Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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en ~ w Z ..., 0 ~ a: >- e '" 0 >0 :r e, O'l 00 O'l ........ G(") c-r .... ~ eo rf} ~ ~ Ro cky Robinson (left) won the Napa Wine Cu p Cham pionship at Napa Speedway, an d Mark Sq uadrit o (right) earn ed t he D ivision Two t itle. MI NI JR : 1. Jo hn Will iam s (Kaw); 2 . Ernie Gend ron (S uz); 3. Ben Ste wan (Suzt. PP: t . Diann e Hurst (Kawl; 2. Patt i Bren (Han ): 3. Daw n McCon ne ll lHon l. 125 BEG: 1. Bill Cooper (Han ); 2. Ton V Haas (Hanl; 3. Jim Gl adish (SUI) . 125 JR : 1. John Coope r IHon ~ 2. Andy Crosby (Varni; 3. Bill Kent (Yam ). 125 INT: 1. Erni e Robe rts (Suz): 2 . Mike Hamness (Kaw~ 3. Tony Ren fro (Yam). 12 5 PRO: 1. Tony GraW'e:s (Suz); 2 . Don Bisceglia (Suzt 3. Darr en Rogers (Hon) . 2 50 BEG: 1. Ga ry Bren (Han) ; 2. Dwayne DeY oun g (Yam I; 3. Fred Hajd u (Yam). 250 JR: 1. Brent Delay (Honl: 2. Brad Leslie (Yam); 3. Todd Dolan (Hon ). - 250 INT: 1. Terry Ha mness (Hon); 2. M ike Cr ader (Vam) 250 PRO: 1. Oon Biscegl ia ISuz); 2. Dan Moore (Kawl. OPE BEG: 1. Gary Backstrom (Hon ); 2. Rtek Cunn ingham N lHont 3 . Chuet Ouvonodt lHonI. OPEN INT: t . Jeff McKenley tHon l. OPEN PRO: 1. Scott W ill iams (Honl; 2. Ron Westlake (Kawl . UTH: 1. Ron Westlake IKawl; 2. K8It h Fotdel (Yaml; 3. John Will iams Jr . (Hon). 30-40 JR: 1. Dan Meeker (Hon); 2. David Stosser (Kawl; 3 . M ike Moore (yam) . 30-40 INT: 1. Jad. Coull er (Hont 2. Bill Kent (Yaml . 30-40 EX: 1. M itch Kirkpatrick (Yaml. 40+ NOV: r. M ike Reuthe r ISuz). 40+ AM: 1. Gary Backstro m (Hon l; 2. Jim Newman (Suzl; 3 . Nate House (Hon •. 40+ EX: 1. Dave M erkli n ISuz); 2. Roger Kn igh t lHon): 3. Gary Bonds (Kaw). Robinson rides off with Napa Speedway C'ship By R.C . J ones NA PA, CA, J ULY 29 Napa 's Wine Cup Championship closed ou t an other great speed way raci ng seaso n at th e T o wn and Co u ntry Fairgrou nds. Ro ck y Robinso n o vercame a second -ro u nd de fea t by j ohn Houston j r. to bea t Pa ul Orlandi in the fina l heat for a tie, th en went o n LO win the champion ship in th e runo ff. In the fir st round of ac tio n th in gs went abo ut no rm al as Houston and O r landi wen t o ut and pi cked up the Iirst two win s. T he n Robinson , sponso red by Maxima Oi l, H II:S Cycles, Bell, AII:A Racin g and Sm ith Goggles, came out and co mp letely demo lished the o thers whe n he won his hea t by half a lap. In ro und tWO Houston was hot in hea t seven , Clki n$"a wi n fro m pole-sitt er Robi nso n, givin g Robinson hi s onl y loss o f th e night. Round three wen t smoothly as O rlandi, Hou ston a nd Robin son picked up win s. In rou nd (our Rob in son smoked ano ther win in heal 14. Heat 15 was the turning poin t of the nigh t. Wh en the tapes went up Cuny a nd H ou ston langled at turn o ne and a resta rt was called . O n th e restart Cuny held th e insi de and Ho usto n was ca ug ht in between Orlandi and Cuny. O rlan di hooked u p first a nd grabbed th e lead do wn the back ch u te. Housto n wo rked the outside past Curry and pulled alo ngs ide Orl an d i o n th e next lap wi th Cur ry close . On lap three Or la nd i held a slim lead as Ho usto n wor ked furi ously o n the o uts ide to gel past. In tum three H OUSlo n hit Orlandi's rear tire and bo th riders went £lying. Houston go t up (irst with no damage: done but Orl andi's fro nt end was bent. O rla ndi go t _h e win a nd Houston nothing. t It th en boiled down to the last heat . Robinson gr.Ibbed th e lead as the ta pes went up and never looked back to th e wi n . Orlandi raced as best he co uld with ben t handleba rs to finish seco nd a nd tie for th e ch am pi onship. In the fo ur-lap ru noff. Robi nson ga ted first and quickl y took th e lead o ver Orlandi. It was all Robin son as he pi cked up his first Win e Cu p Championship. In lhe Div ision Two Champ io nshi p , Mark Squadrito was ho ldin g off Tommy Hedd en . wh en Hedden lost co ntrol and blasted th rough the fence. forcing a n ear ly end of th e fina l race. Squadrito was the cha m p wi th j ohn Grant seco nd and Harl an Bast Sr. thi rd. Hedden was un in jured and p icked up th e hard luck troph y. . Resu lts NA PA WINE CUP C'SHIP POINT STAN DINGS: 1. Rod

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