Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCAL EVENTS Faria and Ermolenko even tua lly left Pfetzing and Lucero behind. By tbe time the race ended. Faria had a five-length bulge over teammat e Ermolenko. Pfetzing and Lu cero were a distan t third and fourth. Ran dy Mcintyre and Robert Fox took the Varner Prom oti on s Kawasak i to the Sidecar win. Dean Steele a nd Duane Kin g. on their potent Ducati , placed second. Third went to the Kawasaki of Kent Benander and Cary Poll ard . m Results SCRATCH: I. Mil,,: Faria (Wes); 2. ~In Ermolenko (Geln); 5. Rob Pfnzjns (e M); -4. Slt'W'Lucrro (Cdn ). HDCP: I. Olarles Ermolmko (Cdn); %. Mik r Fa ria (Wes); 5. T on y Bimm (Wes); -4. Sinot LUCttO(Gd n). D-2: 1. Bobby Ca mpb(o (Wn ); 2. Car loa Cardona (Wn ); ll 5. Creg Ap pdman (Wes ); -4. Ja!Dn O ism Ua w). SOCA R: I. Randy MdnlYff.lRobttt Fo x ( Ka w) ; 2. Dean Steele/ Duane Kin g (Due) ; , . Kml Bnlandn'/Cary Poll ard (Kaw). Ienatschsizzles in scorching Willow Springs Road Race By Eric Vincent Charles Ermolenko (left) crashed completely through the crash wall on th e first lap of the Handicap main at IMS. but he go t back up and won the race. Kent Kun itsugu (6) held off the ch allenges of Nick Ienatsch (I) to win th e Formula 2 class at Willow Springs. Ienatsch was the winner in the Formula 1 class. beat in g both Orlandi and Sisemore in the sixth event. Rober t " Kid" Curry won the first even t on h is H a rl ey-D a vid so n o f Sa cramentospo nso red mach ine wh ile Sisemore top ped the second event in a great baule with Jess Ochoa. Orlandi was next, whi le John Houston, Jr, made it loo k easy gating from event four and taking the three points. Rocky Robinson had gated first in his first round with Orlandi, but didn 't get his first three po ints until he holeshot event five from the fence and won over Bob Callier. Evnet number six appeared to be the tell-tale with Houston on pol e along with Orl andi, Dave Worthen and Sisemore against the wall . Houston had the easy gate with Sisemore coming of the outside to take second, but when he backed his soo t down into turn th ree, he billed. but remounted to take a point when Wonhen took the dive. Jess Ochoa took a three bagger, as did Cu rry and the only two with perfect scores were Curry a nd Houston . Tht: eq ua li zer ca me in even t 11 wh en HowlOD gOl real anxio us in a battle with Bob Hick s and crashed. He found himself eliminated from the ro und At the end of th ree rounds. Orl andi a nd Curry were tied with eight points with Sisemore one bark. Houston and Orlandi won their next round, while Sisemore tightened the score up by beating Curry in event 16. The very next round saw Orlandi on the fence for a start. but he gate s easily and won a nd totaled 14out of IS for the Championship pa rt . Robinson won hi s last round after crashing the round earlier, while Sisemor e won his last ru n and H ou ston downed Curry in event 20 to tie the third spots which he won in the run of(. Results O /A : J. Pa u l Or landi; 2. J im Sisnnore: 3. John Hou&lon Jr .; 4. Robrrl Curry; S. Rocky Robin50n. Ermolenko earns Inland Motor Speedway win By Sco tt Daloisio SAN B ERNARDINO, CA, JUNE'll Charles " Dukie" Ermolenko came bac k from a devastatin g lap one crash 10 win the Mill er Genuine Draft Ha ndicap main event at In land Motor Speedway. The terrifying cras h loo k place in turn on e of the mai n. Teenage rider Chris Man chester went down a nd Errnolen ko, Rob Pfetaing and Steve Lucero all took evasive action. Ermolenko wen t comp letely through the crashwall. Pfetzin g would have hi t the same panel of wall. but by the time he got ther e it was gone. he slammed directly into a 4x4 support post. Lu cero pounded the wall a few feet sh y of the damaged section. After a bout 20 seco nds to co llect hi s thoughts. Ermolenko sprang to his feet a nd was ready for more actio n. Lucero was down a bit longer after hav ing the wind knocked out of him, but he managed to get up. Pfetzing was not so lucky - when he hit the suppo rt . he com pressed two vertebrae in hi s back. He was taken off in the ambulan ce a nd will be out for quite some time . \Vhen the main restarted. Manchester was sent to the pen alt y lin e. T ony Bienert bea t vetera n And y Northrup off the line for the lead . Erm olenko, off the 40·yard·line. got a tremendous star t. He pulled alongside Northrup in turn two. Northrup got a big dri ve off the second comer and took control of second. but nol for long. Erm olenk o would nOl give up. Headin g into lum three. he stayed low and took second from Northrup. He then wen t to the outside. By the tim e the first lap ended, Erm o lenko had the Rus sell Racing/ Prime T icket/Captured Sea/Shoei·sponsored Godden in first. Once he go t by Bienert. the race was over. Far ia fouf$h t the traffi c until just before the ha lfway po tnt. There. he put Bienert awa y a nd took over second. Faria reeled Ermolenko in late in the race, but it was 100 liule too late . Ermolenk o edged him by a couple of bike lengths. Bienert maintain ed lhird with Lucero fourth . For the second week in a row , Faria took lOp hon ors in the four-lap Scral ch main. Pfetzing (this even loo k p lace befor e the Handicap main) edged Faria off in lurn lWO for the start. Faria stayed wide and pa ssed h im in lurn lwO for the lead. While Fari a was working on PfelZing, Erm olenk o was auem p ting to sweep around both of them, bUl il didn 't work . He go t pas t PfelZing. bUl he could nOl stay with th e Ru ssell Ra cing/ O ff-Sh ore/ ShoeilTsub aki / Oi lzall-backed Weslake of Faria. ROSAMOND, CA, JULY1-4 Proving engi ne displacement isn 't always a factor In winning, Nick Iena tsch rode his Yama ha TZ2 50 to victory in the seven th round of the American Road Raci ng Associat ion' s (AR RA) Miller H igh Life Unli mited Formula One Grand Prix Series held during " Speedwee k" at Willo w Sp rings Inter n a tio na l Raceway. It was 110 degree s when the F- I riders left the star ti ng gri d. and the heal proved a definite factor in the race outcome. Chuck Graves grabbed the initial lead on his Dunlop-shod Suzuki GSX Rl lOO foll owed close ly by Jeff Hagan. also on a Suzuki GSXRllOO with Mich elin rubber. These two quickl y separated themselves fro m the rest of the pack . During lhe initial la ps, H aga n made several attempts to pass Gra ves. fina l1y doin g so as the two riders wen t dow n th e fron t straight at the completion of lap three. Wliile these two riders ba u led for the lead. Ienatsch, on h is Dun lop-sh od Del Arnespo nsored TZ25O. bega n an impressive charge, moving into and establishing a secure hold on thud place. Setti ng his sights on the leaders . Ie natsch closed on second-place Grav es and passed him on lap seven. Enterin g turn two a lap la ter, Iena tsch mis-shih ed, allowing Graves to slip by. The TZ250 rider recov ered q uickly, passing Graves agai n within severa l turns. The remain ing four laps saw a due l for the first -place spot. Ienat sch would close on Hagan in the tig h t corne rs, bu t Haga n used his Suzuki 's horsepower in the fast sweepers. The two riders exchanged the lead several times. but by the last lap.Jena tsch was pulling away and crossed the finish line two seconds ahead of Haga n to ta ke his firs t F-I win ever. Graves took the third-place spot. T he F- I race wa s the o n ly even t no t shortened du e to the hea l. Al1 other races. normally 10 laps in length . were ini tia lly cut to eight and then to six . Kent Kun itsu gu . who sa t out mos t of the races at the previous ARRA meeti ng with en~ine overhea ting probl ems, was back in acuon with h is Hollywood Yamaha FZR600, taking th ree firsr-p lace finishes for the day. Tire availability problems prevented Kunitsugu from racing m the F-I event . but he too k a decisive win over lena tsch in the Formula Two race. Kun itsugu led the six-lap F·2 race from start to finish, despite a challenge by Yamaha TZ25O-mounted Ienatsch, who took second Third place went to Scott Conaway on his Yamaha FZR600. Resul ts O PF.." MOD PROD: l. Brutt Tfbo (Sw ); 2. Ktn Rrynolch , (Suz );5. lt.ick KovaCl (SUI ); 4. Cunis Pim rmd (Sw); 5. Mar cu s FaUry (Suz ). i~ MOD PROD: 1. In' Hogan (Sw ); 2. Ihrold Winkl es (Sw); 5. Bill Co lli n. (SuzO: 4. Jor Arias (Sw): 5_ Rob H..niJ. (S UI). 600 MOD PROD: 1. Rou. Hoahn (Yam ); 2. Scot I Col'Ulwa , (Ya m); 3. Tim Tillman (Yam): -4. Ton,. MaUKw s (Ho n ); 5. Ankn Frielim (Ya m). F.2: l. Ktnt K.uniuugu (Ya m); 2. Nick Im.auch (Ya m); 5. Soon Conaway (yam ); -4. J im Malcuim (Yam); 5. Waltn H oldrr (Yam ). -400 MOD PROD: l. Will ir Bun (Yam );2. HirOfohi Nakajma (Ya m); 5. Patrick mulT.lY (Y am); -4. Jnry Car lson (Yam) ; 5. Michatl Montoya (Ya m ). ~ MOD PROD: 1. BrttlShrdnn (Vam); 2. Frank Ara yak i (Ya m); 5. Thomas Hackman ( Ka w); 4. Ourln Bumru (H on ); 5. Strv r Rwhfurd (Yam ). 750 51ST: I. Kenl Kun iu ugu (Yam); 2. Jd l Hagan (S UI); 5. Brad Hazen (Ya m ): 4. Miltr T iholnyi (SUz) ; 5. J()(, Arias (Sw). OPEN Sl ST: 1. Brua Trbo (SUI); 2. Nick IenalKh (Yam ); 5. Robc-rtMil ler (Suz); 4. Curti, Dimmel (SUI); 5. Rick Kavan (SUI). 400 51ST: 1. Nick I ma t~h (Yam) ; 2. Michael H u~hn (Yam); .5 Willi r Bun (Ya m ); 1. Patrick Munay (Yam) ; 5. . HiroW Naka jim a (Yam ). 500 51ST: I. I}.ury l Dd nhard l Kaw); 2. Kl:\'in JohnllOO (Yam );!. Frank Ara~aki (Yam); 4. Thoma' H arckman (Ka w ); ~. Cha r lo Burnett (Hon). 600 51ST: 1. Krm Kun iuugu (Ya m ): 2. N ick Im..t5Ch (Ya m ); 5. Rodney Shaman; -4 . Smll Conaway (Yam) ; 5. Walt" Holder (Yam ). £.NDlJ R 750: 1. Tram Rr bound; 2. Va-H oo Racin g; 5. Beniler Brm.; 4. T ri C. t y Kawa uki: 5. T ram 40 Plu , . i £.NDU R600: 1. SPttd InduCf'dHandon;2 . Tram 8rlch firr ; 5. KBK Racing; 4. 'tram Loco. £.NDU R 500: I. Tram Bdchfino II; 2. Radio Actiw- Racig; 5. Endeavor RoKing; -4 . Art IUci ng; 5. Tram H a waii. £.NDU R O / A: 1. Tram Rd>oumi; 2. Ya-Hoo Racin l{J 5. ; T ram Ik'khfirr II; 4. R.r.dio Actiw ~ nlr. 5. Bm itM' Brm. Paul scorches Marion County Raceway Motocross By Scott Sheph erd REDDICK, FL. JULY I . Gary Pau l took the 125cc A class win wit h I- I moto fini sh es at the Florida Motocross C lu b- pro mo ted event a t Ken a nd Ca rol Blackburn 's ~ I ari on Cou n ty Raceway. It was Suzu ki rider J ustin Jackson first off the line in rnoto one. American Honda /WKRJ T subaki /Cycl e Mar in e Center-sponsored Paul made a quick move on the in side line of the first turn a nd took over the lead with Yamaha rider Wes Keenum in third. As the riders began to stri ng out early iri the race. Jackson whipped his Suzuki up on its side over a tabletop jump at the finish area . The ground met J ackson abruptly before he could reorganize everything and he went dow n har d at the base of the jump. Jackson 's fall leh no one e'.. en close the blisteri ng pace being set by Pau l whi le Keenum moved to second an d stayed there 10 the finish. \Vith Jackson out of the second mot o with a bro ken sho ulder blade and brui sed rib s, Paul . was u ncontested ri ~ht from the start . Keen u m tried 10 keep him m sigh t but couldn' t hold the pa ce. When the ga te fell for the Iirs t Pee .Wee mo to, it was Brad Dill on ou t from foll owed by Eric Sheld on . Mar io Norris. Austin Brown and Ch ris Bradfield. Dillon !,ulled away in the lead whi le Brown fell m a turn a nd dropped 10 last place. Norris loo k over second early on the first lap. Derek J ackso n a nd Bradfield began 10 dice for pos itio n Wilh J ackson winning that baule, Brown contin ued to have problems a nd fell two mo re times in the moto, Jackson pull ed in to second when Norris hit the gro und on the white nag lap. Dillon finished firs t ahead of J ackson. Bradfield, Steve Vinegar and Sheldon. Dillon holeshot th e seco nd rnoto and Sheldon pulled to his side in the firts tum. Bradfield. Vinegar. and Brown were back off the pace. Dillon fell in a turn on the second lap, giving Norris the lead for one lap. By the halfway point of the race Dill on had caugh t back up 10 Norris and regained the lead. Dillon finished 50 yards in front of Norris. Sh eld on , Bradfield , an d Vinegar rounded out the top five. Resul ts PIW: I. Brad Dill on IYam ); 2. Chris Brol fitold ( Yam ~ 5. d a [ rir Sheldon (Ya m ); 4. M. rio Norr illo (Ya m ); 5. Sinor Vi~ r ( Yam ). Ca~:~~~II~~~u4~il~~)~;I~)~I(~~);k5~"G:::i L~l':~ (Kaw). 80 A: I. Tony Ha ynn (Kaw); 2. Chris Brown (Kaw); 5. Grql; C ai u ni s (Kaw). 80 B: I. Kenneth j one s (Ho n ); 2. Keuh ~kQu a ig; 3. Bill Mauhew (Ho n); 4. Jo(" Oark (Kctw l: 5. Rod Fu mell ( Kaw ). y 80 C: 1. Dalr Sow der (H on); 2. Da ug la, WOItM>n (Ho n ); 3. Ryan Ha wk. 15-24: I. Mark Peterson (Ya m); 2. wes Keenum (Y" m); 5. Lo nni e Blackburn ( ~ w); 1. T ra vi, Blackburn (Kaw). 125 A: I. G ary Paul (H un ); 2. w~ Keenum (Yam); 3. J wtin Jackson (Sw:). . 125 B: 1. Rub Comu bbr (Ho n): 2. Lo n nie Blackb urn ( Kaw ); 5. Chri , Lronard (Kdw ); 4. John l..o1kr (Kaw ); 5. Tom Boyland (Kaw). 125 C: I. Mvro Cha~ ta i n (Koiw) : 2. Jr rry Buerg er (Ho n ); .5 Chr ilo OUUll:!ai (H o n ]: 4. KtoithJon n (H on); 5. Joel Co rqOJ . (Suz). 12>-250 BEG : I. Byron Shdfirld (Kaw); 2. John Wnl (H on) ; 3. Bria n Su'\ko (Yam) ; 4.Pr ln Davin o (Hon ]: 5. Ji m Suuon (H on). 250 A: I. Alan Andre w (H on ): 2. Gary Paul {Ho n j. d 250 B: I. Ma r k Prt t'u nn (Yam); 2. DaVi Kaull.hau~ (Hon J ; 5. Mark BaLi M: (Kaw );1 . Rod riKO Oill (; 5.Ja imes Breer e n (k"Thl). 250 C: I. Rodn ey Orr (Sw ); 2. Geo rge Osburn (Sw); ! . Todd witchner (Yam); 4. Mark Rau nwater (Yam); 5. Q-d ric Bov (Hon ). :5-+: 1. Alan Andrew (Ho n); 2. David Kauxha usen ( Ka W); 5. Sinor Ra yborn (SUl); 1. M. r l Baeinet (IU w); 5. Crorgro a Osburn (Suz). SR: I. Byron Sh effie ld (Kaw); 2. John Coleman IHon ); 5. Folsun Rum blr ; 4'.John Ci ll~n; 5. Da vid Norman. S/S R: I. Em ir (Hon ); 2. Ourln Leh ing (Ho n ); 5. Ron HAwk (Hon ); 4. Oran Jo intt l Kaw); 5. Thoma, McI.lh a u m (H on). O P[ :'I: ~ OV : I. Mitehd l H oluirn (Hon);- 2. Micharl r Amniro (Ya m); 5. Wi11i H~rr in ,; (Ka w). S/ MI:'I: I: I. T on y Ha ynn l Kaw ); 2. Ricky Ca nnichOlf'I (Kaw ); 5. Chris Brow n 1K.ia.....); -t. Km Ol:"th Jonn (H on }; 5. Bill Ma t~ t Hon ). Schwartz slick at IMS Speedway By Scott Daloisio SAN B ERNARDINO, CA, JULY 4 Nationa l Champion Bobby Schwa m celebra ted the Fourth of July by winning the Mill er Gen uine Draft Scra lch main event at Inland Motor Speedway. . As fireworks lit the eveni ng sky in the dista nce. SchwarlZ tang led with Ala n Ch ristian , Cha rles Ermo len ko and Ronn ie' Correy in the main . Ermolen ko and Schwar lZ got the besl jumps off the line. Schwartz. on lhe Bud weiser/CTi Brace/Pro motion Prod ucts/ K&N/Bell GM, p ulled il dow n on his young cha llenger in turn one. Ermolen ko did a 360 in turn lWO and fell: He quickly piced up hi s Godden and took off aga in, but he was more than half a lap behind. Correy and Christian moved up to second and third. but they were a few yards behind th e leader. Correy beg an having mo tor problems on lap two. and when the problems

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