Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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LOCAL EVENTS Mar tin La voie sling hi s bike ar ound the ou tside of the tra ck to stretch a lead with a three-way jou st for second beh ind him. T om Hodges, Marcu s Sellards , and Berni e Bellinger battled it ou t until H odges slip ped to the outside a nd was passed by Ken Colvi n and Eric Fankenha usen . Five-year-ol d K.C Knodel , spo n sored by K&K Motor cycle, lapped the pack to take the honor s in 50cc Mini cvcle com peti tio n , and Bryan Belli nger was the 80cc Knobby class winner. Results O PEN ST: L ran ~y (H ·D); 2. Grorgiro Pritt (W· R); 3. Jerry Marn (Hon ); 1. Mart in Lavo ie (H- O): 5. J am iro Inch (Hon ). O PLllrrJ KNOBBY: i , Fred Cerwi mky; 2. T om H~ ; S. Bernie Bdlingn: 4. n ave Ga ng le; 5. David Knittl e. 250 Kl''1088 Y: I. Mart in La voie: 2. Marcu s Sellards: ~. Bernie Ikll ingn: 4. Ken Colvin; 5. Eric Fank enhaueen. 80 KNOBBY: 1. Bryan Bellin ger (Xaw); 2. Brock Sellards (Kaw). 50 ST: I. K.C. Knodel ; 2. Mikro Milia : 3. Dann y MiJltt; 1. Kylro Parktt; 5. Derick Espenshi eld, Collins, Odom split Ascot Speedway wins By Scott Daloisio Don Odom, shown here leading Tony Bienert, got the jump when Ascot Speedway's Handicap main was restarted then stayed out front for three laps to win. into second. Smith again took the checkered flag with the pack of riders better than 20 second behind. Smith went on to take double moto wins in the Open Extra class, as he, once again, dominated both motos from stan to finish. Results !M): 1. urry Rust (h j); 2. Micky Marshall (lIj); 3. Bru ce Bmy (Yam ); 4. Ph ill ip 8«hl~1 (Yam). JR MINI : I. Jordan Sara n (,,"- w): 2. Mark Friu (Hon ); 3. Andy Wicken l (Hon) . SR MINI: I. VUlce Kotrnow (Suz ); 2. Eric Nq>Odd (Suz); 05. Dylon T owuant (Suz); 1. T .]. Somers (Yam); 5. Bryan Bdlingtt ( ~ w ). EX: I. John Mavar (Suz); 2. Phil C aunthct \ Yam) . ..125 B: I. Bruer Robi n50n (Hon); 2. Larry Be klman (Hon ); Burk~ (Han); 5. Daee $. Scut t Canne ll (Yam): 4. Myin ~r (Hon ). 1 2~ C: 1. Mark Laurie (Yam); 2. Bruce Uh l (Hon ); 5. Mikro Kochman (Suz); 1. John v enaleck (SU 5. Mikro Sand (Yam ). I); 250 B: I. Sha ne Smith (Suz); 2. Kevin IkylinK: (Yitm); 5. Tony OIOllko III (Kaw): 1. T om Button (Hon ): 5. G ~ Augus l (Yitm). 250 C: l. Eric Klroin (Kaw); 2. Ty Myn s (Kaw); 3. Ch ri", RollinJl: (Raw) : 4. Mikro Kochman (SUI); 5. Co h n Lo wery (Hon ). OPEN 8 : l. Sha ne Smith (Ho n ): 2. Mitrk Moore (Hon ); 5. Thom Smi lh (KTM); 4. vince Wrix:hl (Kaw): 5. Kr'ith Spiu n (KTM). PLU5-25: I. Ken Kam ow (Hon): 2. SI('V Wilmington ro (XoIw); 3. Bruce Robinson (Hon );1. Hronry Hauen stein (Hon); 5. w ayne Minulaff (H an). SR I: l. Hmry Hauenstein (Ho n); 2. Ray Flanagan (KT M); x:n (SUI ); 1. Paul Kmnq' (Ha n); 5. Mark 3. lkmiro Brollin l...tiR!lty (Yam). SR 2: I. Jrorry Boyd (Ha n ); 2. Joe Jacobs (Kaw); 5. T on y Olosa ko II (Kaw). OPEN EXTRA: I. Shan e Smith (SUI ); 2. T an dy Fril ~ (Cag); 3. T on ')'O loeeko III (Kaw). Bruce bombs Altamont SX By Larry Lacey TRACY, CA, JULY 13 Joe Bruce topped the Pro class by winning his heat race and the main even t at the Altamont Supercross. . In the heat race Trevor Meager jumped into the lead with Bruce glued to his rear fender . Bruce immediately applied heavy pressure .which forced Meager to try stuffing him in every comer, even though Bro tt was taking the outside lines. Before the first lap had ended Bruce had the lead and pulled away: Meager failed to mak e the main due to bike problems. In the main, Bruce topped Mike Newman and Marko Laine. In the Mini class, Brian Cruz was the winner followed by Jeremy Zipton. At one point Saul Smoak closed on Zipton by Zipton Just turned it up to grab the runner-up Spo L Results 60: I. Chad Bill (Kaw): 2. Tyson I...atty (Kaw); 5. Randy Norman (Yam). 80: 1. Brian Cruz ( ~ w): 2. lnnny lipton (Kaw). 125 JR: 1. Rich lbomas (Yam); 2. Grq: Norman (Hon); 5. Kdlh Ward (Xaw); 4. DaniciBalboa (Yam ); 5. Mikro Dmms (Kaw). 250 JR: I. Brian Oi ck~ (Han); 2. Pau1 Michon (Han); 3. San Casey (Yam ); 1. Oavro Lnutt (Ho n): 5. DaY(' Zollo (S"'~ OPEN JR: I. Rick Alyo (Ha n); 2. Matt Stobm (KTM); 5. Mark.La yton (Ha n). OPEN tNT: t. Todd Lu ..Ita (Ho n ); 2. Randy Ga\'TOll(Hon ). t VET JR: l. Mark Biel (Xaw); 2. Scott Wright \XaW); . Scott Hamon (Yam ); 4. Sh anroWright (Yam ); 5. J ro f Annalt (Hon). VET'INT: I. Tim AIVttnlo (Yam ); 2. John Madrid (SUI). PRO: l. Joe Bruo: (Yam ); 2. Mikro Nr-wman (Yam );5. Marko l...a.irJ('(Yam); 1. T revor Mr'aghn (Yam ). Swink swift at Holeshot Hills MX By Jim Fliehman UNNVILll, OH,}ULY4 Brian Swink was the show stopper at HoIeshot Hills MX Park as he grabbed the wins in the 125 and 250cc Pro-Am classes. In the first 250cc Pro-Am moto Mark Musselman got the holeshot closely followed by Chris Knox, David Hand and Chuck Reed Swink started in midpack and was on the move. Knox held off Hand until his bike broke late in the moto. Swink charged up to battle with Musselman and pressured. him into making a mi stake, which allowed Swink to move by and take the win , Hand finished third behind Mussel man with Ryan Smith fourth. Reed pulled the holeshot in moro two over Knox, with Jason Gray pushing in the shadow of Swink. With two laps to go Swink had moved to second and found the comer he nceded to move past Reed for the lead and win . In the 125cc Pro-Am cla ss Eric McLear looked to be on his way to winning the first moto as he built a good lead, but Swink came through to pass him for the victory . The second moto featured a close battle between six riders . Reed got the initial lead and battled three abreast with McLear and Hand Swink flew through the pack and took second over Hand when McLear cras hed Swink chased down Reed and passed him as weIl to complete hi s four-mota sweep. Results 51: 1. Robert Turlry (Yam); 2. Paul Robb im (Yam ); 3. Chad lirpff:'1 (Yam); 1. Johnathan Friu (Yam); 5. Jdf BR'W~ (Yam). 65: J. Jason Jur.ltaro (Kaw); 2. Paul Xarlro (Kaw ): 3. RoOOt Branblen (Kaw); 1. Billy Rains (Xaw): 5. j()(')"Mever (Kaw). 85 NOV: l. Grq: Acree (Kaw); 2. Mouk Brunk (Ha n ): 3. Gary Wint rn (Kaw); 1. RUMy McCubbins (Hon ); 5. Ja son Mttty C ): 1. Wo Bobby Schwam (PPT); 4. Phil Collina (Wo). D·2 : I. Doug G~lOn (Wo); 2. Bobby Campbroll (Wros); 3. Rob Ball (jaw ); 1. JdE Hoyt (J aw). D·3: I. ProtO'" Evans (Cdn); 2: Denni s Stepanronko (jaw): 3. Mark DeVay (Wo); 4. Mik~ Boylro (J aw). SDCAR: J. Craig Dnnpsttr/Pftel' 1LwiJ (&.aw ); 2. Don Panain /Tim Ch amp lin (Kaw); 3. Jouq> Protragloyic/Emiro King (Ka w ); 4. John Simmons/Rob McGath (M·G ). Diem aces Champion Speedway By Larry McBride OWEGO, NY,}ULY I Warren Diem 's return to Champion Speedway in Owego was a successful one, as he captured the Scratch main event after an unsuccessful attem p t in the Handicap main. Diem' s appearance was his first of the season due to his commitment to shan track racing. After completing a very successful ice racing season Diem packed away his Godden for the summer, but the lure of speedway racing prompted his return. Racin!)' up wins in both the Scratch heat and semt DIem, drew the pole position with Arms & H ammer Remodeling·sponsored Tom Burge, Lenny McBride and Tuff McBride going from positions two , three and four. A gate malfunction necessitated the use of a flag start, and as referee Don Hawkins let the green go skyward, Tuff McBride from pos ition four attempted to get to the p?le en tering turn one ah ead of the rest of th e held, and wa s success fu l in ou t racing Lenny McBride and Burge, however, Diem had the same ideal and held tigh t to the pi pe, While the McBride's and Burge were goi ng head to head for the second spot , Diem mar ched to a few bike length lead , wh ich he maintained for the ba lance of the four lap final to take his first checkered flag of the. season. Tuff McBride out duel ed Burge for second with Lenny McBride getting fourth. Tuff McBride made it four for six as he again topped the field in the Handicap main event, After a restart, T uff McBrid e sett led into th ird by the end of circuit one ' in pursuit of lewis and leader Randy Stauff. Coming off tum four of lap two McBrid e pr essured Lewi s and Stauff to drift to the outside, wh ich gave McBride a tight inside position and th e number on e spot entering lap three. With McBride well In com ma nd the pressure wa s on Burge to hold onto second. Diem pressed to move ah ead of Burge on every tum, but it was not to be. as Burge co mp leted a mistakefree ride to hold onto second with Diem taking a very close third Results HDCP: l. Tuff McBrick (Jaw ); 2. T om Burge ({'. do); 5. warren Diem (Cdn); 4. Lenny McBric:k(Gdn); 5. John Lew is (W<>~ SCR.ATOII).I: 1. Warren Diem (Gdn); 2. Tuff McBridr: (Jaw); 5. T om Bur~ (Gdn); i . Lenny McBridt (Gdn). SCRATOID-2: I. Marco Morello (Gdn); 2. Randy Staulr on (Jaw ); 5. Eugene Wilman craw); 1. Kylro Di.x (Jaw ). It's a Young show at Glen Helen Motocross By Donn Maeda SAN BERNARDL'lO, CA, JUNE 24 Mike Young put a nagging wrist injury out of hi s mind to capture the overall victories in the 125 and 250cc Pro classes at round six of the Bridgeston e/CMC Summer Series at Glen Helen OHV Park. Yamaha/Noleen/ Clover/Bieffe/Motul /Smith /Prexsport/ Tsubaki-sponsored Young {'Ostedfour perfect mota scores to claim his pall of wins. In the opening 125ccPro moto, Young stole the holeshot with Chris Young, Craig Davis and Terry Fowler in tow. Mike Young began to establish an immediatelead, as the rest of , the pack was stuck beh ind an intermediate rider who had started on the same gat e. Chris Young worked his way past the intermediate on lap four of the eight-lap moto. Chris set a blazing pa ce and closed on Mike but was unable to find a way around on the tight, narrow course. Mike took the win over Chris and Fowler; who had displaced Davis early in the race. .. Mike young duplicated h is fir st -mote holeshot to moto two with Fowler, Davis aod Ron Turner in tow. Chris Young got a fihhplace start, but began to slash his way through the pack. As mike began 10 increase hi s lead, Chris motored past Turner and dove under Davis in a tight tum. Chris then passed Fowler, and took the runner-up spot on the white flag lap. Mike took an easy win over Chris and Fowler. The 250cc Pro class was another Mike and Chris Young show, Mike grabbed the first moto holeshot with Chris, Ron Turner and Fowler close behind While the two leaders began to pull away, Suzuki-mounted Kerry mulligan began to work through the pack after a bad starL Mulligan squeezed past both Fowler and Turner, but could do little to gain on the front-runners. Meanwhile, Mike held off the charges of Chris to take the victory . Mike Young grabbed the lead early in the concluding moto with Fowler, Chris Young a nd Turner close behind. Chris worked pa st Fowler in the back section of the track, and began to pressure Mike for the lead Although Chris made numerous attempts to pass . Mike held on for the mot o and overall wins. Ch ris was second overall, while Fowler topped Turner for th ird overall. Results PIW: 1. Danir'l Blair (Yam); 2. Nick Pu ccio (Yam); 5. Crtg Landttsa (Yam);1. Jenni£tt Nrolson(Yam); 5. Tanya FaulJula (Yam). 60 0.8: I.Justin Scullm (Kaw); 2.lto Posca (Kaw); 5. Danir'l Blair (Kaw); 1. Creg L.andr'n (Kaw); 5. lan 1ge'rcic (Kaw). 60 9- 11: 1. Josh T arantino (Kaw); 2. Ceasar C alYeZ 3. Justin Vims (Raw); 1. Shad Vims (Kaw); 5. Mikt Kew 1 (Kaw). . 80 BEG : l. Monti Mieheal (SUI): 2. Mikro Moli na (Su: ); 5. EddiroFinnel.. (Suz ); 4. JUMin Tumror (Kaw ); 5. Casry Lytlt (H on ). 80 JR: I. OuJ?n N~lson (Suz); 2. tko.nee WatsOn (Hon) ; 5. Shawn Peroho (Kaw); 1. D.j. RadeIlU (Hon); 5. Chris Fino r'Y(Kaw). ; 80 INT: I. G.... Veanley (5",), 2. T y Kady (Kaw). ry BIG WHL: 1. amaDickena (lta w); 2. Nathan Pron (Ka,,"); 5. Dmni.. Tuma (Ka w ). • 80 OP E.N: l. Sha wn ProroHo(Kaw ); 2. c.asey Lyd~ (Han); 5. Kun Pin-son (Su:) ; i . Butch Gabri ~1 (Kaw); 5. SleYr' Wisdom (Kaw). 125 BEC : l. Mike Litwla (Suz); 2. J amo Randel (Hon); ); 3. MArc Dnlawlnl (Sw); 1. Don Spnn~ (SU1 5. Stevl:n Thornton (Suz). 125 JR: I. Aaron WronJuul? (Sut) ; 2. Nick Morgun (Su: ); 3. DaYld Cincotta (Ho n); 4. j.J. Pt-tehrol (Ho n ); 5. JttTYJetton (Sw). 125 INT: l. Donald Upton (Han); 2. DeTr'k Mroyn (Suz); 5. Timmy Stau£mbdl (Ho n); 1. D-d.yid Ca~da (Suz): 5. Rob Healy (5",). 125 PR.O: l. Mikro .Young (Yam); 2. Olria Young (Suz); 5. T ttTYFowler (Sw) ; i . Ron Tumn (Ho n) ; .s. Shawn Player (Hon). (Iea",/,

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