Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WERA Kerker/SBS National Endurance Series: Round 6 Team Suzuki Endurance's Britt Turkington (I) raced with The Human Race Team's Rick Kirk (2) early on, but Team Suzuki pulled away to their fifth win. Dewayne Davis wheelies the Excell Racing Suzuki en route to a third-place finish, both overall and in Heavyweight Superbike. Davis was partnered by Robert Blevins. Action Suzuki's David Harmon and Kent Soignier (24) defeated CLASS Racing's Jason Pridmore and Avery Stewart (73) for third in Heavyweight Production. Christie Racing, a local team with riders Jeff Christie, Joe Prussiano and Alan Spears, led the Mediumweight Production class until Spears crashed out. Team Suzuki seizes fifth victory at Hallett Med ium weight P rodu cti on class ahead of Wild side and SOB Racing. How ever, tha t lead was no t to last as Spea rs cras he d th e team 's H onda CBR600 in the second hour, relegating the tea m to spec ta tor sta tus for the remai nder of the afternoon. T he Voig h t Brothers, Cra ig and Eri c, were leadin g the Lightweight brigade and having a good race with Ra w Ra c in g 's Kirk R eu ill e a n d Ram on Vas q uez , both team s on Yamaha FZR400s. The th ird hour saw HRT's Kirk , An dy Fen wick a n d Steve Rodden tryin g feveri shl y to make up a two-lap d ifferen tia l. Leading the pack with 127 laps to th eir credit was T eam Suzuki, sell ing the pace with smooth ridin g and qu ick pit sto ps. " We were concerned at first about th e (hOI ) weather and how lon g each rider sho uld stay ou t. We were looking for ano ther win today and it looks like we're go ing to get it ," sa id Hall , ad di ng , " T he track is fun - a liule mor e deteriorated than the last tim e we were here , but ver y safe, There' s noth in g in ha rm's way if you go off ! he track." Figh tin g for th ird overa ll was Phil McDonald o f K & N Racing , wh o wa s n o w t hree la ps a head of Inm an Racin g a nd five laps a hea d , of SAS Racin g in th e Med iu m weig ht Su perbi ke class, McD o nald led Robert By Monica Greene Photos by Mi chael Fernandez HALLElT, OK, JII1'\E 23 eam Suzuki Endu ra nce 's Kurt Hall , Mike Sm it h and Brill T ur kin gton pu t yet ano ther notch in the record books with a win in ro und six of th e \VER A Kerker/ SBS Na tio na l Enduran ce Series, a six-ho ur event held at Hall ett Mo tor Racin g Circuit, T he T eam Suzuki tri o com pleted 236 laps of th e 1.8-mile, 10-turn road course ' a t an average speed of 70.80 I mph to sq uelc h The . Human Race Team's ho pes o f a second consecu tive victory by the end of hour two. O klaho ma 's ow n Rick Kirk go t orr to a good start for the Hu man s on the Dave Zupan -tuned Yamah a FZR lOOO, leading the first wave of H eavyweight machines and leavin g Turk in gton to r p lay ca tch -u p o n th e Keith Perry-tun ed T eam ' S uzu ki G SXRlI OO. T h is is exact ly wha t T urkington did , as he caug ht Kirk wh en he pull ed in fo r a mu ch -needed pit stop at the end of the first hour. At tha t point, Dewayne Davi s of Excel Racin g ran third overa ll on a Suzu ki GSXR750, ju st one lap behind th e leaders. Davis was closely foll owed by Sa m McDon ald of K & N Racin g, who led the second wave of Medium weig h t machines on a Yam ah a FZR600 tun ed by h is bro th er and teamma te, Ph il. Hall ' n Still and In man Racin g ran fifth and sixt h, Christie Racing's j eff Christie, J oe P russian o and Alan Spears led the Blevins of Excel Racing, who had lapped Hall 'n Still to tak e o ver fourth posit ion. Still in front of th e Lightweight class were the Voig ht Brothers, who were now seeing som e com pe titio n from Deals Gap Ra cing, wh o had passed Raw Racing to tak e second in class, Wildside had made the big move of th e hour, jumpin g from third tofirst pl ace in Mediumweigh t Production and lapping both SOB and Team Smo ke. Hall 'n Still was still in the lead fo r H eavyweight Production, foll owed by Ro yale Racing, who had passed Ameri can Spirit. Hour five brought disappointment 10 se vera l learn s running in top pos iti o ns. Amon g th em was K & N Racin g, wh o were five laps ah ead of SAS and Sam Speed Ra cing in Medi umweigh t Su pe rb ike and running fourth o vera ll behind Ex cel. Th e McDonald brothers were forced out wh en their Yamaha's radi ator wat er disappeared, " We wer e fru strat ed with what happen ed, but we ran a good race," said Ph il McDonald. " As for the results - that's racin g." T he Voig h t Brothers wer e a lso forced o ut with mechanical problems durin g hour five after lead ing th e Lightweight class for th e first four hours. T h is left Deal s Gap Racing and Cycle Speed Racing to take over the

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