Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 11 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Wrecking Crew show everyone th e fast wa y around a dirt track ova l. Jenny Ha yden topped [he 5Occc lass. N ick y H ayden lh e60ccdi\·ision . an d T o m my Hayden took top honor s in th e 80cc clas s. Resu lts J R/EX : 1. Ch ris earr (H -Dl; 2 . Terry Poove y (Hon): 3 . Steve M or ehead IH· DI; 4 . W ill Davi s IH -D); 5 . Stev e Aseltine P· A : 1. MIke Hal e; 2. J immy Sanchez; 3 . Sha ne Jolly; 4 . Chu ck Setsinger; 5. Randy Nigg. 50: " Jenny Hayde n; 2. Ke ndal Dot son ; 3 . Jeff Pizer ; 4 , S teven Barreras. 60: t . Nicky Hayd en ; 2. Tommy Hayden ; 3 . Bill Kennedy; 4 . Jenny Hayden. 80: 1. Tomm y Hayden; 2 . M ar c W illiams; 3 . Cha rle. Fontan ot; 4. Scott Stevens. z r-- - - - -;= u ~ o o <{ o Z a: <{ w >- :I: t:J t:J w >..... :I: a.. <{ ~ '" >lD ~ o ..... o o :I: a.. :I: c.. 125 : 1. Brand on Hanc ock; 2. J ason Lorge; 3 . Scali W ill iam s; 4 . Bill Brow n. . 250 : 1. Greg Teagu e; 2. Brand on Hancock; 3 . A la n Eadie; 4. TV How ard; 5. Marc Bur ch. OPEN: 1. Greg Teague; 2. Paul Hew eu; 3. Al an Eadie; 4. M ike Lawrence; S. J eff Pizer. O"'l VINT : 1. Johnny tssec s. 2 . Claude Par ker; 3 . John Jackson; 4 . Jimmy Stoval ; 5, Gera ld Jessup , .... V Dool dusts New York HS ..0 8 V By Gary Socia EN FIELD. NY, OCT. 16 More than 100 riders turned o ut for th e final round of the NYS Hare Scrambles Series at Enfield . a nd R ich Doo l took the overall victory wi th Rich Dal y Sr. on a Dyne -Pert KTM. giv ing chase alter laki ng ' he early lead. Third overall went to Senior A class rider Gary Socia o n a Dyne- Po rt KTM . wit h DanRock right behind . The Ama teu r classes were holl y co ntes ted with Ken Wes,fall bea ti ng th e 250cc class, Glen Davis smo king th e Open Ama teur class , and John Oech sle Jr. grabbing the l2 5cc Amat eur win, The two lar ge Novice classes pro vided som e good raci ng with J im \\Tind er winni ng th e 0·200cc class a nd Len Balti more gelling the Open class win , Suzuki-mo unted Mik e Larry wo n the Senior B class wit h a good ride. a nd Rich Dal y Jr., on a Dyn e-Po rt Kawasaki ran aw ay with the Min i class. Resu lts MINI: 1. Rich Dafy Jr. (Kawl; 2. Jon Rightmir e (Yaml; 3 . Jli y Sta nton (Kaw). EX: 1. Rich 0001 (Han): 2. Rrch Da ly Sr . (KTM); 3. Dan Rod o Bryan Jones won the 250cc B class at Gran Prix Raceway . Z co m petito rs a hea d of h im , Stee le bega n pushing Bell. By the beginnin g of lap three. Steele had passed Bell and Smith had moved past Ferr is to grab th ird. Steele held o n 10 ta ke the win ahead of Bell. Smi th. Ferris and Hen ry Hauens tein . Resu lts 50: 1. Andy W ick ens (Yam); 2. M art Callahan (Yaml; 3. Jesse Finley (Yam); 4. Dariu s Elkin (ya ml; 5. Ryan A ndrews (Yaml. 60: 1. Brock $ella r ds (Kawl. 80 12 ·1 3: 1. M ike Katin (Han); 2. Jason M yen. (KIIw ); 3. .Jay Her sh ey (Suz); 4 . Br ent Abe l (Kaw); 5. Vince Kamow (Yam) . 80 14 ·1 5: 1. Tr evor V in es (Hon ); 2. John Caruso (Han); 3 . J ason My ers (Kaw); 4 . Chr is Tuttle (Ka w l; 5. Er ic Nepod ah (Ka w l. 125 SCHB Y: 1. Joh n Caruso (Ha n); 2. Kevi n Oeyli ng (Yam); 3. M ike xenn (Honl. 125 B: 1. Chris Bod o (Honl; 2. Ch uck. Fra ncisco (Suzl; 3. Jason Huffman lHan); 4 . Gen e Kelly (Kaw) . 125 C: 1. Chris M iller (Han); 2. Ja d Steel e C nl; 3. Ho James Wagner (Honl; 4 . Bill K~eno(Kawl; 5 . Jim Sl aughter (Han ). 1251250 A ; 1. David Hand IHon); 2. Barn ey Ba rn en (Han); 3. Steve Gardiner (Hont. 4 . Rob Yenulonis (Yam) ; 5. John Hill (Ho n). 250 B: 1. Bry an Jones (Kaw ); 2. Bob Wersch ey (ya m); 3 . D.J . Heberlein (Kaw); 4 . Sieve Wilmington (Kawl; 5. Chuck A dams (Han ). 250 C: 1. Jack St eele (Han); 2 . John 8ell (Ha n); 3 . Shane Sm ith (Suz); 4 . Gregg Ferris (Han) ; 5 . Henry Hauenstein (Hon ). OPEN B: 1. Shane Smith (Han ); 2. Jerry Boyd (Hon l: 3. Ken Fra nk (Han). SR 1: 1. Henry Ha uenslein (Han); 2. Bemie Bellinger (Suz); 3. Henry Huff ma n (Han). SR 2: 1. Jeny Boyd (Han ); 2. Tom Knapp (yam). lewis lassos Iron Horse Enduro win By Bill Herndon RED MO UNTAIN . CA. OCT. 9 " J im m y who ?" . T'h a t s what sc-ore keepers wer easkin g a fter So mis . California 's Jimm y Lewis dr opped a ll u ula...uable 0.06 poi n ts to capture th e o vera ll vic tory OIl lh t' Sout hern Califor ni a Enduro Club (Se Er.) Iron Hor se Endu ro. And what m ad e Lewi s' ri d e so a mu zi ng - hes id e dropping j us t six seconds - was th e [act th ai th e Ztl-vea r-old Lewis acco m plished lh h feat ridin g a 12.'> cc mach ine o n a co urse tha t was mo re sui ted to the big-g-er bikes. Lewis rude a Sm i, h G01;gles/ Ro ko Spons/ ND S par k Plugs/I RC .lKal·G a, d / O ·Neal US A· barked Yamah a YZ1 25. " I d id ,h e ISDE Qua lifiers th is year, but whe n I co me down here (SCEC), I usua lly ge l abo ut third beca uM' of gt"ui ng lost or bu rni n~ (d u·cks). T his was m y bot rid e yet: ' Husk y rid er Jo rdan Cha ney. who sufferoo (Klo meter probl em s in last mon th '~ SCEC end uro in Barsto w. scored a respectable 0.35 for seco nd overall a nd first in th e Open A class . Fi nishi ng five secon ds off Cha ney's pace was last month's winner ScOlt Crawford , who in tu rn pic ked up the 250cc AA class vic'ory. " T he sand hi ll specia l tes' wa s pre'ty ua ngt;ro us beGlust" of rhe sa, nd rur s fro m thar (rt,(·t.·m) r..l ins to rm . a nd I wou ldn'l risk it,'" said Crawford. " But, J ason (Inge rso ll. who is lock ed in ,h e 25lkc ",ries titl e fight wit h Cra wford ) dr oppt-d IWO pc:)ints beca u se he lust hi s bra kes. SCEC said no o ne would '''0 (the ("Durse). so I"m hap py with my ride: ' In gerso ll 's brd ke pro blems, ho wever , o nly slowed him do wn a lilli e. He slill ma naged «"("(>lid 2:;(kr AA a' 18,h o verall wi,h 3.108 p(lints dr opped. Fourth o ver;} )1went lo Tim " Bow li n~ Ball" Br;lll who lOpped ,h e O pen A Ve' class wiih a 0.51, the fourlh of four rider s 10 score a lero. T he first ..o nt... was \Vill ie Kt'nnt'tiy with a · 1.10. He l

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