Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 11 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a B +40: 1. Mike Hickman. UTH: 1. Dar r in Cur rier; 2. M ike Dun; 3. Craig Bowman. 4·S TRK: 1. Chr is Beggs; 2. Kevin Bass. Pucharich tops White City Enduro ~ By Karen Frizzo WHITE CITY, n, OCT. 9 Da ve Puch a rich took the o vera ll A class a t Wh ite City's 27t h Ann ual Big Red Enduro . Puch arich d ropped on ly six points on hi s H onda 10 beat Brian N ieh a u s, wh o dropped 16 o n h is Yamaha. It was a per fect da y for a n end u ro , with th e:' temperatu re in the 60s and a sho wer th e n ight before, the 99.8 m ile co urse was in gr eat shape. Co u rse ch airm a n Ron Scheller did a grea t job o f setting up a very co mpetitive but rid ea ble course wit h ma n y good spec tat or a reas a nd a specta to r route sheet. The sta rt sa w ri ders leaving a motocross type inf ield d irec tly in to a n eig h t m ile wood section. all rid ers dropped so me points here. J elf Sledge look HI gh Point B h on ors with a o n e poin t wi n in th e 200ec B class. Sledge dr opped 23 poi nts to Ron Werner 's 24. Other clo se rac ing sa w Ri ck Ingold drop 19 points to Brad Belsky 's 20 points in the Open A class. 00 00 O"l ........ Results Dickie Fountain (235) gets the holeshot ahead of winner Ken Kowalczyk (45); runner-up M ickey Walden (64), Paxton Owens (29) and Milton Garner (77) at the start of the 250cc C class at Hillbilly Hills. H onda. sponsored by Aftershoc ks a nd Rock Oil , to a not her first and th e o vera ll. He was cha sed to the checkers in this moto by Lance Lucero, who. by his consisten t £ ish es, got the:' seco nd pla ce o vera ll. • Results 80 MINI BEG: 1. Brian Al ves (Yam): 2. Brian Bar rington (Kaw): 3 . M an Grebe (Kaw) . 80 M INI JR : 1. Aaron Cantr elle (Kawl; 2. Reno Alexa nder (Ho n) . '25 BEG: 1. Jeff Ingram IHon); 2. Joe Shepa rd IHoot 3. Brent Ferrera (Hon t 4 . Mark Klauser (Kaw); 5 . Cra ig Oku (Hon). 125 J R: , . Dave Kope ls (Hon); 2. Lance Lucero (Yam ); 3. Albert In iguez (Kaw); 4. Chr is Hops lHon !: 5. Tyler Hummel (Su z). 125 INT: 1. Eric Pucelik (Hon ). 250 BEG: 1. Mike Morgan (Hon); 2. Ride. Brewster (Hon); 3. Jeff Anderson (Yam); 4. Wade Port er (Hont 5. Dave Kopel s (~wl. 250 J R: 1. M ike Hodges (Hon); 2. Stew Ma tkx:k (Yam ); 3 . Steven Stor ie (S uz); 4. John DiMaggio (Han). 250 PRO: 1. Greyson Han (Hont 2. Ken Zahn (Hon);: 3 . Roo Al len (Kaw); 4 . Mart Poner (Suzi. OPEN BEG: t . M ark McNutt (Hon); 2. Jerry While (Yam). OPEN J R: 1. Tom Conklin (Kaw )." OPEN INT: t . Jon Nlcolau s (Kaw I. OPEN PRO: 1. Tim Ferlion tHon l; 2. Greyson Han (Hon). VET JR: 1. Kem Reed (Hon ); 2. G8Of"ge GoUing (Han); 3. Scott W ri ght (Yaml Hon); 2. Larry Baker (Hon). VET MSTR: 1. Dua ne Hughes C VETPRO: 1. PhIl Dougl as (Honl; 2. Steve Lawre nce (Hon l. OT M STR: 1. Oon Swe ar ing en (Honl. Bereman romps at Baylands ST By Mike Vancil FR EM O NT, CA, OCT. 9 Rand y Berernan ca p tu red th e wi n in th e 500cc Expert class on the 3/8 - m ile ova l a l Baylands Ra cewa y Par k. . Bcrem an ca me back from a disa ppoin ting third in th e heat rac e lO ca p lu re Ihe win over Andy Tresser , Speedy Kell and Sleve Raymond in th e final. Berrman ada p ted 10 th e blue groove and some wha t slippery su rface by scr u bb ing o rr sPttd ea rly in the en tra nce to th e co mers a nd th en po wer ing o u t o nt o the stra ig h ts. T resse r's drives into lh e co mers were spectacu la r but he had 10 fight th e machine to sta y where he co u ld appl y mo re th roul e co mi ng o u t o f th e co rne rs. The bailI e was won by Bereman but he didn't win it by much . j ohnn y Murphree ex perie nced two feature win s in th t" 60cc a nd SOccclasses. j oe Ko p pi was lh e fe~llu re winner in bo lh th e 250 a nd 500<-c Novice 'dasses. Ko p p i bea t a solid fie ld o f 10 other rider s in the 500cc fina l and also did in lh ree o lher co m pe tito rs in th e 25O<:c final. Fun event o f the day was a wi n n e r ~ta ke· a ll, Big G uys o n Li l Bikes class in whi ch adu lts had 10 rid e 50cc ma ch ines on a five doll ar donation, win ner la kes a ll Silua tio n. Ro g er Paul so n borrowed J a ke Keen y ' s Ya maha to oU I~ power th e H o nda o f Chris \\'on ma n. Pa ul son ra n a t least 10 str ides at the gret' n n ag to a llo w the eng i ne 10 ca tch up wilh the veiocil Y ga in ro by ru nni n g. A last ditch, s hort ~cu l effort by \Vortma n a nd hi s lrack side helper ca me up u n successfu l. b UI th t. fan s enjo}"t.-d the auempt. , Results 30 p/w: 1. Jake Keeny (Yam); 2. Scon Arnold (y aml ; 3 . M ichael Ray Erl (Yam); 4 . Sheena Patterson (Yam~ 5. Brian Gonzal es (Yaml . 60 MIN I: 1. Johnny M urp hree (Kaw); 2. Jeff Gabhan (Kaw ); 3 . Sh awn Russell (Kaw l; 4. Graig Gonzale s (Kaw); 6. A.J . Herr era (Yam ). 80 MIN I: 1. Johnn y Murphree (Kaw) ; 2. Tim Alv ernaz (Yam); 3. Roben Steven son (Yam). . 260 NOV : , . Joe Koppi (Suzl; 2. Dan Hunt (Yam l; 4 . Dave Acosta (Han); 5. Rocky M accaron e (Suzl. 500 NOV: 1 . Joe Koppi {Yaml; 2. Mi ke Spr enger (Yam); 3 . M ichelle DiSalvo {Yaml ; 4 . J eff Smat hers (Han); 5. Shanno n Ada ms (C-A). 500 JR: 1. Stan Morris (Yam); 2. Jack W in ans (Yaml; 3 . Jo hn Gonzal es (Yam); 4. J eff Eklu nd (Yam); 5. Kevin Gonzales (Honl . VET: 1. Gary M il ewsk i (Hon); 2. Kevin Gonzales IHon l. 500 EX: 1. Randy eereman (Rtx); 2. Andy TreSHr (Rbc); 3. Speedy KeU(H- D); 4. Steve Raymond (Rbc). BIG GUY: t . Roger Paulson (Yam); 2. Chri s Won man (Hon). Crozier, Martin top Hillbilly Hills MX By Gary Crider MACON , GA , OCT, 9 Promoter a nd pro rnotocrosser Kevin Mathews played host to 211 en tries from five sta tes at Hillbill y Hills MX with near -perfect weather a nd tra ck co n d it io ns. Loca l ace To m my Martin was th e top money wi n ner, taking overa ll victo ries in th e 250 and 500cc di visio ns. Honda 's Mark Crozier edged Martin for th e l 25cc A win while T eam G reen's Ezra Lusk cla imed double honor s in Senior Min i a nd Super Mini action. Mi ke Tolbert a nd Ma rt in wer e th e o nl y rid ers 10 co m pe te in all three A classes. T olbert finis hed beh in d Martin in the 125 a nd 500ec A co ntests to ta ke th ird a nd seco nd o vera ll , respectively. Martin 's was d ea rl y the top scorer in 250cc A rac ing wi th 2-1 fin ishes. FIT mo to winner st Crozier DNF the second mo to . Tolbert, who finished third in mot o o ne also DN F the fin al. Todd Nea l, a newco mer to the A ra nks, claimed run ner-up honor s via his 4-2 ta ll y o ver Rick Lindell 's 5·3. TI le 125cc B Iirst moto !kI W a close race be t we e n w a gon er Cycl e w o r ks-b a ck ed Cha nce Mauhews a nd H on da MOIor Ma rl 's Earnest Harbin. Har bin held o n fo r the win over Mat thews a nd said . " T ha t was a rea l wo rk-out! \Ve ma de ph ysical co n tact sever al ti mes, bu t I held my ground." Mow two, howl'ver , belOl.lg(.-.j lO Suzuki pi lot Matthew s as he led every la p to nel tOp · go ld. Habin 's co me-fro m-be h ind cHa rt was halted by Shane Pen e. H ahin had to sell ie for 1-3 finish es and seco nd overa ll over Pen e's 4 ~ 2 a nd T od d Downs' 3· 4. Harbin led th e open ing 250cc B mot o unt il a cras h set h im back to a third place fini sh a nd even tua l 3- 1sco re for seco nd o ...·era ll. Barrl Yamaha o f Doraville's Downs tu rn ed in the win n ing 1·2 sco re. Dan Li p scomb is l ook in~ stro ng in hi s co me bac k from a leg opera uon Jast AUKUSt. Lipscomb won th e Open B class afler sha ring mo ta win s wilh \Vallace Finch er. First moto wi n ner Fincher turned in a spectacular ride in mOlo two afler dr opp in g hi s XR 600 H o nda in the firs t tum after th e start. Fin eha cha rged lhrough traffic a nd closed o n lea der Lipsmm b in the fin al seco nds before th e flag, but had lO s.cll le- fo r secon d and seco n d o \o·era ll. Kenneth Wood has re turn ed to MX aft er a lo ng abs ence a nd fini shed a very res pectable third o vera ll a hC" d of Ben n y Durrough. d Mall Boon e and Mall Walko< h;l\ e traded Iht'ir 50cc machines for lh e much b i ~er 60cc mou m s. Boo ne a nd \ Va lker shook up the usu al 60cc fini shing o rder her r-as Roo m' loo k Ihe ru n ner- u p slot wilh \\'alker comi ng in forth overa ll. Dis h man had a drar ffige over lh e field . ho wever . and led bOlh m oLOS ffum starl to finish . Randy Tomlinson crashed spe ctacula rl y QUI o f co men tio n in Sen ior (30+) action bUI pr oved h is toughness by relUming to win both Sen io r (40+) motos ove r Randy T illery. So u th Carolin a 's Wa h er Stephen s looked co n fident en route lO a perfect sco re in Senior (30+) action over Jay McClell an and S'eve Volo. . Results 60 MI NI: 1. Aar on Lindsey (Yam ); 2. Chad Al br,n on (Yaml . 65 MIN I: 1. David Dish man (Kaw) ; 2. Man Boone (Kaw ); 3 . Nichol as Kosko IKaw); 4. M att Walker (Kaw); S. Sean M organ lHan). J R M INI: t . Dann y Haynes (law); 2. Jason GrIer (Suz); 3 . James Gr ier (Suz); 4. Ch ris M cNeil (Kawl ; S. Josh M organ ISuz). SR MIN I: 1. Ezra Lusk (Kaw); 2. W ill M cEntyre (Kaw l; 3 . Brian Raymond (Suz); 4. Ryan Reynol ds lHon); S. P.J . Howe ll (Han). SPR MINI : 1. Ezra Lusk (Kaw); 2. M an Shu. IKaw); 3 . Br ian Raymond (Suz); 4. Ryan Reyno'ds (Hon); 5. Jo h nny Dean (Suz). 125 C: 1. Jamey Brannon (Hon); 2. Chr is Dunkin (Yam); 3. Andy Tho mpson (Yaml ; 4. Dickie Fountain (Hon); 5. Kenny Stinson (Yam). . 250 C: 1. Ken Kowalczyk (Hon); 2. Mickey Walden (Yam ); 3. Paxto n Owens (Hon); 4. Dickie Fount ain (Han); 5. M ihon Garner (Suz). 125 B: 1. Chance Matthews (Suz);: 2. Earnes t Harbi n (Han); 3. Shane pene (Yam); 4. Todd Downs (Vaml ; 5. Dan l ;"scomb lHon). 250 B: 1. Todd Downs (Yam);1 2. earnest Harbin (Hon); 3. Brian Robertson (Kaw); 4. Brad Hayes (Hon ); S. Gary Brown C Hon). OPEN B: 1. Dan l lpscomb(Hon l; 2. Wallace Fincher (XRI; J . Ken neth Wood IHoo l; 4 . Benny Durrough (Mai ); 5. Brad Jones lHanI. SR 130+): 1. Walter Steph ens (Kaw); 2. Jay McClellan (Yam); J . Steve (Hon); 4 . Greg Quador (Yam); 5. Ray Carroll (Honl. SR (40+ ): t . RandyTomlinson{Suz); 2. RandyTill ery (Hon l; J . Bobby Btshop (Kaw );: 4 . Charlie Owens (Han ); 5 . John Krieger (Kaw) . 125 A: 1. Mark CrOZMtr (Hont 2. Tommy Manin (Honl; 3. M ike Tolbert (Hon t 4 . Rde. Li ndell (Yam); 5 . Ricky Young (Yam). 250 A: 1. Tommy Manin (Hon); 2. Todd Neal (Kawl; 3 . Rick UndelljYam); 4. Ross Johnston (Hon ); 5 . Joe Rogers C Hon). 500 A: 1. Tommy Martin (Hon); 2. M ike Tolben (Han); 3 . Joe Rogers (Hon l; 4 . Tommy Smilh(Yam); 5. Billy Ethr idge (Honl . . vene Currier quick at Clark County AX By De rryl Anderson RIDG EF IELD, WA, OCT. 14 Dar ri n Currier ga l ri g h t down 10 bu siness tonight as he went 1-1 to claim th e overa ll wi n 10 th e Up The Hill class o f th e Arenacross . held at the Cla rk Co u n ty Fairground•. In mota one Craig Bowman too k th e initial lead a hea d of Cu rr ier , Mik e Dean, J esse Dean, P et e Fen eide. Rod N ees and Longview H onda 's Craig Kanen. Currier slid under Bowman o n lap o ne as Town Center Yamaha 's Mik e Dea n began to pressure Bowman. Lap a fter lap Dea n tried to pass Bowman bUI nothin g worked. At th e chec kered fla g the o rder rea d Currier , Bowman, Mik e Dean, J esse Dea n a nd th e o thers. In the final ma lO Currier gol th e scra lch foll o wed by J esse Dean. Bowman; Kan en and Feneide. Feneide ca ug h t the banner s in tum five bUI res ta rted sho rtly . Meanwhile Currier in creased his lead over J esse a nd Mike Dean, Bowma n a nd N ees who were a ll u hra-close la p after lap. Kan en cha sed Nees bu t co u ldn' t ma ke a pass_ With o ne lap to go M ike Dea n got massive air over th e bi g middle j um p a nd went into seco nd , cl inc h ing lh al po siti on for lh e ni ghL At th e fin ish it was Cu rr ier. Mik e a nd J esse Dean. Bowman, Nees, Kane n a nd Fen In lh e 250cc In ter media te cla ss Pa ul son 's/ Scre wy Design·backed Kevin Wh yte went ) I 10 take co n tro l for th e o pen in g . Beh in d h im in molO o ne was Shane Do naca, Ben Wageman and Natha n Pippert. wh o th rew a chain a nd wen t o u t for the ni ght. Al th e en d the o rde r remained un ch a nged . In mo lO two \Vh yte again took th e sta rt ah e-dd of Do naca a nd Wagema n. Wh yte o nce aga in dominated th e cla ss as everyone else stru ng o u l a nd stayed in th e sa me order. Results 60 : 1. Jasso n Hanson; 2. John Hardy; 3. Jim Kirkman; 4. J61~R~~~~~e Sm ith ; 2. John Hardy . 60 SR: 1. M ike Smith ; 2. John Hardy . 60 SR: 1. Cory Johnson; 2. Roben Holtg rew . BO BEG: 1. Kory Rasm uasen; 2. Vince Bacon; 3. J osh True . BOJ R: 1. Ryan And erson; 2. J eff M cint osh . 125 BEG: 1. Don Kovak.;2. Eric Totten; 3. Scott W illis. 125 J R: 1. Troy Shanaf elt; 2. Trewor levitt . 12 51NT: 1. Jason Balaski. 250 BEG: 1. Steve Ma l(; 2. Scott Knapp. 25 0JR: 1. Darr in Currier; 2. M ike Dean; 3. Craig Bowma n. 250 INT: 1. Kevin Whyte. 250 PRO: 1. Darrin Rogers.. OPEN J R: , . Steve Cathey. OPEN INT 1. J eff Boom . : +30: 1. Vince F;gone. 0 / A A : 1. David Puc;hartch (Hon). O/ A B: 1. Jeff Sledge (Yam). 200 A: t . Roger M cCorm ick (Kaw); 2. Don Duck (Kawl; J . Steve Har li n (Kaw) . 250 A:. 1. Bri an Niehau s (Yam); 2. Kelly Getz (Hon); 3. Greg Shafer (Hus l; 4. Jeff M ezosi CKaw); 5 . larry Sum ption (Husl. OPEN A: 1. Rick Ingold (Hu sl; 2. ·Brad Belsky (Hon): 3. Don Ryan (Hen ); 4. Grai g Hayel (Husl; 5. Jay Halt (Husl. SR A : 1. Je rry W eselon (Hu s); 2. Roger Aupperle lea gl; 3. Farr el lard IKaw ). 4·STR K A: 1. la nce M an in (Honl; 2. Dave Tin sley (Honl; 3. Jim Friuo (Han); 4 . Pete Dochwa t (Hon); 5. Jam es Fische r (Hon). . 200 B: t . Ron W erner (Kaw); 2. Vince nt Hene berry (Kaw); 3. Kevin O'Br ian (Kaw) ; 4 . Geo. W ill I (Ka w~ 5 . Ron Dilbeck CKawl . 2 60 B: t. Brian Erwin (Suz); 2. Dirk Enstet (Kawl; 3. Todd M att hew (Kaw); 4. Tim Van Broo ker (Hus); 5 . M ike Brubacker lKa wl . SR B: 1. Dick Rohda (Atk ); 2. Gary Hollowic h (Hon); 3 . lest Slighton IHus); 4. J im Varcho (Kaw); 5. John luu (Husl. S/SR: 1. John Cygnoe (Ka"N 2. AI BergquiS1 (Yam); 3 . 1; Oon Ryan (Kaw ); 4 . Bob Grider (Hus); 5. John Me nssen (Kaw) . Carr wins Devils Bowl HaHMile By Bob Bagwell DALLAS, TX. OCT. 16 The week en d 's ac tiviries at the a n n ua l Fall Mot o rcycle Rall y & Races at Devils Bowl Speedway saw an AM A-san Clioned half mile race .r u n o n Su nday, the da y after th e 600 Na tiona l. When th e fin al chec kered flag had waved . Ohio's Steve Mo reh ead had won the ba tt le, but Californ ia' s Ch ris Ca rr had wo n th e wa r. FOf qui te a wh ile a debate ha s raged over whe ther Of no r a 750cc d in tracker co u ld beat a 600cc bik e o n the black rubber groo\'e ;11 Devifs Bo wl. Steve Moreh ead had ca lled p'romoler Rob Bagwel! from O h io a nd asked .if he cou ld rid e hi s Harl ey-Da vidson XR7 50 in Su nda y's half m ile. T Ill' a nswer was yes a nd th e stag e fo r the bat tle was set. Alt hough 500 pos ted by Ha rley Ow ners G roup wa~ up for g ra hs in lh e ma in event (it wo uld go 10 th e hi ghest p laced Harley ride r). th e 7r,Occ \'s. 600n~ de ba te would end in th e Dash fOf G.'1sh which featured lh e [ou r heat ran' winner s. Riding 600cc mac h inery . Ca rr , ho melOwn h ero Tt'fry Poov ey a n d easterner \Vill Da",is won the first th ree heat s. ' Mor eh l"3d roll ed to th e lin e o n h is XR750 for lh e foullh a n d finar he- t a nd prom ptl y took a th e lead a nd th en Ihe w in wit h room lO spa re. T he heal rdce winnt"rs. lin l-d up for the s i x ~ lap n ash For Cas h a nd wh en th e green light n a shed it was Mor eh e'ld o ff rhe lin e first wilh Ca rr a nd Poov ey hOI o n h is rear whee l. Carr got beside Moreh ead severa l limes, b u t ead t time the Find la y Flyo< wou ld pu ll away . T h e dice went o n for a ll six la ps . but Morehead sco rt.'d th e wi n with (' arr !leCo nd, Poov ey lh ir d . a nd Da.... is fou rth . T he dt.bal e ""as sett led: a · 750 cou ld a nd did beat , he besl 600s a t De,·ils Bo wl . C..arr had reven ge in h is eyes as he lin ed u p for th e 1 2 ~lap junior /ExpeTl main even t. Ca rr I-m lk-d th e ho lt'shot wilh i\lor ehead a nd Poo ....t:"y ri ghl beh in d him. ~l or e h ead moumffl hi~ bigKcM cha lle ng e 0 11 lh e th ird lap, pulfing a lo n~ i de c. rr. C..arr fH'ld o ff ~ l ore h ea d "" , 'hill' POOH;)' was r u nllit1~ lhird. appa rent ly lacking lh e ho rsq > wt'r 10 c.lIc h lh e: lea der s but o (-h ar gi ng ha rd into Ihe ('orl1ers n o Tlt· Il1('le~~ . On la p six it becam e a p pa n' nt th a t M o re~ . h ead 's lire was goi ng aw a y a nd Ca rr pu lled a hi kt' len gl h o n the back ~ tr(" l c h as Poo\'ey sel h is sig h Is o n ~l oreh ead a nd the seco nd p l

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