Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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r-z EX: I. Jdr \ 'fl'> (Rtx); 2. David Fu ll (Y;lm ); .5 lri.l·" in
Falr.!ntl x ( \'.lI n).
F·:! :'\:O\' : I. Thml" l1 Ml P hee rere (VOIm) : 2. S riOin u m lcy
l y .u lIl; :to Ch :u lt"'l l ..lJlK ( D II(); 4. And u'w I' l'rkin!lo ( lIu n);
~" Ti m Kl"'l'Tl (Ya m).
fo'· j EX: I. Pa u! :'\.fnrri\ IK;lw): 2. H all y MotV' (H o ll).
fo ·1 ;'I;()\': I. \l ilM. Ibn""ly (lU w ).
C I. S :\1 ~ EX: I. Sr"H ' Hr ilnl.;ln (Ho n); 2. Paul :'\.Iun i ~
H lnn l: .5 Kn il l hll de.u. (Ya m).
C.I .R\I =' ='0 \ '; I. :'\.lorr L. f1r iw. (Y;lm ): 2. :'\.I.HL. s la \"('fl\
111" 11 1::\. Jd l Ranthu or ( I lt m) ; i . Mi b t brdnl) (Ka w).
Cochran nails Perris MX victory
By Tony Alessi '
Do n Upton (632) topped al1 the Intermediates at Per ris MX ab oa rd hi s l25cc
H o n da, while Rob b Mesech er (70) landed the 250cc class vic tory.
Bob Sand y (12) hel d off the attacks by Charles Buse (39) to win the B Superbike
class at Blackhawk Farms in Ill ino is. Buse won th e A and B Supe rstock classes.
Suzuki-mou nted Dave Coc hran cam e awa y the
winner in the 25·29 Beginner class a nd
fini shed seco nd beh ind Peter Ackourev in th e
250cc Beg inner cl a ss du r in g G Fr" Su pe r
Saturday MX at Perri. Raceway.
Cochra n gOI the holesh ot in th e opening 2529 Beginner rnoto and never look ed back .
Rich ard Wor ley worked up from a bad sta rt
and closed o n Cochran, o n ly to cras h back
10 third, Fred Magn olia moved to seco nd for
good but never challen ged Cochran.
Coc hra n aga in led at the start of th e seco nd
rno to as Mike Brown closed in o n Coch ra n
a nd P Ul the pr essure o n . Brown push ed
Cochran for five laps befor e Coc hran tired o u t
a nd Brown pu lled away . Richard Word y
caugh t Coc h ra n o n th e final la p and a lmost
passed the ex ha usted pil ot. Coc hra n held o n
to seco nd a nd took th e overa ll win .
Coc h ra n was back in th e 250cc Beginner
class , wi nn ing th e first mo ta o ver Ackourey
and Chris Shaw. Ackourey ca me back swi ng ing in th e second m oto, pass ing Coc hra n o n
th e opening lap and never gi ving il back.
Acko urey ca me o ut o n top wh ile Cochran held
off Shaw for second.
Tim Olson scored back- so-back mot o wi ns
in the 250cc Nov ice class wi th his o nly
competition com ing from l25cc Novi ce class
rid er Brian Teets. Teets cras hed in th e first
tum of th e first rnoto and successful ly cha rged
by th e whole pack except O lso n,
Ol son led the second mo to but Teets closed
in o n him, event ually passin g and pulling
10 more than a quarter of a track lead
Donald Up ton was untouchable in th e
com bined Intermediat e class . Randy Dan ylo
was close after Upton cras hed in the second
rnoto bUI Upton evntually pulled away 10 win
by a lar ge margin.
Ft~ nM ERS: I. MaUhtw Kc-arn (YOIIm ); 2. Bill y Wix
(Ya m); S. Kylt' V..chon (Yam ).
50 STK D-I: I. Roland Rodriqun (Yam}; 2. Onl! topha
Tecro (Vam): 3. Eric Wood (YOIIm): 4. Emil( K1in !i: (ItJ); 5.
v ance Freeman (Yam ).
SOSTK 0 ·2: 1. Danid Vachon (Yam ): 2. Bobby La rd (Yam );
S. Dnrk DowOf")' (VOIIm ); -t. Chad C er (Ya m ); 5. OIru
U gh 'l oot (Sw ).
50 MOD : 1. Em itt Klin g (h j); 2. John Faulkner (Yam );
5. Rol an d Rod riques (Yam ); 4. jefltty Sm ith (Yam) : 5. Shi mp
jona tha n (VOIIm,.
60: I. Sh Mi Vlm l (C r V): 2. Rbkt Vit'n , (G PV): 5. Rolan d
Kodri q ut'l ( ~ w ); 1. Ty ltr Ntwlon (u w): 5. Cliff J tnnings
80 BEG: I. jwtin Vicn, (G PV); 2. Adam FttterJy (Kaw);
.5 Chad Erl (Kaw); 4. Danny Baron (Kaw ): !J Mat thew
Michelson (SUl) .
80 Il'I'1": I. Larry Lmkog le (Kaw).
125BEG: 1. Mike- Koger (Yam): 2. Quill on::..nne-t( (H a n ):
5. Bill Sm it.h(Ya m): -t. T ony London (Hon); 5. T ravi, Og burn
( ~ w).
Sandy victorious in return to
Blackhawk Farms Road Race
By Larry Lawrence
A serio us cra.h al Blackhawk Farm. in 1989
nearl y ended Bob Sandy'. raci ng career, but
a year lat er he returned to th e northern Ill in o is
road race co urse and left with a win and
ren ewed co nfidence.
"I ~J lly felt good out ther e lod ay," >aid
a .milin g Sa ndy a fterward. "The fm l few
time> I ca me by th e lurn wh ere f cra.hed la. t
year f thought abo ut il. bUI after that I just
con centrated o n going fast. "
Sandy .igned up for two race> on hi . R&:S
Kawa.aki/Daniel. Petroleum/AGV/ R H CI
Phil F1ack-.ponsored Kawa>aki ZX7. winnin g
o ne of the race. a nd leadi ng the other before
a fuel pelc ock began leaking.
The rid er from Streator, IlI in oi. , was up
against lon g- tim e Blackhawk Farm. veteran
Ch arli e Bu. e and hi. Suzuki GSXR 750. It
didn 't ta ke lon g for Sa ndy and Buse to break
a way from th e rest o f th e field. Sa ndy
rep eat edl y thw arted Bu. e'. a ttem pts 10 pa ss
him go ing into turns, wi th Buse tal er saying
that Sa ndy was using an extremely low line
go ing into the turns.
" Instead of taking the class ic .weepin g lin e
through the tum. I was SCJ.uaring Ihe m off
pretty radically," Sandy >atd. " It mak e> il
rea lly tou gh for someo ne to pass you."
MId way through the race Sa ndy had 10
battle weak fro nt brake •. One of h i. Kawa ·
>aki '. fork seals blew and was leak in g nuid
on to th e brake calipers, Sandy rode a defen.ive
race to th e finish. using lhe genero us po wer
of h i. bright gr een machine to hold off Buse
by a bike-Ienglh to take the win.
"That'. th e faste. t I've ever gone al th is
track." said an elat ed Sa ndy after IUfning o ne
la p a t 1:14.73. "It f"" l. good to com e back
her e a nd get a win ."
In th e fin al race of Ihe day , Sand y gOI a
quick Slart and was o n h is way 10 a n easy
victory whe n a failed fuel pelcock began
.pewing ga•. Matthew Win nak er then lOok
over and rod e to his second wi n of the day .
Bria n Lan u showed u p Sunday mo rning
o nly 10 spectate. but whe n he found that very
few riders had entered the class he no rm all y
r.J.ces in. H e IUrned aro und and dro\'e 75
m ile. back home 10 get h i. race bike. It paid
off as Lantz won two first-pl ace trophies.
Resul ts
A S/ BK EX: 1. Stan M.. rrina,. k (SUI).
A SlBK NO V: I. ~uhrw MeCu m ,. (SUl l.
B SI Biri. EX: I. Bob s..ndy ( 2. Cha rln Bu.v lSul ).
B SIB il: :'\rOO\': I. PO
.ml Volpt (SUI): 2. M.lI1hrw Mr<:urrit
ISul ): 3. Olalb Lang (Du.-};1. [}.Iy ShiM (Y;lm r.!J. Uon
~Lar('i nClYJ;, (HlXl).
C S/ BK EX: I. Brian La IlCf' (SUI).
C SI BK NO\': 1. lK H