Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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..... e e :I: Cl ::::; O'l 00 O'l ...... c<') c-r .... rr.J ;j co ;j ~ Scott Tyler topped the Northwest MX Championships at Albany SX. Sean Dukes (426) and Damon Bradshaw (45) fight for the lead in the 125cc A class at Muddy Creek MX. HIW S/ BK EX: 1. Charle s Buse (Suz ); 2 , M att Winnaeker IK awl; 3 . M ark Eri ckson (Yam~ 4 . Oave Klo st erman (Hon ); 5 . Ger ard Hoppa (Yam). U/ l S/SPRT EX: 1. Mark Eridson (Yam); 2. Gerard Hoppa (Ya m) . U / l GP EX: 1. John Erdrieh (Yam); 2 . Oave Bradford INorl. GTU : 1. Jeff Plummer (Yam); 2. Kevi n Siezewsko (Hon ); 3 . Ron Petrick (Hoo); 4 . Bob Delle (Hon ); 5 . Harrison Warren (Yam). GTO: 1. Cha rlie Buse ISul); 2. Man Sheldon (Ya m l; 3 . J Im Pekowsky IS uz); 4 . M ark Hay es (Yam); 5 . John Rin ell i (Sud Faria, Beddow win Ascot pairs meeting By M. Sober GARDENA, CA , J ULY 29 On a cool Saturday ni ght in G ardena , sple n d id for racing Ascot 's Jes s-thanlegenda ry quarter -mile pl a yed host to that c la ....ic mo torcycle sub-speci es kn own as "Clas s A" Speedway . . The p airs forma l pr ovi ded a n interest in g a rrangement o f th e top nin e rid er s paired. with r id er s pi c ked fr om th e rema i n in g First Division field . For exa m p le, Arch ie Per ez, c u rr en rl y 26th in regular season po in ts, sco red an im p ressive 14 points, whi ch by com pa ris on was a b o th e tot al o f o ne Bobb y " Boogaloo" Sch wartz, Ri ght behind Perez was Ra nd y Beddo w. 2 1st in regular season points a nd C har les " Du k i" Ennolenko, 16t h o n the seaso n, both of wh om scored 13 points on th e n ig h t. Aln -r a ll , this was su p po sed. to be pairs radng, a n d tota l po ints were a ll that manered in I h c elld . Beddow 's 13 po intscom b int-d with ind ivid ua l po ints leader " Flyin " ~1 ike Faria 's 23 points wrre ('noug-h to win the eVetll by a n)m fo rta b le ma rg in. Eng la nd 's Phi l Co lli ns a nd Ch a rles Ermo lenko were seco nd wit h 32 po ints. If not for a mecha ni cal failure in Ermo lenko 's' bik e in the fina l pairs hea t, the tea m may ha ve bee n victorious. In th e in i,ia l round o f heats, Bill y H a mill , Bo bby Sch wa rtz a nd Phil Co llin. >cored fivepo in l ma xim u ms. Except for Erm ol enk o 's fou r-Ix )illl , seco nd- p lace fin ish, the wi n ner 's pa n ner s fa ilt'd to sco re a single poinl. T ht" ~con d ro u nd saw Co lli ns co n tin u e w ith a win nin~ rid e a n d , combined. wi th Erm ol enko'. thud -place fin i. h , ,h e Co lli n. te;,lm loo ked toug h to bea l. Cas tro a lso won hi s heat a nd combi ned with \Vall Far n u m 's fi" e points. were o n ly five points off the Ie-dd, as wa s the Sco tt Bra n t tea m afler h is wi n in round two . Also with 12 po illlS after two ro u n ds was the tea m o f Fa ria and Beddow. Dur in g th e th ird round, Faria a nd Bedd ow c1nsed the !(ap betwccn th em a n d ,h e Collin. pa ir, 23 to 2 1. In th e fourth ro und , ,h e 'wo lead in g pai rs were sched u led to meet head to- hea d (or th e first tim e. On the seco nd Ja p , Beddow a nd Erm o lenko wer e balliin g behind lead ,'rs Faria a n d O,llin. until . u dde n ly Ermolen ko 's bi ke wen t away, a lmost ta ki ng the n:i;lo f , he field wit h h im . Beddow .urv ived to regis ler tw o poin ts. a nd wi th Far ia's win , ~ve th em a o ne-point edge going into th e Ma in. Also maki ng the Ma in event was the lat e. urgi ng Hami ll a nd Donn y Odo m tea m . Odom >cored ,hird-place fini.hes in hi , last two rides af ter su ffer in g mechan ica l difficu lties in h is initial two hea ts. T he Cas tro ,' Fa rn um team were two po in ts sho Tto f makin g th e Ma in even t, bu t went o n to win th e C on sol ation ove r Br ant /Russell a n d & h wa rt z/ La rse n. Schwartz d id n ot part ici pate in the Co nso la tion as a result of a n injury sustai ned in a ro u n d-fo ur , tu m o ne tu m b le while trying to a voi d a . p in ni ng Steve R u. sell . Also la yin g it down was sh an lr3ck specialis t . . . . rred although Schwartz spe nt th e rest o f th e even ing with ice wrapped a ro u nd h is wri st. In th e Main it wa s a ll Fari a /Beddow with Faria ca p tu ring the win a n d Beddow finish ing third. Ermolen ko recovered from hi s me chanica l difficulties in th e fo u rt h ro o nd to finish a stro ng second, but Collins fin ish ed a disappointin g fourth , good for o n ly o ne point and a second-place fi n ish on the night. Hamill/Odom went into the Ma in needing a sweep to have any cha nce, a nd had to settle for third overall. Results MAIN : 1. Far ia / Beddow; 2 . Coll in s/Ermolenko; Ham ill /Odom. 3. Bradshaw-thrashes Muddy Creek Motocross By Barbara 8t Lore n Williams BLOU!liTVILLE. TN, J ULY 23 T eam Yamaha'. Damon Bradsha w. the 1988 WQUT Volunteer Star e MX Ch am p io n , treked to Muddy Creek Ra cew ay with nea rl y 550 o ther riders, hoping '0 be th e Iirs t repeat win n er i n track history. H ow ev er, even 'hough Bradshaw thrash ed the 125cc A class with I · ) finishes and spectacu la r rid in g , hi s 250cc A motos wer e a different story. In the first rnot o, Bobb y Ma nn go ' th e jump o n Brads haw, with T eam H onda '. Sea n Dukes a nd fellow Georgi an T om m y Martin br ea - . th ing down their neck s, By the end o f la p o rie, Rrad shaw had pa ssed Mann and a p pea red. to be m e,ching hi. lead , bu' h i. YZ fa ltered a nd allowed most of the field o f 24 to ro ar pasl. Rrod sha w nudged h is relu ctant mo unt IO ta act io n agai n. but il was obvio us lh al h is bike wasn 't q u ite righ t, a nd a t th e end o f la p two he ret ired. Su rf De ter g ent-. p o ns o r ed J eff Gla .. gra bbed th e seco nd mow holes ho t, fo llo wed by Wa.hing ton S,ate'. Larry Wa rd a nd Mike Brown. Bradshaw ca me out of the gate in fifth, be,w''t'n Duk es a nd :'>Ia rt in . At th e end of la p o ne, \Va rd and Brown teamed up 10 harass G la.., a nd half a lap la ,er, 'hey had both mad e rhe pass a nd tak en Bradsha w with them. Brad.ha w . ho wed hi . a p p recia , io n by preparing ta stuff them in retu rn. Bu t Ju st as Brad sha w had set up Bro wn in a co mer, h is bike refused to go th ro u gh wi,h it a nd halted in ,h e middle o f th e track. Becau, e o f th e lead lhe fro n l-ru nners had bu ill up o n the rest of ,he field , Brad .haw was a ble to coax th e YZ imo motion a nd ma inta in third spo t. However, as in mota one, Bradsh a w dro p ped back a nd event ua ll y fini.hed n illlh. Brad.haw e x p la i ned th at th e 250 h ad g ive n him p ro b lem, a ll da y, beginning with rear brakes III th e first mota and co n tinui ng in the seco nd by insisting on fa lling out o f gear . Ward had a good day, excep ' for droppi ng o ut in the first 125cc A malO while runn ing fill h. H e came bac k for the >erond moto a nd po>led a .econd p lace, ,h en in 250. racked u p a firsr·mo ro fourth p lace a nd a seco nd mo to wi n, 10 gi ve h im firs t over in 250cc A class. dll Dukes made h is rrip up (rom Georgia co u n l, p Ull in g ,ogether 2-3 fin i. hes in I25cc A cia.. for .econ d overa ll in th at cia .. a n d 3-4 in 250cc A for third overa ll. Bobb y Ma nn was closest cha llen ger for th e top mo ney. fin ish in g one place behi nd Dukes in each race'. overall stan di n gs. Ma n n was th e h ero o ( th e first250cc mo ta, assumi ng th e lead after Bradsh aw 's fail back , a nd towing Mar tin a nd Du kes with hi m. H e for ced Martin a nd Du kes to fight over >erond .pot, wi th Duk~ grabbi ng it half a lap before th e n ag a n d Ma rti n grabbi n g it back in the woods sect io n , a nd bein g a head when il co u nted. Resu lt s 50: 1. Du st in A llman (Yam); 2 . Josh Scan {Yaml; 3 . Ja m ie Castleman (Yaml ; 4 . Jer em y Campbell (Yam); 5. Aaron Li ndsey (yam). 65 (7 -11) ; 1. Andrew Wilson (Kawt 2. Nal e Bam ha n (Kaw); 3. Eric A llman (Kaw~ 4. M ati Harr i son (Kawl; 5 . M att Walker (Kaw ). JR M INI: 1. Ji mmy Bt1QgS (Kaw ); 2 . Joey Dilla rd (Kaw); 3. Andrew W ilson (Kaw); 4 . M alt Harr iso n (Kaw); 5. Rhett Wilson (Yam). SR MINI: 1. Greg ory Rand (Yam l 2. M an Shue (Hon ); 3. lackary Br adsha w (Yamt 4 . Dwayne Bon e (Honl; 5. Don nie Decker (Kaw) . SCHBY : 1. Jim Neese (Kaw ); 2 . Joshua Sleele (Hont: 3. Todd Bennick (Hon); 4 . Man Shue (Hont 6. Ada n Merr tdl (Honl. 25 +: 1. Kellh W atso n (Suz t 2. Jeff Sieinrock (Ho n): 3. Jeff Dodge n (Yam); 4. Larry Harrison (Suz); 5. M ike Taylor (Yam ). 125 A PRO: 1. Damon Brads haw (Yam t 2. Sean Dukes (Hon t 3 . Jay Bobby M ann IKa w); 4 . Ji m CheSler (Suz); 5 . Kev in Wa lker (Yam) 125 B: 1. Joshua St eele (Hon); 2 . W illiam tSuzt 3 . Mitch McCaner(Hon);4. Cha d Powers (Hon); 5 . Lee Coomes (Yam ). 125 C 0 - 1: 1. Brandon Sm it h (Kaw t 2.$cott Ru nyan (Kaw); 3 . Davi d Canlrell (Ho n); 4 . Br ian l.edfOf'd (Hon); 5 . Shane J enk ins (Yaml. 12 5 C 0 · 2 : 1. Kev in Thomason (Hont 2. Brian Thomas (Hon); 3. Kevi n Cozudd (Kaw): 4. Stev en Ratliff (Suz) ; 5. Tony S mit h (Hon). 250 A PRO: 1. larry Wa rd (Ho n); 2 . Tommy Manin (Honl; 3 . Sean Duk es (Hon l; 4 . Jay Bobby Mann (Kaw ); 5 . Jeromy Bu ehl (SUl ). 250 B: 1. Coby Robb (Honl: 2. Dwain Miller (Kaw ); 3. lee Coom es {Yaml: 4 . Gary Denc n (Kawl; 5. Billy A dkins (Ho nl . . OPEN AM: 1. Chr is Shortridge (Kaw); 2 . Jeff Sieinrodr. (Hon l; 3 . Kev i ~ Austin (Hon) ; 4 . Gra dy J ones (Hus); 5 . Joey Dor sen (Hon). S/SR +40; 1. Sle ve n Lewi s (Yam ); 2 . W arner W ilbo urn IKaw); 3 . Harry Gref (Yam); 4 . Randy Tominson (Su z); 5. David Albert Sr. (Hus). SR A +30 : 1. Jeff Sieinrock (Hon ); 2. M ike Eads ; 3. Sieve Lew is (Ya ml; 4 . Mike Taylor (Yam) ; 5 . Je ff Eads. SR B +30 : 1. Dav id Far r is (KTMI : 2 . Gary Baisden (KTM) ; 3 . W arner W ilbourn (Ka w) ; 4 . Tommy Hayes (Kaw); 5 . Rick Terry ISu z). eo_ 3. ~n~~~~'L~:(~MTi: ~~a~~:~a2~1;~~Jt~.h d~~~ J oh nson (Kaw ). NO N-CURR: 1. Bobby Gilben (Hon ); 2. Allen Buchanan (Hon); 3 . PhlI ltp Anderson (Hon ); 4 . Dav'd Wh ilson (Ho n); 5 . J eff Hensley (Suz). 250 C: 1. Scon Runyan (Kaw); 2. Kev in Tho mpso n (Hon ): 3 . Brtan Hu le n (Hont 4 . Bi ll y Mayo (Honl; 5 . M icha el Ter ry . Tyler triples at Northwest MX Championship By Clay light ALBANY, OR, J ULY 30 Scon T yle r, who t h is seas on ca rr ies th e ~ at j"() na l n u m ber 68 pl a te, made lh e trek from O lympia, Wa.hin g to n , payoff by virtue o f winning lhree prof~i on a l classes a t th e fifth a nd (ina l round o r the ~1 0tocro s s Nonhwestsancti oned Championsh ip Ser ies, h eld a t Alba ny Su percro... Tyler, ridin g a H onda, wo n th e 250cc a nd Open P ro cia •..,. as well a. toppi ng ,he new ly ind ucled AIl · Pr o cla ss, which is o pe n 10 a ny di ~ pl a c em en t. It wa sn 'l with oul e rrOrl , h ow ever, as Tyler (aced lo u gh co m pe titio n in the All -Pro and 250cc Pro cla sses in th e (orm o f Oregon's Tony Groves, ridi ng a Suz uki. T yler breezed to a win in the fim All-Pro co mes ' followed by season ed AMA National co n te n de rs Graves a nd fo rm er Natio nal n umber 98 hol der Do u g La nge, a board a Yamaha. The du o p laced fim ,h ro u gh th ird in mo ta o ne. Tyler timed the ga te perfect ly in ,h e .econ d malO, but Graves was o nce aga in loomin g in h is sha do w for lh e en tire maIO. Beh ind lh e d uo rode a th ree way .wap fest for third co ns istin g o f Wash in gton 's Breu DeVries and Or egon '. Mike Bell, who fini . hed fo urth in mot o o ne , a nd Do n Biscelia , wh ich was rhe final fin i. h order. Ov era ll went to T yler ( 1I ), G raves (2-2); Bell (4-4), DeVries (6-3) a nd La nge in th e to p five, Gra ves m ad e up for h is second pl ace fini.hes in th e All -P ro cia.. by ea.ily winning the 125cc P ro cia .. motos. H is o n ly chall en ~ ca me from EUKene-area rider Jeff Da ll y, who fin ished secon d 10 Graves in bo th co n tests. Th ird in th e seco nd malo a nd third overall was Devr-ies. ridi ng a H o n da , w ith 5-3 finis hes followed by Biscelia (4-4) a nd th e (35) showings o f Darren Rogers. Tyler to pped a slim but raleru-Iadden class of Open P ro riders wit h I-I tallies, the sa me he used to a lso beat Graves for a 250cc Pr o class win , 10 card his si xth more wi n o f the da y. T yler 's I- I tall y topped fellow H onda jock ey SCOll Wi ll iam 's 2-2 performances. Ro u n d i n g out t he top Iiv e were F ra n k McKu hn '. 3-3, Ron Westla ke'. 4-4 a nd th e 55 showings of KT M rider Dou g Eckelman. Chad Berry, riding a Ya ma ha . the number o ne plate-holder in the 125cc Interm ed ia te class, ca me ou t on top of that class by virtue of I- I .howin~ . and with such performances looks to be joini ng the 125cc Pro ranks, li ke it or no t. Second 10 Be'!}' was Kevin Yeager, r iding a Yamaha, whtle Mike Harnness finished third. Michael Sm ith outrode a huge fiel d o f 60cc rid ers to capture top brass in the 6 to 8-yea ro ld division. This came after winning bot h contests. beating Jason Hansen an d Ma rk Landreth. Resu lt s A l l -PRO; t . Scon Tyler (Hon ); 2 . Tony Graves (Suz); 3 . Mike Bell ( S uz~ 4 . Breit DeVr ies (Ho nl; 5 . Do ug lange {Yam}. OPEN PRO: 1. Scott Ty ler (Hon t 2. Scott Williams (Hon ~ 3 . Fran k McKuhn (Kaw): 4 . Ron W esl l ake (Kaw) ; 5 . Doug Eckelman (KTM I. 250 PRO: 1. Scon Tyler (Hon t 2. Ton y Graves (Su z); 3 . M ike Bell (S uz~ 4 . Do ug lange (Ya m); 5 . Dan M oor e (Kawi. 125 PRO: 1. Ton y Graves IS uz); 2 . Jeff Dai ly (Yamt 3. Breit DeVri es (Hon) : 4 . Don Bisceglia ISuz); 5. Darr en Roger s (Ho n). 125 INT: 1. Chad Berry (Yam); 2. Kevin Yeager (Yam); 3 . Mike Hamness (Kaw). 250 INT; 1. Terry Ha mness IHon): 2. M ike Crade r (Yam); 3 . M att larson (Ho n). P/W: 1. Todd Dowty (Yam); 2. John Hardy (Yam ); 3. Isaac Daw son (Yam) ; 4 . Ryan Colem an (Yam); 5. M ike Todd (Yam). 60 : 1. M ichael Sm ilh IKaw); 2 . Jason Ha nson (Kaw) ; 3 . Ma rk Landrelh (Hon); 4 . J ohn Hardy (Kaw); 5 . Eric Wi lli ams (Kaw) . PP: 1. J ulie Kenl (Kaw); 2. Deanna Holb rook (Cag); 3. M eli nda Mclaughlin (Hon); 4. Diane Hurst IKaw ); 5 . Usa Garr ison (Kaw l. 12 5 JR : 1. John Cooper (Hoin); 2. JUSlin Homan (Kaw ); 3. W arr en Saze (Kaw); 4 , Richard Postma IKaw); 5 . lou Calkins (SUl). 12 5 BEG: 1. Bl eu BaegellSuz); 2. Tyl er McClung (Kaw~ 3. M ichael W oods (Hon); 4. Billy Coope r I H on~ 5. Steve Pola nsk i (Hon ). Cooper brothers claim M tn. View MX wins By Dan Meeter SAN DY. OR, J ULY 30 Bill a nd Joh n O)()pe r wer e dominant in their respective victories in th e 125cc Beginner and Junio r classes at th e Mountain View M ot~ cross near Sandy. Oregon. Both H onda riders led th eir tw o molos from th e beginning a nd stead ily increased their lead. u llli l the chec kered nag was waved. One o f the bes t comeback rides o f ,he a fternoon wa s put in by Suzuki-mou nted Jim Gl adi.h, in th e 125cc Beginner cla.s. Aller . uffering a second lap m ish a p in the firs t mota, Gladish moved up from n in th to fini.h fillh . The seco nd molO saw G ladish ba u li ng wi t h H o nda rid er Tony H aa. for >erond . behind Cooper, U ltima tely , it was Gl ad ish finishi ng .econd with H aa.third , g iving G ladish a welldeserv ed third for the day beh in d Cooper a nd Haas. An other name th at a ppeared. twi ce in the victor y resu lts fo r the da y was Backst rom. This tim e. th oug h , it wa s Cary Backstrom alo n e doublin g up with victories in th e O pen Beginner. a. well a. th e O ld T im er Amat eur cia ... Back suom ilCOred h i. douhl e by virt ue of a 1-2 fin i.h in th e O pe n Beginner cia.. a nd a tw o moro sweep o f th e O ld T i mer Am at eurs. Results . ' W /P/w: 1. Jason Hanson (Kawt 2. Eric W ill iam s (Kaw); 3. John Hardy (!Caw). PIW: 1. Robert Ho"grew (Kowl; 2. Dus ty Lenabefg (Kaw~ 3. Josh Kni g hl (Kaw). M INI SEG : 1. Ricky Stein er (Ve rn); 2. Ed Purson (Hon); 3. Robert HotIgrew (KWI).

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