Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Van del' Ven , with th e Dutchman event u a lly dropping ba ck to ninth . as hi s forearm muscl es pumped up. Bu t a t 25 minutes th e IS-yea r-old. Mali n. sta rte d to su ffer in th e sti ffl ing 100-degree hea t a n d drop ped to eig h th behi nd Ital ian fav or ites Fran co Ro ssi a nd G iuseppe Ga spardone. With tw o laps to go . Martens had ca ug h t u p to th e str uggling T horpe a nd it took a ll of th e Wo rld Cham p ion 's reserv es to hold o ff th e KTM by a na rro w margin to th e flag. Ceu ke ns , third in th e point sta ndings. co n tin ued ' to prove th at he gets beuer wit h eve ry yea r a nd in h is best ever ride on a ha rd -packed co urse. h e wa s fifth . while Cavat ort a m ad e it three It alians in th e first 10. T he second mo to wa s a lmos t a mirror im age of th e fir st . as Van del' Ven sto le th e holeshot but wa s rapid ly passed b y C eb oer s, with Ni coll a n d T horpe in to w. For h alf a n hour. th e b ig trio raced clear. th en su dde n ly th ey were wide apart. "We wer e a ll desperat el y tired a n d I must ad m it I was th e fir st to g ive up." sa id T ho rpe. " T ha t took th e pr essure o ff Er ic a n d Ku rt , a nd th ey . co uld follow su it. " " I wa s exha us ted." sa id Geboers. " Bu t I wa s determ ined n ot to g ive u p. I had been wai ting for one o f u s to gi ve up for a lo n g time a lre ady ." C euken s, aga in. ro de well . m oving grad ua ll y up the lead erboard and even forcin g Thorpe to increase hi s p ace again o n th e last lap. whil e Rossi was superb. H e kept forcing to th e end a nd passed Van del' Ven fo r fi fth half a lap from th e fi n ish . J ohan Bo onen, who had been in th e first 10 of race one unt il h is cha in brok e just before th e fin ish . wa s a lso goi ng well aga in . but he faded with bli ster ed hands• th e result o f a month long la yoff wi th h is shou lder in jury fro m Sittendorf. Afte r 20 minutes. he ha n ded seven th a nd eigh th to j o be a nd La rsso n. It was Larsson 's best ride o f the year: " Gett ing a good sta rt made a ll the .d iffere nce. " sai d La rsson . " I sta yed righ t wit h J obe for most of th e race. He was j ust a lilli e fast er tha n I wo ul d have been a lo ne, a n d ch asi ng h im mad e me go fas ter. Bu t a fter p u ll ing o u t ea rly fro m th e first ra ce. I still felt fresh a t th e end ." _ An stie, o ne of the rid er s sti ll wi th a n o uts ide cha nce o f th e to p eig ht and a utoma tic qua lifica tio n d uri ng the seco nd half o f th e season. we nt o ut wit h a bro ken rear whe el. T he in cid en t had happen ed o n the sa me dow nhi ll where Liles ha d broken h is leg . b ut Ans i ie ma naged n o t to cras h. L iles a nd Ansrie h ad words over a co llis io n at the Fren ch G P la st month. hu t Ansr ie wasone o f the first to Lil es' ai d when he broke h is leg. It did no t go u n noticed by Li les. who sent his mechanic to th ank Mer vyn . 0 Plan Now For AMA's 1990 Road Race Championship Series 1990 AMA NATIONAL ROAD RACING SERIES DATES LOCATION WINNERS/TICKET INFO March 2-11 Daytona International Speedway Daytona Beach, Florida May 4-6 Road Atlanta Braselton, Georgia Superbike : Dave Sadowski 250 GP : Rich Oliver Pro Twins GP1 : Jamie J am es Superbike: Doug Polen 250 GP : Chris D 'Aluisio Pro Twins GP1 : Jamie James June 15-17 New Hampshire Int'l Speedway Loudon, New Hampshire Superbike: Doug Chandler 250 GP: Doug Brauneck Pro Twins GP1 : Jamie James June 29-July 1 Road America Elkhart Lake , Wisconsin Superbike: Doug Chandler 250 GP : Chris 0' Aluisio Pro Twins GP1 : Jamie James July 21-22 City of Miami Miami, Florida (305) 665-RACE August 3-5 Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course Lexington, Ohio (800) MID-OHIO (419) 884-4000 September 7-9 Heartland Park Topeka Topeka, Kansas (800) 657-7223 (913) 862-RACE Sept. 14-16 Willow Springs Int'l Raceway Rosamond, California (213) 370-565 1 CALL TODAY FOR TICKET INFORMATION . ( K·l ·~I ): 7. G itN'!I IK' G; I~ I)a l tl( l1H' ( I\.;IW) : a. Pa ul :\ l;llin ( K.a w I; !I. hi" '!,> \ ';111 tic') \ " '11 ( KT M): 10. ( ;iova u ll i CI \';llorl;1 (l Ion ); I I. :\I ( 'I \ ) n A m-li t' ( H o u ]: I~ . G t"1 ll'gt'S J o ht' ( \';1111): I ~ . M.llk Ra lll.. ~ ( I-IC lIIl: II . Jan·d Smi ,lf (H on l: I;), Roman o ~a lllli n i (lion, : Pro Nat ional Practice 9:00 a.m. Race s 1:00 p.m. Double Header Weekend N ·A T AD M ISS ION: Sat u rday & S un day I Sunday Onl y JULY 8, 1990 $2 2 .00 $13.00 Camping per day per perso n $5 .00 'GATES OPEN FRt D AY 6 :00 p.m. For Additional Information: "INo Saturday Only Tickets) I I). 10 :\ 1;II 11 Il!'o ( J,;.;IW). ' i: I. F li t' C,c'bot 'l q HonJ : :!. KUIl :'\ itu ll ( KTM) : :t 1);l\itl Thorpe t K ;I\~: ) ; -I. Oil!.: C ruken, (BO il ): fl. Frau ro R ossi (KT l\.1 ); 6. K IT S \ ';111 dc" \ ','n ( 1\.'-1\.1 ): 'i, G t'OI~('!i Jo in ' ( Yu m ): M Sldall La r!'o!'lon . ( I\.a\\' ); 9. 1.('0 C.o m b, '!' ( H u n);' 10 . C im';lIl11i Cava u ma ( Ho tu: II. SllI .ln Oo )'lt, (H un ): 12. Gi,lI1 Ma rr o Fuu sso m - ( K,I""'): 13. Enn \.; lI dlin i (Ka w ): H . Ku rt Lj u u gq vist ( li on ): I!). Jo ~ lilrlt' l h (l ' .'I ""'), POINT STAXDI ~CS: I. Erk (;d)ot'l~ ( I N9): ~. Rill y I.jl t'~ ( 1:11): 3. Oa\' id Thorpe ( 1% ): .1. Dir k C: t ' ll h n~ ( 136); :;. Kiu t :"i t'l )1 ( 13:) ; 6. J ,u 'ky :\tll"l t'm ( 10 1); 7. Jdr Lei..k (77); 8. F!"'IIIt'l1 Ro ... ~ i (77 ): 9. \ ',111 der Yt-n (70 ); 10. Jo :\tnl t'lI :\ (:)7) ; 11. c. t't )lJ,;t·~ J obt' p· I): 12. l\kn'YIl Am.tit, (-IS): 13. :\I.m' \" t·ll..t·IIt 't·I!o (3 1): H. Lt'o COlllht't' (2M Ifl. (I ·IE )Slt·(;ll1l.;u'......o u ); P t' I" SOIl (2.1); 17. (T IE.) P'lll ll\la lin .Sullill (2·1): 19, !o (T I E) Pe-rn il la, KIIII Ljun gqvi ..1 (22). JIM1 6:00p.m. On the Nite Track R esults ~OT() I : I. bi(' Gt'bC H'!'I ( H o n);~ . K rut !\"in lll I ( h: T ~1) : :t 1);I\,id T luJlPI' ( 1\.1\\' ): -I. J;uk y 1\I;HIt 'Il ~ , ( K,.1\ ); ;1, Did, (;t·t1J.. t· ll ~ (lI on ); 6. Fr anco R O ~!'I1 1 * SUBIG ONE* NDAY THE Amateur Racing Saturday Night Quads & Bikes ~10TO 616-695-6405 136 38 N. Red Bud Tra il Buchanan, MI49107 Located 3 miles North of Buchanan. Plan A Return Trip To Red Bud Su nda y, July 22nd * SORRY * NO FIREWORKS M ich igan, on Red Bud Trail ALL THE FACTORY TEAMS Yamaha*Suzuki*Ronda*Kawasaki VINTAGE N A TI ON A L MX plus State Champ ionshi p Sr. Mo tocross . Featuring Dick Mann & The Good Old BoY' PRACTICE 10:00 a.m. RACES HIGH NOON Aamission • $8.00 ~ c::on: ~ ~=.=... HONDA DmUJ ride with us.

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