Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2.SO ~EG : l. Mikt- Wismn ( Han ); 2. Mark Fiehb (Yam): 5. Major Alford (SU.l); 4. Bradd Moloer (Ha n); S. Chri s Prokopo w (Ha n 250 JR : I. Je r Lrwi s (SU1 ); 2. Aaron wen suup (Yam); 5.J Pe tcbel (Yam ): 4. Ma ll Batem a n (Yam ); 5. Nick Morgan .J. I. (Suz). 2501NT: 1. T odd Bro ussard (Uon): 2. Rich Borti ca u (SUl); 5. Lyle Babi (Han) , 250 PR O : I. Mike Young (Yam) ; 2. Chris Young (Sw); 5. T erry Fo wler (SUl); 1. Ro n Turn er (H a n ); 5. Kerry Mullil;3n (Suz ). SOO BEG : I. Rick Salina s (Ha n); 2. jack flynn (Ha n); 3. Oris Prokopow (Han ); 4. G ~ Reeder (Ha n); S. Leonard CuUtemm (Ka w) . 500 JR.: 1. Fred H ummel l (Hon); 2. Bryan Hanson (Han ); S. Scott Hoffma n (Ha n); 1. Don Ora m (Ka w) ; S. Brad Andcnon (K.oo w ). 500 PRO: l. Ron T urner (Ha n ); 2. G r~ litrter kopl (AT K); ". Craig Davis (Ha n); 4. Marc PMen (Han). lITH .TR 1. Ryan HAn son (Hon ); 2. S.]. Lehn (Suz): 5. : Miche;;d Wilm a (H o n); 4. Mike Ca rr (Ha n): 5. Fred Hommel ( H OD). OT JR.: I. TOT)' Judd (Ho n); 2. Rob Li tle (H o n ); 3. j im Butler (Suz ): 4. Cvl ElJm (K.. w) ; 5. J im Wh itC' (Yam). VET jR: 1. Brad Anderso n (Kaw); 2. Rud y 01a~ (Hon ); 3. Bob Sh im p (Ha n); 4. Jde Morri s (Hon ); 5, Krnt Reed (K.oo w > VET INT: 1. Don Pas tC'1l [H on ]; 2. Brad Sloa n (Ha n ). VET MSTR: 1. Rich Borteaiu (Suz); 2. Bob T ip pit (Ka w): 3. Tim Marsh (Hon ). VET PRO : 1. Bruce McDouga l (Kaw); 2. Ron T ur ner (H on ); 3. Pete- AndrC'w (Ha n). s Palmer wins it all at Motorcycle Raceways Motocross By Alan Will iams OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, JUNE 30 Palmer cam e home 10 race and easily walked off with the 125 and 250cc Experl divisions and Ihe half-time Dash For Cash al MOlorcycle Raceways. Pa lmer has been ridi ng the Camel Supercross Series and has a n overall seventh place in the Easlern di vision. The fans had a 10 1 10 wa lch du ring both molos of the 125cc Inlermediale class. Clifford Adop tante loo k Ihe holeshol of the firsl mOlo and the next five laps belonged 10 h im. The firsl three ride rs p ulled so far away from the pack thaI it beca me two separate races. The three leaders - Adoptante, Jason Owens and Terry Osborn - were all wi thin a bike lengt h of each ot her. MOlo two had entirely differenl holeshol results. Ron Ainsworth 8ulled the holeshol with Owens in second. wens quickly took the lead in a comer while Adoptante started making h is charge from fifth in the P."ck. Al the end of the first lap , Ow ens led WI th Andy Anderson in second and Adoptante in third. om They battled for four laps. Every tim e it loo ked as tho ugh Adoptante wou ld pa ss Anderso n, Anders on eit her made a ~ block or pu lled slig htl y away. With a hall lap to go, the secon d and th u d place riders came over a bridge, int o a h uge righ t-ha nd sweeper and app roached a doubl e jump side-by-side. JUSI after the double, Adoptante made the pass. T he race ended with Owens first, Adop tan te second and Anderson th ird. Ado p tan te is ju st com ing back from an injury. H e brok e his leg in Mar ch . H is father said he kept wai ting for Cliff 10 gel tired and fad e bUI it didn't happen. Results PIW STK: 1. Johnny MarIC')' (Yam): 2. Jettmy Thomas ( Yam); 3. b ndy Nix (Yam); 4. Cal vin Bakel (Yam): 5. j e- emy r Wright (Yam ). PIW MOD: 1. Johnny Marley (Ya m) : 2. IU nd y Nix (Yam ): 3. O1a se RC"C'd (Yam ); 4. J ennifer Buns (Yam): 5. Michad Odom (Kaw ). MINI MINI : I. Bubba. Ellia (Han): 2. Jerem{ Wri gh t elUiw ): i,~ :(L ~ ~ JC'Y (Xa w ); 4. Du stin Young ( am): 5. Danie-l MINI J R: I. Josh _,(K.ooW). MINI BEG: l. Brian Banks ton (Ka w): 2. Dmnil Ow ens (Kaw); 3. Bryan Canon (Xaw); 4. Mi tch w allace (Xaw ); 5. Rick Petersen (Xaw) . . MINI SR : 1. Jemuy Gray \SUZ); 2. J.J. BraMfield (Han); 3. Sha wn Wright ( Ka w ): 4. Nci DeArmo nd(Kaw); 5. Brandon HoUma n (Xaw ). MINI O PE N: 1. j.j. Brassfidd (Ha n); 2. Jemny Gray (Suz}; 3. Shawn Wright (Kaw); 4. Brand on Hariman (K.a 5. Nell . w); [)(oArmo nd (Xaw ). 125 BEG: I. Kevin Haggard (SUl ); 2. S~ Fulgham (Suz); 3. Sro u SC'\u lC'T (K

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