed Hooker o n the final lap and Spea r fini shed inch es behin d Ho oker in third. Hooker powered his SO n : Hon da to the O lead of the seco nd combined race as int erm edi ate, Rand y Dan ylo a nd T uny Spear had co ntro l of th e runner-u p SpOlS. Musg ra ve was runn in g fou rt h in front of th e other pro riders incl ud ing Posca . Ray He ns ley a nd Vill a. Spear got by Dan ylo a nd closed in o n Hoo ker. While S pear was pla yin g wit h Hoo ke r. Musgrave closed in. Sp ea r saw Mu sgr ave and surrendered seco nd . Musgr ave meanw hil e wasn 't playing with Hook er and plowed into h im , knocking Hooker off the track a nd 10 th e g round . S pe a r assu med second a nd followed IWO bike len gt h, beh ind Musgrav e 10 the ch ecke red flag. Intermedi at e r ider Dan vlo clos ed on Hooker as well , a lmost mak ing a pass two turns from th e fini sh . Joh n :\k Cau gh ey put together two motes without in cid ent and ca me awa y the Vet Pro class win ner. McCaughey took his usual hol eshot s a nd fended off Rob Rutten in the first rno to. Val Tam m ieni won th e second mot o with McCa ughey electi ng to follow and take th e o vera ll victory si nce Tammieni finished fifth in th e first mo to and wasn 't in co ntention for the overa ll wi n. Resu lts OPEl': AM : I. Mik e RolUer (Ma i); 2. Dav e Pelen;o n (H o n) : 3. T om L.dwig (Ya m). 250 :'~ ; I. T roy Brisb in (Ho n ); 2. EIiLl ~th Kant or ( Ka .....); ! . Chm. Perman (Yam). 200 AM: I. Eliza~lh Kan lor ( Ka w ); 2. Quir.Perman (Yam); .5. Phi l L illir (C A ). . 250: I. Dom PM(nOn ( Yam): 2. Darin L uni nen (Hon ); ' 3. Oa" ("81:u M'ic (H us ). S R: l. BUll Arndt (Vam): 2. Dan Tay lor. ( 200: I. And y Wil~dmy (H -D): 2. D-.m d Hennan (H un). Roberts cleans house at Willow Springs Road Race" By Eric Vincent ROSAMOND, CA. SEPT. 23 30 A familiar name in motorcycle racing put in an equally familiar performance a t the 10th ro und of Ameri can Roa d Racin~ Association (ARRA) action at Will o w Spnngs Intern a· tional Raceway. Kenny Roberts jr.. having won hi, first Novice race severa l weeks before, competed in five rac es a nd wo n every o ne. With th e WERA 24-ho ur endurance race occ u py ing Will o w S prin g, In tern a tio na l "Raceway, the ARRA ra n eight-la p sprin t races o n the The Streets of Will ow Spn ngs , hart course. A Mill er Hi gh · Life Form ul a O ne ra ce had been ru n the previou , week durin g the AMA Nation al. . In the 400cc Su pers treet race, the ear ly lead wa, tak en by Frank Ara gaki o n hi, Ya mah a FZR 400 wit h Chip Whitch er , abo o n a Yamaha , in seco nd. Ho wever; wit hin a lap th e leaders ha d quick ly changed a nd a threeway batt le for first develo ped between G len Filshie, joe P ugliese and Ro berts. These three q uic kly pulled away fro m the pack , with P ugliese i n th e lead on hi, Ca mp bell Mot or cycle,- , ponsored Yama ha . Righ t o n hi, tail was Filshie o n a Dunlo p, hod Yamaha. Iu the riders came down the fro nt " tra il;ht a t th e beginning of lap four, Fil,hie , lid past Pug liese 10 tak e the lead and . withi n a few turns, Roberts. also rid ing- a Yama ha FZR4oo , passed Pu glie, e to take ~econd. The next few laps saw Roberts tighten th e gap between him,elf and Fibhie. A, th ey passed the 'tart/finish line for the final lap, Roberts mad e his move and powered pa ,t Fibhie down the fron t ,traight to tak e th e lead and went o n to win the ra ce by two seco nds. Pugliese held on 10 tak e third. The 400cc Modified Prod uctio n race was forced i nto a restart af ter two ri ders went down in d ifferent corntts on the firsl lap. The restart ,aw Puglie,e grab th e lead followed by Aragaki and Ro bert s. Araga ki ', hold on , econd was short- lived, as he slipped to th ird wh en Robert' passed him at th e beginning of lap two. Fil,hie worked hi, way through the pa ck a nd pa,sed Aragaki a lap later, and th e race was domina ted again by th e same three riders. Nea r the end of la p th ree. Pugliese IOSl lfa ct ion a nd went wide in a turn. run ning off th e track lon g enough to a llow Robert ' to tak e the lead a nd [or Filsh ie to move into seco nd . The latter half of the race ,aw no cha nge in th e lop-three positions. a nd they crossed the finis h line a fter eig ht la p, wit h Robert ' ta king th e win , Fil ,hie seco nd and P ugli ese thi rd. Resul ts 600 SGL: I. Kirk Thompwn (Ya m); 2. Ken ny Kop (''(" y k (Hu n ); 3. Rick Thom p)()n (Ya m); -t Ju hn Nidsm (Yam). . 500 SGt.: 1. A.R. Slave n (Ya m); 2. Danny Farn sworth (H o n). 50 S/STR : I. Ma rk McDon a ld (Yam ); 2. Mark Long (Ya m ); 3. Chr i~ Young (Ya m); 4. Dou ~ Bar net I (Koiw ); S. T om O kerlund (Yam ). 400 STK: J. Km n y Roberu J r.; 2. G lmn Fih.h ie; 3. Jim Brl" r; 4. Joe PugliO(' ; 5. Jdr Walk er . wl" . 60 S/.5I: 1. Km n y Robl" Jr . (Ya m ); 2. Kevin Murra y rts (Va m); 3. Mar k Long (Ya m): 4. J ami e Ri kl"f(Yam). ~ MO D PR O D: I. Ma rk McDo na ld (Yam): 2. Bill Madd ocks (lio n); 3. Do ug B:mnett: 4. T om Ok erlund (Yam) ; S. J ohn Manriguez (Ya m). FIRST T IME RS: I. N ick J orda n (Yam ). 50 STK D· I: I. [ m ill Kring (h j); 2. Ro lan d Rod riq uez {Ya m] : 3. Erie Woou (Ya m ): 1. j ohner Fa ulkner (Yam) . 50 ST K 0 ·2: I. ~ 'Ih jordan (Y.. m]: 2. Danny Pcu ing il l (Yam): 3. Randy Ka,i lll'r (Ya m): .1. Bobbv Lara (Ya m); 5. St'oll Howe - i Ya m). 50 ~10n : I. Emili Klin g (It j ); 2. Rola nd Rodriqy<"1 (Yam ): 3. j uhm'l F;lUlknl'l (Ya m ); 3. Eric Wond (Ya m ,:, !. Seth j ordan (Ya m ). G I. Cl iff j('ml illK:o. (Kaw]: 2. Rulan d Rudriqucl. ( Ka .....); O: ~. Ch ri, Wo rley (Ho n]: 1. Kevin jennings (Kaw), KO REC : J. Slt'pht'1J Coli. (Sil l); 2. juh n Rujd u..... 1 (Ka...). · Mil 11\ : I. La rry ol(1l- (Ka w). , KfJ EX: I. CraiK o.:'(kl.'l ( K.! w) . 12.i REG : I. Mottl F':l~ I I.'I O n (Va lli); 2. SI('n Ra ~m u ~!>t'1I ' ( Ka w): 3. Jo-lmt':o. TI ,o m" , (Ho n); .1. SIll'ry l Fl.'d w (Vam ); ro .rl. Ch ri~ ()(oc;ann r ll (Ho n). 125 NO V: J. Sean Ru nd lr (K:lw); 2. RulM"l1 Sh r ldull ( lI:a\\'): 3. Ch riloRa p p (K1 (Yilm ); 1. Ro lH: 1 Garbutt/Barry Mar!!.ha ll (Kaw): 5. r Rob fryer/James Hu rM (Hu n). CO MBO : I. Rod ney M :I~hUt · (Ho n ); 2. Doug 0 '1\° '1 (' 1 (Hon ): 3. Da ~ Ko lrnda (R tx); 4, Er ic O'So yle (Hon ): 5. Scott Bm'han (W-R). Donaho takes tie breaker at Midway Motocross By R olfe Otterness KELLOGG, M:;, SEPT, 16 Pa l Do na ho battled with Rob Engstrom in both th e 125cc A cla ss motos at the final ra ce of th e season for th e Midway Recreatio n Park. They traded mota wins but Don aho took the tie breaki ng fina l mota. In the 250cc B cl ass Ro.bert Bergstrom took two nice wins for th e overall o ver Ja y Os man's 3-2 scor e. The 125cc B class featured a domi neering pe rfo rm a nce by Mike Atkinson wh o won big in both matos, The Mid wa ,,' trac k's season fin al e took . pl ace under mostly do ud y, coo l co nd itio ns and with the tra ck li!;h tly watered, provided a near ly perfect iaCln ~ environm ent. T he AM A Distr ict 23-s.: nc lio ned even t att racted , 336 en tr ies. First·year A rider Brandon Backe, grabbed the ho le, hot in th e first I 25cc malO a nd led th e pack of 23 riders for the fir st la p . En gstr o m and Do nah o were just a few feel beh ind a nd Engs tro m too k o ver the lead through the wh oop, o n th e ,econd lap. En g' trom began ta p ull a way ,lowly , as Don ah o a nd Corey Ket.' ney put pr essu re o n Backes. After two mo re laps th ey bot h go t by bu t Engs trom stayed out of reach for th e dura tion o f th e rac e. Backcs a nd Chris Bensen ro unded o u t the top five. Eng strom sho t H1I 0 the lead in the next moLO with Do nah o runn in g seco nd, Er ic Metzger and Ben , e held the next two places in the ea rly going. Don ah o was looking strong a nd closed in o n Engs trom b y tripling a series of jumps in the back pa n of th e track. On the thi rd lap he m a naged 10 catch