Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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w 0 z :::l ..J z 0 z: ~ 0 (/l e, :::i: ~ 0 ' 0 J: ' .....! 0 0, a: o e - 0 a: > ", As Ph il McDo nal d tried to start th e bik e tt would not sta rt becJ use of the heat. T eam Excel 's Keith Brewer too k adva ntage of the lon g pit sto p and regained th e lead. On lap 44. Brewer brough t ' he T eam Excel SU IU1c.l in for their pi t sto p wi th Robert Blevins experiencing the same problem as McDona ld, givi ng McDonal d the lead. McDona ld bega n to ex tend his lead and by lap 55 put Team Excel o ne lap dow n, Robert .Blevin s wa s struggli ng to keep th e T ea m Excel Suzuki goi ng, a~ he was hav in g s hi£li n~ p rob lems, On lap 59, th e GS XR 750 gav e ou , with th e transm ission locking:up in tu rn six. With Team Excel o ut, thi s left K&N Racin g wit h a two~l ap advantage over T eam Action and a four ~lap advantage o ver Team Smo ke, wh o had moved in'o th ird after a good pit stop and rid er cha ng e. McDo nald slowed his pace to ensu re th eir firs t ~place fi nis h. At the checkered n ag, K&N Raci ng came in first with a three·l ap adv antage o ver T eam Acti on, who enjoyed thei r best finis h of the ser ies. Team Smo ke was third, just beating ou t Team Work and Time Bandits . Results ENDR O/ A: 1. K& N Racing (Yam); 2. Team Act ion (Yam); 3. Team Smote (Hus); 4 . Team W ork (Hon); 5. Tim Band its (Han); 8. Team Fuzzy (Yam); 7 . Hawk GT (Hon); 8 . Delta Racing (Suz); 9 . ROVIII Racing (Suz); 10. GT Racing II (Yam). POINT STANDINGS: 1. K&N Racing (80); 2. Team Smok e (49); 3. Team Excel (45): 4 . Time Bandit s (28); 5. (TIE) Team Action/GT Racing (25): 7. Rick Kirk Racing (241; B. Team G....m C17t 9. Team Fuzzy (l et 10 . (TlE) T.... GT Aocing II(15). _ I < ,Vohland, Conley cash in a t Sacramento MX By N uklear Ne ukam SAC RA MENT O , CA, AUG. 4 Yok o US A/ FMFlTeam Gr een Kawasaki ace Tyson Voh land topped Sea n Co nley in 'he 250cc Pr o class at the Sacramento Racewa y Park Fri da y night Stadium MX races, but O 'Nea l/ Pro Ci rc ui t/ Pa ulson Bros/G &B Kawasaki-sponsor ed Conley cla imed the cas h in th e 500cc Pro class. Vohland handil y won both 250cc Pro class motos for th e o vera ll wh ile Conley fini shed seco nd each tim e out for the runner-up spot. Ron Allen fini shed fourth beh ind Yamahamounted Mike Newman in mota o ne but a second ro und th ird earned h im th ird overa ll . Newman took fourth o vera ll while H on da mounted Mickey O 'Shaughnessy rounded o ut th e top five. Co n ley roosted to th e win in bo th 500cc Pro motos for the o vera ll while D ayton Blood, who claims to be tired of his string of seco nds, clai med anothe r seco nd overa ll with a ~-2 tally. j on Nicol au s co m bi ned a firs t mot o second with a four th for th ird o vera ll wh ile Eric Sa nds trom an d G ran t Mich aelson too k . fou rth a nd fifth . respectively. Results 500 PRO: 1. Sean Conley (Kaw); 2. Clayto n Blood (Hon); 3.Jon Nicolaus (Kaw). 250 PRO: 1. Tyson Vohland IKawl; 2. Seen Conley (Kaw); 3 . Ron All en (Kaw). 12 5 PRO: t . Ser gio Fernandez (Honl . INT: t . J erry Wright (Kaw ); 2. Ken SchrOeder (Hon). VET JR: 1. Bill Perkins (Han); 2 . Paul Conners (Suz); 3 . Mrtch Sylva (Honl. . VET EX: 1. Dave Wood (Kaw). 50 : 1. Hoke Smith (Suz: . ) 60 0-8: 1. Je sse Ketcham (Kaw) . 60 9-11 : 1. Andy Hansen (Hon). 80 BEG 0 -1: 1. Marl in Cole (kawt 2. Steve Hansen (Kaw l; 3. Brian Thordsen (Yam). BO BEG 0 -2: 1. Thord sen (Yam); 2. Hansen (Kew ); 3. Cole (Kawl . 80 J R: 1. Larry Page (Yaml. 12 5 BEG 0 -1: 1. Ricky Forbes (Kaw); 2. Phil Am ato (Hon l; 3 . Dan Murphy {Kaw l. 125 BEG 0 -2: 1. Oavid Calderon (Yaml ; 2. Todd Clar1l. lKaw) ; 3. Jonathan Livingston (Hon). . 250 BEG: 1. Tay Gragg (Kaw l; 2. Dan Nelson (Kaw); 3. Shawn Parks (Kaw l. 250 JR: 1. John Lee (Yam); 2. er ic Fisch ISuz); 3. JeH Baldwin (y am). 600 BEG: 1. Ron Azbell (Hon); 2. M ike Heening (Han); 3. Danne Fann in (Honl . Kiedrowski quadruples atLACRMX By Richard D . Thompson PALMDALE, CA. J ULY 28 Rider Mike Kiedro wski tore up 'he track for a q uadrup le win in the 250 and 125cc Pro classes hosted by th e Ca lifornia Racing Dub at L A, Co unty Ra cewa y, Mot o o ne ha d Teny Fo wler riding a H on da getting the ho leshol and ta king the lead for the firs t ha lf of th e race. Kiedrowski, rid ing a Hon da sponsored by America n H onda. Ho ndaline. Sco tt, Arai . Dunlo p a nd P ro Circuit. stayed right with hi m through the turns a nd o ver the j umps. Back in third was T im T elford o n a Suzuki rid in g hard in hopes of a shot at the lead. Going into th e " Roc kers·' o n the fou rt h lap of the race, Kiedrow ski success fu lly took the lead away fro m Fow ler. " I started second at th e ga te," said Kied row ski. " I uied to ~e t around him a nd on the fourth la p I go t hIm throu gh 'he rock ers, I held on fro m that point wi th a seven-second lead : ' Telford , not g ivi ng up, co nt in ued hi s q ues t a nd chased aft er th e two lead ers. ·' 1 co uld ga in o n him in the wh oo ps, bu t it wasn 't clickin g", said T elfo rd, " I was pretty clos e, bu' f co u ld n' t ge t by him: · Kied ro wski , fif' h i n the l25cc A MA National point sta nd ings , loo ked sure to win and th e ra ce was no w be tween Fow ler and Telford for second. At times, Telford looked as if he was going to pass, bu t Fowler, having it his way , wo uld n't al low it and held him off , In the end , Kiedrow ski new across the finish lin e Cor an impressive wi n over Fow ler for second. and T elford was third. In th e second mot o of the 25Oa: Pro class, Factory Hon da pil ot Mike Kiedro w ski w on both t he 1 2 5 and 250cc Pro classes at Los An geles Co unty Race way's Night Motocross. Fo wler o nce again took the lead at the start but he could n 't hold it as Kiedrow ski ourjumped a nd o ut-rode h im ove r th e new lydes ig ned course. Third place sa w Hon da -moun ted Randy Moody holding o rr th e rest of th e pack. As th e race progressed th e ga p be tweeen the top th ree lead ers wid ened, and Kiedrowski, in what seemed a n effort less ride, confiden tly held the lead for the d uration after havin g ta ken it from Fowler , Moody cruised for third. . T he evening wasn 't o ver for ' Kiedrow ski how ever, and two mor e ti mes he showed th e crow d what it ta kes to be a winner . taking· bot h m oto s in th e 125cc Pro class , Moody took seco nd ill both and Mike Dunla p , riding a Yamaha. scored third in bot h. " I used these races as a wann·up for th e Mi llvi lle. Minnesota . Nar iona l,. ' sa id Kiedro wski. . Results 80 BIG WHEEL: 1. J ohn 1uo IKaw); 2. Brian PhillipS (Kawl. BO BEG: 1. Sera Murillo lSuz); 2 . Tomm y Paul IKawt 3 . Justin Luszczyk (Kawl; 4 . M ilte W eed IKaw); 5 . Casey Sumaylo (Suz:) . . 80 NOV; 1. Dave Evilsizer (Suz); 2. Joey Cun is (Kaw ): 3. Joey Cunis (Han); 4. Joey Cirocci (Honl . 801NT: 1. Sr ian Teets (Kewl . J R VET BE: 1. Steve Sch robsdorl (Han); 2. Ron Hupf eld (Hon); 3. Rick Scan (Yam); 4. Charlie Bang (Han); 5. Dave Oppen hein (Yaml . J R VET NOV: 1. Tony Pullia m (ya m); 2. Mel Brown (Kawl ; 3 . David Gauth ier (Yam). ~ J R VETINT: 1. J im Sendel bach (Hon ); 2. Jo hn Gree nway (Honl; 3 . ErreCasas; 4 . Scott Stear ns lSOl) ; 6 . Greg M an inez (Honl . . J R VET EX: 1. Tom W ebb (Han ). VET BEG: 1. Chr is Varner (Hon ); 2. Kim Seeger (Suzl; 3. A lan Busby (Han); 4. M itch Banks (Honl: 5. Joe Silv a Jr . (Han). . VETNOV: 1. S. Mik e Bryan t l Kaw ); 2. CR Brun so n (ya ml ; 3. Bret Graen ing (ATK); 4 . Greg Benton (Sul l; 5. Ma rk Neal (Yam). VET INT: 1. David O'Srien (Yam); 2. Cun J ames (Yaml: 3. Mik e W ebb (Suz); 4. Karel Kramer (Kaw): 5. Mark Matt eson lHon). VET EX: 1. Tom Webb (Han); 2. An Oan (Han). SR BEG: 1. Larry Kirsch (Honl . SR EX: , . Sieve Dunlap (Yam). 125 BEG 0 -1: 1. Chris GarcUl (Yaml; 2. Ma rc Lippert (Suz); 3. Jo hn Ramsey (Kaw); 4. Jo sh Guggen rnos (SUl); 5. John Dean (Yam). • 125 BEG 0 -2: 1. M ike Pichett e (Hon); 2. Jimmy Russell (Suz); 3. Justin lannelfo; 4. Luke Winter (Kaw); 5. Tim Val adez (Honl. . 125 NOV: 1. David Casada (Suz); 2. M ike Bulley (Yam ); 3. Dave Kopels (Hon): 4. Robert Kong (Hont 5. Br uce oe~~~ctr~~f)r.ger Garc ia (Han). . 125 PRO: 1. M ilte K'edrowski lHon); 2. R.ndy Moody (Han); 3. M ike Dunlap (Suz); 4. Bob Kl ine (Hon). 500 PRO, 1. Eddie H;' " CUM }, 250 BEG 0-1 : 1. Dan Peterson (Hon ); 2. M ike Bla ir (Kaw ): 3. Bren t Wheeler (Hon); 4 . Sean Cr ippen CHon); 5. Joe Kmerl (Hon). 250 BEG 0 ·2: 1. Abte lara Jr. (Kaw' ): 2. Roger Fonseca (Hon); 3 . Peter Youri ( Hon): 4 . fabl e Tiribe lli (Hon); 5 . Kun Larson (Hon). 250 NOV: 1. Mik e Bull ey (Yam); 2. M ike Giem (Hon); 3. Rod Sprinld e (Han); 4 . Tim Smith (Yam); 5. Ntdt Senta N (Y.... I. 250 INT: 1. Bill Sauro (Hon); 2 . Adam Ponti ou s (Hon); 3. Robbie Dun ham (Yam); 4 . J oel Tokarsky (Han). 250 PRO: 1. M ike Kiedrowski (Han); 2. Terry Fowler (Hon ); 3. Randy Moody (Han); 4 . Jeff Mabery (Yam); 5. Tim Telford (Suz). 500 BEG: 1. Steve Schrosdorf (Han); 2. Dean Russell (Han): 3. Dave Tieskoetter (Hon); 4 . David Mullen (Hon); 5. Dave Pera (Hon). 500 NOV: 1. John Cash (Han); 2. Dave Koples l!(awl: 3. Je rry Ehlers 11; 4 . Ken Miller CATKl5. Kelly Wade (Honl . 600 INT: 1. Kevin Cherry (Han). Plummer, Buse win big at Blackhawk Farms RR By Gordon Lun de RO CKT ON , fL, JULY 30 . Expert·class rid ers j eff Pl u mmer and Charlie Buse too k the lion's sha re of awards in AMA Championship Cup Series action a t Black · hawk Farms Ra ceway , P lummer made a clea n sweep, four for four, in the Middleweight events, beginning wi th th e co mbined Sol o GTO/GTU evenL Forty· three bik es grid ded for the 28-lap endurance race, maki ng th e tight tum one a busy place after th e dr o p of th e green n ag , Pl um m er actually had a rather poor start o n the Rockford Yamaha FZR600 and di d n t h

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